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(Added qualifier: readability score (P590521): 0.7352373327370096) |
(Set a claim value: summary (P836): Aumentar a taxa de emprego através do apoio ao empreendedorismo na região de desenvolvimento da Muntenia do Sul através de medidas de formação empresarial para 380 pessoas, do apoio à criação e ao desenvolvimento de 46 novas empresas não agrícolas no ambiente urbano, da criação de 92 novos postos de trabalho sustentáveis e de qualidade, da promoção da cultura e do espírito empresarial como alternativa viável ao emprego. The project aims to promote s...) |
Property / summary | Property / summary | ||
Aumentar a taxa de emprego através do apoio ao empreendedorismo na região de desenvolvimento da Muntenia do Sul através de medidas de formação empresarial para 380 pessoas, do apoio à criação e ao desenvolvimento de 46 novas empresas não agrícolas no ambiente urbano, da criação de 92 novos postos de trabalho sustentáveis e de qualidade, da promoção da cultura e do espírito empresarial como alternativa viável ao emprego. The project aims to promote sustainable and quality jobs by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of the South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile, based on the subvention of 46 business plans, of which at least 10 % will propose measures that will concretely promote sustainable development by developing products, technologies or services that contribute to the application of the principles of sustainable development, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote concretely support the transition towards a low-carbon economy and efficient in terms of resource use, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT, which will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT in terms of the use of resources, at least 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose the measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICTs, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the transition to a low carbon economy and the efficiency in terms of using resources, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products or the implementation of the social products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile. O projeto assegura o apoio ao desenvolvimento regional sustentável através da criação de 46 empresas sustentáveis a nível das quais serão criados, pelo menos, 92 postos de trabalho, aplicando o princípio da igualdade de oportunidades e da não discriminação, facilitando o acesso às atividades do projeto de todos os grupos-alvo elegíveis, incluindo os desfavorecidos, ou seja, desempregados, pessoas inativas, etimistas ciganos, pessoas com deficiência e pessoas de zonas rurais. A fim de promover a independência económica das mulheres através do empreendedorismo e assegurar a igualdade de oportunidades entre homens e mulheres, 50 % do grupo-alvo selecionado para participar em cursos de formação em empreendedorismo será WEMEN. Contribuição do projeto para a reativação do objetivo específico do POCU 2014-2020 em matéria de antirreflexo: Através do objetivo geral, o projeto responde aos objetivos prosseguidos pela Roménia através do POCU, ou seja, a valorização do capital humano como um recurso essencial no desenvolvimento futuro sustentável, para um crescimento inteligente, sustentável e inclusivo, alcançando a coesão económica, social e territorial, abordando o ANTREPRENORIAT, incluindo o OWN OFF como meio de promover a competitividade e aumentar o emprego. O projeto visa criar 92 novos postos de trabalho gerados pela criação de 46 novas empresas, correspondendo assim ao eixo prioritário 3 «Emprego para Todos», participa na realização da prioridade de investimento (Portuguese) |
Revision as of 20:57, 10 October 2024
Project Q3097814 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
Project Q3097814 in Romania |
9,507,976.0 Romanian Leu
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1,901,595.2000000002 Euro
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11,279,274.0 Romanian Leu
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2,255,854.8000000003 Euro
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84.2959928094662800 percent
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20 December 2017
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19 December 2020
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Cresterea gradului de ocupare prin sustinerea antreprenoriatului in Regiunea de Dezvoltare Sud Muntenia prin masuri de formare antreprenoriala pentru 380 persoane, sustinerea infiintarii si dezvoltarii a 46 noi intreprinderi in domeniul non agricol in mediul urban, crearea de 92 noi locuri de munca durabile si de calitate, promovarea culturii si spiritului antreprenorial ca alternativa viabila de ocupare. Proiectul vizeaza promovarea unor locuri de munca durabile si de calitate prin acordarea de suport specializat pentru sustinerea infiintarii de intreprinderi sustenabile in zona urbana a Regiunii de Dezvoltare Sud Muntenia cu profil non-agricol, in baza subventionarii a 46 planuri de afaceri dintre care minim 10% vor propune masuri ce vor promova concret dezvoltarea durabila prin dezvoltarea unor produse,tehnologii sau servicii care contribuie la aplicarea principiilor dezvoltarii durabile, minim 10% vor propune masuri ce vor promova concret sprijinirea tranzitiei catre o economie cu emisii scazute de dioxid de carbon si eficienta din punctul de vedere al utilizarii resurselor, minim 10% vor propune masuri ce vor promova concret inovarea sociala, minim 25% vor propune masuri ce vor promova concret utilizarea si calitatea TIC prin implementarea unor solutii TIC in procesul de productie/ furnizare de bunuri, prestare de servicii si/sau executie de lucrari, minim 10% vor propune masuri ce vor promova concret consolidarea cercetarii, a dezvoltarii tehnologice si/sau a inovarii. Proiectul asigura sustinerea dezvoltarii regionale durabile prin infiintarea de 46 intreprinderi sustenabile la nivelul carora se vor crea minim 92 locuri de munca, prin aplicarea principiului egalitatii de sanse, nediscriminarii, facilitand accesul la activitatile proiectului a tuturor categoriilor de grup tinta eligibile, inclusiv a celor defavorizate, respectiv someri, persoane inactive, persoane de etinie roma, persoane cu dizabilitati, persoane din mediul rural. Pentru a promova independenta economica a femeilor prin antreprenoriat si a se asigura egalitatea de sanse intre femei si barbati, 50% dintre grupul tinta selectat pentru a participa la cursurile de formare antreprenoriala vor fi FEMEI. CONTRIBUTIA PROIECTULUI LA REALIZAREA OBIECTIVULUI SPECIFIC AL POCU 2014-2020 privind ANTREPRENORIATUL: Prin obiectivul general,proiectul raspunde obiectivelor vizate de Romania prin POCU,respectiv valorizarea capitalului uman ca resursa esentiala in dezvoltarea sustenabila in viitor,pentru o crestere inteligenta,durabila si favorabila incluziunii,realizarea coeziunii economice,sociale si teritoriale,prin abordarea ANTREPRENORIATULUI,inclusiv OCUPARII PE CONT PROPRIU ca mijloc de promovare a competitivitatii si de crestere a gradului de ocupare a fortei de munca. Proiectul urmareste crearea de 92 noi locuri de munca generate de infiintare a 46 noi afaceri,corespunzand astfel Axei prioritare 3”Locuri de munca pentru toti”,participa la atingerea Prioritatii de invest (Romanian)
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Increasing the employment rate by supporting entrepreneurship in the South Muntenia Development Region through entrepreneurial training measures for 380 people, supporting the establishment and development of 46 new non-agricultural enterprises in the urban environment, creating 92 new sustainable and quality jobs, promoting culture and entrepreneurial spirit as a viable alternative to employment. The project aims to promote sustainable and quality jobs by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of the South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile, based on the subvention of 46 business plans, of which at least 10 % will propose measures that will concretely promote sustainable development by developing products, technologies or services that contribute to the application of the principles of sustainable development, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote concretely support the transition towards a low-carbon economy and efficient in terms of resource use, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT, which will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT in terms of the use of resources, at least 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose the measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICTs, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the transition to a low carbon economy and the efficiency in terms of using resources, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products or the implementation of the social products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile. The project ensures the support of sustainable regional development by establishing 46 sustainable enterprises at the level of which will create at least 92 jobs, by applying the principle of equal opportunities, non-discrimination, facilitating access to the project activities of all eligible target groups, including those disadvantaged, i.e. unemployed, inactive persons, Roma ethinists, people with disabilities, people from rural areas. In order to promote women’s economic independence through entrepreneurship and to ensure equal opportunities between women and men, 50 % of the target group selected to participate in entrepreneurial training courses will be WEMEN. Contribution OF THE PROJECT TO THE REALISATION OF THE SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE OF POCU 2014-2020 on ANTREPRENORIATE: Through the general objective, the project responds to the objectives pursued by Romania through POCU, i.e. the valorisation of human capital as an essential resource in sustainable future development, for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, achieving economic, social and territorial cohesion, by approaching ANTREPRENORIAT, including OWN OWN OFF as a means of promoting competitiveness and increasing employment. The project aims to create 92 new jobs generated by the establishment of 46 new businesses, thus corresponding to Priority Axis 3 “Jobs for All”, participates in achieving the investment priority (English)
16 September 2021
