Local activation — experts (Q4416030): Difference between revisions

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Local activation — experts
Property / summary
The project provides individual and comprehensive support and responds to the needs of the target group and their surroundings, without limiting the possibility of access to active integration services — individual, family, environmental support. The first element of bqdg support instruments for social activation. The second form of support bqdg instruments of activation with a vocational nature:a) counselling ind. b) help to enter the labour market for job brokers c) courses and training enabling acquisition, change of qualifications and professional competences according to individual predissp. learning and diagnosed needs of the local and regional labour market (subst. analysis of the description of occupations deficit., available in the Barometer of professions).For each participant, the ISR will be developed and a social counter agreement will be signed. Counterparts based on individual diagnosis taking into account the problem system, resources, potential, predisposition, needs of each student moved by a psychologist in consultation with GOPS/MOPS/PCPR (in the case of these institutions). Project promoters will support people from at least 2 disadvantaged groups, i.e. —unemployed, -persons over 50 years of age, — persons with disabilities and dependents, — economically inactive persons The implementation of the project is based on: The Leader implemented projects with MSiT and ASOS in the area of, among others, Augustów County. The leader was the co-executor of the project responsible for recruitment of participants and promotional activities. Promotion and recruitment for the project will be carried out as a campaign in the LSR area using online tools “AD words”, and/or promotion on social media and/or cross marketing; (English)
Property / summary: The project provides individual and comprehensive support and responds to the needs of the target group and their surroundings, without limiting the possibility of access to active integration services — individual, family, environmental support. The first element of bqdg support instruments for social activation. The second form of support bqdg instruments of activation with a vocational nature:a) counselling ind. b) help to enter the labour market for job brokers c) courses and training enabling acquisition, change of qualifications and professional competences according to individual predissp. learning and diagnosed needs of the local and regional labour market (subst. analysis of the description of occupations deficit., available in the Barometer of professions).For each participant, the ISR will be developed and a social counter agreement will be signed. Counterparts based on individual diagnosis taking into account the problem system, resources, potential, predisposition, needs of each student moved by a psychologist in consultation with GOPS/MOPS/PCPR (in the case of these institutions). Project promoters will support people from at least 2 disadvantaged groups, i.e. —unemployed, -persons over 50 years of age, — persons with disabilities and dependents, — economically inactive persons The implementation of the project is based on: The Leader implemented projects with MSiT and ASOS in the area of, among others, Augustów County. The leader was the co-executor of the project responsible for recruitment of participants and promotional activities. Promotion and recruitment for the project will be carried out as a campaign in the LSR area using online tools “AD words”, and/or promotion on social media and/or cross marketing; (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The project provides individual and comprehensive support and responds to the needs of the target group and their surroundings, without limiting the possibility of access to active integration services — individual, family, environmental support. The first element of bqdg support instruments for social activation. The second form of support bqdg instruments of activation with a vocational nature:a) counselling ind. b) help to enter the labour market for job brokers c) courses and training enabling acquisition, change of qualifications and professional competences according to individual predissp. learning and diagnosed needs of the local and regional labour market (subst. analysis of the description of occupations deficit., available in the Barometer of professions).For each participant, the ISR will be developed and a social counter agreement will be signed. Counterparts based on individual diagnosis taking into account the problem system, resources, potential, predisposition, needs of each student moved by a psychologist in consultation with GOPS/MOPS/PCPR (in the case of these institutions). Project promoters will support people from at least 2 disadvantaged groups, i.e. —unemployed, -persons over 50 years of age, — persons with disabilities and dependents, — economically inactive persons The implementation of the project is based on: The Leader implemented projects with MSiT and ASOS in the area of, among others, Augustów County. The leader was the co-executor of the project responsible for recruitment of participants and promotional activities. Promotion and recruitment for the project will be carried out as a campaign in the LSR area using online tools “AD words”, and/or promotion on social media and/or cross marketing; (English) / qualifier
point in time: 21 October 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 14:04, 21 October 2022

