Support for jobseekers to become entrepreneurs (Q3936212): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item: Adding English translations) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
The Government of Hungary has set itself the objective of reducing unemployment for jobseekers, increasing their employment opportunities through measures aimed at becoming entrepreneurs and developing start-ups. The most important net job creators in Hungary are micro and small enterprises, almost two thirds of which are single-person enterprises, mainly self-employed. In view of this, encouraging entrepreneurship, supporting the creation of new businesses, improving their skills, raising awareness of entrepreneurship and encouraging their entrepreneurial attitude towards setting up and running such enterprises can contribute to increasing the level of employment of jobseekers. The Government intends to achieve this objective by supporting the start-up of enterprises established by the Hungarian State Treasury, prepared for business start-ups and business development and with an approved business plan. In order to achieve the above objectives, the Government shall lay down the annual development framework of the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme’) No 1006/2016. (I.18.) Korm. By decision, it decided to support the priority project GINOP-5.1.10-18 entitled ‘Supporting the Entrepreneurship of Finders’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Project’). The Hungarian State Treasury (hereinafter referred to as the Treasury) was designated as an applicant for assistance in the Government Decision. The Government Decision sets the amount available for the implementation of the project at HUF 13.35 billion, which is co-financed by the European Social Fund and Hungary’s budget. The aim of the present project is to support the capital of enterprises launched by the Hungarian State Treasury on the basis of a business plan approved by the Hungarian State Treasury in order to reduce unemployment in the less developed regions of Hungary, i.e. in areas outside the territory of Budapest and Pest county. Accordingly, the target group of the project is individual or social enterprises established by registered jobseekers over the age of 30, registered with the National Employment Service, participating in the GINOP-5.1.9-17 programme. The period of implementation of the project will run from 26 July 2018 to 31 December 2022, as set out in the call for proposals, including the period available for financial clearance after its physical completion on 31 October 2022. The Treasury uses the framework of the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) for the effective implementation of the support activity, which will be further developed within the framework of the project (IACS+ system) in order to ensure the implementation of the tasks related to the aid scheme defined in call for proposals No GINOP-5.1.10-18 (hereinafter referred to as the call). This project is directly linked to call GINOP-5.1.9-17, under which potential entrepreneurs are trained, acquire and develop the skills needed to start a business, acquire knowledge of basic legal, financial, farming, work organisation, management and management, learn about the types of entrepreneurship, prepare to become self-employed or become entrepreneurs, which will enable them to make proper use of the capital support available in this project. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The Government of Hungary has set itself the objective of reducing unemployment for jobseekers, increasing their employment opportunities through measures aimed at becoming entrepreneurs and developing start-ups. The most important net job creators in Hungary are micro and small enterprises, almost two thirds of which are single-person enterprises, mainly self-employed. In view of this, encouraging entrepreneurship, supporting the creation of new businesses, improving their skills, raising awareness of entrepreneurship and encouraging their entrepreneurial attitude towards setting up and running such enterprises can contribute to increasing the level of employment of jobseekers. The Government intends to achieve this objective by supporting the start-up of enterprises established by the Hungarian State Treasury, prepared for business start-ups and business development and with an approved business plan. In order to achieve the above objectives, the Government shall lay down the annual development framework of the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme’) No 1006/2016. (I.18.) Korm. By decision, it decided to support the priority project GINOP-5.1.10-18 entitled ‘Supporting the Entrepreneurship of Finders’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Project’). The Hungarian State Treasury (hereinafter referred to as the Treasury) was designated as an applicant for assistance in the Government Decision. The Government Decision sets the amount available for the implementation of the project at HUF 13.35 billion, which is co-financed by the European Social Fund and Hungary’s budget. The aim of the present project is to support the capital of enterprises launched by the Hungarian State Treasury on the basis of a business plan approved by the Hungarian State Treasury in order to reduce unemployment in the less developed regions