The way to the labour market (Q3958596): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
The flagship project VEKOP 8.1.1 Towards a path to the labour market announced in the framework of the Competitive Central Hungary Operational Programme aims to improve the employability of jobseekers and inactive people aged over 25, in particular those with low educational qualifications, to support their open labour market placement, to improve the efficiency of labour market instruments and to facilitate the transition from public employment to the competitive sector for those public workers who are able and willing to work in the competitive sector. The project will contribute to increasing open labour market employment and meeting the labour needs of the economy by providing tailor-made employment support tools (e.g. targeted labour market training, labour market services, temporary support for employment costs) and by improving the availability, quality and efficiency of labour market services for jobseekers and employers. At least 10 017 registered jobseekers and inactive people will be included in the flagship programme. 33 % of the enlisted, with 3 303 of the ISCED 1-2 graduates. At the time of exit from the project, more than 49 % of the participants will be employed, 4 966 employees. Upon leaving the project, at least 50 % of the ISCED 1-2 graduates, 1 652 will obtain a qualification. 6 months after leaving the project, 30 % of those involved will be employed, with 3 006 employees (including the self-employed). Through the development, modernisation of labour market services and organisational development elements, the NFSZ will be able to better facilitate the integration and reintegration of the unemployed into the labour market and the management of labour market transitions. The flagship project will ensure access to EURES services in all counties. Target groups of the labour market part of the priority project based on the call for design: — Registered jobseekers and inactive persons aged 25-64 — public employees who are in the competitive sector with the help of wage subsidies and labour market services provided under the project — Jobseekers aged 25-30 — jobseekers with low educational attainment (ISCED 1-2) — jobseekers returning to the labour market after childcare or care for a relative — jobseekers over 50 — leaving public employment — are registered as long-term jobseekers (at least 6 months). The share of priority target groups should reach 50 % of all participants. Presentation of the technical content of the project The content of the project and the nature of the activities can be divided into two parts. Most of the activities planned under the project, and thus the vast majority of the costs, are directed towards the implementation of a labour market programme to help the target group reach the open labour market. Another part of the project, which is closely linked to the labour market programme, aims to make the services provided by the Public Employment Services accessible, improve the quality and efficiency of the services and strengthen the targeting of services and support through the profiling system. In the 2007-2013 period, service and organisational development and labour market programmes were implemented through separate projects. Experience has shown that this has made it very difficult to translate developments into day-to-day practice and to adapt the content of the developments to practical needs. Therefore, in the 2014-2020 period, developments are carried out within the same framework as the labour market programmes. In order to ensure the availability of services, it is necessary to include in the organisational development elements the possibility to finance general labour market services and professional activities available to all jobseekers, including those who will not participate in the labour market programme. Typically, these activities include the proper functioning of the profiling system, the provision of the necessary professional capacities, the development of individual development plans, job search and placement (including EURES services) and the provision of information on the labour market. We also plan to provide personalised services to participants within the labour market programme. The detailed content of the activities planned under the priority project, the justification of the priority project and its alignment with EU and domestic policy objectives are set out in detail in the feasibility study and the attached annexes. (English)
Property / summary: The flagship project VEKOP 8.1.1 Towards a path to the labour market announced in the framework of the Competitive Central Hungary Operational Programme aims to improve the employability of jobseekers and inactive people aged over 25, in particular those with low educational qualifications, to support their open labour market placement, to improve the efficiency of labour market instruments and to facilitate the transition from public employment to the competitive sector for those public workers who are able and willing to work in the competitive sector. The project will contribute to increasing open labour market employment and meeting the labour needs of the economy by providing tailor-made employment support tools (e.g. targeted labour market training, labour market services, temporary support for employment costs) and by improving the availability, quality and efficiency of labour market services for jobseekers and employers. At least 10 017 registered jobseekers and inactive people will be included in the flagship programme. 33 % of the enlisted, with 3 303 of the ISCED 1-2 graduates. At the time of exit from the project, more than 49 % of the participants will be employed, 4 966 employees. Upon leaving the project, at least 50 % of the ISCED 1-2 graduates, 1 652 will obtain a qualification. 