Thermal modernisation of a multi-family residential building at ul. 1 May 12-Copernika 1 in Ornet (Q132387): Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 00:06, 22 October 2022
Project Q132387 in Poland
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Thermal modernisation of a multi-family residential building at ul. 1 May 12-Copernika 1 in Ornet |
Project Q132387 in Poland |
276,175.11 zloty
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403,764.77 zloty
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27 August 2018
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30 June 2020
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Przedmiotem proj.jest wykonanie prac poprawiających efektywność energetyczną budynku WM Nieruchomości przy ul. 1 Maja 12-Kopernika 1 w Ornecie, który zamieszkuje 11 gospodarstw domowych. W wyniku realizacji proj. nastąpi głęboka kompleksowa modernizacja energetyczna budynku Wspólnoty. Zakres prac: Wykonanie wewnętrznej instalacji c.w.u. (w pozostałych 8 lokalach) wraz z opomiarowaniem i cyrkulacją oraz podłączeniem do węzła cieplnego Docieplenie stropu nad piwnicami w technologii mokrej lub suchej warstwą izolacji gr. 10 cm Docieplenie ścian zewnętrznych (z naprawą elewacji) styropianem gr. 14 cm Docieplenie stropu pod nieogrzewanym poddaszem (wraz z wykonaniem nowej podłogi z desek lub płyt OSB i niezbędną wymianą pokrycia dachowego) płytami z wełny mineralnej gr. 18 cm Wymiana okien w części wspólnej budynku na okna PCV Docieplenie połaci dachowej (wraz z usunięciem istniejącej izolacji i robotami towarzyszącymi) płytami z wełny mineralnej gr. 20 cm Wymiana drzwi zewnętrznych (wejściowych na klatki schodowe, pozostałych do wymiany) Wykonanie własnego węzła cieplnego i wewnętrznej instalacji c.o. (w pozostałych 8 lokalach) z montażem urządzeń regulacyjnych (wydatek niekwalifikowalny stanowi wymiana pokrycia dachowego, wymiana źródeł ciepła w lokalach mieszkalnych oraz proporcjonalnie powierzchnia lokali usługowych 183,41m2) Projekt wpisuje się cel poddz.4.3.2 Efektywność energetyczna w budynkach mieszkalnych RPO WiM 2014-2020,którego celem tematycznym jest wspieranie przejścia na gospodarkę niskoemisyjną we wszystkich Sektorach.Proj. przyczyni się do poprawy efektywności energetycznej budynku mieszkalnego. (Polish)
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The subject of the project is the execution of works improving the energy efficiency of the WM Nieruchomości building at ul. 1 May 12-Copernika 1 in Ornet, which has 11 households. The project will result in a deep comprehensive energy modernisation of the Community building. Scope of work: In the interior of the interior interior of the eccentric system (in the rest of the 8 rooms) in the interior of the interior, the interior of the saturation of the floor in the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, and the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satucases, and the interior of the interior of the interior of the e.g. (in the rest of the chambers) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) with the interior of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node of the inner node.The warmth of the floor is the warming of the floor in the basement or the dry layer of the insulation of the floor 10 cm In the interior warmth of the outer wall (with repair of the elevation of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor is 2 cm of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the floor) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satin (in the rest of the floor) in the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) is the intrical of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node.The warmth of the floor is the warmth of the floor over the cellars of the cellar in the wet or dry layer of the floor insulation of 10 cm In the interior warming of the outer walls (with repair of the interior of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor. (English)
21 October 2020
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L’objet du projet est de réaliser des travaux améliorant l’efficacité énergétique du bâtiment WM Nieruchomości à ul. 1er mai 12-Copernika 1 à Ornet, qui vit 11 ménages. Le projet aboutira à une profonde modernisation énergétique globale du bâtiment communautaire. Portée des travaux: Installation interne (dans les 8 autres locaux) y compris le comptage et la circulation et le raccordement au nœud thermique Réchauffement du plafond au-dessus des sous-sols en couche humide ou sèche d’isolation gr. 10 cm Réchauffement des murs extérieurs (avec réparation des façades) avec styrofoam gr. 14 cm Réchauffement du plafond sous le grenier non chauffé (avec la construction d’un nouveau plancher de planches ou de planches OSB et la toiture de remplacement nécessaire) avec panneaux de laine minérale 18 cm Échange de fenêtres dans la partie commune du bâtiment pour fenêtres en PVC des panneaux en laine minérale jusqu’à 20 cm Remplacement des portes extérieures (entrée dans les escaliers, restant à remplacer) échange de sources de chaleur dans les habitations et zone proportionnelle des locaux de service 183,41 m² Le projet répond à l’objectif de la sous-section4.3.2 Efficacité énergétique dans les bâtiments résidentiels ROP WiM 2014-2020, qui est l’objectif thématique de soutenir la transition vers une économie à faibles émissions de carbone dans tous les secteurs. Le projet contribuera à améliorer l’efficacité énergétique du bâtiment résidentiel. (French)
2 December 2021
