Further development of local employment cooperation in the district of Füzesabony (Q3952429): Difference between revisions
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
The district of Füzesabony is located in 290/2014 (XI. 26.) is one of the districts to be developed according to the Government Decree, the value of a complex indicator is 32.63. The district of Füzesabonyi comprises 16 municipalities and the project will be implemented in that district. Skills shortages are creating a growing problem in the region, inadequate qualifications and the low number of workers put at risk the satisfactory completion of business processes in enterprises, which may have an impact on the effectiveness of development and expansion. The number of inhabitants in the district was 29,480 at the end of 2015, representing a decrease of 430 compared to the previous year. The population of working age was 15 279 at the end of 2015. The number of registered unemployed/registered jobseekers increased gradually since the early 2000s. The project is implemented in the consortium of the Municipality of Füzesabony and the Heves County Government Office. The Municipality of Füzesabony is responsible for the realisation. The aim of the project is to maintain jobs in the region and create jobs at local and regional level; promoting internal social balance; increasing the number of people returning to the labour market; contributing to economic growth, developing a system of labour market services and entrepreneurship advice; strengthening employment partnerships and management capacities, improving the flow of information; and promoting employment for disadvantaged groups and strengthening their labour market position. Direct target group: people living in extreme poverty and Roma; minors belonging to different social groups; women; people with disabilities and disabled working capacity; recipients of substitutable employment subsidies; people at risk of long-term unemployment, people in public works, other inactive people, elderly and retired age, cross-border workers, group redundancies, jobseekers, job changers, people with low educational attainment. 25 people will be trained under the project. At least 42 people benefit from subsidised employment, 15 work experience, 8 wage costs subsidies, 18 wage subsidies, 1 entrepreneur allowance. A total of 50 people are the direct target group who receive a service, training or subsidised employment. Planned activities: The primary objective of the project is to integrate the target group into the labour market, to promote its employment, to achieve market balance, to generate investments and to help them operate. The project carried out all mandatory activities, running the Employment Pact, increasing employment opportunities for the target group and facilitating the reintegration of the target group into the labour market. Other labour market activities that may be provided by organisations other than the county government office. It aims to contribute to improving the employment situation through professional and methodological assistance. In the case of other labour market activities, in order to meet the minimum professional requirements related to labour market services, the services organised in the framework of the TOP shall be complied with in accordance with Article 30/2000. Professional expectations set out in GM Decree (IX.15.) of the Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development. All organisations providing labour market services, who will be implementing the role of supplier, will be included in Flt. In the register of service providers established pursuant to Section 13/A(2). The feasibility study will provide an opportunity to demonstrate the complexity of the project and the human needs of the development of enterprises using TOP ERDF-supported business infrastructure will be prioritised in the target groups. The project will take into account equality objectives by its target group. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The district of Füzesabony is located in 290/2014 (XI. 26.) is one of the districts to be developed according to the Government Decree, the value of a complex indicator is 32.63. The district of Füzesabonyi comprises 16 municipalities and the project will be implemented in that district. Skills shortages are creating a growing problem in the region, inadequate qualifications and the low number of workers put at risk the satisfactory completion of business processes in enterprises, which may have an impact on the effectiveness of development and expansion. The number of inhabitants in the district was 29,480 at the end of 2015, representing a decrease of 430 compared to the previous year. The population of working age was 15 279 at the end of 2015. The number of registered unemployed/registered jobseekers increased gradually since the early 2000s. The project is implemented in the consortium of the Municipality of Füzesabony and the Heves County Government Office. The Municipality of Füzesabony is responsible for the realisation. The