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Augmenter le taux d’emploi en soutenant l’esprit d’entreprise dans la région de développement de Muntenia du Sud par des mesures de formation à l’esprit d’entreprise pour 380 personnes, en soutenant la création et le développement de 46 nouvelles entreprises non agricoles dans l’environnement urbain, en créant 92 nouveaux emplois durables et de qualité, en promouvant la culture et l’esprit d’entreprise en tant qu’alternative viable à l’emploi. Le projet vise à promouvoir des emplois durables et de qualité en fournissant un soutien spécialisé à la création d’entreprises durables dans la zone urbaine de la région de développement de la Muntenia du Sud avec un profil non agricole, sur la base de la subvention de 46 plans d’entreprise, dont au moins 10 % proposeront des mesures qui favoriseront concrètement le développement durable en développant des produits, des technologies ou des services contribuant à l’application des principes du développement durable, un minimum de 10 % proposera des mesures qui favoriseront concrètement la transition vers une économie à faible intensité de carbone et efficace en termes d’utilisation des ressources, au moins 10 % proposeront des mesures qui favoriseront la qualité des produits TIC, qui favoriseront la mise en œuvre concrète des produits TIC, qui favoriseront la qualité des TIC, le minimum de 10 % proposeront des mesures qui favoriseront la qualité des TIC, qui favoriseront la qualité des TIC, favoriseront la qualité des TIC en termes d’utilisation des ressources, au moins 10 % proposeront des mesures qui favoriseront la mise en œuvre concrète des produits TIC, qui favoriseront la qualité minimale des TIC, favoriseront la qualité des TIC, le minimum de 10 % proposera des mesures qui favoriseront effectivement la qualité des TIC, favoriseront la qualité des TIC, favoriseront la qualité des TIC, le minimum 10 % proposera les mesures qui favoriseront la mise en œuvre concrète des TIC, qui favoriseront la qualité des produits TIC, le minimum de 10 % proposera des mesures qui favoriseront la transition vers une économie à faible intensité de carbone et l’efficacité en termes d’utilisation des ressources, au moins 10 % proposeront des mesures qui favoriseront la mise en œuvre concrète des produits TIC, ce qui favorisera la qualité minimale des produits TIC, ce qui favorisera la qualité des produits TIC, le minimum 10 % proposera des mesures qui favoriseront effectivement la qualité des produits TIC, ce qui favorisera la qualité minimale des produits TIC, ce qui favorisera la qualité minimale des produits TIC, le minimum 10 % proposera la mise en œuvre concrète des produits TIC, qui favoriseront la qualité minimale des produits TIC ou la mise en œuvre des produits sociaux, ce qui favorisera la qualité minimale des produits TIC, en apportant un soutien spécialisé à la création d’entreprises durables dans la zone urbaine de la région de développement de la Muntenia du Sud avec un profil non agricole. Le projet garantit le soutien au développement régional durable en créant 46 entreprises durables au niveau desquels créeront au moins 92 emplois, en appliquant le principe de l’égalité des chances et de la non-discrimination, en facilitant l’accès aux activités du projet de tous les groupes cibles éligibles, y compris les personnes défavorisées, c’est-à-dire les chômeurs, les personnes inactives, les ethinistes roms, les personnes handicapées, les personnes rurales. Afin de promouvoir l’indépendance économique des femmes par l’entreprenariat et d’assurer l’égalité des chances entre les femmes et les hommes, 50 % du groupe cible sélectionné pour participer à des cours de formation à l’esprit d’entreprise seront des hommes de famille. Contribution DU PROJET À LA RÉALISATION DE L’OBJECTIF SPÉCIFIQUE DU POCU 2014-2020 sur ANTREPRENORIATE: À travers l’objectif général, le projet répond aux objectifs poursuivis par la Roumanie à travers le POCU, c’est-à-dire la valorisation du capital humain en tant que ressource essentielle pour un développement futur durable, pour une croissance intelligente, durable et inclusive, la réalisation de la cohésion économique, sociale et territoriale, en abordant Antreprenoriat, y compris OWN OWN OFF comme un moyen de promouvoir la compétitivité et d’accroître l’emploi. Le projet vise à créer 92 nouveaux emplois générés par la création de 46 nouvelles entreprises, correspondant ainsi à l’axe prioritaire 3 «Emplois pour tous», participe à la réalisation de la priorité d’investissement (French)
27 November 2021
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Erhöhung der Beschäftigungsquote durch Förderung des Unternehmertums in der Entwicklungsregion Süd-Müntenien durch unternehmerische Ausbildungsmaßnahmen für 380 Personen, Unterstützung der Gründung und Entwicklung von 46 neuen nichtlandwirtschaftlichen Unternehmen im städtischen Umfeld, Schaffung von 92 neuen nachhaltigen und hochwertigen Arbeitsplätzen, Förderung von Kultur und Unternehmergeist als tragfähige Alternative zur Beschäftigung. Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, nachhaltige und hochwertige Arbeitsplätze zu fördern, indem die Gründung nachhaltiger Unternehmen im städtischen Gebiet der Entwicklungsregion Süd-Müntenien mit einem nichtlandwirtschaftlichen Profil auf der Grundlage von 46 Unternehmensplänen gefördert wird, von denen mindestens 10 % Maßnahmen vorschlagen werden, die die nachhaltige Entwicklung durch die Entwicklung von Produkten, Technologien oder Dienstleistungen, die zur Anwendung der Grundsätze der nachhaltigen Entwicklung beitragen, konkret fördern. mindestens 10 % werden Maßnahmen zur Förderung der Qualität der IKT-Produkte vorschlagen, die die konkrete Umsetzung der IKT-Produkte fördern, die die Qualität der IKT fördern, wobei mindestens 10 % Maßnahmen zur Förderung der Qualität der IKT vorschlagen werden, die die Qualität der IKT fördern und die Qualität der IKT im Hinblick auf den Einsatz von Ressourcen fördern; mindestens 10 % werden Maßnahmen vorschlagen, die die konkrete Umsetzung der IKT-Produkte fördern. die die Mindestqualität der IKT fördern, die Qualität der IKT fördern, mindestens 10 % Maßnahmen vorschlagen, die die Qualität der IKT wirksam fördern, die Qualität der IKT fördern, die Qualität der IKT fördern, die Qualität der IKT fördern, mindestens 10 % die Maßnahmen vorschlagen, die die konkrete Umsetzung der IKT fördern, die Qualität der IKT-Produkte fördern, die mindestens 10 % Maßnahmen vorschlagen, die den Übergang zu einer CO2-armen Wirtschaft und die Effizienz bei der Nutzung der Ressourcen fördern; mindestens 10 % werden Maßnahmen vorschlagen, mit denen die konkrete Umsetzung der IKT-Produkte gefördert wird, die die Mindestqualität der IKT-Produkte fördern und die Qualität der IKT-Produkte fördern. Die mindestens 10 % werden Maßnahmen vorschlagen, die die Qualität der IKT-Produkte wirksam fördern, wodurch die Mindestqualität der IKT-Produkte gefördert wird, wodurch die Mindestqualität der IKT-Produkte gefördert wird, wobei mindestens 10 % die konkrete Umsetzung der IKT-Produkte vorschlagen werden; die die Mindestqualität der IKT-Produkte oder die Umsetzung der Sozialprodukte fördern, die die Mindestqualität der IKT-Produkte fördern, indem spezialisierte Unterstützung für die Gründung nachhaltiger Unternehmen im städtischen Gebiet der Entwicklungsregion Süd Muntenia mit einem nichtlandwirtschaftlichen Profil bereitgestellt wird. Das Projekt gewährleistet die Förderung einer nachhaltigen regionalen Entwicklung durch die Gründung von 46 nachhaltigen Unternehmen, die mindestens 92 Arbeitsplätze schaffen, indem der Grundsatz der Chancengleichheit, der Nichtdiskriminierung angewandt wird, der Zugang zu den Projektaktivitäten aller förderfähigen Zielgruppen, einschließlich der benachteiligten, d. h. Arbeitslosen, Nichterwerbstätigen, Roma-Ethhinisten, Menschen mit Behinderungen, Menschen aus ländlichen Gebieten, erleichtert wird. Um die wirtschaftliche Unabhängigkeit von Frauen durch unternehmerische Initiative zu fördern und die Chancengleichheit von Frauen und Männern zu gewährleisten, werden 50 % der Zielgruppe, die für die Teilnahme an unternehmerischen Ausbildungsgängen ausgewählt wurde, Wemen sein. Beitrag DES PROJEKTs zur ENTWICKLUNG des SPEZIFISCHEn Amtes des POCU 2014-2020 zum ANTREPRENORIATE: Im Rahmen des allgemeinen Ziels entspricht das Projekt den Zielen Rumäniens durch die POCU, d. h. die Wertung des Humankapitals als wesentliche Ressource für eine nachhaltige künftige Entwicklung, für intelligentes, nachhaltiges und integratives Wachstum, für die Verwirklichung des wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und territorialen Zusammenhalts, indem es sich an die Antreprenoriat wendet, einschließlich OWN OWN OFF als Mittel zur Förderung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und zur Steigerung der Beschäftigung. Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, 92 neue Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen, die durch die Gründung von 46 neuen Unternehmen geschaffen werden, was der Prioritätsachse 3 „Jobs for All“ entspricht. (German)
1 December 2021