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Ziel des Projekts ist die Durchführung von Arbeiten zur Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz des Gebäudes WM Nieruchomości in ul. 1. Mai 12-Copernika 1 in Ornet, die 11 Haushalte lebt. Das Projekt wird zu einer tiefgreifenden umfassenden Energiemodernisierung des Gemeinschaftsgebäudes führen. Umfang der Arbeiten: Interne Installation (in den anderen 8 Räumlichkeiten) einschließlich Dosieren und Zirkulation und Anschluss an den Wärmeknoten Erwärmung der Decke über den Kellern in nasser oder trockener Schicht der Isolierung gr. 10 cm Erwärmung der Außenwände (mit Reparatur von Fassaden) mit Styropor gr. 14 cm Erwärmung der Decke unter dem unbeheizten Dachboden (zusammen mit dem Bau eines neuen Bodens von OSB-Platten oder Brettern und der notwendigen Ersatzdachung) mit Mineralwolleplatten 18 cm Austausch von Fenstern im gemeinsamen Teil des Gebäudes für PVC-Fenster Erwärmung des Dachpflasters (einschließlich Entfernung der vorhandenen Isolierung und begleitender Roboter) mit Mineralwolleplatten bis zu 20 cm Ersatz von Außentüren (Eintritt zu Treppen, noch zu ersetzen) Austausch von Wärmequellen in Wohnungen und proportionaler Fläche von Serviceräumen 183,41 m²) Das Projekt entspricht dem Ziel des Unterabschnitts4.3.2 Energieeffizienz in Wohngebäuden ROP WiM 2014-2020, das thematische Ziel ist, den Übergang zu einer CO2-armen Wirtschaft in allen Sektoren zu unterstützen. Das Projekt wird zur Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz des Wohngebäudes beitragen. (German)
9 December 2021
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Het project heeft tot doel werkzaamheden uit te voeren ter verbetering van de energie-efficiëntie van het WM Nieruchomości-gebouw in ul. 1 mei 12-Copernika 1 in Ornet, die 11 huishoudens woont. Het project zal resulteren in een grondige en alomvattende modernisering van het communautaire gebouw op energiegebied. Reikwijdte van de werkzaamheden: Interne installatie (in de andere 8 gebouwen) met inbegrip van meting en circulatie en aansluiting op het warmteknooppunt Verwarming van het plafond boven de kelders in natte of droge isolatielaag gr. 10 cm Verwarming van buitenmuren (met reparatie van gevels) met piepschuim gr. 14 cm Verwarming van het plafond onder de onverwarmde zolder (samen met de bouw van een nieuwe vloer van OSB-platen of -platen en de noodzakelijke vervangende dakbedekking) met minerale wolpanelen 18 cm Uitwisseling van ramen in het gemeenschappelijk deel van het gebouw voor PVC-ramen Opwarming van de dakpleister (met inbegrip van het verwijderen van de bestaande isolatie en bijbehorende robots) met minerale wolpanelen tot 20 cm Vervanging van buitendeuren (ingang tot trappen, nog te vervangen) uitwisseling van warmtebronnen in woningen en proportionele oppervlakte van dienstruimten 183,41 m²) Het project sluit aan bij de doelstelling van subparagraaf 4.3.2 Energie-efficiëntie in woongebouwen ROP WiM 2014-2020, de thematische doelstelling om de overgang naar een koolstofarme economie in alle sectoren te ondersteunen. Het project zal bijdragen aan de verbetering van de energie-efficiëntie van het woongebouw. (Dutch)
17 December 2021
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L'obiettivo del progetto è quello di realizzare lavori per migliorare l'efficienza energetica dell'edificio WM Nieruchomości a ul. 1º maggio 12-Copernika 1 a Ornet, che vive 11 famiglie. Il progetto si tradurrà in una profonda modernizzazione energetica dell'edificio comunitario. Portata del lavoro: Installazione interna (negli altri 8 locali) compresa la misurazione e la circolazione e il collegamento al nodo termico Riscaldamento del soffitto sopra i seminterrati in strato di isolamento umido o secco gr. 10 cm Riscaldamento delle pareti esterne (con riparazione di facciate) con polistirolo gr. 14 cm Riscaldamento del soffitto sotto la soffitta non riscaldata (insieme alla costruzione di un nuovo pavimento di pannelli o tavole OSB e la necessaria copertura di sostituzione) con pannelli di lana minerale 18 cm Scambio di finestre nella parte comune dell'edificio per finestre in PVC Riscaldamento del tetto (compresa la rimozione dell'isolamento esistente e dei robot di accompagnamento) con pannelli di lana minerale fino a 20 cm Sostituzione di porte esterne (ingresso alle scale, ancora da sostituire) scambio di fonti di calore nelle abitazioni e area proporzionale dei locali di servizio 183,41 m²) Il progetto si inserisce nell'obiettivo della sottosezione4.3.2 Efficienza energetica negli edifici residenziali ROP WiM 2014-2020, che è l'obiettivo tematico di sostenere la transizione verso un'economia a basse emissioni di carbonio in tutti i settori. Il progetto contribuirà a migliorare l'efficienza energetica dell'edificio residenziale. (Italian)
15 January 2022
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El objetivo del proyecto es llevar a cabo obras de mejora de la eficiencia energética del edificio WM Nieruchomości en ul. 1 de mayo 12-Copernika 1 en Ornet, que vive 11 hogares. El proyecto dará lugar a una profunda modernización energética integral del edificio comunitario. Ámbito de trabajo: Instalación interna (en los otros 8 locales) incluyendo medición y circulación y conexión al nodo térmico Calentamiento del techo por encima de los sótanos en capa húmeda o seca de aislamiento gr. 10 cm Calentamiento de paredes exteriores (con reparación de fachadas) con espuma de poliestireno gr. 14 cm Calentamiento del techo bajo el ático no calentado (junto con la construcción de un nuevo piso de tableros o tableros OSB y la cubierta de recambio necesaria) con paneles de lana mineral 18 cm Intercambio de ventanas en la parte común del edificio para ventanas de PVC calentamiento del parche del techo (incluida la eliminación del aislamiento existente y robots acompañantes) con paneles de lana mineral de hasta 20 cm Sustitución de puertas exteriores (entrada a escaleras, pendiente de sustitución) intercambio de fuentes de calor en viviendas y área proporcional de locales de servicio 183,41 m²) El proyecto se ajusta al objetivo de la subsección4.3.2 Eficiencia energética en los edificios residenciales ROP WiM 2014-2020, que es el objetivo temático de apoyar la transición a una economía hipocarbónica en todos los sectores. El proyecto contribuirá a mejorar la eficiencia energética del edificio residencial. (Spanish)