aim of the project is to maintain jobs in the region and create jobs at local and regional level; promoting internal social balance; increasing the number of people returning to the labour market; contributing to economic growth, developing a system of labour market services and entrepreneurship advice; strengthening employment partnerships and management capacities, improving the flow of information; and promoting employment for disadvantaged groups and strengthening their labour market position. Direct target group: people living in extreme poverty and Roma; minors belonging to different social groups; women; people with disabilities and disabled working capacity; recipients of substitutable employment subsidies; people at risk of long-term unemployment, people in public works, other inactive people, elderly and retired age, cross-border workers, group redundancies, jobseekers, job changers, people with low educational attainment. 25 people will be trained under the project. At least 42 people benefit from subsidised employment, 15 work experience, 8 wage costs subsidies, 18 wage subsidies, 1 entrepreneur allowance. A total of 50 people are the direct target group who receive a service, training or subsidised employment. Planned activities: The primary objective of the project is to integrate the target group into the labour market, to promote its employment, to achieve market balance, to generate investments and to help them operate. The project carried out all mandatory activities, running the Employment Pact, increasing employment opportunities for the target group and facilitating the reintegration of the target group into the labour market. Other labour market activities that may be provided by organisations other than the county government office. It aims to contribute to improving the employment situation through professional and methodological assistance. In the case of other labour market activities, in order to meet the minimum professional requirements related to labour market services, the services organised in the framework of the TOP shall be complied with in accordance with Article 30/2000. Professional expectations set out in GM Decree (IX.15.) of the Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development. All organisations providing labour market services, who will be implementing the role of supplier, will be included in Flt. In the register of service providers established pursuant to Section 13/A(2). The feasibility study will provide an opportunity to demonstrate the complexity of the project and the human needs of the development of enterprises using TOP ERDF-supported business infrastructure will be prioritised in the target groups. The project will take into account equality objectives by its target group. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The district of Füzesabony is located in 290/2014 (XI. 26.) is one of the districts to be developed according to the Government Decree, the value of a complex indicator is 32.63. The district of Füzesabonyi comprises 16 municipalities and the project will be implemented in that district. Skills shortages are creating a growing problem in the region, inadequate qualifications and the low number of workers put at risk the satisfactory completion of business processes in enterprises, which may have an impact on the effectiveness of development and expansion. The number of inhabitants in the district was 29,480 at the end of 2015, representing a decrease of 430 compared to the previous year. The population of working age was 15 279 at the end of 2015. The number of registered unemployed/registered jobseekers increased gradually since the early 2000s. The project is implemented in the consortium of the Municipality of Füzesabony and the Heves County Government Office. The Municipality of Füzesabony is responsible for the realisation. The aim of the project is to maintain jobs in the region and create jobs at local and regional level; promoting internal social balance; increasing the number of people returning to the labour market; contributing to economic growth, developing a system of labour market services and entrepreneurship advice; strengthening employment partnerships and management capacities, improving the flow of information; and promoting employment for disadvantaged groups and strengthening their labour market position. Direct target group: people living in extreme poverty and Roma; minors belonging to different social groups; women; people with disabilities and disabled working capacity; recipients of substitutable employment subsidies; people at risk of long-term unemployment, people in public works, other inactive people, elderly and retired age, cross-border workers, group redundancies, jobseekers, job changers, people with low educational attainment. 