Creation, development and operation of the project office MŠMT_1 (Q70535): Difference between revisions
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(Removed claim: EU contribution (P835): 606,723.8548 euro) |
(Changed an Item: Fixing rounding issue) |
Property / EU contribution | |||||||||||||||
606,723.85 Euro
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Property / EU contribution: 606,723.85 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Preferred rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution: 606,723.85 Euro / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
exchange rate to Euro: 0.04 Euro
| |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution: 606,723.85 Euro / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 10 January 2020
Revision as of 20:28, 22 September 2020
Project in Czech Republic financed by DG Regio
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Creation, development and operation of the project office MŠMT_1 |
Project in Czech Republic financed by DG Regio |
15,168,096.37 Czech koruna
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18,757,771.02 Czech koruna
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80.86 percent
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1 October 2016
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30 September 2022
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30 September 2022
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Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
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Předmětem projektu je vytvoření a provoz projektové kanceláře MŠMT (PK MŠMT) zajišťující podporu projektů ESF realizovaných MŠMT a jeho přímo řízenými organizacemi. PK MŠMT sama nebude tyto projekty řídit, ale bude poskytovat konzultační, metodickou a vzdělávací podporu projektovým týmům. Podpora se bude týkat všech projektových fází od přípravy záměrů přes realizaci až po ukončování. Budou zohledňovány cíle, pravidla a postupy operačních programů i soulad se strategiemi a prioritami MŠMT. (Czech)
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The project concerns the creation and operation of the MŠMT project office (PK MŠMT) in support of ESF projects implemented by the MŠMT and its directly managed organisations. PK MŠMT will not itself manage these projects, but it will provide consultancy, guidance and learning support to project teams. The aid will cover all project phases from the preparation of projects to implementation and completion. The objectives, rules and procedures of operational programmes and the strategy and priorities of the MoE will be taken into account. (English)
0 references
0 references