18 January 2022
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Projekti teema on ul WM NieruchomoÅci hoone energiatõhususe parandamise tööde teostamine. 1. mai 12-Copernika 1 Ornetis, kus on 11 leibkonda. Projekti tulemuseks on ühenduse hoone põhjalik ja põhjalik energia moderniseerimine. Töö ulatus: In the interior of the interior interior of the eccentric system (in the rest of the 8 rooms) in the interior of the interior, the interior of the saturation of the floor in the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, and the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satucases, and the interior of the interior of the interior of the e.g. (in the rest of the chambers) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) with the interior of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node of the inner node.The warmth of the floor is the warming of the floor in the basement or the dry layer of the insulation of the floor 10 cm In the interior warmth of the outer wall (with repair of the elevation of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor is 2 cm of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the floor) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satin (in the rest of the floor) in the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) is the intrical of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node.The warmth of the floor is the warmth of the floor over the cellars of the cellar in the wet or dry layer of the floor insulation of 10 cm In the interior warming of the outer walls (with repair of the interior of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor. (Estonian)
27 July 2022
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Projekto objektas – darbų, kuriais didinamas WM NieruchomoÅci pastato ul energijos vartojimo efektyvumas, vykdymas. 1 Gegužės 12-Copernika 1 į Ornet, kuriame yra 11 namų ūkių. Įgyvendinus projektą bus visapusiškai modernizuotas Bendrijos pastatas energetikos srityje. Darbo sritis: In the interior of the interior interior of the eccentric system (in the rest of the 8 rooms) in the interior of the interior, the interior of the saturation of the floor in the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, and the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satucases, and the interior of the interior of the interior of the e.g. (in the rest of the chambers) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) with the interior of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node of the inner node.The warmth of the floor is the warming of the floor in the basement or the dry layer of the insulation of the floor 10 cm In the interior warmth of the outer wall (with repair of the elevation of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor is 2 cm of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the floor) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satin (in the rest of the floor) in the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) is the intrical of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node.The warmth of the floor is the warmth of the floor over the cellars of the cellar in the wet or dry layer of the floor insulation of 10 cm In the interior warming of the outer walls (with repair of the interior of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor. (Lithuanian)
27 July 2022
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Predmet projekta je izvođenje radova za poboljšanje energetske učinkovitosti zgrade WM NieruchomoÅci u ul. 1. svibnja 12-Copernika 1 u Ornetu, koji ima 11 kućanstava. Projekt će rezultirati temeljitom sveobuhvatnom energetskom modernizacijom zgrade Zajednice. Opseg rada: In the interior of the interior interior of the eccentric system (in the rest of the 8 rooms) in the interior of the interior, the interior of the saturation of the floor in the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, and the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satucases, and the interior of the interior of the interior of the e.g. (in the rest of the chambers) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) with the interior of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node of the inner node.The warmth of the floor is the warming of the floor in the basement or the dry layer of the insulation of the floor 10 cm In the interior warmth of the outer wall (with repair of the elevation of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor is 2 cm of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the floor) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satin (in the rest of the floor) in the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) is the intrical of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node.The warmth of the floor is the warmth of the floor over the cellars of the cellar in the wet or dry layer of the floor insulation of 10 cm In the interior warming of the outer walls (with repair of the interior of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor. (Croatian)
27 July 2022
