Nikola Kozlevo Municipality for equal access to socio-economic integration and education (Q3886118): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Import item from Bulgaria)
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Property / instance of
Property / instance of: Kohesio project / rank
Normal rank
Property / financed by
Property / financed by: European Union / rank
Normal rank
Property / country
Property / country: Bulgaria / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Socio-economic integration of marginalised communities such as the Roma / rank
Normal rank
Property / fund
Property / fund: European Social Fund / rank
Normal rank
Property / programme
Property / programme: Science and Education for Smart Growth - BG - ESF/ERDF / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary
Property / beneficiary: Q3886114 / rank
Normal rank
Property / start time
6 March 2019
Precision1 day
Property / start time: 6 March 2019 / rank
Normal rank
Property / end time
31 May 2021
Precision1 day
Property / end time: 31 May 2021 / rank
Normal rank
Property / location (string)
с.Никола Козлево
Property / location (string): с.Никола Козлево / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
243,680.73 Bulgarian lev
Amount243,680.73 Bulgarian lev
UnitBulgarian lev
Property / budget: 243,680.73 Bulgarian lev / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
124,277.17 Euro
Amount124,277.17 Euro
Property / budget: 124,277.17 Euro / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
207,128.62 Bulgarian lev
Amount207,128.62 Bulgarian lev
UnitBulgarian lev
Property / EU contribution: 207,128.62 Bulgarian lev / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
105,635.6 Euro
Amount105,635.6 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 105,635.6 Euro / rank
Normal rank
Property / co-financing rate
85.0 percent
Amount85.0 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 85.0 percent / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 20:10, 19 May 2022

Project Q3886118 in Bulgaria
Language Label Description Also known as
Nikola Kozlevo Municipality for equal access to socio-economic integration and education
Project Q3886118 in Bulgaria


    0 references
    Проектното предложение включва интегрирани мерки насочени за подобряване благосъстоянието на целевата група, обхващащи социалната, здравната и образователната сфера. В рамките на проекта ще бъде създаден Център за консултиране "Бъди активен", в който ще бъдат назначени служители и експерти, пряко ангажирани с проблемите на ромската общност и лицата от етническите малцинства като цяло. Центърът ще бъде използван и за провеждане на публични срещи с представители на асоциираните партньори по проекта., за честването и организирането на различни събития и мероприятия, част от които финансирани по настоящия проект. В рамките на проекта ще бъдат организирани безплатни здравни прегледи, ще бъдат осигурени консултации с психолог и логопед. 30 безработни лица от целевата група ще бъдат наети на трудов договор от Община Никола Козлево.Дейностите на проекта включват активна работа с деца и ученици от ромски произход. Ще бъдат сформирани групи за допълнителни занимания по български език, ще се работи допълнително със зрелостници, ще се работи активно с родители от ромската общност. (Bulgarian)
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    The project proposal includes integrated measures aimed at improving the well-being of the target group, covering the social, health and education sectors. Within the framework of the project, a Consultation Centre “Be Active” will be established, where employees and experts directly involved in the problems of the Roma community and persons from ethnic minorities in general will be appointed. The Centre will also be used to hold public meetings with representatives of the associated project partners., to celebrate and organise various events and events, part of which are funded under this project. The project will organise free health examinations, provide counselling with a psychologist and speech therapist. 30 unemployed people from the target group will be employed by the Municipality of Nikola Kozlevo.The activities of the project include active work with Roma children and students. Groups will be formed for additional activities in Bulgarian, will be further worked with graduates, actively working with parents from the Roma community. (English)
    2 December 2021
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    La proposition de projet comprend des mesures intégrées visant à améliorer le bien-être du groupe cible, couvrant les secteurs social, sanitaire et éducatif. Dans le cadre du projet, un centre de consultation «Soyez actif» sera créé, où des employés et des experts directement impliqués dans les problèmes de la communauté rom et des personnes issues de minorités ethniques en général seront nommés. Le Centre sera également utilisé pour tenir des réunions publiques avec les représentants des partenaires associés au projet, afin de célébrer et d’organiser divers événements et événements, dont une partie est financée dans le cadre de ce projet. Le projet organisera des examens de santé gratuits, fournira des conseils à un psychologue et à un orthophoniste. 30 chômeurs du groupe cible seront employés par la municipalité de Nikola Kozlevo. Les activités du projet comprennent un travail actif auprès des enfants et des étudiants roms. Des groupes seront constitués pour des activités supplémentaires en bulgare, seront davantage travaillés avec les diplômés, travaillant activement avec les parents de la communauté rom. (French)
