Knowledge collectors — experience-masters (Q115489): Difference between revisions
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(Removed claim: summary (P836): The project will target 32 primary and lower secondary schools from general education in the AO area, in the territory of 6 municipalities (Krakowice, Komprachcice, Dabrowa, Prószków, Opole and Op Tarnow Op). Planned support 01.06.2016-30.06.2018. The activities included in min.2200students (1200dz., 1000ch.) and 180teachers (160K, 20M). In more than 50 %, it is applied to schools with the weakest results, with an external impact on the AO. In...) |
(Created claim: summary (P836): The project will be addressed to 32 primary and secondary schools.General education from the AO area, within 6 communes (Krapkowice, Komprachcice, Dąbrowa, Prószków, Opole and Tarnów Op). Support scheduled for 01.06.2016-30.06.2018. Activities covered by at least 2200 pupils(1200,1000ch.) and min.180teachers(160K,20M). The project is more than 50 % addressed to schools with the weakest results from external executions on an AO scale. People in r...) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
The project will be addressed to 32 primary and secondary schools.General education from the AO area, within 6 communes (Krapkowice, Komprachcice, Dąbrowa, Prószków, Opole and Tarnów Op). Support scheduled for 01.06.2016-30.06.2018. Activities covered by at least 2200 pupils(1200,1000ch.) and min.180teachers(160K,20M). The project is more than 50 % addressed to schools with the weakest results from external executions on an AO scale. People in rural areas account for more than 50 % of UP. The study revealed a worrying phenomenon related to the lack of stable labour market satisfactorily, especially in people after completion of education and insufficient access to local needs education and regional gosp. In order to respond to the identification. probl. the support was planned to shape. comp. key in the labour market as well as proper attitudes and skills of UP. This means that the poverty of families is getting worse, and for many children, the extra tools or lifting the educational results are out of reach of finance. The measures taken are intended to help prevent worsening unemployment and poverty. Diagnosed needs point to the need for extras. extras for pupils in the premise of mat.-natural., comp. inf., dor. eduk.-professional, entrepreneurship, support for disadvantaged groups and about SPE. In order to make the offer of schools more attractive, some of the students will be moved using the experimental method and will be sent to places of direct education. For the project’s objectives to be complementary, schoolworks need to be retrofitted and the degree of use of ICT tools/equipment should be increased. It is required to support teachers in their knowledge and working methods through the workshops station. and departure., courses dosk. Project. assumes a complex. support tailored to the needs of UP and the labour market. The expected effects will translate into subsidised results in home schools. The support provided by students in the future will translate into the labour market, the regional gossip and the local community. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The project will be addressed to 32 primary and secondary schools.General education from the AO area, within 6 communes (Krapkowice, Komprachcice, Dąbrowa, Prószków, Opole and Tarnów Op). Support scheduled for 01.06.2016-30.06.2018. Activities covered by at least 2200 pupils(1200,1000ch.) and min.180teachers(160K,20M). The project is more than 50 % addressed to schools with the weakest results from external executions on an AO scale. People in rural areas account for more than 50 % of UP. The study revealed a worrying phenomenon related to the lack of stable labour market satisfactorily, especially in people after completion of education and insufficient access to local needs education and regional gosp. In order to respond to the identification. probl. the support was planned to shape. comp. key in the labour market as well as proper attitudes and skills of UP. This means that the poverty of families is getting worse, and for many children, the extra tools or lifting the educational results are out of reach of finance. The measures taken are intended to help prevent worsening unemployment and poverty. Diagnosed needs point to the need for extras. extras for pupils in the premise of mat.-natural., comp. inf., dor. eduk.-professional, entrepreneurship, support for disadvantaged groups and about SPE. In order to make the offer of schools more attractive, some of the students will be moved using the experimental method and will be sent to places of direct education. For the project’s objectives to be complementary, schoolworks need to be retrofitted and the degree of use of ICT tools/equipment should be increased. It is required to support teachers in their knowledge and working methods through the workshops station. and departure., courses dosk. Project. assumes a complex. support tailored to the needs of UP and the labour market. The expected effects will translate into subsidised results in home schools. The support provided by students in the future will translate into the labour market, the regional gossip and the local community. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The project will be addressed to 32 primary and secondary schools.General education from the AO area, within 6 communes (Krapkowice, Komprachcice, Dąbrowa, Prószków, Opole and Tarnów Op). Support scheduled for 01.06.2016-30.06.2018. Activities covered by at least 2200 pupils(1200,1000ch.) and min.180teachers(160K,20M). The project is more than 50 % addressed to schools with the weakest results from external executions on an AO scale. People in rural areas account for more than 50 % of UP. The study revealed a worrying phenomenon related to the lack of stable labour market satisfactorily, especially in people after completion of education and insufficient access to local needs education and regional gosp. In order to respond to the identification. probl. the support was planned to shape. comp. key in the labour market as well as proper attitudes and skills of UP. This means that the poverty of families is getting worse, and for many children, the extra tools or lifting the educational results are out of reach of finance. The measures taken are intended to help prevent worsening unemployment and poverty. Diagnosed needs point to the need for extras. extras for pupils in the premise of mat.