Project Q4416030 in Poland
Language Label Description Also known as
Local activation — experts
Project Q4416030 in Poland


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    378,998.0 zloty
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    480,698.0 zloty
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    106,859.17 Euro
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    78.84 percent
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    1 July 2022
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    30 June 2023
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    Projekt daje zindywidualizowane i kompleksowe wsparcie i odpowiada na potrzeby os. z gr. docelowej oraz ich otoczenia nieograniczajgc mozliwosci dostqpu do usług aktywnej integracji− wsparcia indywidualnego,rodzinnego,srodowiskowego. Pierwszym elementem wsparcia bqdg instrumenty aktywizacji o charakterze społecznym. Druga formg wsparcia bqdg instrumenty aktywizacji o charak zawodowym:a) poradnictwo ind. b) pomoc wejsciu na rynek pracy za posred. brokerów pracy c)kursy i szkolenia umozliwiajgce nabycie, zmianq kwalifikacji i kompetencji zawodowych zgodnie z indywidualnymi predysp. ucz. i zdiagnozowanymi potrzebami lokalnego i regionalnego rynku pracy (podst. analizy opis zawodów deficyt., dostqpny w Barometrze zawodów).Dla kazdego uczestnika zostanie opracowana ISR oraz zostanie podpisana umowa posiadajgca formq kontr. socjal. Kontr. powst. w oparciu o indywid. diagnozą z uwzglqdnieniem diag. syt. problemowej, zasobów, potencjału , predyspozycji, potrzeb kazdego ucz. przeprowadzong przez psychologa w porozumieniu z GOPS/MOPS/PCPR (w wypadku kl. tych instytucji). Projektodawcy obejmą wsparciem osoby z co najmniej 2 grup defaworyzowanych tj. -osoby bezrobotne, -osoby powyżej 50 roku życia, -osoby niepełnosprawne i niesamodzielne, -osoby bierne zawodowo Realizacja projektu oparta jest na: Strategia Rozwiązywania Problemów Społecznych Dla Powiatu Augustowskiego Na Lata 2017 – 2022, Lider realizował projekty z MSiT i ASOS na obszarze m.in. powiatu augustowskiego. Lider był współrealizatorem projektu odpowiedzialnym za rekrutację uczestników i działania promocyjne. Promocja i nabór do projektu zostanie przeprowadzona jako kampania na obszarze LSR z wykorzystaniem narzędzi internetowych "AD words", i/lub promocji w mediach społecznościowych i/lub cross marketing; (Polish)
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    The project provides individual and comprehensive support and responds to the needs of the target group and their surroundings, without limiting the possibility of access to active integration services — individual, family, environmental support. The first element of bqdg support instruments for social activation. The second form of support bqdg instruments of activation with a vocational nature:a) counselling ind. b) help to enter the labour market for job brokers c) courses and training enabling acquisition, change of qualifications and professional competences according to individual predissp. learning and diagnosed needs of the local and regional labour market (subst. analysis of the description of occupations deficit., available in the Barometer of professions).For each participant, the ISR will be developed and a social counter agreement will be signed. Counterparts based on individual diagnosis taking into account the problem system, resources, potential, predisposition, needs of each student moved by a psychologist in consultation with GOPS/MOPS/PCPR (in the case of these institutions). Project promoters will support people from at least 2 disadvantaged groups, i.e. —unemployed, -persons over 50 years of age, — persons with disabilities and dependents, — economically inactive persons The implementation of the project is based on: The Leader implemented projects with MSiT and ASOS in the area of, among others, Augustów County. The leader was the co-executor of the project responsible for recruitment of participants and promotional activities. Promotion and recruitment for the project will be carried out as a campaign in the LSR area using online tools “AD words”, and/or promotion on social media and/or cross marketing; (English)
    21 October 2022
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    WOJ.: PODLASKIE, POW.: augustowski
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