goCreative — interdisciplinary creative industries. (Q92216): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The main objective of the project is to increase the efficiency of the teaching process by developing and incorporating in the curriculum [50 % of activities Criterion rewarding KP7] certified training of competence, workshop activities and practical competences which shape students’ competences relevant to the diagnosed needs of the labour market for the PWSTE students in Jarosław in the direction of Informatics, Management, Finance and Account...)
Property / summary
The main objective of the project is to increase the efficiency of the teaching process by developing and incorporating in the curriculum [50 % of activities Criterion rewarding KP7] certified training of competence, workshop activities and practical competences which shape students’ competences relevant to the diagnosed needs of the labour market for the PWSTE students in Jarosław in the direction of Informatics, Management, Finance and Accounting, pedagogy and philology:a total of 612 students, 367 [K] and 245 [M] including 32 [ON] — implemented between 2 January 2017 and 1 October 2019.Main results:the increase of professional, communication, entrepreneurial and analytical professionals by the 612 PWSTE students in Jarosław needed for the development of the creative industries.Audience:612 PWATE students in Jarosław, including 367 [K], 245 [M], including 32 [ON].The beneficiaries of the aid will be represented by [K] 60 % and [M] 40 %, with a view to reducing the gap between, on average, 67.19 % of the students.TASKS:1.The GoCreative Academy — a certified workshop programme for specific courses linked to creative industries, and workshops and courses for all directions.Each course will be subject to certification, recognised in the industry and in accordance with the European Qualifications Framework validated in the Voccupational Competence Certificate (VCC) — validation in an external unit compared to the organiser of the training, with a certificate of competence at European level.2.Practical work programme of project method — work on a project with a trunk of groups 5 os. and a business workshop.3.Cooperation with social and economic stakeholders — case study study by business and study visits.In total, 5972 hours of workshops and trainings were designed, out of which workshops in 5066 were 8. (English)
Property / summary: The main objective of the project is to increase the efficiency of the teaching process by developing and incorporating in the curriculum [50 % of activities Criterion rewarding KP7] certified training of competence, workshop activities and practical competences which shape students’ competences relevant to the diagnosed needs of the labour market for the PWSTE students in Jarosław in the direction of Informatics, Management, Finance and Accounting, pedagogy and philology:a total of 612 students, 367 [K] and 245 [M] including 32 [ON] — implemented between 2 January 2017 and 1 October 2019.Main results:the increase of professional, communication, entrepreneurial and analytical professionals by the 612 PWSTE students in Jarosław needed for the development of the creative industries.Audience:612 PWATE students in Jarosław, including 367 [K], 245 [M], including 32 [ON].The beneficiaries of the aid will be represented by [K] 60 % and [M] 40 %, with a view to reducing the gap between, on average, 67.19 % of the students.TASKS:1.The GoCreative Academy — a certified workshop programme for specific courses linked to creative industries, and workshops and courses for all directions.Each course will be subject to certification, recognised in the industry and in accordance with the European Qualifications Framework validated in the Voccupational Competence Certificate (VCC) — validation in an external unit compared to the organiser of the training, with a certificate of competence at European level.2.Practical work programme of project method — work on a project with a trunk of groups 5 os. and a business workshop.3.Cooperation with social and economic stakeholders — case study study by business and study visits.In total, 5972 hours of workshops and trainings were designed, out of which workshops in 5066 were 8. (English) / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 10:53, 4 March 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
goCreative — interdisciplinary creative industries.
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    1,334,661.45 zloty
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    320,318.74799999996 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    1,583,604.0 zloty
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    380,064.95999999996 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    84.28 percent
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    2 January 2017
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    1 October 2019
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    Celem głównym projektu jest zwiększenie skuteczności procesu dydaktycznego poprzez opracowanie i włączenie do programu nauczania [50% działań Kryterium premiujące KP7] certyfikowanych szkoleń kompetencyjnych, zajęć warsztatowych i praktycznych kształtujących kompetencje studentów adekwatne do zdiagnozowanych potrzeb rynku pracy dla studentów PWSTE w Jarosławiu na kierunkach Informatyka, Zarządzanie, Finanse i Rachunkowość, Pedagogika i Filologia: łącznie 612 studentów, 367 [K] i 245 [M] w tym 32 [ON] - realizowanych w okresie od 2 stycznia 2017r. do 1 października 2019r. Główne rezultaty: podniesienie komp. zawodowych, komunikacyjnych, przedsiębiorczych i analitycznych przez 612 studentów PWSTE w Jarosławiu potrzebnych dla budowania kadr branż kreatywnych. Grupa docelowa: 612 studentów PWSTE w Jarosławiu, w tym 367 [K], 245 [M], w tym 32 [ON]. Skład beneficjentów pomocy stawić będą [K] 60% i [M] 40%, co ma na celu zniwelowanie różnić [obecnie średnio na kierunkach objetych wsparciem kobiety stanowią 67,19% studentów. ZADANIA: 1. Akademia goCreative - Program certyfikowanych warsztatów w podziale na szkolenia dedykowane dla poszczególnych kierunków związane z branżami kreatywnymi, oraz warsztaty i kursy dostepne dla wszystkich kierunków. Każdy kurs podlegać będzie certyfikacji, uznawalnej w danej branży oraz zgodnej z Europejskimi Ramami Kwalifikacji walidowane w systemie Vocational Competence Certificate [VCC] - walidacja w jednostce zewnętrznej w stosunku do organizatora szkoleń, z certyfikatem uznającym kompetencje na poziomie europejskim. 2. Program zajęć praktycznym metoda projektową - praca nad projektem z tutorem w grupach 5 os., oraz warsztaty biznesowe. 3. Współpraca z podmiotami otoczenia społeczno - gospodarczego - case study prowadzone przez przedsiębiorców i wizyty studyjne. W sumie zaprojektowano 5972 godz. warsztatów i szkoleń, z czego zajęcia w formie warsztatowej w liczbie 5066 stanowią 8 (Polish)
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    The main objective of the project is to increase the efficiency of the teaching process by developing and incorporating in the curriculum [50 % of activities Criterion rewarding KP7] certified training of competence, workshop activities and practical competences which shape students’ competences relevant to the diagnosed needs of the labour market for the PWSTE students in Jarosław in the direction of Informatics, Management, Finance and Accounting, pedagogy and philology:a total of 612 students, 367 [K] and 245 [M] including 32 [ON] — implemented between 2 January 2017 and 1 October 2019.Main results:the increase of professional, communication, entrepreneurial and analytical professionals by the 612 PWSTE students in Jarosław needed for the development of the creative industries.Audience:612 PWATE students in Jarosław, including 367 [K], 245 [M], including 32 [ON].The beneficiaries of the aid will be represented by [K] 60 % and [M] 40 %, with a view to reducing the gap between, on average, 67.19 % of the students.TASKS:1.The GoCreative Academy — a certified workshop programme for specific courses linked to creative industries, and workshops and courses for all directions.Each course will be subject to certification, recognised in the industry and in accordance with the European Qualifications Framework validated in the Voccupational Competence Certificate (VCC) — validation in an external unit compared to the organiser of the training, with a certificate of competence at European level.2.Practical work programme of project method — work on a project with a trunk of groups 5 os. and a business workshop.3.Cooperation with social and economic stakeholders — case study study by business and study visits.In total, 5972 hours of workshops and trainings were designed, out of which workshops in 5066 were 8. (English)
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