A YOUNG START! The 29th edition of the programme for the activation of young people in employment in Świętokrzyskie Province (II) (Q90546): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The MAIN MAIN is aimed at increasing the employability of 192os (40K/152M), aged by 29., belonging to the NEET group with ter.years.until the end of 10.2019.The results of the P, including:— 80 persons will be qualified after the lower of the programme, -48 % or more of the low-skilled, 35 % of the long-griturno. and 17 % for disabled persons. and 43 % of participants not eligible for any of the previously listed target groups; it will recruit 3...)
Property / summary
The MAIN MAIN is aimed at increasing the employability of 192os (40K/152M), aged by 29., belonging to the NEET group with ter.years.until the end of 10.2019.The results of the P, including:— 80 persons will be qualified after the lower of the programme, -48 % or more of the low-skilled, 35 % of the long-griturno. and 17 % for disabled persons. and 43 % of participants not eligible for any of the previously listed target groups; it will recruit 3 months from the end of participation in P. participants in the Project (UP) will be 192os.youths (40K and 152M), in 15-29years without work, and who do not participate in education and training, including NEET-os.inactive or unregistered. in the UP, including ON, excluding the group defined for the competition in pod.1.3.1.At least 85 % of the UP will be OBZ.MAIN ACTION:The following will be based on 3 instruments of aid: (1) Labour market instruments and services that are tailored to the individualisation of the support and the aid for the establishment of a path.identification of needs, diagnosis of the opportunity to be improved. (a) Identification of needs, diagnosis of the opportunities in the larynx unit and the development of IPDs and comprehensive and ineffectivejobs, (2) implementation of high quality courses leading to raising, supplements or changes of competence/qualifications, in order to adapt the skills and qualifications to the needs of the labour market; (Annex 1 to the Examination and certification of the qualification/competence.):Amount of 2.247.659,40PLN and PLN 118.300,00 (up to 5.00 % of expenditure).OKR.REALISATION: 01.01.2018-31.10.2019 (from K.D.No 10).WŚ ŚWIEDNI KOSOVO W P. NA 1 UCZESTNIK WYNOSI PLN 12.322,71 (from K.D.No 11).THIS IS THE RESULT OF PLANOV.IN THE P COURSES WILL BE AWARDED TO KALIF.OR AS A RESULT OF THE ACQUISITION OF THE SKILLS.POTOPPOW.DOKUMENTEM IN CONKR.MONITORING (English)
Property / summary: The MAIN MAIN is aimed at increasing the employability of 192os (40K/152M), aged by 29., belonging to the NEET group with ter.years.until the end of 10.2019.The results of the P, including:— 80 persons will be qualified after the lower of the programme, -48 % or more of the low-skilled, 35 % of the long-griturno. and 17 % for disabled persons. and 43 % of participants not eligible for any of the previously listed target groups; it will recruit 3 months from the end of participation in P. participants in the Project (UP) will be 192os.youths (40K and 152M), in 15-29years without work, and who do not participate in education and training, including NEET-os.inactive or unregistered. in the UP, including ON, excluding the group defined for the competition in pod.1.3.1.At least 85 % of the UP will be OBZ.MAIN ACTION:The following will be based on 3 instruments of aid: (1) Labour market instruments and services that are tailored to the individualisation of the support and the aid for the establishment of a path.identification of needs, diagnosis of the opportunity to be improved. (a) Identification of needs, diagnosis of the opportunities in the larynx unit and the development of IPDs and comprehensive and ineffectivejobs, (2) implementation of high quality courses leading to raising, supplements or changes of competence/qualifications, in order to adapt the skills and qualifications to the needs of the labour market; (Annex 1 to the Examination and certification of the qualification/competence.):Amount of 2.247.659,40PLN and PLN 118.300,00 (up to 5.00 % of expenditure).OKR.REALISATION: 01.01.2018-31.10.2019 (from K.D.No 10).WŚ ŚWIEDNI KOSOVO W P. NA 1 UCZESTNIK WYNOSI PLN 12.322,71 (from K.D.No 11).THIS IS THE RESULT OF PLANOV.IN THE P COURSES WILL BE AWARDED TO KALIF.OR AS A RESULT OF THE ACQUISITION OF THE SKILLS.POTOPPOW.DOKUMENTEM IN CONKR.MONITORING (English) / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 11:05, 4 March 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
