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(Created claim: summary (P836): The object of P. is the upgrading of the historic park surrounding the Sanatorium site in Krasnodroz, with the implementation of a pushchair from the city centre to the park, the park area between the park and the lagoon, and a mobile lagoon, as well as a mobile app. THE OBJECTIVE WAS PURSUED. Amendments to the park conditions of the park in the palace and pardons of the park. The increase is expected in number. 20.000nd knowledge, Number of bar...) |
Property / summary | |||
The object of P. is the upgrading of the historic park surrounding the Sanatorium site in Krasnodroz, with the implementation of a pushchair from the city centre to the park, the park area between the park and the lagoon, and a mobile lagoon, as well as a mobile app. THE OBJECTIVE WAS PURSUED. Amendments to the park conditions of the park in the palace and pardons of the park. The increase is expected in number. 20.000nd knowledge, Number of bark attached. Of the premises of a cultural resource 20.000. Number of newly created work. Workplaces 1. GR. TARGET: The tourists and residents of the municipality of K. Gm. K. is located in an area with outstanding natural beauty, landscape. Since 2002. K is a spa. In K, there is a rehabilitation facility, located in the palette of the palace and park. Buildings are modernised and are equipped to meet the needs of probation; the park, visibility and access to the area need to be improved. The park is neglected and jammed, and it is not adaptable. He does not have the right to have a connection. Residents, tourists and curators report the need for a tour of the park, to be adapted to the nature of the park and to tourists, to improve access. The authorities shall not fully exploit the potential of K. the lack of new tourist attractions and the isolation of the park from other areas. The effect is a lack of impetus for entrepreneurial development and job creation. Sanat. does not fully exploit the potential and its rank is reduced. Scope of the project: 1.managed park on the palace/park team; of promenades pc. at st. ul. Młyn; 3.performance of street promenades walking. 4.stranding of the recreational area with the reservoir reservoir; 5.The execution of street lighting of the side street linking the settlement to the reservoir of the water reservoir in K. (English) | |||
Property / summary: The object of P. is the upgrading of the historic park surrounding the Sanatorium site in Krasnodroz, with the implementation of a pushchair from the city centre to the park, the park area between the park and the lagoon, and a mobile lagoon, as well as a mobile app. THE OBJECTIVE WAS PURSUED. Amendments to the park conditions of the park in the palace and pardons of the park. The increase is expected in number. 20.000nd knowledge, Number of bark attached. Of the premises of a cultural resource 20.000. Number of newly created work. Workplaces 1. GR. TARGET: The tourists and residents of the municipality of K. Gm. K. is located in an area with outstanding natural beauty, landscape. Since 2002. K is a spa. In K, there is a rehabilitation facility, located in the palette of the palace and park. Buildings are modernised and are equipped to meet the needs of probation; the park, visibility and access to the area need to be improved. The park is neglected and jammed, and it is not adaptable. He does not have the right to have a connection. Residents, tourists and curators report the need for a tour of the park, to be adapted to the nature of the park and to tourists, to improve access. The authorities shall not fully exploit the potential of K. the lack of new tourist attractions and the isolation of the park from other areas. The effect is a lack of impetus for entrepreneurial development and job creation. Sanat. does not fully exploit the potential and its rank is reduced. Scope of the project: 1.managed park on the palace/park team; of promenades pc. at st. ul. Młyn; 3.performance of street promenades walking. 4.stranding of the recreational area with the reservoir reservoir; 5.The execution of street lighting of the side street linking the settlement to the reservoir of the water reservoir in K. (English) / rank | |||
Normal rank |
Revision as of 09:35, 9 March 2020