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Verhoging van de arbeidsparticipatie door ondersteuning van ondernemerschap in de Ontwikkelingsregio Zuid-Müntenia door middel van maatregelen voor ondernemersopleiding voor 380 mensen, steun voor de oprichting en ontwikkeling van 46 nieuwe niet-landbouwbedrijven in de stedelijke omgeving, het creëren van 92 nieuwe duurzame en hoogwaardige banen, het bevorderen van cultuur en ondernemingsgeest als een levensvatbaar alternatief voor werkgelegenheid. Het project heeft tot doel duurzame en hoogwaardige banen te bevorderen door gespecialiseerde steun te verlenen voor de oprichting van duurzame ondernemingen in het stedelijke gebied van de Ontwikkelingsregio Zuid-Müntenia met een niet-agrarisch profiel, gebaseerd op de subsidie van 46 bedrijfsplannen, waarvan ten minste 10 % maatregelen zal voorstellen die de duurzame ontwikkeling concreet zullen bevorderen door de ontwikkeling van producten, technologieën of diensten die bijdragen aan de toepassing van de beginselen van duurzame ontwikkeling, en ten minste 10 % maatregelen zal voorstellen ter bevordering van de overgang naar een koolstofarme economie en efficiënt gebruik van hulpbronnen, ten minste 10 % zal maatregelen voorstellen ter bevordering van de kwaliteit van de ICT-producten, die de concrete toepassing van de ICT-producten zullen bevorderen, waardoor de kwaliteit van de ICT zal worden bevorderd, een minimum van 10 % maatregelen zal voorstellen ter bevordering van de kwaliteit van de ICT, die de kwaliteit van de ICT zal bevorderen, de kwaliteit van de ICT in termen van het gebruik van de middelen zal bevorderen; ten minste 10 % zal maatregelen voorstellen ter bevordering van de concrete toepassing van de ICT-producten; die de minimumkwaliteit van de ICT zal bevorderen, de kwaliteit van de ICT zal bevorderen, de minimum 10 % maatregelen zal voorstellen die de kwaliteit van de ICT daadwerkelijk zullen bevorderen, de kwaliteit van de ICT zal bevorderen, de kwaliteit van de ICT zal bevorderen, de minimum 10 % maatregelen zal voorstellen ter bevordering van de concrete tenuitvoerlegging van de ICT’s, die de kwaliteit van de ICT-producten zullen bevorderen, het minimum van 10 % maatregelen zal voorstellen ter bevordering van de overgang naar een koolstofarme economie en de efficiëntie van het gebruik van de middelen; ten minste 10 % zal maatregelen voorstellen ter bevordering van de concrete uitvoering van de ICT-producten, die de minimumkwaliteit van de ICT-producten zullen bevorderen, waardoor de kwaliteit van de ICT-producten wordt bevorderd, de minimum 10 % maatregelen zal voorstellen die de kwaliteit van de ICT-producten daadwerkelijk zullen bevorderen, waardoor de minimumkwaliteit van de ICT-producten wordt bevorderd, waardoor de minimumkwaliteit van de ICT-producten wordt bevorderd, de minimum 10 % de concrete toepassing van de ICT-producten voorstelt; die de minimumkwaliteit van de ICT-producten zal bevorderen of de toepassing van de sociale producten, die de minimale kwaliteit van de ICT-producten zullen bevorderen, door gespecialiseerde steun te verlenen voor de oprichting van duurzame ondernemingen in de stedelijke regio Zuid-Müntenia met een niet-agrarisch profiel. Het project zorgt voor de ondersteuning van duurzame regionale ontwikkeling door 46 duurzame ondernemingen op te richten op het niveau van ten minste 92 banen, door toepassing van het beginsel van gelijke kansen, non-discriminatie, vergemakkelijking van de toegang tot de projectactiviteiten van alle in aanmerking komende doelgroepen, met inbegrip van kansarmen, werklozen, inactieven, Roma-ethinisten, mensen met een handicap en mensen uit plattelandsgebieden. Om de economische onafhankelijkheid van vrouwen te bevorderen door middel van ondernemerschap en om gelijke kansen voor vrouwen en mannen te waarborgen, zal 50 % van de doelgroep die wordt geselecteerd om deel te nemen aan opleidingen in ondernemerschap, wemen zijn. Bijdrage VAN HET PROJECT AAN DE REALISATIE VAN DE SPECIFISCHE DOELSTELLING VAN POCU 2014-2020 met betrekking tot ANTREPRENORIATE: Via de algemene doelstelling beantwoordt het project aan de doelstellingen die Roemenië via de POCU nastreeft, namelijk het valoriseren van menselijk kapitaal als essentiële hulpbron voor duurzame toekomstige ontwikkeling, voor slimme, duurzame en inclusieve groei, het bereiken van economische, sociale en territoriale cohesie, door Antreprenoriat te benaderen, met inbegrip van OWN OWN OFF als middel om het concurrentievermogen te bevorderen en de werkgelegenheid te vergroten. Het project is gericht op het scheppen van 92 nieuwe banen die worden gegenereerd door de oprichting van 46 nieuwe ondernemingen, hetgeen overeenkomt met prioritaire as 3 „Jobs for All”, die deelneemt aan de verwezenlijking van de investeringsprioriteit (Dutch)
5 December 2021
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Aumentare il tasso di occupazione sostenendo l'imprenditorialità nella regione di sviluppo della Muntenia meridionale attraverso misure di formazione imprenditoriale per 380 persone, sostenendo la creazione e lo sviluppo di 46 nuove imprese non agricole nell'ambiente urbano, creando 92 nuovi posti di lavoro sostenibili e di qualità, promuovendo la cultura e lo spirito imprenditoriale come alternativa praticabile all'occupazione. The project aims to promote sustainable and quality jobs by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of the South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile, based on the subvention of 46 business plans, of which at least 10 % will propose measures that will concretely promote sustainable development by developing products, technologies or services that contribute to the application of the principles of sustainable development, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote concretely support the transition towards a low-carbon economy and efficient in terms of resource use, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT, which will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT in terms of the use of resources, at least 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose the measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICTs, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the transition to a low carbon economy and the efficiency in terms of using resources, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products or the implementation of the social products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile. Il progetto garantisce il sostegno allo sviluppo regionale sostenibile istituendo 46 imprese sostenibili al cui livello creeranno almeno 92 posti di lavoro, applicando il principio delle pari opportunità e della non discriminazione, facilitando l'accesso alle attività del progetto di tutti i gruppi destinatari ammissibili, compresi quelli svantaggiati, ossia disoccupati, inattivi, etinisti rom, disabili, persone provenienti dalle zone rurali. Al fine di promuovere l'indipendenza economica delle donne attraverso l'imprenditorialità e di garantire pari opportunità tra donne e uomini, il 50 % del gruppo target selezionato per partecipare ai corsi di formazione imprenditoriale sarà costituito da wemen. Contributo DEL PROGETTO ALLA REALIZZAZIONE DELL'OBIETTIVO SPECIFICO DELLA POCU 2014-2020 in materia di ANTREPRENORIATO: Attraverso l'obiettivo generale, il progetto risponde agli obiettivi perseguiti dalla Romania attraverso il POCU, vale a dire la valorizzazione del capitale umano come risorsa essenziale per lo sviluppo sostenibile del futuro, per una crescita intelligente, sostenibile e inclusiva, per conseguire la coesione economica, sociale e territoriale, avvicinandosi ad Antreprenoriat, compreso OWN OWN OFF come mezzo per promuovere la competitività e aumentare l'occupazione. Il progetto mira a creare 92 nuovi posti di lavoro generati dalla costituzione di 46 nuove imprese, corrispondenti all'asse prioritario 3 "Occupazione per tutti", partecipa alla realizzazione della priorità d'investimento (Italian)
12 January 2022
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Aumentar la tasa de empleo apoyando el espíritu empresarial en la región de desarrollo de Muntenia meridional mediante medidas de formación empresarial para 380 personas, apoyando la creación y el desarrollo de 46 nuevas empresas no agrícolas en el entorno urbano, creando 92 nuevos empleos sostenibles y de calidad, promoviendo la cultura y el espíritu empresarial como alternativa viable al empleo. The project aims to promote sustainable and quality jobs by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of the South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile, based on the subvention of 46 business plans, of which at least 10 % will propose measures that will concretely promote sustainable development by developing products, technologies or services that contribute to the application of the principles of sustainable development, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote concretely support the transition towards a low-carbon economy and efficient in terms of resource use, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT, which will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT in terms of the use of resources, at least 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose the measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICTs, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the transition to a low carbon economy and the efficiency in terms of using resources, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products or the implementation of the social products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile. El proyecto garantiza el apoyo al desarrollo regional sostenible mediante la creación de 46 empresas sostenibles a nivel de las cuales crearán al menos 92 puestos de trabajo, aplicando el principio de igualdad de oportunidades, no discriminación, facilitando el acceso a las actividades del proyecto de todos los grupos destinatarios elegibles, incluidos los desfavorecidos, es decir, los desempleados, las personas inactivas, los romaníes ethinistas, las personas con discapacidad y las personas de zonas rurales. Con el fin de promover la independencia económica de las mujeres a través del espíritu empresarial y garantizar la igualdad de oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres, el 50 % del grupo destinatario seleccionado para participar en cursos de formación empresarial será wemen. Contribución DEL PROYECTO A LA REALIZACIÓN DEL OBJETIVO ESPECÍFICO DE POCU 2014-2020 sobre ANTREPRENORIATE: A través del objetivo general, el proyecto responde a los objetivos perseguidos por Rumanía a través del POCU, es decir, la valorización del capital humano como recurso esencial para un desarrollo futuro sostenible, para un crecimiento inteligente, sostenible e integrador, lograr la cohesión económica, social y territorial, acercándose a Antreprenoriat, incluido el PROPIETARIO OFF como medio de promover la competitividad y aumentar el empleo. El proyecto tiene como objetivo crear 92 nuevos puestos de trabajo generados por la creación de 46 nuevas empresas, correspondientes así al eje prioritario 3 «Jobs for All», participa en la consecución de la prioridad de inversión (Spanish)
13 January 2022