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Αντικείμενο του έργου είναι η εκτέλεση εργασιών για τη βελτίωση της ενεργειακής απόδοσης του κτιρίου WM NieruchomoÅci στο ul. 1 Μαΐου 12-Copernika 1 στο Ornet, το οποίο έχει 11 νοικοκυριά. Το σχέδιο θα έχει ως αποτέλεσμα τον ριζικό και ολοκληρωμένο ενεργειακό εκσυγχρονισμό του κοινοτικού κτιρίου. Πεδίο εργασιών: In the interior of the interior interior of the eccentric system (in the rest of the 8 rooms) in the interior of the interior, the interior of the saturation of the floor in the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, and the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satucases, and the interior of the interior of the interior of the e.g. (in the rest of the chambers) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) with the interior of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node of the inner node.The warmth of the floor is the warming of the floor in the basement or the dry layer of the insulation of the floor 10 cm In the interior warmth of the outer wall (with repair of the elevation of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor is 2 cm of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the floor) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satin (in the rest of the floor) in the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) is the intrical of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node.The warmth of the floor is the warmth of the floor over the cellars of the cellar in the wet or dry layer of the floor insulation of 10 cm In the interior warming of the outer walls (with repair of the interior of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor. (Greek)
27 July 2022
0 references
Predmetom projektu je realizácia prác na zlepšení energetickej účinnosti budovy WM NieruchomoÅci na ul. 1. máj 12-Copernika 1 v Ornet, ktorý má 11 domácností. Výsledkom projektu bude rozsiahla komplexná energetická modernizácia budovy Spoločenstva. Rozsah práce: In the interior of the interior interior of the eccentric system (in the rest of the 8 rooms) in the interior of the interior, the interior of the saturation of the floor in the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, and the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satucases, and the interior of the interior of the interior of the e.g. (in the rest of the chambers) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) with the interior of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node of the inner node.The warmth of the floor is the warming of the floor in the basement or the dry layer of the insulation of the floor 10 cm In the interior warmth of the outer wall (with repair of the elevation of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor is 2 cm of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the floor) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satin (in the rest of the floor) in the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) is the intrical of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node.The warmth of the floor is the warmth of the floor over the cellars of the cellar in the wet or dry layer of the floor insulation of 10 cm In the interior warming of the outer walls (with repair of the interior of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor. (Slovak)
27 July 2022
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Hankkeen aiheena on WM NieruchomoÅci -rakennuksen energiatehokkuutta parantavien töiden toteuttaminen ul. 1. toukokuuta 12-Copernika 1 Ornetissa, jossa on 11 kotitaloutta. Hanke johtaa yhteisön rakennuksen perusteelliseen ja kattavaan energiauudistukseen. Työn laajuus: In the interior of the interior interior of the eccentric system (in the rest of the 8 rooms) in the interior of the interior, the interior of the saturation of the floor in the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, and the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satucases, and the interior of the interior of the interior of the e.g. (in the rest of the chambers) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) with the interior of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node of the inner node.The warmth of the floor is the warming of the floor in the basement or the dry layer of the insulation of the floor 10 cm In the interior warmth of the outer wall (with repair of the elevation of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor is 2 cm of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the floor) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satin (in the rest of the floor) in the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) is the intrical of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node.The warmth of the floor is the warmth of the floor over the cellars of the cellar in the wet or dry layer of the floor insulation of 10 cm In the interior warming of the outer walls (with repair of the interior of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor. (Finnish)
27 July 2022
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A projekt tárgya az ul-i WM NieruchomoÅci épület energiahatékonyságát javító munkálatok kivitelezése. 1 Május 12-Copernika 1 Ornet, amely 11 háztartás. A projekt a közösségi épület átfogó energetikai korszerűsítését fogja eredményezni. Tevékenységi kör: In the interior of the interior interior of the eccentric system (in the rest of the 8 rooms) in the interior of the interior, the interior of the saturation of the floor in the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, and the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satucases, and the interior of the interior of the interior of the e.g. (in the rest of the chambers) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) with the interior of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node of the inner node.The warmth of the floor is the warming of the floor in the basement or the dry layer of the insulation of the floor 10 cm In the interior warmth of the outer wall (with repair of the elevation of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor is 2 cm of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the floor) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satin (in the rest of the floor) in the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) is the intrical of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node.The warmth of the floor is the warmth of the floor over the cellars of the cellar in the wet or dry layer of the floor insulation of 10 cm In the interior warming of the outer walls (with repair of the interior of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor. (Hungarian)