6 months after leaving the project, 30 % of those involved will be employed, with 3 006 employees (including the self-employed). Through the development, modernisation of labour market services and organisational development elements, the NFSZ will be able to better facilitate the integration and reintegration of the unemployed into the labour market and the management of labour market transitions. The flagship project will ensure access to EURES services in all counties. Target groups of the labour market part of the priority project based on the call for design: — Registered jobseekers and inactive persons aged 25-64 — public employees who are in the competitive sector with the help of wage subsidies and labour market services provided under the project — Jobseekers aged 25-30 — jobseekers with low educational attainment (ISCED 1-2) — jobseekers returning to the labour market after childcare or care for a relative — jobseekers over 50 — leaving public employment — are registered as long-term jobseekers (at least 6 months). The share of priority target groups should reach 50 % of all participants. Presentation of the technical content of the project The content of the project and the nature of the activities can be divided into two parts. Most of the activities planned under the project, and thus the vast majority of the costs, are directed towards the implementation of a labour market programme to help the target group reach the open labour market. Another part of the project, which is closely linked to the labour market programme, aims to make the services provided by the Public Employment Services accessible, improve the quality and efficiency of the services and strengthen the targeting of services and support through the profiling system. In the 2007-2013 period, service and organisational development and labour market programmes were implemented through separate projects. Experience has shown that this has made it very difficult to translate developments into day-to-day practice and to adapt the content of the developments to practical needs. Therefore, in the 2014-2020 period, developments are carried out within the same framework as the labour market programmes. In order to ensure the availability of services, it is necessary to include in the organisational development elements the possibility to finance general labour market services and professional activities available to all jobseekers, including those who will not participate in the labour market programme. Typically, these activities include the proper functioning of the profiling system, the provision of the necessary professional capacities, the development of individual development plans, job search and placement (including EURES services) and the provision of information on the labour market. We also plan to provide personalised services to participants within the labour market programme. The detailed content of the activities planned under the priority project, the justification of the priority project and its alignment with EU and domestic policy objectives are set out in detail in the feasibility study and the attached annexes. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The flagship project VEKOP 8.1.1 Towards a path to the labour market announced in the framework of the Competitive Central Hungary Operational Programme aims to improve the employability of jobseekers and inactive people aged over 25, in particular those with low educational qualifications, to support their open labour market placement, to improve the efficiency of labour market instruments and to facilitate the transition from public employment to the competitive sector for those public workers who are able and willing to work in the competitive sector. The project will contribute to increasing open labour market employment and meeting the labour needs of the economy by providing tailor-made employment support tools (e.g. targeted labour market training, labour market services, temporary support for employment costs) and by improving the availability, quality and efficiency of labour market services for jobseekers and employers. At least 10 017 registered jobseekers and inactive people will be included in the flagship programme. 33 % of the enlisted, with 3 303 of the ISCED 1-2 graduates. At the time of exit from the project, more than 49 % of the participants will be employed, 4 966 employees. Upon leaving the project, at least 50 % of the ISCED 1-2 graduates, 1 652 will obtain a qualification. 6 months after leaving the project, 30 % of those involved will be employed, with 3 006 employees (including the self-employed). Through the development, modernisation of labour market services and organisational development elements, the NFSZ will be able to better facilitate the integration and reintegration of the unemployed into the labour market and the management of labour market transitions. The flagship project will ensure access to EURES services in all counties. Target groups of the labour market part of the priority project based on the call for design: — Registered jobseekers and inactive persons aged 25-64 — public employees who are in the competitive sector with the help of wage subsidies and labour market services provided under the project — Jobseekers aged 25-30 — jobseekers with low educational attainment (ISCED 1-2) — jobseekers returning to the labour market after childcare or care for a relative — jobseekers over 50 — leaving public employment — are registered as long-term jobseekers (at least 6 months). The share of priority target groups should reach 50 % of all participants. Presentation of the technical content of the project The content of the project and the nature of the activities can be divided into two parts. Most of the activities planned under the project, and