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Tööhõive määra suurendamine, toetades ettevõtlust Lõuna-Muntenia arengupiirkonnas 380 inimesele suunatud ettevõtluskoolituse meetmete kaudu, toetades 46 uue mittepõllumajandusettevõtte loomist ja arendamist linnakeskkonnas, luues 92 uut jätkusuutlikku ja kvaliteetset töökohta, edendades kultuuri ja ettevõtlusvaimu kui elujõulist alternatiivi tööhõivele. The project aims to promote sustainable and quality jobs by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of the South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile, based on the subvention of 46 business plans, of which at least 10 % will propose measures that will concretely promote sustainable development by developing products, technologies or services that contribute to the application of the principles of sustainable development, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote concretely support the transition towards a low-carbon economy and efficient in terms of resource use, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT, which will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT in terms of the use of resources, at least 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose the measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICTs, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the transition to a low carbon economy and the efficiency in terms of using resources, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products or the implementation of the social products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile. Projekt tagab säästva regionaalarengu toetamise, luues 46 jätkusuutlikku ettevõtet, mille tasandil luuakse vähemalt 92 töökohta, kohaldades võrdsete võimaluste ja mittediskrimineerimise põhimõtet, hõlbustades kõigi abikõlblike sihtrühmade, sealhulgas ebasoodsas olukorras olevate, st töötute, mitteaktiivsete isikute, roma etinistide, puuetega inimeste ja maapiirkondade inimeste juurdepääsu projekti tegevustele. Selleks et edendada naiste majanduslikku sõltumatust ettevõtluse kaudu ning tagada naiste ja meeste võrdsed võimalused, on 50 % ettevõtlusalastel koolitustel osalemiseks valitud sihtrühmast väike. PROJEKTI PEATÜKK POCU 2014–2020 SPETSIFIKATSIOONI TÄHELEPANU: Üldeesmärgi kaudu vastab projekt Rumeenia poolt POCU kaudu taotletavatele eesmärkidele, st inimkapitali väärtustamine kui oluline ressurss jätkusuutlikus arengus, aruka, jätkusuutliku ja kaasava majanduskasvu saavutamiseks, majandusliku, sotsiaalse ja territoriaalse ühtekuuluvuse saavutamiseks, lähenedes Antreprenoriat’le, sealhulgas OWN OWN OFF-le kui konkurentsivõime ja tööhõive suurendamise vahendile. Projekti eesmärk on luua 92 uut töökohta 46 uue ettevõtte loomisega, mis vastab seega prioriteetsele suunale 3 „Töökohad kõigile“, osaleb investeerimisprioriteedi saavutamisel. (Estonian)
3 August 2022
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Užimtumo lygio didinimas remiant verslumą Pietų Muntenijos vystymosi regione 380 žmonių verslumo mokymo priemonėmis, remiant 46 naujų ne žemės ūkio įmonių steigimą ir plėtrą miesto aplinkoje, kuriant 92 naujas tvarias ir kokybiškas darbo vietas, skatinant kultūrą ir verslumo dvasią kaip perspektyvią užimtumo alternatyvą. The project aims to promote sustainable and quality jobs by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of the South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile, based on the subvention of 46 business plans, of which at least 10 % will propose measures that will concretely promote sustainable development by developing products, technologies or services that contribute to the application of the principles of sustainable development, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote concretely support the transition towards a low-carbon economy and efficient in terms of resource use, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT, which will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT in terms of the use of resources, at least 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose the measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICTs, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the transition to a low carbon economy and the efficiency in terms of using resources, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products or the implementation of the social products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile. Projektu užtikrinama parama tvariai regioninei plėtrai įsteigiant 46 tvarias įmones, kurių lygmeniu bus sukurtos bent 92 darbo vietos, taikant lygių galimybių, nediskriminavimo principą, sudarant palankesnes sąlygas dalyvauti projekto veikloje visoms reikalavimus atitinkančioms tikslinėms grupėms, įskaitant nepalankioje padėtyje esančias grupes, t. y. bedarbius, neaktyvius asmenis, romų etinistus, neįgaliuosius, kaimo vietovių žmones. Siekiant skatinti moterų ekonominę nepriklausomybę per verslumą ir užtikrinti lygias moterų ir vyrų galimybes, 50 proc. tikslinės grupės, atrinktos dalyvauti verslumo mokymo kursuose, bus moterys. POSĖDŽIO PROJEKTAS 2014–2020 m. SPECIFINĖS VALSTYBĖS KONKRETOJE dėl ANTREPRENORIato: Pagal bendrąjį tikslą projektas atitinka Rumunijos per POCU siekiamus tikslus, t. y. žmogiškojo kapitalo, kaip esminio tvaraus ateities vystymosi išteklių, vertės didinimą, pažangaus, tvaraus ir integracinio augimo, ekonominės, socialinės ir teritorinės sanglaudos siekimą, kreipiantis į Antreprenoriat, įskaitant OWN OWN OFF, kaip priemonę konkurencingumui skatinti ir užimtumui didinti. Projektu siekiama sukurti 92 naujas darbo vietas, sukurtas steigiant 46 naujas įmones, o tai atitinka 3 prioritetinę kryptį „Darbas visiems“, dalyvauja įgyvendinant investavimo prioritetą (Lithuanian)
3 August 2022
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Povećanje stope zaposlenosti podupiranjem poduzetništva u razvojnoj regiji Južne Muntenije mjerama poduzetničke izobrazbe za 380 osoba, podupiranjem osnivanja i razvoja 46 novih nepoljoprivrednih poduzeća u urbanom okruženju, stvaranjem 92 nova održiva i kvalitetna radna mjesta, promicanjem kulture i poduzetničkog duha kao održive alternative zapošljavanju. The project aims to promote sustainable and quality jobs by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of the South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile, based on the subvention of 46 business plans, of which at least 10 % will propose measures that will concretely promote sustainable development by developing products, technologies or services that contribute to the application of the principles of sustainable development, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote concretely support the transition towards a low-carbon economy and efficient in terms of resource use, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT, which will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT in terms of the use of resources, at least 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose the measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICTs, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the transition to a low carbon economy and the efficiency in terms of using resources, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products or the implementation of the social products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile. Projektom se osigurava potpora održivom regionalnom razvoju osnivanjem 46 održivih poduzeća na razini koja će stvoriti najmanje 92 radna mjesta, primjenom načela jednakih mogućnosti, nediskriminacije, olakšavanjem pristupa projektnim aktivnostima svim prihvatljivim ciljnim skupinama, uključujući one u nepovoljnom položaju, tj. nezaposlene, neaktivne osobe, romske etiniste, osobe s invaliditetom, osobe iz ruralnih područja. Kako bi se poduzetništvom promicala ekonomska neovisnost žena i osigurale jednake mogućnosti za žene i muškarce, 50 % ciljne skupine odabrane za sudjelovanje u poduzetničkim tečajevima osposobljavanja bit će wemen. Doprinos PROJEKTA REALISACIJA SPECIFIKACIJA POCU 2014 – 2020 o ANTREPRENORIATE: U okviru općeg cilja projekt odgovara ciljevima koje Rumunjska nastoji ostvariti putem POCU-a, tj. vrednovanju ljudskog kapitala kao ključnog resursa u održivom budućem razvoju, pametnom, održivom i uključivom rastu, postizanju gospodarske, socijalne i teritorijalne kohezije pristupom Antreprenoriatu, uključujući OWN OWN OFF kao sredstvom promicanja konkurentnosti i povećanja zaposlenosti. Cilj je projekta stvoriti 92 nova radna mjesta koja nastaju osnivanjem 46 novih poduzeća, što odgovara prioritetnoj osi 3 „Poslovi za sve”, sudjeluje u postizanju prioriteta ulaganja. (Croatian)
3 August 2022
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Αύξηση του ποσοστού απασχόλησης με τη στήριξη της επιχειρηματικότητας στην περιοχή ανάπτυξης της Νότιας Μουντενίας μέσω μέτρων επιχειρηματικής κατάρτισης για 380 άτομα, στήριξη της δημιουργίας και ανάπτυξης 46 νέων μη γεωργικών επιχειρήσεων στο αστικό περιβάλλον, δημιουργία 92 νέων βιώσιμων και ποιοτικών θέσεων εργασίας, προώθηση του πολιτισμού και του επιχειρηματικού πνεύματος ως βιώσιμη εναλλακτική λύση στην απασχόληση. The project aims to promote sustainable and quality jobs by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of the South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile, based on the subvention of 46 business plans, of which at least 10 % will propose measures that will concretely promote sustainable development by developing products, technologies or services that contribute to the application of the principles of sustainable development, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote concretely support the transition towards a low-carbon economy and efficient in terms of resource use, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT, which will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT in terms of the use of resources, at least 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose the measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICTs, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the transition to a low carbon economy and the efficiency in terms of using resources, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products or the implementation of the social products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile. Το σχέδιο εξασφαλίζει τη στήριξη της βιώσιμης περιφερειακής ανάπτυξης με τη δημιουργία 46 βιώσιμων επιχειρήσεων στο επίπεδο των οποίων θα δημιουργηθούν τουλάχιστον 92 θέσεις εργασίας, με την εφαρμογή της αρχής των ίσων ευκαιριών, της απαγόρευσης των διακρίσεων, της διευκόλυνσης της πρόσβασης στις δραστηριότητες του σχεδίου όλων των επιλέξιμων ομάδων-στόχων, συμπεριλαμβανομένων εκείνων που βρίσκονται σε μειονεκτική θέση, δηλαδή των ανέργων, των μη ενεργών ατόμων, των Ρομά και των ατόμων με αναπηρίες, των ατόμων από αγροτικές περιοχές. Προκειμένου να προωθηθεί η οικονομική ανεξαρτησία των γυναικών μέσω της επιχειρηματικότητας και να εξασφαλιστούν ίσες ευκαιρίες μεταξύ γυναικών και ανδρών, το 50 % της ομάδας-στόχου που θα επιλεγεί για να συμμετάσχει σε μαθήματα επιχειρηματικής κατάρτισης θα είναι γυναίκες. ΣΥΜΒΟΛΗ ΤΟΥ ΣΧΕΔΙΟΥ ΣΤΗΝ ΠΡΑΞΗ ΤΟΥ ΕΙΔΙΚΟΥ ΣΤΟΧΟΥ ΤΟΥ ΣΤΟΧΟΥ 2014-2020 σχετικά με την ΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΗ: Μέσω του γενικού στόχου, το έργο ανταποκρίνεται στους στόχους που επιδιώκει η Ρουμανία μέσω της POCU, δηλαδή στην αξιοποίηση του ανθρώπινου κεφαλαίου ως βασικού πόρου για τη βιώσιμη μελλοντική ανάπτυξη, για έξυπνη, βιώσιμη και χωρίς αποκλεισμούς ανάπτυξη, επίτευξη οικονομικής, κοινωνικής και εδαφικής συνοχής, προσεγγίζοντας το Antreprenoriat, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της OWN OFF ως μέσου προώθησης της ανταγωνιστικότητας και αύξησης της απασχόλησης. Το έργο στοχεύει στη δημιουργία 92 νέων θέσεων εργασίας που δημιουργούνται από την ίδρυση 46 νέων επιχειρήσεων, οι οποίες αντιστοιχούν στον άξονα προτεραιότητας 3 «Απασχόληση για όλους», συμμετέχει στην επίτευξη της επενδυτικής προτεραιότητας (Greek)
