A world of opportunities (Q4039635): Difference between revisions
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(Removed claim: summary (P836): Background The hospitality industry is one of the largest industries and it is growing faster than GDP. It is expected to double its turnover over the next ten-year period. The competence requirements in hotels and restaurants are increasing sharply, while staff turnover is high. One problem is that those employed in the industry generally get no skills development. A large number of these employees are also foreign-born and do not have Swedi...) |
(Removed claim: summary (P836): Background The hospitality industry is one of the largest industries and it is growing faster than GDP. It is expected to double its turnover over the next ten-year period. The competence requirements in hotels and restaurants are increasing sharply, while staff turnover is high. One problem is that employed in the industry generally get no skills development. A large number of these employees are also foreign-born and do not have Swedish as...) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Background The hospitality industry is one of the largest industries and it is growing faster than GDP. It is expected to double its turnover over the next ten-year period. The competence requirements in hotels and restaurants are increasing sharply, while staff turnover is high. One problem is that employed in the industry generally get no skills development. A large number of these employees are also foreign-born and do not have Swedish as their mother tongue, which causes them to have a weaker position in the workplace. One of the most important challenges for the future is how the industry should attract, recruit and retain the best skills. At an individual level, the target group must be matched to competence development that meets the needs of the business and the individual for professional qualifications and competence. A reduced skills gap increases competitiveness and growth opportunities for the industry that can contribute to the necessary structural changes needed in the labour market in the Småland and islands regions of Sweden. Where companies have a higher level of competence, increased supply of staff and more people are included regardless of sex, ethnicity and age. Method Local and regional skills enhancing efforts based on mapped competence needs in collaboration with participating companies, including both employers and employees in the region’s hotel and restaurant companies, regardless of their form of employment and duration. Project owner The project owner is the Hotel and Restaurant Workers’ Union which has a unique position within the industry and the region, due to its extensive experience in trade competence issues for individuals and business development. The Hotel and Restaurant Workers’ Union is one of the organisations in the Education and Traning Council for Hotels and Restaurants, which also includes the Hotel and Restaurant employer organisation, among others. In addition, companies and authorities in the region actively participate in this significant and important venture. Start Date: 2018-04-03. End Date: 2021-04-30 (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Background The hospitality industry is one of the largest industries and it is growing faster than GDP. It is expected to double its turnover over the next ten-year period. The competence requirements in hotels and restaurants are increasing sharply, while staff turnover is high. One problem is that employed in the industry generally get no skills development. A large number of these employees are also foreign-born and do not have Swedish as their mother tongue, which causes them to have a weaker position in the workplace. One of the most important challenges for the future is how the industry should attract, recruit and retain the best skills. At an individual level, the target group must be matched to competence development that meets the needs of the business and the individual for professional qualifications and competence. A reduced skills gap increases competitiveness and growth opportunities for the industry that can contribute to the necessary structural changes needed in the labour market in the Småland and islands regions of Sweden. Where companies have a higher level of competence, increased supply of staff and more people are included regardless of sex, ethnicity and age. Method Local and regional skills enhancing efforts based on mapped competence needs in collaboration with participating companies, including both employers and employees in the region’s hotel and restaurant companies, regardless of their form of employment and duration. Project owner The project owner is the Hotel and Restaurant Workers’ Union which has a unique position within the industry and the region, due to its extensive experience in trade competence issues for individuals and business development. The Hotel and Restaurant Workers’ Union is one of the organisations in the Education and Traning Council for Hotels and Restaurants, which also includes the Hotel and Restaurant employer organisation, among others. In addition, companies and authorities in the region actively participate in this significant and important venture. Start Date: 2018-04-03. End Date: 2021-04-30 (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
