Associated Press (Q2610214): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in sl: The description in Wikidata changed)
(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en, fr, de, es, cs, pl, lv, el, sv, pt, ro, bg, da, et, lt, sk: The description in Wikidata changed)
description / endescription / en
American multinational nonprofit news agency
multinational nonprofit news agency headquartered in New York, United States
description / frdescription / fr
agence de presse mondiale et généraliste
agence de presse multinationale et généraliste à but non lucratif basée à New York, États-Unis
description / dedescription / de
internationale gemeinnützige Nachrichtenagentur
description / esdescription / es
Agencia de noticias estadounidense.
agencia de noticias multinacional estadounidense sin ánimo de lucro
description / csdescription / cs
tisková agentura
mezinárodní nezisková tisková agentura
description / pldescription / pl
globalna agencja informacyjna non-profit z siedzibą w Stanach Zjednoczonych
description / lvdescription / lv
bezpeļņas ziņu aģentūra
description / eldescription / el
διεθνές μη κερδοσκοπικό πρακτορείο ειδήσεων
description / svdescription / sv
multinationell ideell nyhetsbyrå baserad i Amerikas förenta stater
description / ptdescription / pt
agência multinacional de notícias sem fins lucrativos
description / rodescription / ro
agenția internațională de știri non-profit cu sediul în SUA
description / bgdescription / bg
многонационална информационна агенция с нестопанска цел
description / dadescription / da
globalt nonprofit-nyhedsbureau med hovedsæde i USA
description / etdescription / et
Ameerika Ühendriikides asuv rahvusvaheline mittetulunduslik uudisteagentuur
description / ltdescription / lt
tarptautinė ne pelno siekianti naujienų agentūra, įsikūrusi Jungtinėse Amerikos Valstijose
description / skdescription / sk
globálna nezisková spravodajská agentúra so sídlom v Spojených štátoch

Revision as of 23:30, 2 October 2023

multinational nonprofit news agency headquartered in New York, United States
  • AP
  • AP Wire
  • the Associated Press
  • the AP
  • The Associated Press
Language Label Description Also known as
Associated Press
multinational nonprofit news agency headquartered in New York, United States
  • AP
  • AP Wire
  • the Associated Press
  • the AP
  • The Associated Press



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