Development of health care in Hortobágy (Q3951605): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
Hortobágy, József Attila street No. 1 (Hrsz. 40/75) in a building to be developed, all basic services are available in one place, although basic health care is available in 2 parts with separate entrances in the building to be developed: the general practitioner and dental section is located on the south side of the building, the protective women’s section on the north side. The health care parts of the building have not been renovated for decades. The aim of the project is to develop the existing infrastructural infrastructure and equipment of the existing home and dental practice, protective women’s service, school health care. The building in its current form no longer meets the modern requirements. At present, the building is not accessible and there is no accessible toilet. In the waiting room and in the offices, the coverings are worn, fragmented, social blocks need to be refurbished, doors and windows are worn out. The plumbing system is waterstone, and due to corrosion there are water leakages in several places. The sewage system is based on an outdated technology based on eternite, which has not been upgraded since the construction of the building, so unfortunately there is often congestion. The heating system is not state-of-the-art, with high heat loss. Currently, there is no separate diaper and playground for children in the protective females section. Thanks to the investment, the building becomes accessible, the barrier-free ramp is built on both the medical and protective women’s side, and the barrier-free toilet is installed. The construction of the barrier-free car park in front of the building is also part of the project, and the currently fragmented concrete and asphalt cladding near the entrance of the building will be demolished and replaced — after the landscaping — by a paving surface. In the surroundings of the building there will be parking, woodlanding and planting. The interior, cold coverings are replaced, social blocks, waiting rooms and clinics and consultants are being refurbished. In the wet room, the sanitary wards will be changed, the walls will be tiled again. The existing plumbing and heating system will be dismantled and replaced by the installation of a five-layer, insulated water and heating network, which is recessed into a wall. In the spirit of the modernisation of heating, the medical part of the boiler will be replaced, as well as solar-powered technology, and the protective females will also develop a new, state-of-the-art technology. The doors of the two doctor’s offices (GP and Dentistry No 2) are replaced with soundproofed. Part of the infrastructural development is the creation of a multifunctional space in the protective women’s space, which is both waiting and suitable for child play. The part of the building to be refurbished and refurbished will be subject to project-proportional accessibility. In addition to infrastructural development, the tender is part of the procurement of medical devices, furniture and IT equipment to be developed. Some of the devices used in practice or in a protective woman are old, worn out, and the other part is currently unavailable; i.e. in the case of GP services, the current 60/2003. Decree No 49/2004 of 20 October 2004 of the European Social Security Council of 20 October 2004 on protective women. The service providers do not comply with the ESCsM Decree (V. 21.). As a result, equipment for existing health services will be acquired and replaced in a missing or degraded state. The majority of the equipment to be procured is the furniture used in the waiting room (e.g. medical cabinets, tables, chairs), but mobile IT equipment, as well as the equipment needed for cervix screening for the protective woman, is also purchased from the present tender. The applicant has planned all the mandatory elements in the application and the budget. The costs have been compiled cost-effectively and realistically. The time needed for each project’s implementation activity has been conceived, taking into account all realistic risk factors. (English)
Property / summary: Hortobágy, József Attila street No. 1 (Hrsz. 40/75) in a building to be developed, all basic services are available in one place, although basic health care is available in 2 parts with separate entrances in the building to be developed: the general practitioner and dental section is located on the south side of the building, the protective women’s section on the north side. The health care parts of the building have not been renovated for decades. The aim of the project is to develop the existing infrastructural infrastructure and equipment of the existing home and dental practice, protective women’s service, school health care. The building in its current form no longer meets the modern requirements. At present, the building is not accessible and there is no accessible toilet. In the waiting room and in the offices, the coverings are worn, fragmented, social blocks need to be refurbished, doors and windows are worn out. The plumbing system is waterstone, and due to corrosion there are water leakages in several places. The sewage system is based on an outdated technology based on eternite, which has not been upgraded since the construction of the building, so