thus the vast majority of the costs, are directed towards the implementation of a labour market programme to help the target group reach the open labour market. Another part of the project, which is closely linked to the labour market programme, aims to make the services provided by the Public Employment Services accessible, improve the quality and efficiency of the services and strengthen the targeting of services and support through the profiling system. In the 2007-2013 period, service and organisational development and labour market programmes were implemented through separate projects. Experience has shown that this has made it very difficult to translate developments into day-to-day practice and to adapt the content of the developments to practical needs. Therefore, in the 2014-2020 period, developments are carried out within the same framework as the labour market programmes. In order to ensure the availability of services, it is necessary to include in the organisational development elements the possibility to finance general labour market services and professional activities available to all jobseekers, including those who will not participate in the labour market programme. Typically, these activities include the proper functioning of the profiling system, the provision of the necessary professional capacities, the development of individual development plans, job search and placement (including EURES services) and the provision of information on the labour market. We also plan to provide personalised services to participants within the labour market programme. The detailed content of the activities planned under the priority project, the justification of the priority project and its alignment with EU and domestic policy objectives are set out in detail in the feasibility study and the attached annexes. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 9 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 18:08, 9 February 2022

Project Q3958596 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
The way to the labour market
Project Q3958596 in Hungary


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    50,354,474.1 Euro
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    47°29'30.62"N, 18°58'44.15"E
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    A Versenyképes Közép-Magyarország Operatív Program keretében meghirdetett VEKOP 8.1.1 Út a munkaerőpiacra című kiemelt projekt célja a 25 év feletti álláskeresők és inaktívak, különösen az alacsony iskolai végzettségűek foglalkoztathatóságának javítása, nyílt munkaerő-piaci elhelyezkedésének támogatása, a munkaerő-piaci eszközök hatékonyságának javítása, valamint a közfoglalkoztatásból a versenyszférába való átlépés elősegítése azon közfoglalkoztatottak esetében, akik képessé tehetők és készek munkát vállalni a versenyszférában. A projekt hozzájárul a nyílt munkaerő-piaci foglalkoztatás bővítéséhez és a gazdaság munkaerőigényének kielégítéséhez egyrészt személyre szabott, foglalkoztatást támogató eszközök nyújtása révén (pl. célzott munkaerő-piaci képzés, munkaerő-piaci szolgáltatások, a foglalkoztatás költségeinek átmeneti támogatása), másrészt az álláskeresőknek és a munkáltatóknak nyújtott munkaerő-piaci szolgáltatások elérhetőségének, minőségének, hatékonyságának javítása révén. A kiemelt programba legalább 10 017 regisztrált álláskereső és inaktív személy bevonására kerül sor. A bevontak 33%-a, 3 303 fő az ISCED 1-2 végzettséggel rendelkezők köréből fog kikerülni. A projektből való kilépés időpontjában a részvevők több mint 49%-a, 4 966 fő lesz foglalkoztatott. A projektből való kilépéskor az ISCED 1-2 végzettséggel rendelkezők legalább 50%-a, 1 652 fő fog végzettséget szerezni. A projektből való kilépés után 6 hónappal a bevontak 30%-a, 3 006 fő lesz foglalkoztatott (beleértve az önfoglalkoztatottakat is). A munkaerő-piaci szolgáltatások fejlesztése, korszerűsítése és a szervezetfejlesztési elemek révén az NFSZ hatékonyabban fogja tudni elősegíteni a munkanélküliek munkaerőpiacra való be- illetve visszailleszkedését, a munkaerőpiaci átmenetek kezelését. A kiemelt projektnek köszönhetően minden megyében biztosított lesz az EURES szolgáltatásokhoz való hozzáférés. A kiemelt projekt munkaerő-piaci programrészének célcsoportjai a tervezési felhívás alapján: - 25-64 év közötti regisztrált álláskeresők és inaktív személyek - közfoglalkoztatottak, akik a projekt keretében biztosított bértámogatások és munkaerő-piaci szolgáltatások segítségével a versenyszférában helyezkednek el Kiemelt célcsoportok: - 25-30 év közötti pályakezdő álláskeresők - alacsony iskolai végzettségű (ISCED 1-2) álláskeresők - gyermekgondozás vagy hozzátartozó ápolását követően a munkaerőpiacra visszatérő álláskeresők - 50 feletti álláskeresők - közfoglalkoztatásból kilépők - tartós (legalább 6 hónapja) álláskeresőként nyilvántartottak. A kiemelt célcsoportokba tartozók arányának az összes résztvevőn belül el kell érnie az 50%-ot. A projekt szakmai tartalmának bemutatása A projekt tartalmát, a tevékenységek jellegét tekintve két részre bontható. A projekt keretében tervezett tevékenységek döntő része, és így a költségek túlnyomó hányada is a célcsoport nyílt munkaerő-piaci elhelyezkedését segítő munkaerő-piaci program megvalósítására irányul. A projekt másik – céljait tekintve a munkaerő-piaci programmal szorosan összekapcsolódó része – a Nemzeti Foglalkoztatási Szolgálat által nyújtott szolgáltatások hozzáférhetővé tételét, minőségének, hatékonyságának javítását szolgálja, valamint a profiling rendszeren keresztül erősíti a szolgáltatások és támogatások célzottságát. A 2007-2013-as időszakban a szolgáltatás- és szervezetfejlesztés és a munkaerő-piaci programok elkülönült projektek keretében valósultak meg. Ez a tapasztalatok szerint jelentősen megnehezítette a fejlesztések átültetését a napi gyakorlatba, valamint a