25 people will be trained under the project. At least 42 people benefit from subsidised employment, 15 work experience, 8 wage costs subsidies, 18 wage subsidies, 1 entrepreneur allowance. A total of 50 people are the direct target group who receive a service, training or subsidised employment. Planned activities: The primary objective of the project is to integrate the target group into the labour market, to promote its employment, to achieve market balance, to generate investments and to help them operate. The project carried out all mandatory activities, running the Employment Pact, increasing employment opportunities for the target group and facilitating the reintegration of the target group into the labour market. Other labour market activities that may be provided by organisations other than the county government office. It aims to contribute to improving the employment situation through professional and methodological assistance. In the case of other labour market activities, in order to meet the minimum professional requirements related to labour market services, the services organised in the framework of the TOP shall be complied with in accordance with Article 30/2000. Professional expectations set out in GM Decree (IX.15.) of the Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development. All organisations providing labour market services, who will be implementing the role of supplier, will be included in Flt. In the register of service providers established pursuant to Section 13/A(2). The feasibility study will provide an opportunity to demonstrate the complexity of the project and the human needs of the development of enterprises using TOP ERDF-supported business infrastructure will be prioritised in the target groups. The project will take into account equality objectives by its target group. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 9 February 2022
Revision as of 13:56, 9 February 2022
Project Q3952429 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Further development of local employment cooperation in the district of Füzesabony |
Project Q3952429 in Hungary |
119,000,000 forint
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382,707.584 Euro
0.0027336256 Euro
15 December 2021
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140,000,000.0 forint
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84.999997 percent
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29 June 2020
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31 December 2021
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A Füzesabonyi járás a 290/2014-es (XI. 26.) kormányrendelet értelmében fejlesztendő járások közé tartozik, komplex mutató értéke 32,63. A Füzesabonyi járás 16 települést foglal magában, a projekt megvalósítása az említett járásban történik. A szakképzett munkaerőhiány egyre nagyobb problémát okoz a térségben, a nem megfelelő végzettség, a munkavállalók alacsony létszáma a vállalkozások üzleti folyamatainak kielégítő színvonalú elvégzését veszélyezteti, mely kihatással lehet a fejlesztések és bővítések eredményességére. A lakosságszám a járásban a 2015. év végén 29 480 fő volt, mely az azt megelőző évhez képest 430 fő csökkenést jelent. A munkavállaló korú népesség száma 15 279 fő volt 2015. év végén. A regisztrált munkanélküliek/ nyilvántartott álláskeresők száma a 2000-es évek elejétől fokozatosan emelkedett. A projekt megvalósítása a Füzesabony Város Önkormányzata és a Heves Megyei Kormányhivatal konzorciumi együttműködésében történik. A megvalósulásért a Füzesabony Város Önkormányzata a felelős. A projekt célja a térségben a munkahelyek által a lakosság megtartása, munkahelyteremtés helyi és térségi szinten egyaránt; belső társadalmi kiegyenlítődés elősegítése; munkaerő-piacra visszatérők számának emelése; hozzájárulás gazdasági növekedéshez, a munkaerő-piaci szolgáltatások és vállalkozási tanácsadás rendszerének fejlesztése; a foglalkoztatási partnerségek és menedzsment kapacitások erősítése, az információáramlás javítása; és a hátrányos helyzetű csoportok foglalkoztatásának elősegítése, munkaerő-piaci helyzetük erősítése. Közvetlen célcsoport: mélyszegénységben élők és romák; a különböző társadalmi csoportokba tartozó fiatalkorúak; nők; fogyatékkal élők és megváltozott munkaképességűek; foglalkoztatást helyettesítő támogatásban részesülők; tartós munkanélküliséggel veszélyeztetettek, közmunkarendszerben lévő személyek, egyéb inaktív személyek, idős és nyugdíjas korúak, határ menti ingázók, csoportok létszámleépítésben érintettek, álláskeresők, állásváltoztatók, alacsony iskolai végzettségű személyek. A projekt keretében 25 fő részesül majd képzésben. Legalább 42 fő támogatott foglalkoztatásban, 15 fő munkatapasztalat szerzésben, 8 fő bérköltség támogatásban, 18 fő bértámogatásban, 1 fő vállalkozóvá válási támogatásban részesül. Összesen 50 fő jelenti a közvetlen célcsoporttagok azon körét, akik valamilyen szolgáltatásban, képzésben vagy támogatott foglalkoztatásban részesülnek. Tervezett tevékenységek: A projekt elsődleges célja a célcsoport munkaerő-piaci integrálása, foglalkoztatásának elősegítése, piaci egyensúly megteremtése, beruházások generálása, működésük segítése. A projekt keretében sor került valamennyi kötelező tevékenység megvalósítására, a foglalkoztatási paktum működtetésére, a célcsoport foglalkoztatási lehetőségeinek