unfortunately there is often congestion. The heating system is not state-of-the-art, with high heat loss. Currently, there is no separate diaper and playground for children in the protective females section. Thanks to the investment, the building becomes accessible, the barrier-free ramp is built on both the medical and protective women’s side, and the barrier-free toilet is installed. The construction of the barrier-free car park in front of the building is also part of the project, and the currently fragmented concrete and asphalt cladding near the entrance of the building will be demolished and replaced — after the landscaping — by a paving surface. In the surroundings of the building there will be parking, woodlanding and planting. The interior, cold coverings are replaced, social blocks, waiting rooms and clinics and consultants are being refurbished. In the wet room, the sanitary wards will be changed, the walls will be tiled again. The existing plumbing and heating system will be dismantled and replaced by the installation of a five-layer, insulated water and heating network, which is recessed into a wall. In the spirit of the modernisation of heating, the medical part of the boiler will be replaced, as well as solar-powered technology, and the protective females will also develop a new, state-of-the-art technology. The doors of the two doctor’s offices (GP and Dentistry No 2) are replaced with soundproofed. Part of the infrastructural development is the creation of a multifunctional space in the protective women’s space, which is both waiting and suitable for child play. The part of the building to be refurbished and refurbished will be subject to project-proportional accessibility. In addition to infrastructural development, the tender is part of the procurement of medical devices, furniture and IT equipment to be developed. Some of the devices used in practice or in a protective woman are old, worn out, and the other part is currently unavailable; i.e. in the case of GP services, the current 60/2003. Decree No 49/2004 of 20 October 2004 of the European Social Security Council of 20 October 2004 on protective women. The service providers do not comply with the ESCsM Decree (V. 21.). As a result, equipment for existing health services will be acquired and replaced in a missing or degraded state. The majority of the equipment to be procured is the furniture used in the waiting room (e.g. medical cabinets, tables, chairs), but mobile IT equipment, as well as the equipment needed for cervix screening for the protective woman, is also purchased from the present tender. The applicant has planned all the mandatory elements in the application and the budget. The costs have been compiled cost-effectively and realistically. The time needed for each project’s implementation activity has been conceived, taking into account all realistic risk factors. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Hortobágy, József Attila street No. 1 (Hrsz. 40/75) in a building to be developed, all basic services are available in one place, although basic health care is available in 2 parts with separate entrances in the building to be developed: the general practitioner and dental section is located on the south side of the building, the protective women’s section on the north side. The health care parts of the building have not been renovated for decades. The aim of the project is to develop the existing infrastructural infrastructure and equipment of the existing home and dental practice, protective women’s service, school health care. The building in its current form no longer meets the modern requirements. At present, the building is not accessible and there is no accessible toilet. In the waiting room and in the offices, the coverings are worn, fragmented, social blocks need to be refurbished, doors and windows are worn out. The plumbing system is waterstone, and due to corrosion there are water leakages in several places. The sewage system is based on an outdated technology based on eternite, which has not been upgraded since the construction of the building, so unfortunately there is often congestion. The heating system is not state-of-the-art, with high heat loss. Currently, there is no separate diaper and playground for children in the protective females section. Thanks to the investment, the building becomes accessible, the barrier-free ramp is built on both the medical and protective women’s side, and the barrier-free toilet is installed. The construction of the barrier-free car park in front of the building is also part of the project, and the currently fragmented concrete and asphalt cladding near the entrance of the building will be demolished and replaced — after the landscaping — by a paving surface. In the surroundings of the building there will be parking, woodlanding and planting. The interior, cold coverings are replaced, social blocks, waiting rooms and clinics and consultants are being refurbished. In the wet room, the sanitary wards will be changed, the walls will be tiled again. The existing plumbing and heating system will be dismantled and replaced by the installation of a five-layer, insulated water and heating network, which is recessed into a wall. In the spirit of the modernisation of heating, the medical part of the boiler will be replaced, as well as solar-powered technology, and