Revision as of 09:06, 10 February 2022
Project Q4039635 in Sweden
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | A world of opportunities |
Project Q4039635 in Sweden |
4,113,223.0 Swedish krona
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8,226,446.0 Swedish krona
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2 April 2018
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31 January 2021
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Hotell- och restaurangfacket förbundskontor
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Hintergrund Die Hotellerie ist eine der größten Branchen und wächst schneller als das BIP. Es wird erwartet, dass sie ihren Umsatz in den nächsten zehn Jahren verdoppeln wird. Die Kompetenzanforderungen in Hotels und Restaurants nehmen stark zu, während die Mitarbeiterfluktuation hoch ist. Ein Problem ist, dass in der Industrie in der Regel keine Kompetenzentwicklung erhalten. Eine große Zahl dieser Arbeitnehmer ist auch im Ausland geboren und hat kein Schwedisch als Muttersprache, was sie zu einer schwächeren Position am Arbeitsplatz führt. Eine der wichtigsten Herausforderungen für die Zukunft ist, wie die Branche die besten Kompetenzen gewinnen, rekrutieren und erhalten sollte. Auf individueller Ebene muss die Zielgruppe auf die Kompetenzentwicklung abgestimmt werden, die den Bedürfnissen des Unternehmens und der Person nach beruflicher Qualifikation und Kompetenz entspricht. Ein verringertes Qualifikationsgefälle erhöht die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Wachstumschancen für die Industrie, die zu den notwendigen strukturellen Veränderungen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt in den Småland- und Inselregionen Schwedens beitragen kann. Wo Unternehmen über ein höheres Maß an Kompetenz verfügen, sind ein erhöhtes Personalangebot und mehr Menschen unabhängig von Geschlecht, ethnischer Zugehörigkeit und Alter einbezogen. Methode Lokale und regionale Kompetenzen zur Verbesserung der Anstrengungen auf der Grundlage des kartierten Kompetenzbedarfs in Zusammenarbeit mit teilnehmenden Unternehmen, einschließlich Arbeitgebern und Arbeitnehmern in den Hotel- und Gaststättenunternehmen der Region, unabhängig von ihrer Beschäftigungsform und Dauer. Projektträger Der Projekteigentümer ist die Hotel- und Restaurantarbeiterunion, die aufgrund seiner umfangreichen Erfahrung in Fragen der Fachkompetenz für Einzelpersonen und Unternehmen eine einzigartige Position innerhalb der Branche und in der Region hat. Das Hotel and Restaurant Workers’ Union ist eine der Organisationen im Bildungs- und Traning-Rat für Hotels und Restaurants, zu dem unter anderem auch die Arbeitgeberorganisation Hotel und Restaurant gehört. Darüber hinaus beteiligen sich Unternehmen und Behörden der Region aktiv an diesem bedeutenden und wichtigen Vorhaben. Startdatum: 2018-04-03. Enddatum: 2021-04-30 (German)
27 January 2022
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Achtergrond De horeca is een van de grootste industrieën en groeit sneller dan het BBP. Verwacht wordt dat de omzet in de volgende periode van tien jaar zal verdubbelen. De competentievereisten in hotels en restaurants nemen sterk toe, terwijl het personeelsverloop hoog is. Een probleem is dat werknemers in de industrie over het algemeen geen ontwikkeling van vaardigheden krijgen. Een groot aantal van deze werknemers is ook in het buitenland geboren en heeft geen Zweeds als moedertaal, waardoor ze een zwakkere positie op de werkplek hebben. Een van de belangrijkste uitdagingen voor de toekomst is hoe de industrie de beste vaardigheden moet aantrekken, aanwerven en behouden. Op individueel niveau moet de doelgroep worden afgestemd op competentieontwikkeling die voldoet aan de behoeften van het bedrijf en het individu op het gebied van beroepskwalificaties en vakbekwaamheid. Een kleinere vaardigheidskloof vergroot het concurrentievermogen en de groeikansen voor de industrie, die kunnen bijdragen tot de noodzakelijke structurele veranderingen op de arbeidsmarkt in het Småland en de eilanden in Zweden. Wanneer bedrijven een hoger competentieniveau hebben, zijn er meer personeel en meer mensen inbegrepen, ongeacht geslacht, etniciteit en leeftijd. Methode Lokale en regionale vaardigheden verhogen inspanningen op basis van in kaart gebrachte competentiebehoeften in samenwerking met deelnemende bedrijven, met inbegrip van zowel werkgevers als werknemers in de hotel- en restaurantbedrijven in de regio, ongeacht hun vorm van werkgelegenheid en duur. Projecteigenaar De projecteigenaar is de Hotel and Restaurant Workers’ Union, die een unieke positie heeft in de industrie en de regio, vanwege zijn uitgebreide ervaring in handelscompetentiekwesties voor particulieren en zakelijke ontwikkeling. De Hotel and Restaurant Workers’ Union is een van de organisaties in de Onderwijs- en Traningraad voor hotels en restaurants, waaronder ook de werkgeversorganisatie van Hotel en Restaurant. Daarnaast nemen bedrijven en overheden in de regio actief deel aan deze belangrijke en belangrijke onderneming. Begindatum: 2018-04-03. Einddatum: 2021-04-30 (Dutch)