    3 December 2021
    0 references
    Der Projektvorschlag umfasst integrierte Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung des Wohlergehens der Zielgruppe, die sich auf die Bereiche Soziales, Gesundheit und Bildung erstrecken. Im Rahmen des Projekts wird ein Konsultationszentrum „Be Active“ eingerichtet, in dem Mitarbeiter und Experten, die direkt an den Problemen der Roma-Gemeinschaft beteiligt sind, sowie Personen ethnischer Minderheiten im Allgemeinen ernannt werden. Das Zentrum wird auch für öffentliche Treffen mit Vertretern der assoziierten Projektpartner genutzt, um verschiedene Veranstaltungen und Veranstaltungen zu feiern und zu organisieren, von denen ein Teil im Rahmen dieses Projekts finanziert wird. Das Projekt organisiert kostenlose Gesundheitsuntersuchungen, berät mit einem Psychologen und Sprachtherapeuten. 30 Arbeitslose aus der Zielgruppe werden in der Gemeinde Nikola Kozlevo beschäftigt.Die Aktivitäten des Projekts umfassen aktive Arbeit mit Roma-Kindern und Studenten. Gruppen werden für zusätzliche Aktivitäten in Bulgarisch gebildet, werden weiter mit Absolventen zusammenarbeiten und aktiv mit Eltern aus der Roma-Gemeinschaft zusammenarbeiten. (German)
    4 December 2021
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    Het projectvoorstel omvat geïntegreerde maatregelen ter verbetering van het welzijn van de doelgroep, die betrekking hebben op de sociale, gezondheids- en onderwijssectoren. In het kader van het project zal een consultatiecentrum „Be Active” worden opgericht, waar werknemers en deskundigen die rechtstreeks betrokken zijn bij de problemen van de Romagemeenschap en personen uit etnische minderheden in het algemeen worden benoemd. Het Centrum zal ook worden gebruikt om openbare bijeenkomsten te houden met vertegenwoordigers van de geassocieerde projectpartners, om diverse evenementen en evenementen te vieren en te organiseren, waarvan een deel in het kader van dit project wordt gefinancierd. Het project zal gratis gezondheidsonderzoeken organiseren, begeleiding bieden bij een psycholoog en logopedist. 30 werklozen uit de doelgroep zullen in dienst zijn van de gemeente Nikola Kozlevo.De activiteiten van het project omvatten actief werk met Roma-kinderen en -studenten. Er zullen groepen worden gevormd voor aanvullende activiteiten in het Bulgaars, die verder zullen worden samengewerkt met afgestudeerden, actief samen te werken met ouders uit de Roma-gemeenschap. (Dutch)
    12 December 2021
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    La proposta di progetto comprende misure integrate volte a migliorare il benessere del gruppo destinatario, che copre i settori sociale, sanitario e dell'istruzione. Nell'ambito del progetto sarà istituito un centro di consultazione "Be Active", in cui saranno nominati dipendenti ed esperti direttamente coinvolti nei problemi della comunità Rom e persone appartenenti a minoranze etniche in generale. Il Centro sarà inoltre utilizzato per organizzare incontri pubblici con i rappresentanti dei partner del progetto associati, per celebrare e organizzare vari eventi ed eventi, parte dei quali sono finanziati nell'ambito di questo progetto. Il progetto organizzerà esami sanitari gratuiti, fornirà consulenza con uno psicologo e un logopedista. 30 disoccupati appartenenti al gruppo bersaglio saranno impiegati dal comune di Nikola Kozlevo. Le attività del progetto comprendono il lavoro attivo con bambini e studenti rom. Saranno formati gruppi per ulteriori attività in bulgaro, saranno ulteriormente lavorati con i laureati, lavorando attivamente con i genitori della comunità rom. (Italian)
    14 January 2022
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    La propuesta de proyecto incluye medidas integradas destinadas a mejorar el bienestar del grupo destinatario, que abarcan los sectores social, sanitario y educativo. En el marco del proyecto, se creará un centro de consulta «Sé activo», en el que se nombrarán empleados y expertos que participan directamente en los problemas de la comunidad romaní y de personas pertenecientes a minorías étnicas en general. El Centro también se utilizará para celebrar reuniones públicas con representantes de los asociados del proyecto y para celebrar y organizar diversos actos y actos, parte de los cuales se financian con cargo a este proyecto. El proyecto organizará exámenes de salud gratuitos, proporcionará asesoramiento a un psicólogo y terapeuta del habla. 30 desempleados del grupo destinatario serán contratados por el municipio de Nikola Kozlevo. Las actividades del proyecto incluyen el trabajo activo con niños y estudiantes romaníes. Se formarán grupos para actividades adicionales en búlgaro, se seguirá trabajando con graduados y trabajarán activamente con padres de la comunidad romaní. (Spanish)
    15 January 2022
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