the protective females will also develop a new, state-of-the-art technology. The doors of the two doctor’s offices (GP and Dentistry No 2) are replaced with soundproofed. Part of the infrastructural development is the creation of a multifunctional space in the protective women’s space, which is both waiting and suitable for child play. The part of the building to be refurbished and refurbished will be subject to project-proportional accessibility. In addition to infrastructural development, the tender is part of the procurement of medical devices, furniture and IT equipment to be developed. Some of the devices used in practice or in a protective woman are old, worn out, and the other part is currently unavailable; i.e. in the case of GP services, the current 60/2003. Decree No 49/2004 of 20 October 2004 of the European Social Security Council of 20 October 2004 on protective women. The service providers do not comply with the ESCsM Decree (V. 21.). As a result, equipment for existing health services will be acquired and replaced in a missing or degraded state. The majority of the equipment to be procured is the furniture used in the waiting room (e.g. medical cabinets, tables, chairs), but mobile IT equipment, as well as the equipment needed for cervix screening for the protective woman, is also purchased from the present tender. The applicant has planned all the mandatory elements in the application and the budget. The costs have been compiled cost-effectively and realistically. The time needed for each project’s implementation activity has been conceived, taking into account all realistic risk factors. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 9 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 14:42, 9 February 2022

Project Q3951605 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Development of health care in Hortobágy
Project Q3951605 in Hungary


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    138,260.5 Euro
    0.00276521 Euro
    6 December 2021
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    50,000,000 forint
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    160,801.506 Euro
    0.0027336256 Euro
    15 December 2021
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    58,823,529.412 forint
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    84.999994 percent
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    1 June 2017
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    31 December 2018
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    47°35'1.64"N, 21°6'44.86"E
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    A Hortobágy, József Attila utca 1. sz. alatti (Hrsz. 40/75) fejlesztendő épületben az összes alapszolgáltatás egy helyen elérhető, jóllehet a fejlesztendő épületben 2 - külön bejárattal rendelkező - részben érhetőek el az egészségügyi alapellátások: a háziorvosi, fogorvosi rész található az épület déli, a védőnői rész az északi oldalán. Az épület egészségügyi ellátást nyújtó részein évtizedek óta nem történt felújítás. A projekt célja a meglévő házi- és fogorvosi rendelő, továbbá védőnői szolgálat, iskola egészségügy infrastrukturális és eszköz fejlesztése. Az épület jelenlegi formájában már nem felel meg a korszerű követelményeknek. Jelenleg az épület nem közelíthető meg akadálymentesen, nincsen kialakítva akadálymentes mosdó. A váróban és a rendelőkben a burkolatok kopottak, töredezettek, a szociális blokkok felújításra szorulnak, a nyílászárók elhasználódtak. A vízvezeték rendszer vízköves, a korrózió miatt több helyen is vízszivárgás tapasztalható. A szennyvízrendszer eternit alapú elavult technológián alapul, melyet az épület megépítése óta nem korszerűsítettek, így sajnos gyakran tapasztalható dugulás. A fűtési rendszer nem korszerű, nagy a hőveszteség. Jelenleg a védőnői részben nincs külön pelenkázó és játszósarok a gyermekek részére. A beruházás révén az épület akadálymentesen megközelíthetővé válik, kiépítésre kerül akadálymentes rámpa mind az orvosi, mind a védőnői oldalon, továbbá kialakításra kerül az akadálymentes mosdó. Az épület előtti akadálymentes parkoló megépítése is a projekt része, továbbá az épület bejáratának közelében a jelenleg töredezett beton és aszfaltburkolatot elbontják, helyébe – a tereprendezés után- térburkolat kerül. Az épület környezetében parkosításra, fásításra, növénytelepítésre kerül sor. A belső, hideg burkolat cseréje, a szociális blokkok, a várók és a rendelők, tanácsadók felújítása is megtörténik. A vizes helyiségben cserélni fogják a szanitereket, a falakat újra csempézik. A meglévő vízvezeték és fűtési rendszer elbontásra kerül, helyette falba süllyesztett ötrétegű, szigetelt víz- és fűtési hálózat kerül kiépítésre. A fűtéskorszerűsítés jegyében az orvosi részben kazáncserére kerül sor, továbbá napelemes technológiát alkalmaznak, a védőnői részben is új, korszerű technológia kerül kiépítésre. A két orvosi rendelő (2. sz. háziorvosi és fogorvosi rendelő) ajtaját hangszigeteltre cserélik. Az infrastrukturális fejlesztés része a védőnői térben egy olyan multifunkcionális tér kialakítása, mely egyszerre váró és gyermekjátszásra alkalmas hely. A felújítandó, átalakítandó épületrészben projektarányos akadálymentesítés valósul meg. Az infrastrukturális fejlesztésen túl a pályázat része a fejlesztendő praxisoknak, tanácsadónak orvostechnikai eszközök, bútorok