University of 2.0 — Integrated CSF Development Programme in Jarosław (Q93467): Difference between revisions
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(Created claim: summary (P836): Goal: increasing the efficiency of the teaching process through a programme of certified training courses, workshop workshops for students (492 K and 265 M) relevant to the identified labour market needs for PWSTE students and obtaining new ones by teaching and management staff (50 K and 40 M) in the period from IV 2019 to III 2023. 2523 PWR students of which 1640 [K], including 51 [ON], teaching, managing and administrative staff of the PWSTKaw...) |
Property / summary | |||
Goal: increasing the efficiency of the teaching process through a programme of certified training courses, workshop workshops for students (492 K and 265 M) relevant to the identified labour market needs for PWSTE students and obtaining new ones by teaching and management staff (50 K and 40 M) in the period from IV 2019 to III 2023. 2523 PWR students of which 1640 [K], including 51 [ON], teaching, managing and administrative staff of the PWSTKawa — 323-person (180K i143M).Activities: 1. Adapting education programmes to the requirements of the labour market for: automatics and practical electronics, information technology, geodesy and cartography, construction, pedagogy. The action consists of a modification of the training programmes. 291 students who will start their studies in accordance with the new programme path in the academic year 2019/2020 will benefit from the action, with the completion in 2022/2023r.2.Akademia of the Practice — Programme for enhancing the competences of the PWSTE students in Jarosławy, through certified specialised training and general equipping with professional, linguistic, communication, entrepreneurial, IT and analytical skills, design workshops and study visits, project workshops and study visits: — modification of training programmes — adaptation to the five courses of study run by the PWSTE in Jarosław for a group of 291 students — - upgrading of the professional mix of 757 students to 90 staff members — improving the teaching and management process of universities — a radical improvement in the way and management tools of the university will be radically improved. (English) | |||
Property / summary: Goal: increasing the efficiency of the teaching process through a programme of certified training courses, workshop workshops for students (492 K and 265 M) relevant to the identified labour market needs for PWSTE students and obtaining new ones by teaching and management staff (50 K and 40 M) in the period from IV 2019 to III 2023. 2523 PWR students of which 1640 [K], including 51 [ON], teaching, managing and administrative staff of the PWSTKawa — 323-person (180K i143M).Activities: 1. Adapting education programmes to the requirements of the labour market for: automatics and practical electronics, information technology, geodesy and cartography, construction, pedagogy. The action consists of a modification of the training programmes. 291 students who will start their studies in accordance with the new programme path in the academic year 2019/2020 will benefit from the action, with the completion in 2022/2023r.2.Akademia of the Practice — Programme for enhancing the competences of the PWSTE students in Jarosławy, through certified specialised training and general equipping with professional, linguistic, communication, entrepreneurial, IT and analytical skills, design workshops and study visits, project workshops and study visits: — modification of training programmes — adaptation to the five courses of study run by the PWSTE in Jarosław for a group of 291 students — - upgrading of the professional mix of 757 students to 90 staff members — improving the teaching and management process of universities — a radical improvement in the way and management tools of the university will be radically improved. (English) / rank | |||
Normal rank |
Revision as of 07:01, 6 March 2020
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | University of 2.0 — Integrated CSF Development Programme in Jarosław |
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio |
5,996,435.02 zloty
0 references
7,114,896.8 zloty
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1,707,575.2319999998 Euro
0.24 Euro
13 January 2020
0 references
84.28 percent
0 references
1 May 2019
0 references
30 April 2023
0 references
0 references
Cel główny: zwiększenie skuteczności procesu dydaktycznego poprzez program certyfikowanych szkoleń, zajęć warsztatowych kształtujących komp. studentów (492 K i 265 M) adekwatne do zdiagnozowanych potrzeb rynku pracy dla studentów PWSTE oraz uzyskanie nowych komp. przez kadrę dydaktyczną i zarządczą (50 K i40 M) w okresie od IV 2019 do III 2023 r.Grupa docelowa: 2523 studentów PWSTE w tym 1640 [K], w tym 51 [ON], kadra dydaktyczną, zarządzająca i administracyjna PWSTEw Jarosławiu - 323osób (180K i143M).Działania :1. Dostosowanie programów kształcenia do wymogów rynku pracydla kierunków: automatyka i elektronika praktyczna, informatyka, geodezja i kartografia, budownictwo, pedagogika. Działanie polega na modyfikacji programów kształcenia. Z działania skorzysta 291 studentów ww. kierunków którzy rozpoczną tok studiów zgodnie z nową ścieżką programową w roku akademickim 2019/2020 i zakończą w roku 2022/2023r.2.Akademia Umiejętności Praktycznych - Program podnoszenia kompetencji studentów PWSTE w Jarosławiupoprzez certyfikowane szkolenia specjalistyczne i ogólne wyposażające w kompetencje zawodowe, językowe, komunikacyjne, przedsiębiorcze, informatyczne i analityczne, warsztaty projektowe oraz wizyty studyjne.3.Uczelnia 2.0 - Program wsparcia zarządzania w PWSTE w Jarosławiu- zadanie podnoszące kompetencje kadry dydaktycznej i zarządczej/administracyjnej oraz wyposażające uczelnie w nowoczesne informatyczne narzędzia zarządcze.Rezultaty:- modyfikacja programów kształcenia- dostosowanie na pięciu kierunkach studiów prowadzonych przez PWSTE w Jarosławiu dla grupy 291 studentów,- podniesienie komp. zawodowych przez 757 studentów-90 pracowników uzyska nowe kompetencje- usprawnienie procesu dydaktycznego i zarządzania uczelnią.- radykalnej poprawie ulegnie sposób i narzędzia zarządzania uczelnią. (Polish)
0 references
Goal: increasing the efficiency of the teaching process through a programme of certified training courses, workshop workshops for students (492 K and 265 M) relevant to the identified labour market needs for PWSTE students and obtaining new ones by teaching and management staff (50 K and 40 M) in the period from IV 2019 to III 2023. 2523 PWR students of which 1640 [K], including 51 [ON], teaching, managing and administrative staff of the PWSTKawa — 323-person (180K i143M).Activities: 1. Adapting education programmes to the requirements of the labour market for: automatics and practical electronics, information technology, geodesy and cartography, construction, pedagogy. The action consists of a modification of the training programmes. 291 students who will start their studies in accordance with the new programme path in the academic year 2019/2020 will benefit from the action, with the completion in 2022/2023r.2.Akademia of the Practice — Programme for enhancing the competences of the PWSTE students in Jarosławy, through certified specialised training and general equipping with professional, linguistic, communication, entrepreneurial, IT and analytical skills, design workshops and study visits, project workshops and study visits: — modification of training programmes — adaptation to the five courses of study run by the PWSTE in Jarosław for a group of 291 students — - upgrading of the professional mix of 757 students to 90 staff members — improving the teaching and management process of universities — a radical improvement in the way and management tools of the university will be radically improved. (English)
0 references
0 references