“Increasing energy efficiency in the residential sector in the city of Karnobat — 2” (Q3885427): Difference between revisions

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Property / instance of
Property / instance of: Kohesio project / rank
Normal rank
Property / financed by
Property / financed by: European Union / rank
Normal rank
Property / country
Property / country: Bulgaria / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
1,172,785.51 Bulgarian lev
Amount1,172,785.51 Bulgarian lev
UnitBulgarian lev
Property / budget: 1,172,785.51 Bulgarian lev / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
598,120.61 Euro
Amount598,120.61 Euro
Property / budget: 598,120.61 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / budget: 598,120.61 Euro / qualifier
exchange rate to Euro: 0.51 Euro
Amount0.51 Euro
Property / budget: 598,120.61 Euro / qualifier
point in time: 1 December 2021
Precision1 day
Property / EU contribution
996,867.68 Bulgarian lev
Amount996,867.68 Bulgarian lev
UnitBulgarian lev
Property / EU contribution: 996,867.68 Bulgarian lev / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
508,402.52 Euro
Amount508,402.52 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 508,402.52 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution: 508,402.52 Euro / qualifier
exchange rate to Euro: 0.51 Euro
Amount0.51 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 508,402.52 Euro / qualifier
point in time: 1 December 2021
Precision1 day
Property / start time
6 March 2019
Precision1 day
Property / start time: 6 March 2019 / rank
Normal rank
Property / end time
29 January 2021
Precision1 day
Property / end time: 29 January 2021 / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary
Property / beneficiary: Q3885413 / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Energy efficiency renovation of existing housing stock, demonstration projects and supporting measures / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Generic productive investment in small and medium–sized enterprises (‘SMEs’) / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Research and innovation processes in large enterprises / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Natural gas / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Productive investment linked to the cooperation between large enterprises and SMEs for developing information and communication technology (‘ICT’) products and services, e-commerce and enhancing demand for ICT / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Natural gas (TEN-E) / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Railways (TEN-T comprehensive) / rank
Normal rank
Property / location (string)
Property / location (string): Карнобат / rank
Normal rank
Property / fund
Property / fund: European Regional Development Fund / rank
Normal rank
Property / programme
Property / programme: Regions in Growth - BG - ERDF / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
42°38'59.50"N, 26°58'56.32"E
Property / coordinate location: 42°38'59.50"N, 26°58'56.32"E / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Бургас / rank
Normal rank
Property / co-financing rate
85.0 percent
Amount85.0 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 85.0 percent / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 17:46, 19 May 2022

Project Q3885427 in Bulgaria
Language Label Description Also known as
“Increasing energy efficiency in the residential sector in the city of Karnobat — 2”
Project Q3885427 in Bulgaria