27 January 2022
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Contesto L'industria alberghiera è una delle più grandi industrie e sta crescendo più velocemente del PIL. Si prevede che raddoppierà il suo fatturato nei prossimi dieci anni. I requisiti di competenza negli alberghi e nei ristoranti sono in forte aumento, mentre l'avvicendamento del personale è elevato. Un problema è che gli impiegati nell'industria generalmente non ottengono sviluppo delle competenze. Molti di questi dipendenti sono anche nati all'estero e non hanno lo svedese come lingua madre, il che li induce ad avere una posizione più debole sul posto di lavoro. Una delle sfide più importanti per il futuro è il modo in cui l'industria dovrebbe attrarre, reclutare e mantenere le migliori competenze. A livello individuale, il gruppo destinatario deve essere abbinato a uno sviluppo delle competenze che soddisfi le esigenze dell'impresa e dell'individuo in materia di qualifiche e competenze professionali. Una riduzione del divario di competenze aumenta la competitività e le opportunità di crescita per l'industria, in grado di contribuire ai necessari cambiamenti strutturali necessari nel mercato del lavoro nelle regioni Småland e insulari della Svezia. Dove le imprese hanno un livello di competenza più elevato, l'aumento dell'offerta di personale e un maggior numero di persone sono inclusi indipendentemente dal sesso, dall'etnia e dall'età. Metodo Le competenze locali e regionali rafforzano gli sforzi basati sulle esigenze di competenza mappate in collaborazione con le imprese partecipanti, compresi i datori di lavoro e i dipendenti delle aziende alberghiere e di ristorazione della regione, indipendentemente dalla loro forma di occupazione e durata. Proprietario del progetto Il titolare del progetto è il sindacato dei lavoratori degli hotel e dei ristoranti che occupa una posizione unica all'interno dell'industria e della regione, grazie alla sua vasta esperienza nelle questioni di competenza commerciale per gli individui e lo sviluppo aziendale. L'Unione dei Lavoratori di Hotel e Ristorante è una delle organizzazioni del Consiglio per l'Istruzione e il Traning per alberghi e ristoranti, che comprende anche l'organizzazione di datori di lavoro di hotel e ristorante, tra gli altri. Inoltre, le imprese e le autorità della regione partecipano attivamente a questa importante e importante impresa. Data di inizio: 2018-04-03. Data di fine: 2021-04-30 (Italian)
27 January 2022
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Antecedentes La industria de la hostelería es una de las industrias más grandes y está creciendo más rápido que el PIB. Se espera que duplique su volumen de negocios en el próximo período de diez años. Los requisitos de competencia en hoteles y restaurantes están aumentando considerablemente, mientras que la rotación del personal es elevada. Un problema es que los empleados en la industria generalmente no obtienen desarrollo de habilidades. Un gran número de estos empleados también nacen en el extranjero y no tienen el sueco como lengua materna, lo que les hace tener una posición más débil en el lugar de trabajo. Uno de los retos más importantes para el futuro es cómo la industria debe atraer, contratar y conservar las mejores habilidades. A nivel individual, el grupo destinatario debe estar adaptado al desarrollo de competencias que satisfaga las necesidades de la empresa y de la persona en materia de cualificaciones y competencias profesionales. La reducción de la brecha de cualificaciones aumenta la competitividad y las oportunidades de crecimiento para la industria, lo que puede contribuir a los cambios estructurales necesarios en el mercado laboral de las regiones de Småland e islas de Suecia. Cuando las empresas tienen un mayor nivel de competencia, se incluye una mayor oferta de personal y más personas, independientemente del sexo, la etnia y la edad. Método Las competencias locales y regionales mejoran los esfuerzos basados en las necesidades de competencias cartográficas en colaboración con las empresas participantes, incluidos los empleadores y los empleados de las empresas hoteleras y de restaurantes de la región, independientemente de su forma de empleo y duración. Propietario del proyecto El propietario del proyecto es el Sindicato de Trabajadores de Hoteles y Restaurantes que tiene una posición única dentro de la industria y la región, debido a su amplia experiencia en temas de competencia comercial para individuos y desarrollo de negocios. El Sindicato de Trabajadores de Hoteles y Restaurantes es una de las organizaciones del Consejo de Educación y Transcripción de Hoteles y Restaurantes, que también incluye la organización patronal de Hoteles y Restaurantes, entre otras. Además, empresas y autoridades de la región participan activamente en esta importante e importante empresa. Fecha de inicio: 2018-04-03. Fecha de finalización: 2021-04-30 (Spanish)
27 January 2022
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