27 July 2022
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Předmětem projektu je realizace prací na zlepšení energetické účinnosti budovy WM NieruchomoÅci na ul. 1. května 12-Copernika 1 v Ornet, který má 11 domácností. Výsledkem projektu bude rozsáhlá komplexní energetická modernizace budovy Společenství. Rozsah práce: In the interior of the interior interior of the eccentric system (in the rest of the 8 rooms) in the interior of the interior, the interior of the saturation of the floor in the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, and the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satucases, and the interior of the interior of the interior of the e.g. (in the rest of the chambers) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) with the interior of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node of the inner node.The warmth of the floor is the warming of the floor in the basement or the dry layer of the insulation of the floor 10 cm In the interior warmth of the outer wall (with repair of the elevation of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor is 2 cm of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the floor) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satin (in the rest of the floor) in the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) is the intrical of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node.The warmth of the floor is the warmth of the floor over the cellars of the cellar in the wet or dry layer of the floor insulation of 10 cm In the interior warming of the outer walls (with repair of the interior of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor. (Czech)
27 July 2022
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Projekta priekšmets ir WM NieruchomoÅci ēkas energoefektivitātes uzlabošanas darbu realizācija ul. 1. maijs 12-Copernika 1 in Ornet, kas ir 11 mājsaimniecības. Projekta rezultātā tiks veikta padziļināta un visaptveroša Kopienas ēkas enerģētikas modernizācija. Darba joma: In the interior of the interior interior of the eccentric system (in the rest of the 8 rooms) in the interior of the interior, the interior of the saturation of the floor in the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, and the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satucases, and the interior of the interior of the interior of the e.g. (in the rest of the chambers) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) with the interior of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node of the inner node.The warmth of the floor is the warming of the floor in the basement or the dry layer of the insulation of the floor 10 cm In the interior warmth of the outer wall (with repair of the elevation of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor is 2 cm of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the floor) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satin (in the rest of the floor) in the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) is the intrical of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node.The warmth of the floor is the warmth of the floor over the cellars of the cellar in the wet or dry layer of the floor insulation of 10 cm In the interior warming of the outer walls (with repair of the interior of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor. (Latvian)
27 July 2022
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Is é ábhar an tionscadail ná oibreacha a chur i gcrích a fheabhsaíonn éifeachtúlacht fuinnimh fhoirgneamh WM NieruchomoÅci ag ul. 1 Bealtaine 12-Copernika 1 in Ornet, a bhfuil teaghlaigh 11 aige. Beidh nuachóiriú fuinnimh domhain cuimsitheach ar fhoirgneamh an Chomhphobail mar thoradh ar an tionscadal. Raon feidhme na hoibre: In the interior of the interior interior of the eccentric system (in the rest of the 8 rooms) in the interior of the interior, the interior of the saturation of the floor in the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, and the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satucases, and the interior of the interior of the interior of the e.g. (in the rest of the chambers) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) with the interior of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node of the inner node.The warmth of the floor is the warming of the floor in the basement or the dry layer of the insulation of the floor 10 cm In the interior warmth of the outer wall (with repair of the elevation of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor is 2 cm of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the floor) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satin (in the rest of the floor) in the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) is the intrical of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node.The warmth of the floor is the warmth of the floor over the cellars of the cellar in the wet or dry layer of the floor insulation of 10 cm In the interior warming of the outer walls (with repair of the interior of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor. (Irish)
27 July 2022
0 references
