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Activity from today 2 | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
The project aims to increase to 30.09.2022 the employability and active participation of 54 [30K/24M] people at risk of poverty and/or exclusion from the age of 18 years of age. [see paragraph.1.13], unemployed-only inactive or unemployed persons, for whom the use of only labour market instruments and services is insufficient and there is a need for active inclusion services of a social nature (including at least 17[10K/7M] long-term unemployed), among which min.6 [3K/3M] is persons with disabilities. The objective will be achieved by supporting the group under 5 Tasks: 1.Identification of needs together with the development of IŚR and social competence training 2.Individual legal and civic, psychological and professional counselling in the form of jobcoaching 3. vocational training 4. internships 5. job placement Proj. will bring RESULTS: Up to 4 weeks after leaving the program: *obtaining a professional qualification by min.40 %UP * taking up employment (including self-employment) by min.40 %UP * seeking a job by min.20 %UP — and social and employment efficiency up to 3 months after completion of participation in the project: *for persons with disabilities, the performance indicator: social — at least 34 %, employment — at least 12 % * for other people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, efficiency rate: social — min.34 %,employment — min.25 % (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The project aims to increase to 30.09.2022 the employability and active participation of 54 [30K/24M] people at risk of poverty and/or exclusion from the age of 18 years of age. [see paragraph.1.13], unemployed-only inactive or unemployed persons, for whom the use of only labour market instruments and services is insufficient and there is a need for active inclusion services of a social nature (including at least 17[10K/7M] long-term unemployed), among which min.6 [3K/3M] is persons with disabilities. The objective will be achieved by supporting the group under 5 Tasks: 1.Identification of needs together with the development of IŚR and social competence training 2.Individual legal and civic, psychological and professional counselling in the form of jobcoaching 3. vocational training 4. internships 5. job placement Proj. will bring RESULTS: Up to 4 weeks after leaving the program: *obtaining a professional qualification by min.40 %UP * taking up employment (including self-employment) by min.40 %UP * seeking a job by min.20 %UP — and social and employment efficiency up to 3 months after completion of participation in the project: *for persons with disabilities, the performance indicator: social — at least 34 %, employment — at least 12 % * for other people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, efficiency rate: social — min.34 %,employment — min.25 % (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The project aims to increase to 30.09.2022 the employability and active participation of 54 [30K/24M] people at risk of poverty and/or exclusion from the age of 18 years of age. [see paragraph.1.13], unemployed-only inactive or unemployed persons, for whom the use of only labour market instruments and services is insufficient and there is a need for active inclusion services of a social nature (including at least 17[10K/7M] long-term unemployed), among which min.6 [3K/3M] is persons with disabilities. The objective will be achieved by supporting the group under 5 Tasks: 1.Identification of needs together with the development of IŚR and social competence training 2.Individual legal and civic, psychological and professional counselling in the form of jobcoaching 3. vocational training 4. internships 5. job placement Proj. will bring RESULTS: Up to 4 weeks after leaving the program: *obtaining a professional qualification by min.40 %UP * taking up employment (including self-employment) by min.40 %UP * seeking a job by min.20 %UP — and social and employment efficiency up to 3 months after completion of participation in the project: *for persons with disabilities, the performance indicator: social — at least 34 %, employment — at least 12 % * for other people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, efficiency rate: social — min.34 %,employment — min.25 % (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 21 October 2022
Revision as of 14:22, 21 October 2022
Project Q4420819 in Poland
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Activity from today 2 |
Project Q4420819 in Poland |
846,504.37 zloty
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188,177.92 Euro
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995,887.5 zloty
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221,385.79 Euro
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85.0 percent
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1 August 2021
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30 September 2022
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Projekt ma na CELU zwiększenie do 30.09.2022r. zdolności do zatrudnienia oraz aktywnego udziału w życiu społ. i zawodowym 54 [30K/24M] osób zagrożonych ryzykiem ubóstwa i/lub wykluczenia społ.,w wieku od 18 lat, zam. w rozum.KC na obszarze woj.warmińsko-mazurskiego w POWIATACH:braniewskim, bartoszyckim, kętrzyńskim, piskim,mrągowskim,nowomiejskim i działdowskim,w GMINACH, w których procent osób korzystających ze świadczeń pomocy społ. jest wyższy niż średni procent osób korzystających ze świadczeń pomocy społ. na terenie woj. [por.pkt.1.13], pozostających bez zatrudnienia-wyłącznie osoby bierne zawodowo lub bezrobotne,wobec których zastosowanie wyłącznie instrumentów i usług rynku pracy jest niewystarczające i istnieje konieczność zastosowania w pierwszej kolejności usług aktywnej integracji o charakterze społ.(w tym min.17[10K/7M]długotrwale bezrobotnych),spośród których min.6 [3K/3M]to osoby z niepełnosprawnościami. Cel zostanie osiągnięty przez objęcie ww. grupy wsparciem w ramach 5 ZADAŃ: 1.identyfikacja potrzeb wraz z opracowaniem IŚR i treningi kompetencji społecznych 2.indywidualne poradnictwo prawne i obywatelskie, psychologiczne oraz zawodowe w formie jobcoachingu 3.szkolenia zawodowe 4. staże 5. pośrednictwo pracy Proj. przyniesie REZULTATY: Do 4 tyg.po opuszczeniu programu: *uzyskanie kwalifikacji zawod. przez min.40%UP *podjęcie zatrudnienia (w tym na własny rachunek) przez min.40%UP *poszukiwanie pracy przez min.20%UP - oraz efektywność społeczna i zatrudnieniowa do 3 miesięcy po ukończeniu udziału w projekcie: *w odniesieniu do osób z niepełnosprawnościami wskaźnik efektywności: społecznej- min.34%, zatrudnieniowej- min.12% *w odniesieniu do pozostałych osób zagrożonych ubóstwem lub wykluczeniem społ. wskaźnik efektywności: społecznej - min.34%,zatrudnieniowej– min.25% (Polish)
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The project aims to increase to 30.09.2022 the employability and active participation of 54 [30K/24M] people at risk of poverty and/or exclusion from the age of 18 years of age. [see paragraph.1.13], unemployed-only inactive or unemployed persons, for whom the use of only labour market instruments and services is insufficient and there is a need for active inclusion services of a social nature (including at least 17[10K/7M] long-term unemployed), among which min.6 [3K/3M] is persons with disabilities. The objective will be achieved by supporting the group under 5 Tasks: 1.Identification of needs together with the development of IŚR and social competence training 2.Individual legal and civic, psychological and professional counselling in the form of jobcoaching 3. vocational training 4. internships 5. job placement Proj. will bring RESULTS: Up to 4 weeks after leaving the program: *obtaining a professional qualification by min.40 %UP * taking up employment (including self-employment) by min.40 %UP * seeking a job by min.20 %UP — and social and employment efficiency up to 3 months after completion of participation in the project: *for persons with disabilities, the performance indicator: social — at least 34 %, employment — at least 12 % * for other people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, efficiency rate: social — min.34 %,employment — min.25 % (English)
21 October 2022
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