of Hungary, i.e. in areas outside the territory of Budapest and Pest county. Accordingly, the target group of the project is individual or social enterprises established by registered jobseekers over the age of 30, registered with the National Employment Service, participating in the GINOP-5.1.9-17 programme. The period of implementation of the project will run from 26 July 2018 to 31 December 2022, as set out in the call for proposals, including the period available for financial clearance after its physical completion on 31 October 2022. The Treasury uses the framework of the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) for the effective implementation of the support activity, which will be further developed within the framework of the project (IACS+ system) in order to ensure the implementation of the tasks related to the aid scheme defined in call for proposals No GINOP-5.1.10-18 (hereinafter referred to as the call). This project is directly linked to call GINOP-5.1.9-17, under which potential entrepreneurs are trained, acquire and develop the skills needed to start a business, acquire knowledge of basic legal, financial, farming, work organisation, management and management, learn about the types of entrepreneurship, prepare to become self-employed or become entrepreneurs, which will enable them to make proper use of the capital support available in this project. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The Government of Hungary has set itself the objective of reducing unemployment for jobseekers, increasing their employment opportunities through measures aimed at becoming entrepreneurs and developing start-ups. The most important net job creators in Hungary are micro and small enterprises, almost two thirds of which are single-person enterprises, mainly self-employed. In view of this, encouraging entrepreneurship, supporting the creation of new businesses, improving their skills, raising awareness of entrepreneurship and encouraging their entrepreneurial attitude towards setting up and running such enterprises can contribute to increasing the level of employment of jobseekers. The Government intends to achieve this objective by supporting the start-up of enterprises established by the Hungarian State Treasury, prepared for business start-ups and business development and with an approved business plan. In order to achieve the above objectives, the Government shall lay down the annual development framework of the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme’) No 1006/2016. (I.18.) Korm. By decision, it decided to support the priority project GINOP-5.1.10-18 entitled ‘Supporting the Entrepreneurship of Finders’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Project’). The Hungarian State Treasury (hereinafter referred to as the Treasury) was designated as an applicant for assistance in the Government Decision. The Government Decision sets the amount available for the implementation of the project at HUF 13.35 billion, which is co-financed by the European Social Fund and Hungary’s budget. The aim of the present project is to support the capital of enterprises launched by the Hungarian State Treasury on the basis of a business plan approved by the Hungarian State Treasury in order to reduce unemployment in the less developed regions of Hungary, i.e. in areas outside the territory of Budapest and Pest county. Accordingly, the target group of the project is individual or social enterprises established by registered jobseekers over the age of 30, registered with the National Employment Service, participating in the GINOP-5.1.9-17 programme. The period of implementation of the project will run from 26 July 2018 to 31 December 2022, as set out in the call for proposals, including the period available for financial clearance after its physical completion on 31 October 2022. The Treasury uses the framework of the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) for the effective implementation of the support activity, which will be further developed within the framework of the project (IACS+ system) in order to ensure the implementation of the tasks related to the aid scheme defined in call for proposals No GINOP-5.1.10-18 (hereinafter referred to as the call). This project is directly linked to call GINOP-5.1.9-17, under which potential entrepreneurs are trained, acquire and develop the skills needed to start a business, acquire knowledge of basic legal, financial, farming, work organisation, management and management, learn about the types of entrepreneurship, prepare to become self-employed or become entrepreneurs, which will enable them to make proper use of the capital support available in this project. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 8 February 2022
Revision as of 22:03, 8 February 2022
Project Q3936212 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Support for jobseekers to become entrepreneurs |
Project Q3936212 in Hungary |
13,350,000,000 forint
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42,434,769.488 Euro
0.0027336256 Euro
15 December 2021
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15,523,255,813.953 forint
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86.0 percent
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26 July 2018
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29 January 2023