A YOUNG START! The 29th edition of the programme for the activation of young people in employment in Świętokrzyskie Province (II)
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    CELEM GŁÓWNYM P jest zwiększenie zdolności do zatrudnienia 192os.(40K/152M),w wieku do 29r.ż.,należących do grupy NEET z ter.woj.świętokrz.do końca 10.2019r. REZULTATY P,m.in. -80 osób uzyska kwalifikacje po opuszcz.programu,-co najmniej 48%os.o niskich kwalifikacjach,35%os długotr.bezrob. i 17%os.niepełnospr. oraz 43% uczestników niekwalifikujących się do żadnej z wymienionych wcześniej grup docel. podejmie zatrudnienie w okr.do 3 m-cy od momentu zakoń.udziału w P. Uczestnikami Projektu(UP)będzie 192os.młodych(40K i 152M),w wieku15-29lat bez pracy,które nie uczestniczą w kształceniu i szkoleniu-tzw. młodzież NEET-os.bierne zawodowo lub os.bezrob.niezarejestr. w UP,w tym ON,z wyłącz.grupy określ.dla trybu konkurs.w poddz.1.3.1.Co najmniej 85%UP będą stanowiły OBZ. GŁ.DZIAŁANIA: Indywid. i kompleksowa aktywiz.zawod.-edukacyjna os.młodych uczestnicz.w P opierać się będzie na 3 instrumentach pomocy:1) instrumenty i usługi rynku pracy służące indywidualizacji wsparcia oraz pomocy w zakr.określenia ścieżki zawod.: a) Identyfikacja potrzeb,diagnoza możliwości w zakr.doskon.zawod.wraz z opracowaniem IPD oraz kompleks.i indywid.pośredn.pracy, 2) realizacja wysokiej jakości kursów prowadzących do podnoszenia, uzupełn.bądź zmiany kompetencji/kwalifikacji zawod.,celem dostosowania kompet. i kwalifikacji do potrzeb rynku pracy;(zak.egzaminem i wyd.certyfikatów potwierdz.kwalifikacje/kompet.):z zakr.gastronomii,budownictwa,spawalnictwa.elektryki i transportu bliskiego oraz gospodarki magazynowej;3)3 mies.STAŻE U PRACODAWCÓW służące nabyw.lub uzupełn.doświadcz.zawod.oraz prakt.umiejętn.w zakr.zawodu. KWOTA DOFINANS.:2.247.659,40PLN ORAZ WKŁAD WŁASNY:118.300,00PLN (tj.5,00% wydat.kwalif.). OKR.REALIZACJI:01.01.2018-31.10.2019 (zg. z K.D.Nr 10).OBSZAR REALIZACJI: WŚ ŚREDNI KOSZT PRZYPADAJĄCY W P. NA 1 UCZESTNIKA WYNOSI 12.322,71PLN (zg.z K.D.Nr 11). EFEKTEM ZAPLANOW. W P KURSÓW BĘDZIE UZYSKANIE KWALIF.LUB NABYCIE KOMPET. POTW.ODPOW.DOKUMENTEM W ROZ.WYT.W ZAKR.MONIT.P.RZECZ.-z (Polish)
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    The MAIN MAIN is aimed at increasing the employability of 192os (40K/152M), aged by 29., belonging to the NEET group with ter.years.until the end of 10.2019.The results of the P, including:— 80 persons will be qualified after the lower of the programme, -48 % or more of the low-skilled, 35 % of the long-griturno. and 17 % for disabled persons. and 43 % of participants not eligible for any of the previously listed target groups; it will recruit 3 months from the end of participation in P. participants in the Project (UP) will be 192os.youths (40K and 152M), in 15-29years without work, and who do not participate in education and training, including NEET-os.inactive or unregistered. in the UP, including ON, excluding the group defined for the competition in pod.1.3.1.At least 85 % of the UP will be OBZ.MAIN ACTION:The following will be based on 3 instruments of aid: (1) Labour market instruments and services that are tailored to the individualisation of the support and the aid for the establishment of a path.identification of needs, diagnosis of the opportunity to be improved. (a) Identification of needs, diagnosis of the opportunities in the larynx unit and the development of IPDs and comprehensive and ineffectivejobs, (2) implementation of high quality courses leading to raising, supplements or changes of competence/qualifications, in order to adapt the skills and qualifications to the needs of the labour market; (Annex 1 to the Examination and certification of the qualification/competence.):Amount of 2.247.659,40PLN and PLN 118.300,00 (up to 5.00 % of expenditure).OKR.REALISATION: 01.01.2018-31.10.2019 (from K.D.No 10).WŚ ŚWIEDNI KOSOVO W P. NA 1 UCZESTNIK WYNOSI PLN 12.322,71 (from K.D.No 11).THIS IS THE RESULT OF PLANOV.IN THE P COURSES WILL BE AWARDED TO KALIF.OR AS A RESULT OF THE ACQUISITION OF THE SKILLS.POTOPPOW.DOKUMENTEM IN CONKR.MONITORING (English)
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