bővítésével, valamint a célcsoport munkaerő-piacra való reintegrálásának elősegítésével. Egyéb munkaerő-piaci tevékenységek, melyeket a megyei kormányhivatalon kívül, egyéb szervezetek is elláthatnak. Célja szakmai, módszertani segítségnyújtással hozzájárulni a foglalkoztatási helyzet javításához. A 3.1.1 B. b) Egyéb munkaerő-piaci tevékenységek esetében a munkaerő-piaci szolgáltatásokhoz kapcsolódó minimális szakmai elvárások teljesítése érdekében, a TOP keretében szerveződő szolgáltatásoknak megfelelünk a 30/2000. (IX.15.) GM rendeletben támasztott szakmai elvárásoknak. Minden munkaerő-piaci szolgáltatást nyújtó szervezet, aki beszállító szerepkörben lesz megvalósító, szerepelni fog az Flt. 13/A. § (2) bekezdése alapján létrehozott szolgáltatói nyilvántartásban. A megvalósíthatósági tanulmány ad majd lehetőséget a projekt komplexitásának bemutatására, a célcsoporti támogatásoknál előnyben részesülnek a TOP ERFA-ból támogatott üzleti infrastruktúrát igénybe vevő vállalkozások fejlesztéseinek humán szükségletei. A projekt figyelembe veszi az esélyegyenlőségi célkitűzéseket célcsoportja által. (Hungarian)
0 references
The district of Füzesabony is located in 290/2014 (XI. 26.) is one of the districts to be developed according to the Government Decree, the value of a complex indicator is 32.63. The district of Füzesabonyi comprises 16 municipalities and the project will be implemented in that district. Skills shortages are creating a growing problem in the region, inadequate qualifications and the low number of workers put at risk the satisfactory completion of business processes in enterprises, which may have an impact on the effectiveness of development and expansion. The number of inhabitants in the district was 29,480 at the end of 2015, representing a decrease of 430 compared to the previous year. The population of working age was 15 279 at the end of 2015. The number of registered unemployed/registered jobseekers increased gradually since the early 2000s. The project is implemented in the consortium of the Municipality of Füzesabony and the Heves County Government Office. The Municipality of Füzesabony is responsible for the realisation. The aim of the project is to maintain jobs in the region and create jobs at local and regional level; promoting internal social balance; increasing the number of people returning to the labour market; contributing to economic growth, developing a system of labour market services and entrepreneurship advice; strengthening employment partnerships and management capacities, improving the flow of information; and promoting employment for disadvantaged groups and strengthening their labour market position. Direct target group: people living in extreme poverty and Roma; minors belonging to different social groups; women; people with disabilities and disabled working capacity; recipients of substitutable employment subsidies; people at risk of long-term unemployment, people in public works, other inactive people, elderly and retired age, cross-border workers, group redundancies, jobseekers, job changers, people with low educational attainment. 25 people will be trained under the project. At least 42 people benefit from subsidised employment, 15 work experience, 8 wage costs subsidies, 18 wage subsidies, 1 entrepreneur allowance. A total of 50 people are the direct target group who receive a service, training or subsidised employment. Planned activities: The primary objective of the project is to integrate the target group into the labour market, to promote its employment, to achieve market balance, to generate investments and to help them operate. The project carried out all mandatory activities, running the Employment Pact, increasing employment opportunities for the target group and facilitating the reintegration of the target group into the labour market. Other labour market activities that may be provided by organisations other than the county government office. It aims to contribute to improving the employment situation through professional and methodological assistance. In the case of other labour market activities, in order to meet the minimum professional requirements related to labour market services, the services organised in the framework of the TOP shall be complied with in accordance with Article 30/2000. Professional expectations set out in GM Decree (IX.15.) of the Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development. All organisations providing labour market services, who will be implementing the role of supplier, will be included in Flt. In the register of service providers established pursuant to Section 13/A(2). The feasibility study will provide an opportunity to demonstrate the complexity of the project and the human needs of the development of enterprises using TOP ERDF-supported business infrastructure will be prioritised in the target groups. The project will take into account equality objectives by its target group. (English)
9 February 2022
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Füzesabony, Heves
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