Construction of the sewage system in the villages of Poźle and Żelechów, construction of water mains for the town of Polishło and the modernisation of the water supply network in Żeleva and Sieniawa — 1 (Q100401): Difference between revisions

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(‎Removed claim: summary (P836): The project will be implemented in the Łagon agglomeration created by the Sejmiku Woj. Lubuskie No 11/2016 ag. was notified to the Fifth update of the NUWWTP. The project concerns the extension and modernisation of the existing municipal infrastructure, which provides for the collection and efficient treatment of waste water for the inhabitants of the Łagon. The aims of the project are to: • Construction of a sewerage network in the town of Że...)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The project will be implemented in the Łagów Agglomeration created by Resolution of the Sejmiku Woj. Lubuski nr 11/2016 Agl. has been reported for the V update of CPOŚK. The subject of the project is the extension and modernisation of the municipal infrastructure, which ensures the discharge and efficient treatment of waste water for residents of G. Łagów. The objectives of the project shall be: • Construction of sewage network in Żelechów, • Re...)
Property / summary
The project will be implemented in the Łagów Agglomeration created by Resolution of the Sejmiku Woj. Lubuski nr 11/2016 Agl. has been reported for the V update of CPOŚK. The subject of the project is the extension and modernisation of the municipal infrastructure, which ensures the discharge and efficient treatment of waste water for residents of G. Łagów. The objectives of the project shall be: • Construction of sewage network in Żelechów, • Reduction of soil, groundwater and surface pollution, through the extension of the sewage network in the area of A. Łagów • Improving living conditions of residents of Łagów, • Creating high ecological standards in the Łagów commune by improving the functioning of the environmental protection infrastructure, • Increasing investment and tourist attractiveness of Łagów, • Increasing the conditions of competition and attractiveness for the region. The target groups of the project are residents of Łagów, tourists and investors. The following tasks are planned: development of project documentation, construction and assembly works (related to the construction of sanitary sewage system and press drainage system), investor supervision, project promotion. The total costs of the project amount to PLN 5,017,569.11, including the eligibility. PLN 1.959.357,06. VAT is the cost of non-equivalent. The applicant does not apply for co-financing of expenditure related to the construction of a pressing sewer. Therefore, as an ineligible cost in the project the expenditure related to the construction of the press drainage system was adopted and in proportion to the amount of these outlays expenditures related to the development of project docs, SW and investor supervision. The applicant shall have complete documentation of tech., SW, necessary opinions, arrangements and permits, as well as the resources and experience enabling the project to be carried out. The following project implementation indicators will be achieved: — Construction of sanitary sewage system – 3 km – Number of additional persons benefiting from improved waste water treatment (CI 19) (English)
Property / summary: The project will be implemented in the Łagów Agglomeration created by Resolution of the Sejmiku Woj. Lubuski nr 11/2016 Agl. has been reported for the V update of CPOŚK. The subject of the project is the extension and modernisation of the municipal infrastructure, which ensures the discharge and efficient treatment of waste water for residents of G. Łagów. The objectives of the project shall be: • Construction of sewage network in Żelechów, • Reduction of soil, groundwater and surface pollution, through the extension of the sewage network in the area of A. Łagów • Improving living conditions of residents of Łagów, • Creating high ecological standards in the Łagów commune by improving the functioning of the environmental protection infrastructure, • Increasing investment and tourist attractiveness of Łagów, • Increasing the conditions of competition and attractiveness for the region. The target groups of the project are residents of Łagów, tourists and investors. The following tasks are planned: development of project documentation, construction and assembly works (related to the construction of sanitary sewage system and press drainage system), investor supervision, project promotion. The total costs of the project amount to PLN 5,017,569.11, including the eligibility. PLN 1.959.357,06. VAT is the cost of non-equivalent. The applicant does not apply for co-financing of expenditure related to the construction of a pressing sewer. Therefore, as an ineligible cost in the project the expenditure related to the construction of the press drainage system was adopted and in proportion to the amount of these outlays expenditures related to the development of project docs, SW and investor supervision. The applicant shall have complete documentation of tech., SW, necessary opinions, arrangements and permits, as well as the resources and experience enabling the project to be carried out. The following project implementation indicators will be achieved: — Construction of sanitary sewage system – 3 km – Number of additional persons benefiting from improved waste water treatment (CI 19) (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The project will be implemented in the Łagów Agglomeration created by Resolution of the Sejmiku Woj. Lubuski nr 11/2016 Agl. has been reported for the V update of CPOŚK. The subject of the project is the extension and modernisation of the municipal infrastructure, which ensures the discharge and efficient treatment of waste water for residents of G. Łagów. The objectives of the project shall be: • Construction of sewage network in Żelechów, • Reduction of soil, groundwater and surface pollution, through the extension of the sewage network in the area of A. Łagów • Improving living conditions of residents of Łagów, • Creating high ecological standards in the Łagów commune by improving the functioning of the environmental protection infrastructure, • Increasing investment and tourist attractiveness of Łagów, • Increasing the conditions