Predmet projekta je izvedba del za izboljšanje energetske učinkovitosti stavbe WM NieruchomoÅci na ul. 1. maj 12-Copernika 1 v Ornet, ki ima 11 gospodinjstev. Projekt bo privedel do temeljite celovite energetske posodobitve stavbe Skupnosti. Obseg dela: In the interior of the interior interior of the eccentric system (in the rest of the 8 rooms) in the interior of the interior, the interior of the saturation of the floor in the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, and the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satucases, and the interior of the interior of the interior of the e.g. (in the rest of the chambers) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) with the interior of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node of the inner node.The warmth of the floor is the warming of the floor in the basement or the dry layer of the insulation of the floor 10 cm In the interior warmth of the outer wall (with repair of the elevation of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor is 2 cm of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the floor) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satin (in the rest of the floor) in the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) is the intrical of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node.The warmth of the floor is the warmth of the floor over the cellars of the cellar in the wet or dry layer of the floor insulation of 10 cm In the interior warming of the outer walls (with repair of the interior of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor. (Slovenian)
27 July 2022
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Предметът на проекта е изпълнението на строителни работи за подобряване на енергийната ефективност на сградата WM NieruchomoÅci в ул. 1 May 12-Copernika 1 в Ornet, който има 11 домакинства. Проектът ще доведе до задълбочена цялостна енергийна модернизация на сградата на Общността. Обхват на работата: In the interior of the interior interior of the eccentric system (in the rest of the 8 rooms) in the interior of the interior, the interior of the saturation of the floor in the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, and the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satucases, and the interior of the interior of the interior of the e.g. (in the rest of the chambers) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) with the interior of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node of the inner node.The warmth of the floor is the warming of the floor in the basement or the dry layer of the insulation of the floor 10 cm In the interior warmth of the outer wall (with repair of the elevation of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor is 2 cm of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the floor) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satin (in the rest of the floor) in the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) is the intrical of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node.The warmth of the floor is the warmth of the floor over the cellars of the cellar in the wet or dry layer of the floor insulation of 10 cm In the interior warming of the outer walls (with repair of the interior of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor. (Bulgarian)
27 July 2022
0 references
Is-suġġett tal-proġett huwa l-eżekuzzjoni ta’ xogħlijiet li jtejbu l-effiċjenza fl-użu tal-enerġija tal-bini WM NieruchomoÅci fi ul. 1 ta’ Mejju 12-Copernika 1 f’Ornet, li għandu 11-il unità domestika. Il-proġett se jirriżulta f’modernizzazzjoni profonda u komprensiva tal-enerġija tal-bini Komunitarju. L-ambitu tax-xogħol: In the interior of the interior interior of the eccentric system (in the rest of the 8 rooms) in the interior of the interior, the interior of the saturation of the floor in the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, and the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satucases, and the interior of the interior of the interior of the e.g. (in the rest of the chambers) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) with the interior of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node of the inner node.The warmth of the floor is the warming of the floor in the basement or the dry layer of the insulation of the floor 10 cm In the interior warmth of the outer wall (with repair of the elevation of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor is 2 cm of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the floor) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satin (in the rest of the floor) in the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) is the intrical of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node.The warmth of the floor is the warmth of the floor over the cellars of the cellar in the wet or dry layer of the floor insulation of 10 cm In the interior warming of the outer walls (with repair of the interior of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor. (Maltese)
27 July 2022
0 references
O objeto do projeto é a execução de obras que melhorem a eficiência energética do edifício WM NieruchomoÅci em ul. 1 de maio 12-Copernika 1 em Ornet, que tem 11 famílias. O projeto resultará numa profunda modernização energética global do edifício comunitário. Âmbito do trabalho: In the interior of the interior interior of the eccentric system (in the rest of the 8 rooms) in the interior of the interior, the interior of the saturation of the floor in the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, and the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satucases, and the interior of the interior of the interior of the e.g. (in the rest of the chambers) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) with the interior of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node of the inner node.The warmth of the floor is the warming of the floor in the basement or the dry layer of the insulation of the floor 10 cm In the interior warmth of the outer wall (with repair of the elevation of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor is 2 cm of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the floor) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satin (in the rest of the floor) in the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) is the intrical of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node.The warmth of the floor is the warmth of the floor over the cellars of the cellar in the wet or dry layer of the floor insulation of 10 cm In the interior warming of the outer walls (with repair of the interior of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor. (Portuguese)
