Development of medico-social services in Pabianicki County by setting up a DDOM at the Pabianicim Medical Centre in Pabianice (Q102966): Difference between revisions

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(‎Removed claim: summary (P836): PPCM sp. z o.o. in Pabianice, as an entity authorised to carry out a medical activity under the applicable law, which provides health care with an occupational health measure on the basis of a contract for the provision of healthcare services with the National Health Fund, will take action to support the deinstitutionalisation of dependants, through the development of a sickness benefit system for dependent persons, including the elderly. The...)
Property / summary
PPCM sp. z o.o. in Pabianice, as an entity authorised to carry out a medical activity under the applicable law, which provides health care with an occupational health measure on the basis of a contract for the provision of healthcare services with the National Health Fund, will take action to support the deinstitutionalisation of dependants, through the development of a sickness benefit system for dependent persons, including the elderly. The activities will be aimed at people residing in a pabianicki. The DDOM will provide medical care associated with the continuation of the therapy and the functional and cognitive process to the participants. The main benefits will be: nursing care, including patient education for self-care and self care; advice in selecting appropriate med. devices, operational improvement, cognitive stimulation, occupational treatment, preparation of the patient’s family and carers for continued care. Depending on the medical indication, a patient will be provided with a diagnostic investigation and a special medical consultation. Patients at the DDOM will be provided with food, additional activities and, where necessary, free transport from and to their place of residence. A multidisciplinary therapeutic team during weekly build-up, with a minimum of 50 % of its composition, will discuss progress in the process of improvement and maintenance and will establish a further therapy. Each patient will be treated individually irrespective of their sex, religion, disability or belief. The hospital shall have architectural and information facilities adapted to the needs of persons with different disabilities and shall be carried out in accordance with the principles of equal opportunities and non-discrimination, the principle of sustainable development, the principle of universal design and the principle of equality between women and men. (English)
Property / summary: PPCM sp. z o.o. in Pabianice, as an entity authorised to carry out a medical activity under the applicable law, which provides health care with an occupational health measure on the basis of a contract for the provision of healthcare services with the National Health Fund, will take action to support the deinstitutionalisation of dependants, through the development of a sickness benefit system for dependent persons, including the elderly. The activities will be aimed at people residing in a pabianicki. The DDOM will provide medical care associated with the continuation of the therapy and the functional and cognitive process to the participants. The main benefits will be: nursing care, including patient education for self-care and self care; advice in selecting appropriate med. devices, operational improvement, cognitive stimulation, occupational treatment, preparation of the patient’s family and carers for continued care. Depending on the medical indication, a patient will be provided with a diagnostic investigation and a special medical consultation. Patients at the DDOM will be provided with food, additional activities and, where necessary, free transport from and to their place of residence. A multidisciplinary therapeutic team during weekly build-up, with a minimum of 50 % of its composition, will discuss progress in the process of improvement and maintenance and will establish a further therapy. Each patient will be treated individually irrespective of their sex, religion, disability or belief. The hospital shall have architectural and information facilities adapted to the needs of persons with different disabilities and shall be carried out in accordance with the principles of equal opportunities and non-discrimination, the principle of sustainable development, the principle of universal design and the principle of equality between women and men. (English) / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 15:59, 17 October 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Development of medico-social services in Pabianicki County by setting up a DDOM at the Pabianicim Medical Centre in Pabianice
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    PCM sp. z o.o. w Pabianicach jako podmiot uprawniony do wykonywania działalności leczniczej na mocy obowiązującego prawa, udzielający świadczeń op.zdrowotnej w rodzaju Podstawowa Opieka Zdrowotna na podstawie umowy o udzielanie świadczeń opieki zdrowotnej z NFZ podejmie działania mające na celu wsparcie deinstytucjonalizacji opieki nad osobami niesamodzielnymi, poprzez rozwój systemu świadczeń zdrowotnych w Dziennym Domu Opieki Medycznej dla osób niesamodzielnych, w tym osób starszych. Działania skierowane będą do osób zamieszkujących pow. pabianicki. DDOM zapewni swoim uczestnikom opiekę medyczną połączoną z kontynuacją terapii i procesem usprawniania w zakresie funkcjonalnym oraz procesów poznawczych. Podstawowe świadczenia obejmą: opiekę pielęgniarską w tym edukację pacjenta dotyczącą samoopieki i samopielęgnacji; doradztwo w doborze odpowiednich wyrobów med., usprawnienia ruchowe, stymulację procesów poznawczych, terapię zajęciową, przygotowanie rodziny i opiekunów pacjenta do kontynuacji opieki. W zależności od wskazania medycznego zapewnione zostaną pacjentowi badania diagnostyczne oraz specjalistyczne konsultacje lekarskie. Pacjentom przebywającym w DDOM zapewnione zostanie odpowiednie do stanu zdrowia wyżywienie, prowadzone będą zajęcia dodatkowe oraz w razie potrzeby bezpłatny transport z i do miejsca zamieszkania. Wielodyscyplinarny zespół terapeutyczny podczas cotygodniowych narad, przy udziale min. 50% swojego składu, omówi postępy w procesie usprawniania i pielęgnacji oraz ustali dalszy plan terapii. Każdy pacjent będzie traktowany indywidualnie bez względu na płeć, wyznanie, niepełnosprawność czy przekonania. Szpital dysponuje infrastrukturą architektoniczną i informacyjną dostosowaną dla potrzeb osób z różnymi niepełnosprawnościami a działania zawsze podejmowane są zgodnie z zasadą równości szans i niedyskryminacji, zasadą zrównoważonego rozwoju, zasadą projektowania uniwersalnego i zasadą równości kobiet i mężczyzn. (Polish)
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