of competition and attractiveness for the region. The target groups of the project are residents of Łagów, tourists and investors. The following tasks are planned: development of project documentation, construction and assembly works (related to the construction of sanitary sewage system and press drainage system), investor supervision, project promotion. The total costs of the project amount to PLN 5,017,569.11, including the eligibility. PLN 1.959.357,06. VAT is the cost of non-equivalent. The applicant does not apply for co-financing of expenditure related to the construction of a pressing sewer. Therefore, as an ineligible cost in the project the expenditure related to the construction of the press drainage system was adopted and in proportion to the amount of these outlays expenditures related to the development of project docs, SW and investor supervision. The applicant shall have complete documentation of tech., SW, necessary opinions, arrangements and permits, as well as the resources and experience enabling the project to be carried out. The following project implementation indicators will be achieved: — Construction of sanitary sewage system – 3 km – Number of additional persons benefiting from improved waste water treatment (CI 19) (English) / qualifier
point in time: 16 October 2020
Precision1 day

Revision as of 00:42, 16 October 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Construction of the sewage system in the villages of Poźle and Żelechów, construction of water mains for the town of Polishło and the modernisation of the water supply network in Żeleva and Sieniawa — 1
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    1,665,453.48 zloty
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    399,708.84 Euro
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    2,294,826.9 zloty
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    550,758.46 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    1 January 2014
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    15 October 2018
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    52°19'59.2"N, 15°17'49.2"E
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    Projekt realizowany będzie na terenie Aglomeracji Łagów utworzonej Uchwałą Sejmiku Woj. Lubuskiego nr 11/2016 Agl. zgłoszono została do V aktualizacji KPOŚK. Przedmiotem projektu jest rozbudowa i modernizacja posiadanej infrastruktury komunalnej, zapewniającej odprowadzanie i efektywne oczyszczanie ścieków dla mieszkańców g. Łagów. Celami projektu są: • Budowa sieci kanalizacyjnej w miejscowości Żelechów, •Redukcja zanieczyszczeń gleby, wód podziemnych oraz powierzch., w drodze rozbudowy sieci kanalizacyjnej na terenie A. Łagów, • Poprawa warunków życia mieszkańców g.Łagów, • Stworzenie wysokich standardów ekologicznych na terenie gminy Łagów poprzez poprawę funkcjonowania infrastruktury ochrony środowiska, • Podniesienie atrakc. inwestycyjnej i turystycznej g.Łagów, • Zwiększenie konkurenc. i atrakcyjności regionu poprzez tworzenie warunków dla zrównoważ. rozwoju. Grupy docelowe projektu stanowią mieszkańcy g. Łagów, turyści, inwestorzy. Planuje się realizację następujących zadań: oprac. dokumentacji projektu, roboty budowlane i montażowe (związane z budową sieci kanalizacji sanitarnej oraz kanalizacji tłocznej), nadzór inwestorski, promocja projektu. Koszty całkowite projektu wynoszą 5.017.569,11 PLN, w tym kwalifik. 1.959.357,06 PLN. Podatek VAT jest kosztem niekwalif. Wnioskodawca nie wnioskuje o dofinansowanie wydatków związanych z budową kanalizacji tłocznej - w związku z tym jako koszt niekwalifikowalny w projekcie przyjęto wydatki związane pracami dot. budowy kanalizacji tłocznej oraz proporcjonalnie do wysokości tych nakładów wydatki związane z oprac. dok. projektowej, SW oraz nadzoru inwestorskiego. Wnioskodawca posiada kompletną dokumentację tech., SW, niezbędne opinie, uzgodnienia i pozwolenia a także zasoby i doświadczenie umożliwiające realizację projektu. Osiągnięte zostaną następujące wskaźniki realizacji projektu: - Dł. wybudowanej kanalizacji sanitarnej – 3km - Liczba dodat. osób korzystających z ulepszonego oczyszczania ścieków (CI 19) (Polish)
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    The project will be implemented in the Łagów Agglomeration created by Resolution of the Sejmiku Woj. Lubuski nr 11/2016 Agl. has been reported for the V update of CPOŚK. The subject of the project is the extension and modernisation of the municipal infrastructure, which ensures the discharge and efficient treatment of waste water for residents of G. Łagów. The objectives of the project shall be: • Construction of sewage network in Żelechów, • Reduction of soil, groundwater and surface pollution, through the extension of the sewage network in the area of A. Łagów • Improving living conditions of residents of Łagów, • Creating high ecological standards in the Łagów commune by improving the functioning of the environmental protection infrastructure, • Increasing investment and tourist attractiveness of Łagów, • Increasing the conditions of competition and attractiveness for the region. The target groups of the project are residents of Łagów, tourists and investors. The following tasks are planned: development of project documentation, construction and assembly works (related to the construction of sanitary sewage system and press drainage system), investor supervision, project promotion. The total costs of the project amount to PLN 5,017,569.11, including the eligibility. PLN 1.959.357,06. VAT is the cost of non-equivalent. The applicant does not apply for co-financing of expenditure related to the construction of a pressing sewer. Therefore, as an ineligible cost in the project the expenditure related to the construction of the press drainage system was adopted and in proportion to the amount of these outlays expenditures related to the development of project docs, SW and investor supervision. The applicant shall have complete documentation of tech., SW, necessary opinions, arrangements and permits, as well as the resources and experience enabling the project to be carried out. The following project implementation indicators will be achieved: — Construction of sanitary sewage system – 3 km – Number of additional persons benefiting from improved waste water treatment (CI 19) (English)
    16 October 2020
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