és informatikai eszközök beszerzése is. A praxisokban, illetve védőnőnél használt eszközök egy része régi, elhasználódott, az eszközök másik része pedig jelenleg nem áll rendelkezésre; vagyis háziorvosi szolgáltatás esetén a hatályos 60/2003. (X. 20.) ESZCSM rendeletnek, illetve védőnők esetén a 49/2004. (V. 21.) ESzCsM rendeletnek nem felelnek meg a szolgáltatók. Ebből kifolyólag a meglévő egészségügyi szolgáltatások részére eszköz megtörténik a hiányzó vagy leromlott állapotú eszközök beszerzése, cseréje. A továbbá beszerzendő eszközök többségét a váróban használatos bútorok teszik ki (pl.:orvosi szekrények, asztalok, székek), de mobil informatikai eszközök, valamint a védőnő számára hiányzó, a méhnyak szűréshez szükséges eszközök beszerzése is jelen pályázatból történik meg. A pályázó a pályázatba, illetve a költségvetésbe az összes kötelező elemet betervezte. A költségek költséghatékonyan, reálisan kerültek összeállításra. Az egyes, projekt megvalósítás során felmerülő tevékenységek időigénye átgondoltan, valamennyi reális kockázati tényezőt figyelembe véve került összeállításra. (Hungarian)
    0 references
    Hortobágy, József Attila street No. 1 (Hrsz. 40/75) in a building to be developed, all basic services are available in one place, although basic health care is available in 2 parts with separate entrances in the building to be developed: the general practitioner and dental section is located on the south side of the building, the protective women’s section on the north side. The health care parts of the building have not been renovated for decades. The aim of the project is to develop the existing infrastructural infrastructure and equipment of the existing home and dental practice, protective women’s service, school health care. The building in its current form no longer meets the modern requirements. At present, the building is not accessible and there is no accessible toilet. In the waiting room and in the offices, the coverings are worn, fragmented, social blocks need to be refurbished, doors and windows are worn out. The plumbing system is waterstone, and due to corrosion there are water leakages in several places. The sewage system is based on an outdated technology based on eternite, which has not been upgraded since the construction of the building, so unfortunately there is often congestion. The heating system is not state-of-the-art, with high heat loss. Currently, there is no separate diaper and playground for children in the protective females section. Thanks to the investment, the building becomes accessible, the barrier-free ramp is built on both the medical and protective women’s side, and the barrier-free toilet is installed. The construction of the barrier-free car park in front of the building is also part of the project, and the currently fragmented concrete and asphalt cladding near the entrance of the building will be demolished and replaced — after the landscaping — by a paving surface. In the surroundings of the building there will be parking, woodlanding and planting. The interior, cold coverings are replaced, social blocks, waiting rooms and clinics and consultants are being refurbished. In the wet room, the sanitary wards will be changed, the walls will be tiled again. The existing plumbing and heating system will be dismantled and replaced by the installation of a five-layer, insulated water and heating network, which is recessed into a wall. In the spirit of the modernisation of heating, the medical part of the boiler will be replaced, as well as solar-powered technology, and the protective females will also develop a new, state-of-the-art technology. The doors of the two doctor’s offices (GP and Dentistry No 2) are replaced with soundproofed. Part of the infrastructural development is the creation of a multifunctional space in the protective women’s space, which is both waiting and suitable for child play. The part of the building to be refurbished and refurbished will be subject to project-proportional accessibility. In addition to infrastructural development, the tender is part of the procurement of medical devices, furniture and IT equipment to be developed. Some of the devices used in practice or in a protective woman are old, worn out, and the other part is currently unavailable; i.e. in the case of GP services, the current 60/2003. Decree No 49/2004 of 20 October 2004 of the European Social Security Council of 20 October 2004 on protective women. The service providers do not comply with the ESCsM Decree (V. 21.). As a result, equipment for existing health services will be acquired and replaced in a missing or degraded state. The majority of the equipment to be procured is the furniture used in the waiting room (e.g. medical cabinets, tables, chairs), but mobile IT equipment, as well as the equipment needed for cervix screening for the protective woman, is also purchased from the present tender. The applicant has planned all the mandatory elements in the application and the budget. The costs have been compiled cost-effectively and realistically. The time needed for each project’s implementation activity has been conceived, taking into account all realistic risk factors. (English)
    9 February 2022
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    Hortobágy, Hajdú-Bihar
    0 references


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