27 July 2022
0 references
Emnet for projektet er udførelsen af arbejder, der forbedrer energieffektiviteten i WM NieruchomoÅci-bygningen på ul. 1. maj 12-Copernika 1 i Ornet, som har 11 husstande. Projektet vil resultere i en gennemgribende omfattende energimodernisering af fællesskabsbygningen. Arbejdets omfang: In the interior of the interior interior of the eccentric system (in the rest of the 8 rooms) in the interior of the interior, the interior of the saturation of the floor in the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, and the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satucases, and the interior of the interior of the interior of the e.g. (in the rest of the chambers) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) with the interior of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node of the inner node.The warmth of the floor is the warming of the floor in the basement or the dry layer of the insulation of the floor 10 cm In the interior warmth of the outer wall (with repair of the elevation of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor is 2 cm of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the floor) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satin (in the rest of the floor) in the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) is the intrical of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node.The warmth of the floor is the warmth of the floor over the cellars of the cellar in the wet or dry layer of the floor insulation of 10 cm In the interior warming of the outer walls (with repair of the interior of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor. (Danish)
27 July 2022
0 references
Obiectul proiectului este realizarea de lucrări de îmbunătățire a eficienței energetice a clădirii WM NieruchomoÅci de la ul. 1 mai 12-Copernika 1 în Ornet, care are 11 gospodării. Proiectul va avea ca rezultat o modernizare energetică profundă și cuprinzătoare a clădirii comunitare. Domeniul de activitate: In the interior of the interior interior of the eccentric system (in the rest of the 8 rooms) in the interior of the interior, the interior of the saturation of the floor in the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, and the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satucases, and the interior of the interior of the interior of the e.g. (in the rest of the chambers) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) with the interior of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node of the inner node.The warmth of the floor is the warming of the floor in the basement or the dry layer of the insulation of the floor 10 cm In the interior warmth of the outer wall (with repair of the elevation of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor is 2 cm of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the floor) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satin (in the rest of the floor) in the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) is the intrical of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node.The warmth of the floor is the warmth of the floor over the cellars of the cellar in the wet or dry layer of the floor insulation of 10 cm In the interior warming of the outer walls (with repair of the interior of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor. (Romanian)
27 July 2022
0 references
Ämnet för projektet är utförande av arbeten som förbättrar energieffektiviteten i WM NieruchomoÅci-byggnaden på ul. 1 maj 12-Copernika 1 i Ornet, som har 11 hushåll. Projektet kommer att leda till en djupgående och omfattande energimodernisering av gemenskapsbyggnaden. Arbetets omfattning: In the interior of the interior interior of the eccentric system (in the rest of the 8 rooms) in the interior of the interior, the interior of the saturation of the floor in the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior, and the interior of the chambers of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satucases, and the interior of the interior of the interior of the e.g. (in the rest of the chambers) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) with the interior of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node of the inner node.The warmth of the floor is the warming of the floor in the basement or the dry layer of the insulation of the floor 10 cm In the interior warmth of the outer wall (with repair of the elevation of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor is 2 cm of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the floor) is the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the satin (in the rest of the floor) in the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior (in the rest of the 8 rooms) is the intrical of the interior of the interior, and the connection to the thermal node.The warmth of the floor is the warmth of the floor over the cellars of the cellar in the wet or dry layer of the floor insulation of 10 cm In the interior warming of the outer walls (with repair of the interior of the floor) of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the interior of the floor. (Swedish)
27 July 2022
0 references
0 references