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio |
1,217,102.74 zloty
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1,761,219.28 zloty
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85.0 percent
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2 January 2017
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29 November 2019
0 references
0 references
Przedmiotem P. jest moderniz. zabytkowego parku otaczającego obiekty Sanatorium w Krasnobrodzie wraz z wykonaniem promenady spacerowej z centrum miasta do parku, zagospod. terenu rekreacyjnego między parkiem a zalewem krasnobrodzkim oraz turyst. apli. mobilna, witryna www oraz ławka z pan. solar. CEL GŁ. Popr. warunków zagosp. parku w zespole pałac.-parkowym i wyeksp. wal. obsz. dziedz. naturalnego w K. REZULTATY: Wzrost oczekiw. liczby. Odwiedzin-20.000 os., Liczba os. korz. Z obiektów zasobów kultury obj. Wsparciem-20.000 os. Liczba nowo utworz. Miejsc pracy 1. GR. DOCELOWA: Turyści i mieszkańcy gminy K. Gm. K. położona jest w obszarze o wybitnych walorach przyrodniczych, krajobraz. Od 2002r. K. jest uzdrowiskiem. W K. działa Sanatorium Rehabilitacyjne, zlokaliz. w zabytk. zespole pałacowo-park. Budynki są zmoderniz. i wyposażone do potrzeb kuracjuszy; potrzebą jest poprawa warunków zagospod. parku, wyeksponow. walorów i ułatw. dostępu do obszaru. Park jest zaniedbany i niezagospodar., nieprzystosow. do zwiedzania. Nie posiada wygodnego połącz. komunik. z centrum K. (komunik. odbywa się przede wszystkim dr. Powiat., ze stromymi podjazdami i zjazdami). Mieszkańcy, turyści oraz kuracjusze zgłaszają potrzebę umożliw. zwiedzania parku, przystos. go do funkcji przyrodn. i turyst., poprawy dostępu. Władze gm. nie mogą w pełni wykorz. potencjału K.: brak nowych atrakcji turyst. oraz izolacja parku od innych obszarów dziedz. nat. utrudnia rozwój turyst. i promocję regionu. Efektem jest na brak impulsów do rozwoju przedsiębiorcz. i tworzenia miejsc pracy. Sanat. nie w pełni wykorzystuje potencjał a jego ranga jest obniżona. Zakres projektu: 1.zagospodar. parku na terenie zespołu pałacowo-parkowego; 2.budowa promenady spac. w miejscu istn. ul. Młyńskiej; 3.wykonanie oświetl. ulicznego promenady spacerowej. 4.zagospod. terenu rekreacyjnego przy zbiorniku wodnym zalew; 5.wykonanie oświetlenia ulicznego ulicy bocznej łączącej osiedle Podzamek ze zbiornikiem wodnym zalew w K. (Polish)
0 references
The object of P. is the upgrading of the historic park surrounding the Sanatorium site in Krasnodroz, with the implementation of a pushchair from the city centre to the park, the park area between the park and the lagoon, and a mobile lagoon, as well as a mobile app. THE OBJECTIVE WAS PURSUED. Amendments to the park conditions of the park in the palace and pardons of the park. The increase is expected in number. 20.000nd knowledge, Number of bark attached. Of the premises of a cultural resource 20.000. Number of newly created work. Workplaces 1. GR. TARGET: The tourists and residents of the municipality of K. Gm. K. is located in an area with outstanding natural beauty, landscape. Since 2002. K is a spa. In K, there is a rehabilitation facility, located in the palette of the palace and park. Buildings are modernised and are equipped to meet the needs of probation; the park, visibility and access to the area need to be improved. The park is neglected and jammed, and it is not adaptable. He does not have the right to have a connection. Residents, tourists and curators report the need for a tour of the park, to be adapted to the nature of the park and to tourists, to improve access. The authorities shall not fully exploit the potential of K. the lack of new tourist attractions and the isolation of the park from other areas. The effect is a lack of impetus for entrepreneurial development and job creation. Sanat. does not fully exploit the potential and its rank is reduced. Scope of the project: 1.managed park on the palace/park team; of promenades pc. at st. ul. Młyn; 3.performance of street promenades walking. 4.stranding of the recreational area with the reservoir reservoir; 5.The execution of street lighting of the side street linking the settlement to the reservoir of the water reservoir in K. (English)
0 references
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