Export and internationalisation programme 2015 (Q2100764): Difference between revisions
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(Created claim: programme (P1368): Innovation and Sustainable Growth in Businesses - DK - ERDF (Q2463135), Adding program) |
(Removed claim: summary (P836): The aim of the internationalisation programme is to support the growth forum of the region of Central Jutland’s ambition to ensure greater capacity for SMEs to exploit its export and internationalisation potential, thereby contributing to growth, job creation and increased productivity in the Central Denmark region. By continuing the investment in increased exports and internationalisation, SMEs in the region of Central Jutland are given, int...) |
Property / summary | |||
Property / summary: The aim of the internationalisation programme is to support the growth forum of the region of Central Jutland’s ambition to ensure greater capacity for SMEs to exploit its export and internationalisation potential, thereby contributing to growth, job creation and increased productivity in the Central Denmark region. By continuing the investment in increased exports and internationalisation, SMEs in the region of Central Jutland are given, inter alia, the possibility of a follow up of activities started under the GLOBALIC and other regional and national actions carried out over the last 3-4 years, as well as the Central Jutland companies, which have not yet started a process to exploit their potential for internationalisation, a chance to participate in concrete activities will be offered. The programme’s content will be designed to offer activities aimed at SMEs on growth potential levels A, B and C. The focus will be on emerging markets, as well as on existing close markets and other Danish so-called “volume” markets. The aim of the programme is to ensure that several companies are exporting or other international activities and that several already exporting companies increase their exports, thereby increasing the turnover of the participating companies, increasing the level of employment of the participating companies and increasing the number of companies that are part of an economic activity. the company will, in the light of the activities carried out in the project, draw up a growth plan. The growth plan will include: — concrete directions on how the participating company can concretely strengthen its growth overview of which investments are needed to trigger the growth potential. — solid evidence and realistic estimates of how strongly the company’s employment and turnover will grow between 2 and 5 years after the end of the participation in the project and how export sales are expected to develop. The objective of the growth plan is thus to provide the company with a plan for their further development in terms of growth. The plan shall be drawn up immediately after the undertaking’s participation in the activities. It is assumed by several of these companies to take part in other activities, thus launching concrete export actions, which then yield concrete results. This may include knowledge of foreign market, business strategy, etc. (English) / rank | |||
Revision as of 14:07, 30 September 2020
Project in Denmark financed by DG Regio
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Export and internationalisation programme 2015 |
Project in Denmark financed by DG Regio |
3,500,000.0 Danish krone
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10,400,000.0 Danish krone
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34.0 percent
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17 September 2014
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30 April 2017
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Erhvervshus Midtjylland S/I
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Formålet med internationaliseringsprogrammet, er at understøtte Vækstforum for Region Midtjyllands ambition om, at midtjyske små- og mellemstore virksomheder i større omfang skal være i stand til at udnytte sine eksport- og internationaliseringspotentialer, for derved at bidrage til vækst, jobskabelse og øget produktivitet i Region Midtjylland. Ved at fortsætte investeringen i øget eksport og internationalisering gives de små og mellemstore virksomheder i Region Midtjylland bl.a. muligheder for opfølgning på aktiviteter påbegyndt under GLOBALmidt og andre regionale og nationale tiltag gennemført de seneste 3-4 år, ligesom midtjyske virksomheder, der endnu ikke har påbegyndt en proces med sigte på at udnytte sit internationaliseringspotentiale, vil blive tilbudt en chance for at deltage i konkrete aktiviteter. Programmets indhold tilrettelægges således, at der vil blive tilbudt aktiviteter rettet mod små og mellemstore virksomheder på vækstpotentialeniveau A, B og C. Fokus vil være på nye vækstmarkeder såvel som på eksisterende nærmarkeder og andre danske såkaldte volumen markeder. Målet med programmet er således, at flere virksomheder igangsætter eksport eller anden internationalt aktivitet og at flere allerede eksporterende virksomheder øger deres eksport hvorved omsætningen hos de deltagende virksomheder øges, beskæftigelsen hos de deltagende virksomheder øges og antallet af vækstvirksomheder øges.Virksomhederne vil på baggrund af de i projektet gennemførte aktiviteter få udarbejdet en vækstplan. Vækstplanen vil indeholde:- Konkrete anvisninger på, hvordan deltagervirksomheden konkret kan styrke sin vækst- Overblik over hvilke investeringer, der skal til for at udløse vækstpotentialet. - Solidt underbyggede og realistiske skøn for, hvor kraftigt virksomhedens beskæftigelse og omsætning vil vokse mellem 2 og 5 år efter endt deltagelse i projektet, samt hvordan eksportomsætningen forventes at udvikle sig. Formålet med vækstplanen er således, at give virksomheden en plan for, hvordan de kan videreudvikle sig med henblik på øget vækst. Planen udarbejdes umiddelbart efter virksomhedens deltagelse i aktiviteterne. Det antages af flere af disse virksomheder vil deltage i øvrige aktiviteter og dermed igangsætte konkrete eksporttiltag som herefter giver konkrete resultater. Det kan f.eks. være viden om udenlandsk marked, forretningsstrategi mv. (Danish)
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