-natural., comp. inf., dor. eduk.-professional, entrepreneurship, support for disadvantaged groups and about SPE. In order to make the offer of schools more attractive, some of the students will be moved using the experimental method and will be sent to places of direct education. For the project’s objectives to be complementary, schoolworks need to be retrofitted and the degree of use of ICT tools/equipment should be increased. It is required to support teachers in their knowledge and working methods through the workshops station. and departure., courses dosk. Project. assumes a complex. support tailored to the needs of UP and the labour market. The expected effects will translate into subsidised results in home schools. The support provided by students in the future will translate into the labour market, the regional gossip and the local community. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 20 October 2020
Revision as of 17:39, 20 October 2020
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Knowledge collectors — experience-masters |
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio |
3,889,908.46 zloty
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4,576,362.9 zloty
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85.0 percent
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1 June 2016
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30 June 2018
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Q2520180 (Deleted Item)
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Projekt zostanie skierowany do 32 szkół podstawowych i gimnazjalnych prowadz. kształcenie ogólne z terenu AO, na terenie 6 gmin (Krapkowice, Komprachcice, Dąbrowa, Prószków, Opole i Tarnów Op). Wsparcie zaplan. na 01.06.2016-30.06.2018. Działaniami zost. objętych min.2200uczniów(1200dz.,1000ch.) i min.180nauczycieli(160K,20M). Proj. w ponad 50% jest skier. do szkół osiągających najsłabsze wyniki z egz. zewn. w skali AO. Osoby zam. na terenach wiejskich stanowią więcej niż 50% UP. Analiza probl. wykazała niepokojące zjawisko związane z brakiem stabilnej syt. zawodowej na rynku pracy szczeg. u osób po zakończeniu edukacji oraz niewystarczające dost. kształcenia do potrzeb lokal. rynku pracy oraz regionalne gosp. Aby odpowiedzieć na zidentyfik. probl. zaplanowano wsparcie mające na celu kształt. komp. klucz. niezb. na rynku pracy oraz właściwe postawy i umiejętności UP. Dane potw.,iż pogłębia się ubożenie rodzin, a dla wielu zapewn. dzieciom dodatk.narzędzi wyrów. lub podnosz. wyniki eduk. jest poza zasięgiem finans. Podejmowane działania mają pomóc w zapobieganiu pogłębiającemu się bezrobociu oraz ubóstwu. Zdiagnozowane potrzeby wskazują na konieczność dodatk. zaj. pozalekc. dla uczniów w zakresie przedm. mat.-przyrod., komp. inf., dor. eduk.-zawod., przedsiębiorczości, wsparcia grup defaworyzowanych i o SPE. W celu uatrakcyjnienia oferty szkół część zaj. zostanie przeprowadz. metodą eksperymentu oraz zostaną zorg. wyjazdy w miejsca edukacji bezpośr. Aby cele projektu były komplementarne należy doposażyć pracownie szkolne i zwiększyć stopień wykorzyst. narzędzi/sprzętu TIK. Wymagane jest wsparcie nauczycieli w dosk. ich wiedzy oraz metod pracy przez warsztaty stacj. i wyjazd., kursy dosk. Proj. zakłada kompleks. wsparcie dostosowane do potrzeb UP i rynku pracy. Zakładane efekty będą miały przełożenie na podn. wyników w egz. zewn. szkół. Otrzymane przez uczniów wsparcie w przyszłości będzie miało przełożenie na rynek pracy, regionalną gosp. oraz społeczność lokalną. (Polish)
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The project will be addressed to 32 primary and secondary schools.General education from the AO area, within 6 communes (Krapkowice, Komprachcice, Dąbrowa, Prószków, Opole and Tarnów Op). Support scheduled for 01.06.2016-30.06.2018. Activities covered by at least 2200 pupils(1200,1000ch.) and min.180teachers(160K,20M). The project is more than 50 % addressed to schools with the weakest results from external executions on an AO scale. People in rural areas account for more than 50 % of UP. The study revealed a worrying phenomenon related to the lack of stable labour market satisfactorily, especially in people after completion of education and insufficient access to local needs education and regional gosp. In order to respond to the identification. probl. the support was planned to shape. comp. key in the labour market as well as proper attitudes and skills of UP. This means that the poverty of families is getting worse, and for many children, the extra tools or lifting the educational results are out of reach of finance. The measures taken are intended to help prevent worsening unemployment and poverty. Diagnosed needs point to the need for extras. extras for pupils in the premise of mat.-natural., comp. inf., dor. eduk.-professional, entrepreneurship, support for disadvantaged groups and about SPE. In order to make the offer of schools more attractive, some of the students will be moved using the experimental method and will be sent to places of direct education. For the project’s objectives to be complementary, schoolworks need to be retrofitted and the degree of use of ICT tools/equipment should be increased. It is required to support teachers in their knowledge and working methods through the workshops station. and departure., courses dosk. Project. assumes a complex. support tailored to the needs of UP and the labour market. The expected effects will translate into subsidised results in home schools. The support provided by students in the future will translate into the labour market, the regional gossip and the local community. (English)
20 October 2020
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