fejlesztések tartalmának a gyakorlati igényekhez igazítását. Ezért a 2014-2020-as időszakban a fejlesztéseket a munkaerő-piaci programokkal egységes keretek között megvalósítjuk meg. A szolgáltatások elérhetőségének biztosítása érdekében szükséges, hogy a szervezetfejlesztési elemek között olyan általános munkaerő-piaci szolgáltatások és szakmai tevékenységek finanszírozására is lehetőség legyen, amelyek minden álláskereső számára elérhetőek, beleértve azokat is, akik a munkaerő-piaci programnak nem lesznek résztvevői. Jellemzően ezek közé a tevékenységek közé tartozik a profiling rendszer megfelelő működtetése, az ehhez szükséges szakmai kapacitások biztosítása, az egyéni fejlesztési tervek kidolgozása, az állásfeltárás és -közvetítés (beleértve az EURES szolgáltatásokat is), valamint a munkaerő-piaci információk nyújtása. Emellett a munkaerő-piaci programon belül a résztvevők számára személyre szabott szolgáltatásokat is tervezünk biztosítani. A kiemelt projekt keretében tervezett tevékenységek részletes tartalmát, a kiemelt projekt indokoltságát, az uniós és hazai szakpolitikai célkitűzésekhez való illeszkedését a megvalósíthatósági tanulmány és a csatolt mellékletei tartalmazzák részletesen. (Hungarian)
    0 references
    The flagship project VEKOP 8.1.1 Towards a path to the labour market announced in the framework of the Competitive Central Hungary Operational Programme aims to improve the employability of jobseekers and inactive people aged over 25, in particular those with low educational qualifications, to support their open labour market placement, to improve the efficiency of labour market instruments and to facilitate the transition from public employment to the competitive sector for those public workers who are able and willing to work in the competitive sector. The project will contribute to increasing open labour market employment and meeting the labour needs of the economy by providing tailor-made employment support tools (e.g. targeted labour market training, labour market services, temporary support for employment costs) and by improving the availability, quality and efficiency of labour market services for jobseekers and employers. At least 10 017 registered jobseekers and inactive people will be included in the flagship programme. 33 % of the enlisted, with 3 303 of the ISCED 1-2 graduates. At the time of exit from the project, more than 49 % of the participants will be employed, 4 966 employees. Upon leaving the project, at least 50 % of the ISCED 1-2 graduates, 1 652 will obtain a qualification. 6 months after leaving the project, 30 % of those involved will be employed, with 3 006 employees (including the self-employed). Through the development, modernisation of labour market services and organisational development elements, the NFSZ will be able to better facilitate the integration and reintegration of the unemployed into the labour market and the management of labour market transitions. The flagship project will ensure access to EURES services in all counties. Target groups of the labour market part of the priority project based on the call for design: — Registered jobseekers and inactive persons aged 25-64 — public employees who are in the competitive sector with the help of wage subsidies and labour market services provided under the project — Jobseekers aged 25-30 — jobseekers with low educational attainment (ISCED 1-2) — jobseekers returning to the labour market after childcare or care for a relative — jobseekers over 50 — leaving public employment — are registered as long-term jobseekers (at least 6 months). The share of priority target groups should reach 50 % of all participants. Presentation of the technical content of the project The content of the project and the nature of the activities can be divided into two parts. Most of the activities planned under the project, and thus the vast majority of the costs, are directed towards the implementation of a labour market programme to help the target group reach the open labour market. Another part of the project, which is closely linked to the labour market programme, aims to make the services provided by the Public Employment Services accessible, improve the quality and efficiency of the services and strengthen the targeting of services and support through the profiling system. In the 2007-2013 period, service and organisational development and labour market programmes were implemented through separate projects. Experience has shown that this has made it very difficult to translate developments into day-to-day practice and to adapt the content of the developments to practical needs. Therefore, in the 2014-2020 period, developments are carried out within the same framework as the labour market programmes. In order to ensure the availability of services, it is necessary to include in the organisational development elements the possibility to finance general labour market services and professional activities available to all jobseekers, including those who will not participate in the labour market programme. Typically, these activities include the proper functioning of the profiling system, the provision of the necessary professional capacities, the development of individual development plans, job search and placement (including EURES services) and the provision of information on the labour market. We also plan to provide personalised services to participants within the labour market programme. The detailed content of the activities planned under the priority project, the justification of the priority project and its alignment with EU and domestic policy objectives are set out in detail in the feasibility study and the attached annexes. (English)
    9 February 2022
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    Budapest, Budapest
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