3 August 2022
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Zvýšenie miery zamestnanosti prostredníctvom podpory podnikania v rozvojovom regióne Južného Muntenia prostredníctvom podnikateľských vzdelávacích opatrení pre 380 ľudí, podpory založenia a rozvoja 46 nových nepoľnohospodárskych podnikov v mestskom prostredí, vytvorenia 92 nových udržateľných a kvalitných pracovných miest, podpory kultúry a podnikateľského ducha ako životaschopnej alternatívy k zamestnanosti. The project aims to promote sustainable and quality jobs by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of the South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile, based on the subvention of 46 business plans, of which at least 10 % will propose measures that will concretely promote sustainable development by developing products, technologies or services that contribute to the application of the principles of sustainable development, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote concretely support the transition towards a low-carbon economy and efficient in terms of resource use, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT, which will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT in terms of the use of resources, at least 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose the measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICTs, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the transition to a low carbon economy and the efficiency in terms of using resources, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products or the implementation of the social products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile. Projekt zabezpečuje podporu trvalo udržateľného regionálneho rozvoja zriadením 46 udržateľných podnikov, na ktorých úrovni sa vytvorí najmenej 92 pracovných miest, uplatňovaním zásady rovnakých príležitostí, nediskriminácie, uľahčením prístupu k projektovým aktivitám pre všetky oprávnené cieľové skupiny vrátane znevýhodnených skupín, t. j. nezamestnaných, neaktívnych osôb, rómskych etinistov, osôb so zdravotným postihnutím, ľudí z vidieckych oblastí. S cieľom podporiť ekonomickú nezávislosť žien prostredníctvom podnikania a zabezpečiť rovnaké príležitosti pre ženy a mužov bude 50 % cieľovej skupiny vybranej na účasť na podnikateľských vzdelávacích kurzoch. Príspevok PROJEKTU k revízii ŠPECIFICKÉHO OBJEKTU POCU 2014 – 2020 o ANTREPRENORIÁCIE: Prostredníctvom všeobecného cieľa projekt reaguje na ciele, ktoré Rumunsko sleduje prostredníctvom POCU, t. j. zhodnotenie ľudského kapitálu ako základného zdroja udržateľného budúceho rozvoja, inteligentného, udržateľného a inkluzívneho rastu, dosiahnutia hospodárskej, sociálnej a územnej súdržnosti tým, že sa priblíži k Antreprenoriatu vrátane OWN OWN OFF ako prostriedku na podporu konkurencieschopnosti a zvyšovanie zamestnanosti. Cieľom projektu je vytvoriť 92 nových pracovných miest vytvorených vytvorením 46 nových podnikov, čo zodpovedá prioritnej osi 3 „Pracovné miesta pre všetkých“, podieľa sa na dosahovaní investičnej priority. (Slovak)
3 August 2022
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Työllisyysasteen nostaminen tukemalla yrittäjyyttä Etelä-Muntenian kehitysalueella 380 ihmisen yrittäjyyskoulutuksen avulla, tukemalla 46 uuden maatalouden ulkopuolisen yrityksen perustamista ja kehittämistä kaupunkiympäristössä, luomalla 92 uutta kestävää ja laadukasta työpaikkaa sekä edistämällä kulttuuria ja yrittäjähenkeä elinkelpoisena vaihtoehtona työllisyydelle. The project aims to promote sustainable and quality jobs by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of the South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile, based on the subvention of 46 business plans, of which at least 10 % will propose measures that will concretely promote sustainable development by developing products, technologies or services that contribute to the application of the principles of sustainable development, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote concretely support the transition towards a low-carbon economy and efficient in terms of resource use, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT, which will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT in terms of the use of resources, at least 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose the measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICTs, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the transition to a low carbon economy and the efficiency in terms of using resources, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products or the implementation of the social products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile. Hankkeella varmistetaan kestävän aluekehityksen tukeminen perustamalla 46 kestävää yritystä, joiden tasolla luodaan vähintään 92 työpaikkaa, soveltamalla yhtäläisten mahdollisuuksien ja syrjimättömyyden periaatetta ja helpottamalla kaikkien tukikelpoisten kohderyhmien, myös muita heikommassa asemassa olevien eli työttömien, työelämän ulkopuolella olevien, romanietinistien, vammaisten ja maaseutualueiden kansalaisten pääsyä hanketoimiin. Naisten taloudellisen riippumattomuuden edistämiseksi yrittäjyyden avulla ja naisten ja miesten yhtäläisten mahdollisuuksien varmistamiseksi 50 prosenttia yrittäjyyskoulutukseen valitusta kohderyhmästä on Wemen. Ohjelman TUOMIOISTUIMEN TUOMIO TÄYTÄNTÖÖNPANOPIMUKSEN TÄYTÄNTÖÖNPANOPIMUKSEN TÄYTÄNTÖÖNPANOPIMUKSEN TÄYTÄNTÖÖNPANOPIMUKSEN TÄYTÄNTÖÖNPANOPÄÄTÖS TÄYTÄNTÖÖNPANOA: Yleistavoitteen avulla hankkeella vastataan Romanian POCU:n avulla asettamiin tavoitteisiin eli inhimillisen pääoman hyödyntämiseen kestävän tulevan kehityksen olennaisena voimavarana, älykkääseen, kestävään ja osallistavaan kasvuun sekä taloudellisen, sosiaalisen ja alueellisen yhteenkuuluvuuden saavuttamiseen lähestymällä Antreprenoriaattia, OWN OFF mukaan luettuna, keinona edistää kilpailukykyä ja lisätä työllisyyttä. Hankkeen tavoitteena on luoda 92 uutta työpaikkaa, jotka syntyvät 46 uuden yrityksen perustamisella, mikä vastaa toimintalinjaa 3 ”Työpaikat kaikille”, osallistuu investointiprioriteetin saavuttamiseen. (Finnish)
3 August 2022
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Zwiększenie wskaźnika zatrudnienia poprzez wspieranie przedsiębiorczości w regionie rozwoju południowej Muntenia poprzez szkolenia w zakresie przedsiębiorczości dla 380 osób, wspieranie zakładania i rozwoju 46 nowych przedsiębiorstw nierolniczych w środowisku miejskim, tworzenie 92 nowych, trwałych miejsc pracy wysokiej jakości, promowanie kultury i ducha przedsiębiorczości jako realnej alternatywy dla zatrudnienia. The project aims to promote sustainable and quality jobs by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of the South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile, based on the subvention of 46 business plans, of which at least 10 % will propose measures that will concretely promote sustainable development by developing products, technologies or services that contribute to the application of the principles of sustainable development, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote concretely support the transition towards a low-carbon economy and efficient in terms of resource use, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT, which will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT in terms of the use of resources, at least 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose the measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICTs, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the transition to a low carbon economy and the efficiency in terms of using resources, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products or the implementation of the social products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile. Projekt zapewnia wsparcie zrównoważonego rozwoju regionalnego poprzez utworzenie 46 zrównoważonych przedsiębiorstw, na poziomie których powstanie co najmniej 92 miejsca pracy, stosując zasadę równości szans, niedyskryminacji, ułatwiając dostęp do działań projektowych wszystkim kwalifikującym się grupom docelowym, w tym osobom znajdującym się w niekorzystnej sytuacji, tj. bezrobotnym, nieaktywnym zawodowo, romskim ethinistom, osobom niepełnosprawnym, osobom z obszarów wiejskich. W celu promowania niezależności ekonomicznej kobiet poprzez przedsiębiorczość oraz zapewnienia równych szans kobietom i mężczyznom 50 % grupy docelowej wybranej do udziału w szkoleniach w zakresie przedsiębiorczości będzie wemen. Wkład PROJEKTU w REALIZACJĘ celu SPECYFICZNEGO POCU 2014-2020 w sprawie ANTREPRENORIATE: Poprzez cel ogólny projekt odpowiada celom realizowanym przez Rumunię za pośrednictwem POCU, tj. waloryzacji kapitału ludzkiego jako podstawowego zasobu dla zrównoważonego przyszłego rozwoju, inteligentnego, trwałego wzrostu gospodarczego sprzyjającego włączeniu społecznemu, osiągnięcia spójności gospodarczej, społecznej i terytorialnej, poprzez zbliżanie się do Antreprenoriat, w tym OWN OFF jako środka promowania konkurencyjności i zwiększania zatrudnienia. Projekt ma na celu stworzenie 92 nowych miejsc pracy powstałych dzięki utworzeniu 46 nowych przedsiębiorstw, co odpowiada osi priorytetowej 3 „Praca dla wszystkich”, uczestniczy w realizacji priorytetu inwestycyjnego. (Polish)
3 August 2022