    Проектното предложение предвижда ремонт и внедряване на мерки за енергийна ефективност на 3 броя многофамилни жилищни сгради на територията на град Карнобат. Целта на проекта е обновените жилищни среди чрез внедряването на мерки за енергийна ефективност да допринесат за повишаване на енергийната ефективност в жилищния сектор в град Карнобат. По този начин ще се подобри привлекателността на градския ареал и осигури адекватно качество на живот. Целевите групи към които е насочен проекта са 78 броя домакинства, преминали в по-горен клас на енергопотребление, 219 живущи в сградите обект на интервенция, както и собствениците на 1 броя стопански обект. Внедрените мерки за енергийна ефективност в многофамилните жилищни сгради ще допринесат за: по-високо ниво на енергийната ефективност на многофамилните жилищни сгради и намаляване на разходите за енергия; подобряване на експлоатационните характеристики и удължаване на жизнения цикъл на сградите. (Bulgarian)
    0 references
    The project proposal provides for the renovation and implementation of energy efficiency measures of 3 multi-family residential buildings on the territory of Karnobat. The project aims to renovated residential environments through the implementation of energy efficiency measures to contribute to energy efficiency in the residential sector in the city of Karnobat. This will improve the attractiveness of the urban area and ensure an adequate quality of life. The target groups for which the project is targeted are 78 households with a higher energy consumption class, 219 residents of the buildings subject to intervention, as well as the owners of 1 business establishment. The energy efficiency measures implemented in multi-apartment buildings will contribute to: improving the energy efficiency of multi-apartment buildings and reducing energy costs; improving the performance and extending the life cycle of buildings. (English)
    2 December 2021
    0 references
    La proposition de projet prévoit la rénovation et la mise en œuvre de mesures d’efficacité énergétique de 3 bâtiments résidentiels multifamiliaux sur le territoire de Karnobat. Le projet vise à rénover les environnements résidentiels grâce à la mise en œuvre de mesures d’efficacité énergétique pour contribuer à l’efficacité énergétique dans le secteur résidentiel de la ville de Karnobat. Cela améliorera l’attractivité de la zone urbaine et assurera une qualité de vie adéquate. Les groupes cibles pour lesquels le projet est ciblé sont 78 ménages ayant une classe de consommation d’énergie plus élevée, 219 résidents des bâtiments faisant l’objet d’une intervention, ainsi que les propriétaires d’un établissement commercial. Les mesures d’efficacité énergétique mises en œuvre dans les bâtiments à appartements multiples contribueront à: améliorer l’efficacité énergétique des bâtiments à appartements multiples et réduire les coûts énergétiques; améliorer la performance et prolonger le cycle de vie des bâtiments. (French)
    3 December 2021
    0 references
    Der Projektvorschlag sieht die Renovierung und Durchführung von Energieeffizienzmaßnahmen von drei Mehrfamilienhäusern auf dem Gebiet von Karnobat vor. Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, Wohnumgebungen durch die Umsetzung von Energieeffizienzmaßnahmen zu sanieren, um zur Energieeffizienz im Wohnsektor in der Stadt Karnobat beizutragen. Dies wird die Attraktivität des städtischen Raums verbessern und eine angemessene Lebensqualität gewährleisten. Zielgruppe des Projekts sind 78 Haushalte mit einer höheren Energieverbrauchsklasse, 219 Bewohner der einsatzpflichtigen Gebäude sowie die Eigentümer einer Betriebsstätte. Die Energieeffizienzmaßnahmen in Mehrfamilienhäusern werden zu Folgendem beitragen: Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz von Mehrfamilienhäusern und Senkung der Energiekosten; Verbesserung der Leistung und Verlängerung des Lebenszyklus von Gebäuden. (German)
    4 December 2021
    0 references
    Het projectvoorstel voorziet in de renovatie en uitvoering van energie-efficiëntiemaatregelen voor 3 meergezinswoningen op het grondgebied van Karnobat. Het project heeft tot doel woonomgevingen te renoveren door middel van energie-efficiëntiemaatregelen om bij te dragen aan energie-efficiëntie in de woonsector in de stad Karnobat. Dit zal de aantrekkelijkheid van het stedelijke gebied verbeteren en zorgen voor een adequate levenskwaliteit. De doelgroepen waarvoor het project is gericht, zijn 78 huishoudens met een hogere energieverbruiksklasse, 219 inwoners van de gebouwen waarvoor steun wordt verleend, en de eigenaren van 1 bedrijfsvestiging. De maatregelen op het gebied van energie-efficiëntie in appartementengebouwen zullen bijdragen tot: verbetering van de energie-efficiëntie van appartementengebouwen en vermindering van de energiekosten; verbetering van de prestaties en verlenging van de levenscyclus van gebouwen. (Dutch)
    12 December 2021
    0 references
    La proposta di progetto prevede la ristrutturazione e l'attuazione di misure di efficienza energetica di 3 edifici residenziali plurifamiliari sul territorio di Karnobat. Il progetto mira a ristrutturare gli ambienti residenziali attraverso l'attuazione di misure di efficienza energetica per contribuire all'efficienza energetica nel settore residenziale nella città di Karnobat. Ciò migliorerà l'attrattiva dell'area urbana e garantirà un'adeguata qualità di vita. I gruppi destinatari del progetto sono 78 famiglie con una classe di consumo energetico più elevata, 219 residenti degli edifici soggetti all'intervento, nonché i proprietari di uno stabilimento imprenditoriale. Le misure di efficienza energetica attuate negli edifici condominiali contribuiranno a: migliorare l'efficienza energetica degli edifici condominiali e ridurre i costi energetici; migliorare le prestazioni e prolungare il ciclo di vita degli edifici. (Italian)
    14 January 2022
    0 references
    La propuesta de proyecto prevé la renovación y aplicación de medidas de eficiencia energética de tres edificios residenciales multifamiliares en el territorio de Karnobat. El proyecto tiene por objeto renovar los entornos residenciales mediante la aplicación de medidas de eficiencia energética para contribuir a la eficiencia energética en el sector residencial de la ciudad de Karnobat. Esto mejorará el atractivo de la zona urbana y garantizará una calidad de vida adecuada. Los grupos destinatarios para los que se dirige el proyecto son 78 hogares con una clase de consumo de energía más elevado, 219 residentes de los edificios sujetos a intervención, así como los propietarios de 1 establecimiento empresarial. Las medidas de eficiencia energética aplicadas en los edificios de apartamentos contribuirán a: mejorar la eficiencia energética de los edificios de apartamentos múltiples y reducir los costes energéticos; mejorar el rendimiento y ampliar el ciclo de vida de los edificios. (Spanish)
    15 January 2022
    0 references


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