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A foglalkoztatási ráta növelése a vállalkozói szellem támogatása révén a dél-munteniai fejlesztési régióban 380 főt célzó vállalkozói képzési intézkedések révén, 46 új nem mezőgazdasági vállalkozás létrehozásának és fejlesztésének támogatása a városi környezetben, 92 új, fenntartható és minőségi munkahely létrehozása, a kultúra és a vállalkozói szellem előmozdítása mint a foglalkoztatás életképes alternatívája. The project aims to promote sustainable and quality jobs by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of the South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile, based on the subvention of 46 business plans, of which at least 10 % will propose measures that will concretely promote sustainable development by developing products, technologies or services that contribute to the application of the principles of sustainable development, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote concretely support the transition towards a low-carbon economy and efficient in terms of resource use, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT, which will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT in terms of the use of resources, at least 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose the measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICTs, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the transition to a low carbon economy and the efficiency in terms of using resources, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products or the implementation of the social products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile. A projekt biztosítja a fenntartható regionális fejlődés támogatását azáltal, hogy 46 fenntartható vállalkozást hoz létre, amelyek szintjén legalább 92 munkahelyet teremt, az esélyegyenlőség és a megkülönböztetésmentesség elvének alkalmazásával, megkönnyítve a projekttevékenységekhez való hozzáférést valamennyi támogatható célcsoport számára, beleértve a hátrányos helyzetűeket, azaz a munkanélkülieket, az inaktív személyeket, a roma etinistákat, a fogyatékossággal élő személyeket, a vidéki térségekben élőket is. A nők gazdasági függetlenségének a vállalkozói szellem révén történő előmozdítása, valamint a nők és férfiak közötti esélyegyenlőség biztosítása érdekében a vállalkozói képzéseken való részvételre kiválasztott célcsoport 50%-a wemen lesz. A PROJEKT hozzájárulása a 2014 és 2020 közötti időszakra vonatkozó, a POCU-ról szóló különleges célkitûzési IRÁNYELVRE: Az általános célkitűzés révén a projekt a Románia által a POCU-n keresztül elérni kívánt célkitűzésekre, azaz a humán tőke mint a fenntartható jövőbeli fejlődés, az intelligens, fenntartható és inkluzív növekedés, a gazdasági, társadalmi és területi kohézió nélkülözhetetlen erőforrásának hasznosítására irányul az Antreprenoriat megközelítésével, beleértve az OWN OWN OFF-et mint a versenyképesség előmozdításának és a foglalkoztatás növelésének eszközét. A projekt célja, hogy 92 új munkahelyet hozzon létre 46 új vállalkozás létrehozásával, ami megfelel a 3. prioritási tengelynek („Jobs for All”, amely részt vesz a beruházási prioritás elérésében. (Hungarian)
3 August 2022
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Zvýšení míry zaměstnanosti podporou podnikání v rozvojovém regionu Jižní Muntenia prostřednictvím opatření v oblasti podnikatelského vzdělávání pro 380 osob, podporou zakládání a rozvoje 46 nových nezemědělských podniků v městském prostředí, vytvářením 92 nových udržitelných a kvalitních pracovních míst, podporou kultury a podnikatelského ducha jakožto životaschopnou alternativou k zaměstnanosti. The project aims to promote sustainable and quality jobs by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of the South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile, based on the subvention of 46 business plans, of which at least 10 % will propose measures that will concretely promote sustainable development by developing products, technologies or services that contribute to the application of the principles of sustainable development, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote concretely support the transition towards a low-carbon economy and efficient in terms of resource use, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT, which will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT in terms of the use of resources, at least 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose the measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICTs, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the transition to a low carbon economy and the efficiency in terms of using resources, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products or the implementation of the social products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile. Projekt zajišťuje podporu udržitelného regionálního rozvoje zřízením 46 udržitelných podniků, na jejichž úrovni vznikne nejméně 92 pracovních míst, uplatňováním zásady rovných příležitostí, nediskriminace, usnadněním přístupu k projektovým činnostem všech způsobilých cílových skupin, včetně znevýhodněných, tj. nezaměstnaných, neaktivních osob, romských ethinistů, osob se zdravotním postižením a osob z venkovských oblastí. V zájmu podpory ekonomické nezávislosti žen prostřednictvím podnikání a zajištění rovných příležitostí pro ženy a muže budou 50 % cílové skupiny vybrané k účasti na kurzech odborné přípravy v oblasti podnikání Wemeni. Příspěvek PROJEKTU k přezkumu ZVLÁŠTNÍHO SMĚRNICE POKU 2014–2020 o ANTREPRENORIATE: Prostřednictvím obecného cíle projekt reaguje na cíle sledované Rumunskem prostřednictvím POCU, tj. zhodnocení lidského kapitálu jako základního zdroje pro udržitelný budoucí rozvoj, pro inteligentní a udržitelný růst podporující začlenění, dosažení hospodářské, sociální a územní soudržnosti tím, že se přiblíží Antreprenoriatu, včetně OWN OWN OFF jako prostředku podpory konkurenceschopnosti a zvýšení zaměstnanosti. Cílem projektu je vytvořit 92 nových pracovních míst vytvořených založením 46 nových podniků, což odpovídá prioritní ose 3 „Práce pro všechny“, podílí se na dosažení investiční priority (Czech)
3 August 2022
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Palielināt nodarbinātības līmeni, atbalstot uzņēmējdarbību Dienvidmuntenia attīstības reģionā, izmantojot uzņēmējdarbības apmācības pasākumus 380 cilvēkiem, atbalstot 46 jaunu nelauksaimniecisku uzņēmumu izveidi un attīstību pilsētvidē, radot 92 jaunas ilgtspējīgas un kvalitatīvas darbvietas, veicinot kultūru un uzņēmējdarbības garu kā dzīvotspējīgu alternatīvu nodarbinātībai. The project aims to promote sustainable and quality jobs by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of the South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile, based on the subvention of 46 business plans, of which at least 10 % will propose measures that will concretely promote sustainable development by developing products, technologies or services that contribute to the application of the principles of sustainable development, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote concretely support the transition towards a low-carbon economy and efficient in terms of resource use, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT, which will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT in terms of the use of resources, at least 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose the measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICTs, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the transition to a low carbon economy and the efficiency in terms of using resources, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products or the implementation of the social products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile. Projekts nodrošina atbalstu ilgtspējīgai reģionālajai attīstībai, izveidojot 46 ilgtspējīgus uzņēmumus, kuru līmenī tiks radītas vismaz 92 darba vietas, piemērojot vienlīdzīgu iespēju un nediskriminācijas principu, atvieglojot piekļuvi projekta aktivitātēm, ko veic visas atbilstīgās mērķgrupas, tostarp nelabvēlīgā situācijā esošās grupas, t. i., bezdarbnieki, neaktīvas personas, romu etinisti, cilvēki ar invaliditāti, cilvēki no lauku apvidiem. Lai ar uzņēmējdarbības palīdzību veicinātu sieviešu ekonomisko neatkarību un nodrošinātu vienlīdzīgas iespējas sievietēm un vīriešiem, 50 % no mērķa grupas, kas izvēlēta dalībai uzņēmējdarbības apmācības kursos, būs wemen. POCU 2014.-2020. gada oktobra SPECIFIKĀCIJAS REALIĀCIJAS PROJEKTS par ANTREPRENORIĀTU: Ar vispārējo mērķi projekts atbilst mērķiem, ko Rumānija izvirzījusi, izmantojot POCU, t. i., cilvēkkapitāla kā būtiska resursa vērtības palielināšanai ilgtspējīgā attīstībā, gudrai, ilgtspējīgai un integrējošai izaugsmei, ekonomiskās, sociālās un teritoriālās kohēzijas sasniegšanai, tuvojoties Antreprenoriat, tostarp OWN OWN OFF kā līdzeklim konkurētspējas veicināšanai un nodarbinātības palielināšanai. Projekta mērķis ir radīt 92 jaunas darba vietas, ko rada 46 jaunu uzņēmumu izveide, tādējādi atbilstoši 3. prioritārajam virzienam “Darbs visiem” piedalās investīciju prioritātes sasniegšanā. (Latvian)
3 August 2022
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An ráta fostaíochta a mhéadú trí thacú le fiontraíocht i Réigiún Forbartha South Muntenia trí bhearta oiliúna fiontraíochta do 380 duine, trí thacú le 46 fiontar nua neamhthalmhaíochta a bhunú agus a fhorbairt sa timpeallacht uirbeach, 92 phost nua inbhuanaithe agus ardcháilíochta a chruthú, cultúr agus spiorad fiontraíochta a chur chun cinn mar mhalairt inmharthana ar fhostaíocht. The project aims to promote sustainable and quality jobs by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of the South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile, based on the subvention of 46 business plans, of which at least 10 % will propose measures that will concretely promote sustainable development by developing products, technologies or services that contribute to the application of the principles of sustainable development, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote concretely support the transition towards a low-carbon economy and efficient in terms of resource use, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT, which will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT in terms of the use of resources, at least 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose the measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICTs, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the transition to a low carbon economy and the efficiency in terms of using resources, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products or the implementation of the social products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile. Áirithítear leis an tionscadal go dtacófar le forbairt réigiúnach inbhuanaithe trí 46 fiontar inbhuanaithe a bhunú ar a leibhéal, a chruthóidh ar a laghad 92 post, trí phrionsabal an chomhionannais deiseanna, an neamh-idirdhealaithe a chur i bhfeidhm, agus rochtain ar ghníomhaíochtaí tionscadail na spriocghrúpaí incháilithe uile a éascú, lena n-áirítear iad siúd atá faoi mhíbhuntáiste, i.e. daoine dífhostaithe, daoine neamhghníomhacha, Romaigh ethinists, daoine faoi mhíchumas, daoine ó cheantair thuaithe. D’fhonn neamhspleáchas eacnamaíoch na mban a chur chun cinn trí fhiontraíocht agus chun comhdheiseanna idir mná agus fir a áirithiú, beidh 50 % den spriocghrúpa a roghnófar chun páirt a ghlacadh i gcúrsaí oiliúna fiontraíochta níos measa. Ranníocaíocht Ó PHARLAIMINT NA hEORPA AGUS ÓN gCOMHAIRLE lena mbunaítear Clár Oibre an Phoist 2014-2020 maidir le ANTREPRENIATE: Tríd an gcuspóir ginearálta, freagraíonn an tionscadal do na cuspóirí atá á saothrú ag an Rómáin trí POCU, i.e. caipiteal daonna a luacháil mar acmhainn riachtanach i bhforbairt inbhuanaithe amach anseo, le haghaidh fás cliste, inbhuanaithe agus uilechuimsitheach, comhtháthú eacnamaíoch, sóisialta agus críochach a bhaint amach, trí dhul i dteagmháil le ANTREPRPRENORIAT, lena n-áirítear OWN OWN OFF mar bhealach chun iomaíochas a chur chun cinn agus fostaíocht a mhéadú. Tá sé mar aidhm ag an tionscadal 92 post nua a chruthú a ghintear trí 46 ghnólacht nua a bhunú, rud a chomhfhreagraíonn d’Ais Tosaíochta 3 “Poist do Chách”, glacann sé páirt i mbaint amach na tosaíochta infheistíochta (Irish)
3 August 2022
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Povečanje stopnje zaposlenosti s podpiranjem podjetništva v regiji Južne Muntenije z ukrepi podjetniškega usposabljanja za 380 ljudi, podpiranjem ustanavljanja in razvoja 46 novih nekmetijskih podjetij v mestnem okolju, ustvarjanjem 92 novih trajnostnih in kakovostnih delovnih mest ter spodbujanjem kulture in podjetniškega duha kot izvedljive alternative zaposlovanju. The project aims to promote sustainable and quality jobs by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of the South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile, based on the subvention of 46 business plans, of which at least 10 % will propose measures that will concretely promote sustainable development by developing products, technologies or services that contribute to the application of the principles of sustainable development, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote concretely support the transition towards a low-carbon economy and efficient in terms of resource use, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT, which will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT in terms of the use of resources, at least 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose the measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICTs, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the transition to a low carbon economy and the efficiency in terms of using resources, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products or the implementation of the social products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile. Projekt zagotavlja podporo trajnostnemu regionalnemu razvoju z ustanovitvijo 46 trajnostnih podjetij, na katerih bo ustvarjenih vsaj 92 delovnih mest, z uporabo načela enakih možnosti, nediskriminacije in lažjega dostopa do projektnih dejavnosti vsem upravičenim ciljnim skupinam, vključno s prikrajšanimi, tj. brezposelnimi, neaktivnimi osebami, romskimi etinisti, invalidi in ljudmi s podeželja. Da bi s podjetništvom spodbujali ekonomsko neodvisnost žensk in zagotovili enake možnosti za ženske in moške, bo 50 % ciljne skupine, izbrane za sodelovanje na tečajih podjetniškega usposabljanja, Wemen. Prispevek PROJEKTA k SPECIFICIJSKI OBJEKTI POCU 2014–2020 o POTRDITVI: S splošnim ciljem se projekt odziva na cilje, za katere si prizadeva Romunija prek POCU, tj. valorizacijo človeškega kapitala kot bistvenega vira za trajnostni prihodnji razvoj, pametno, trajnostno in vključujočo rast, doseganje ekonomske, socialne in teritorialne kohezije s približevanjem Antreprenoriatu, vključno z OWN OWN OFF, kot sredstvom za spodbujanje konkurenčnosti in povečanje zaposlovanja. Cilj projekta je ustvariti 92 novih delovnih mest, ustvarjenih z ustanovitvijo 46 novih podjetij, kar ustreza prednostni osi 3 „Delovna mesta za vse“, sodeluje pri doseganju prednostne naložbe. (Slovenian)
3 August 2022
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Повишаване на равнището на заетост чрез подпомагане на предприемачеството в региона за развитие на Южна Мунтения чрез мерки за обучение по предприемачество за 380 души, подкрепа за създаването и развитието на 46 нови неселскостопански предприятия в градска среда, създаване на 92 нови устойчиви и качествени работни места, насърчаване на културата и предприемаческия дух като жизнеспособна алтернатива на заетостта. The project aims to promote sustainable and quality jobs by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of the South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile, based on the subvention of 46 business plans, of which at least 10 % will propose measures that will concretely promote sustainable development by developing products, technologies or services that contribute to the application of the principles of sustainable development, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote concretely support the transition towards a low-carbon economy and efficient in terms of resource use, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT, which will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT in terms of the use of resources, at least 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose the measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICTs, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the transition to a low carbon economy and the efficiency in terms of using resources, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products or the implementation of the social products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile. Проектът осигурява подкрепа за устойчиво регионално развитие чрез създаване на 46 устойчиви предприятия, на чието ниво ще създадат най-малко 92 работни места, като се прилага принципът на равни възможности, недискриминация, улесняване на достъпа до проектните дейности на всички допустими целеви групи, включително тези в неравностойно положение, т.е. безработни, неактивни лица, ромски етинисти, хора с увреждания, хора от селските райони. За да се насърчи икономическата независимост на жените чрез предприемачеството и да се гарантират равни възможности за жените и мъжете, 50 % от целевата група, избрана да участва в курсове за обучение по предприемачество, ще бъдат жени. Принос НА ПРОЕКТА ЗА ИЗТЪКВАНЕТО НА СПЕЦИФИЧНАТА ЦЕЛ на POCU 2014—2020 г. относно АНТРЕПЕНОРИАТ: Чрез общата цел проектът отговаря на целите, преследвани от Румъния чрез POCU, т.е. валоризирането на човешкия капитал като основен ресурс за устойчиво бъдещо развитие, за интелигентен, устойчив и приобщаващ растеж, постигане на икономическо, социално и териториално сближаване, като се приближава към Антрепренория, включително OWN OWN като средство за насърчаване на конкурентоспособността и увеличаване на заетостта. Проектът има за цел да създаде 92 нови работни места, създадени от създаването на 46 нови предприятия, което съответства на приоритетна ос 3 „Работни места за всички“, участва в постигането на инвестиционния приоритет (Bulgarian)
3 August 2022
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Iż-żieda fir-rata tal-impjiegi billi tiġi appoġġata l-intraprenditorija fir-Reġjun tal-Iżvilupp tal-Muntenia tan-Nofsinhar permezz ta’ miżuri ta’ taħriġ intraprenditorjali għal 380 persuna, l-appoġġ għall-istabbiliment u l-iżvilupp ta’ 46 intrapriża ġdida mhux agrikola fl-ambjent urban, il-ħolqien ta’ 92 impjieg sostenibbli u ta’ kwalità ġodda, il-promozzjoni tal-kultura u l-ispirtu intraprenditorjali bħala alternattiva vijabbli għall-impjiegi. The project aims to promote sustainable and quality jobs by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of the South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile, based on the subvention of 46 business plans, of which at least 10 % will propose measures that will concretely promote sustainable development by developing products, technologies or services that contribute to the application of the principles of sustainable development, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote concretely support the transition towards a low-carbon economy and efficient in terms of resource use, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT, which will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT in terms of the use of resources, at least 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose the measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICTs, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the transition to a low carbon economy and the efficiency in terms of using resources, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products or the implementation of the social products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile. Il-proġett jiżgura l-appoġġ għall-iżvilupp reġjonali sostenibbli billi jistabbilixxi 46 intrapriża sostenibbli li fil-livell tagħhom joħolqu mill-inqas 92 impjieg, billi japplika l-prinċipju ta’ opportunitajiet indaqs, nondiskriminazzjoni, jiffaċilita l-aċċess għall-attivitajiet tal-proġett tal-gruppi fil-mira eliġibbli kollha, inklużi dawk żvantaġġati, jiġifieri persuni qiegħda, persuni inattivi, etinisti Rom, persuni b’diżabilità, persuni minn żoni rurali. Sabiex tiġi promossa l-indipendenza ekonomika tan-nisa permezz tal-intraprenditorija u biex jiġu żgurati opportunitajiet indaqs bejn in-nisa u l-irġiel, 50 % tal-grupp fil-mira magħżul biex jipparteċipa f’korsijiet ta’ taħriġ intraprenditorjali se jkun il-wemen. Kontribuzzjoni TAL-PREĠETTI GĦALL-REALISAZZJONI TAL-OBJETTIVA SPEĊIFIKA TAL-POKU 2014–2020 dwar l-ANTREPRENORIATE: Permezz tal-objettiv ġenerali, il-proġett iwieġeb għall-objettivi segwiti mir-Rumanija permezz tal-POCU, jiġifieri l-valorizzazzjoni tal-kapital uman bħala riżorsa essenzjali fl-iżvilupp futur sostenibbli, għal tkabbir intelliġenti, sostenibbli u inklużiv, il-kisba ta’ koeżjoni ekonomika, soċjali u territorjali, billi tiġi indirizzata Antreprenoriat, inkluż OWN OWN OFF bħala mezz ta’ promozzjoni tal-kompetittività u żieda fl-impjiegi. Il-proġett għandu l-għan li joħloq 92 impjieg ġdid iġġenerati mill-istabbiliment ta’ 46 negozju ġdid, u b’hekk jikkorrispondi għall-Assi Prijoritarju 3 “Impjiegi għal Kulħadd”, jipparteċipa fil-kisba tal-prijorità ta’ investiment. (Maltese)
3 August 2022
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Aumentar a taxa de emprego através do apoio ao empreendedorismo na região de desenvolvimento da Muntenia do Sul através de medidas de formação empresarial para 380 pessoas, do apoio à criação e ao desenvolvimento de 46 novas empresas não agrícolas no ambiente urbano, da criação de 92 novos postos de trabalho sustentáveis e de qualidade, da promoção da cultura e do espírito empresarial como alternativa viável ao emprego. The project aims to promote sustainable and quality jobs by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of the South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile, based on the subvention of 46 business plans, of which at least 10 % will propose measures that will concretely promote sustainable development by developing products, technologies or services that contribute to the application of the principles of sustainable development, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote concretely support the transition towards a low-carbon economy and efficient in terms of resource use, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT, which will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT in terms of the use of resources, at least 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose the measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICTs, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the transition to a low carbon economy and the efficiency in terms of using resources, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products or the implementation of the social products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile. O projeto assegura o apoio ao desenvolvimento regional sustentável através da criação de 46 empresas sustentáveis a nível das quais serão criados, pelo menos, 92 postos de trabalho, aplicando o princípio da igualdade de oportunidades e da não discriminação, facilitando o acesso às atividades do projeto de todos os grupos-alvo elegíveis, incluindo os desfavorecidos, ou seja, desempregados, pessoas inativas, etimistas ciganos, pessoas com deficiência e pessoas de zonas rurais. A fim de promover a independência económica das mulheres através do empreendedorismo e assegurar a igualdade de oportunidades entre homens e mulheres, 50 % do grupo-alvo selecionado para participar em cursos de formação em empreendedorismo será WEMEN. Contribuição do projeto para a reativação do objetivo específico do POCU 2014-2020 em matéria de antirreflexo: Através do objetivo geral, o projeto responde aos objetivos prosseguidos pela Roménia através do POCU, ou seja, a valorização do capital humano como um recurso essencial no desenvolvimento futuro sustentável, para um crescimento inteligente, sustentável e inclusivo, alcançando a coesão económica, social e territorial, abordando o ANTREPRENORIAT, incluindo o OWN OFF como meio de promover a competitividade e aumentar o emprego. O projeto visa criar 92 novos postos de trabalho gerados pela criação de 46 novas empresas, correspondendo assim ao eixo prioritário 3 «Emprego para Todos», participa na realização da prioridade de investimento (Portuguese)
3 August 2022
0 references
Øge beskæftigelsesfrekvensen ved at støtte iværksætteri i udviklingsområdet Syd Muntenia gennem iværksætteruddannelsesforanstaltninger for 380 personer, støtte til etablering og udvikling af 46 nye ikkelandbrugsvirksomheder i bymiljøet, skabe 92 nye bæredygtige job af høj kvalitet, fremme kultur og iværksætterånd som et levedygtigt alternativ til beskæftigelse. The project aims to promote sustainable and quality jobs by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of the South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile, based on the subvention of 46 business plans, of which at least 10 % will propose measures that will concretely promote sustainable development by developing products, technologies or services that contribute to the application of the principles of sustainable development, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote concretely support the transition towards a low-carbon economy and efficient in terms of resource use, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT, which will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT in terms of the use of resources, at least 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose the measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICTs, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the transition to a low carbon economy and the efficiency in terms of using resources, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products or the implementation of the social products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile. Projektet sikrer støtte til bæredygtig regional udvikling ved at oprette 46 bæredygtige virksomheder på et niveau, der vil skabe mindst 92 arbejdspladser, ved at anvende princippet om lige muligheder, ikke-forskelsbehandling og lette adgangen til projektaktiviteterne for alle støtteberettigede målgrupper, herunder dem, der er dårligt stillede, dvs. arbejdsløse, inaktive personer, romaetinister, personer med handicap og personer fra landdistrikter. For at fremme kvinders økonomiske uafhængighed gennem iværksætteri og sikre lige muligheder for kvinder og mænd vil 50 % af den målgruppe, der udvælges til at deltage i iværksætterkurser, være wemen. Bidrag FRA PROJEKT TIL REALISATION AF SPECIFISKE OBJECTIVE OF POCU 2014-2020 om ANTREPRENORIATE: Gennem det generelle mål er projektet i overensstemmelse med de mål, som Rumænien har forfulgt gennem POCU, dvs. udnyttelse af menneskelig kapital som en væsentlig ressource i bæredygtig fremtidig udvikling, intelligent, bæredygtig og inklusiv vækst, opnåelse af økonomisk, social og territorial samhørighed ved at nærme sig Antreprenoriat, herunder EGEN EGEN AFF, som et middel til at fremme konkurrenceevnen og øge beskæftigelsen. Projektet har til formål at skabe 92 nye arbejdspladser, der skabes ved etablering af 46 nye virksomheder, hvilket svarer til prioritetsakse 3 "Jobs for Alle", deltager i gennemførelsen af investeringsprioriteten (Danish)
3 August 2022
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Öka sysselsättningsgraden genom att stödja entreprenörskap i södra Muntenias utvecklingsregion genom företagarutbildningsåtgärder för 380 personer, stödja etablering och utveckling av 46 nya icke-jordbruksföretag i stadsmiljön, skapa 92 nya hållbara arbetstillfällen av hög kvalitet och främja kultur och företagaranda som ett hållbart alternativ till sysselsättning. The project aims to promote sustainable and quality jobs by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of the South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile, based on the subvention of 46 business plans, of which at least 10 % will propose measures that will concretely promote sustainable development by developing products, technologies or services that contribute to the application of the principles of sustainable development, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote concretely support the transition towards a low-carbon economy and efficient in terms of resource use, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the quality of the ICT, which will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT in terms of the use of resources, at least 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, will promote the quality of the ICT, the minimum 10 % will propose the measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICTs, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum of 10 % will propose measures that will promote the transition to a low carbon economy and the efficiency in terms of using resources, minimum 10 % will propose measures that will promote the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose measures that will effectively promote the quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, the minimum 10 % will propose the concrete implementation of the ICT products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products or the implementation of the social products, which will promote the minimum quality of the ICT products, by providing specialised support for the establishment of sustainable enterprises in the urban area of South Muntenia Development Region with a non-agricultural profile. Projektet säkerställer stöd till hållbar regional utveckling genom att inrätta 46 hållbara företag på en nivå som kommer att skapa minst 92 arbetstillfällen, genom att tillämpa principen om lika möjligheter och icke-diskriminering, underlätta tillgången till projektverksamhet för alla stödberättigade målgrupper, inklusive dem som är missgynnade, dvs. arbetslösa, inaktiva personer, romska etinister, personer med funktionsnedsättning och människor från landsbygdsområden. För att främja kvinnors ekonomiska oberoende genom entreprenörskap och för att säkerställa lika möjligheter för kvinnor och män kommer 50 % av den målgrupp som valts ut att delta i kurser i entreprenörskap att vara vim. PROJEKT:s bidrag till REALISATIONEN AV POCU:s särskilda MÅL 2014–2020 om ANTREPRENORIATE: Genom det allmänna målet svarar projektet mot de mål som Rumänien eftersträvar genom POCU, dvs. att utnyttja humankapitalet som en väsentlig resurs för hållbar framtida utveckling, för smart och hållbar tillväxt för alla, uppnå ekonomisk, social och territoriell sammanhållning genom att närma sig Antreprenoriat, inklusive OWN OWN OFF, som ett sätt att främja konkurrenskraft och öka sysselsättningen. Projektet syftar till att skapa 92 nya arbetstillfällen som skapas genom etableringen av 46 nya företag, vilket motsvarar insatsområde 3 ”Jobs for All”, deltar i genomförandet av investeringsprioriteringen (Swedish)
3 August 2022
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Municipiul Slobozia, Romania
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Municipiul Giurgiu, Romania
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Municipiul Târgovişte, Romania
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Municipiul Piteşti, Romania
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Municipiul Călăraşi, Romania
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Municipiul Alexandria, Romania
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Municipiul Ploieşti, Romania
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