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Magyarország Kormánya célul tűzte ki az álláskeresők munkanélküliségének csökkentését, a foglalkoztatási lehetőségeik bővülését a vállalkozóvá válást és az induló vállalkozások fejlesztését szolgáló intézkedések révén. Magyarországon a legfontosabb nettó munkahelyteremtők a mikro- és kisvállalkozások, amelyek közel kétharmada egyszemélyes vállalkozás, ez elsősorban önfoglalkoztató személyeket jelent. Ezt figyelembe véve az álláskeresők foglalkoztatási szintjének növeléséhez nagyban hozzá járulhat a vállalkozói aktivitás ösztönzése, az új vállalkozások létrejöttének támogatása, képzettségük fejlesztése, a vállalkozással kapcsolatos szemléletformálás, vállalkozói attitűdjük ösztönzése az ilyen vállalkozások alapítására és működtetésére. A cél elérését a Kormány a Magyar Államkincstár együttműködésével, a vállalkozásindítással, vállalkozás-fejlesztéssel kapcsolatban felkészített, jóváhagyott üzleti tervvel rendelkező 30 év feletti álláskeresők által alapított vállalkozások indításának támogatásával kívánja megvalósítani. A Kormány a fenti célok elérhetősége érdekében a Gazdaságfejlesztési és Innovációs Operatív Program (a továbbiakban GINOP) éves fejlesztési keretének megállapításáról szóló 1006/2016. (I.18.) Korm. Határozattal döntött a „Álláskeresők vállalkozóvá válásának támogatása” című, GINOP-5.1.10-18 azonosító számú kiemelt projekt (a továbbiakban Projekt) támogatásáról. Támogatás igénylőként a Magyar Államkincstár (a továbbiakban Kincstár) került kijelölésre a Korm. határozatban. A Korm. határozat 13,35 milliárd forintban határozza meg a projekt megvalósítására rendelkezésre álló keretösszeget, melyet az Európai Szociális Alap és Magyarország költségvetése társfinanszírozásban biztosít. A jelen projektben biztosított támogatás célja a munkanélküliség csökkentése érdekében Magyarország kevésbé fejlett régióinak területén – tehát Budapest és Pest megye területén kívüli területeken - új egyéni, vagy mikrovállalkozás indítását tervező, vállalkozói szemlélettel rendelkező 30 év feletti álláskeresők részére a GINOP-5.1.9-17 pályázati felhívás eredményeként jóváhagyott üzleti terv alapján indított vállalkozások tőketámogatása a Magyar Államkincstár által. Ennek megfelelően a projekt célcsoportja a GINOP-5.1.9-17 programban résztvevő, 30 év feletti, a Nemzeti Foglalkoztatási Szolgálatnál nyilvántartott regisztrált álláskeresők által létrehozott egyéni vagy társas vállalkozások. A projekt végrehajtásának időtartama a pályázati felhívásban foglaltaknak megfelelően 2018. július 26-tól 2022. december 31-ig tart, a 2022. október 31-i fizikai befejezéstől után a pénzügyi elszámolásra rendelkezésre álló időszakot is beleértve. A Kincstár a támogatási tevékenység hatékony végrehajtásához az Integrált Igazgatási és Ellenőrzési Rendszer (a továbbiakban IIER) keretrendszerét használja, mely a projekt keretében továbbfejlesztésre kerül (IIER+ rendszer), hogy a GINOP-5.1.10-18 számú pályázati felhívásban (a továbbiakban Felhívás) meghatározott támogatási konstrukcióhoz kapcsolódó feladatok megvalósítását biztosítsa. Jelen projekt közvetlenül kapcsolódik a GINOP-5.1.9-17 számú felhíváshoz, amely felhívás keretében kerül sor a potenciális vállalkozók képzésére, itt szerezhetik meg és fejleszthetik a vállalkozásindításhoz szükséges képességeket, elsajátíthatják az alapvető jogi, pénzügyi, gazdálkodási, munkaszervezéssel, gazdálkodással és irányítással kapcsolatos ismereteket, megismerhetik a vállalkozási formák típusait, felkészülhetnek önfoglalkoztatóvá vagy vállalkozóvá válásuk kialakítására, amely alkalmassá teszi őket a jelen projektben elérhető tőketámogatás megfelelő felhasználására. (Hungarian)
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The Government of Hungary has set itself the objective of reducing unemployment for jobseekers, increasing their employment opportunities through measures aimed at becoming entrepreneurs and developing start-ups. The most important net job creators in Hungary are micro and small enterprises, almost two thirds of which are single-person enterprises, mainly self-employed. In view of this, encouraging entrepreneurship, supporting the creation of new businesses, improving their skills, raising awareness of entrepreneurship and encouraging their entrepreneurial attitude towards setting up and running such enterprises can contribute to increasing the level of employment of jobseekers. The Government intends to achieve this objective by supporting the start-up of enterprises established by the Hungarian State Treasury, prepared for business start-ups and business development and with an approved business plan. In order to achieve the above objectives, the Government shall lay down the annual development framework of the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme’) No 1006/2016. (I.18.) Korm. By decision, it decided to support the priority project GINOP-5.1.10-18 entitled ‘Supporting the Entrepreneurship of Finders’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Project’). The Hungarian State Treasury (hereinafter referred to as the Treasury) was designated as an applicant for assistance in the Government Decision. The Government Decision sets the amount available for the implementation of the project at HUF 13.35 billion, which is co-financed by the European Social Fund and Hungary’s budget. The aim of the present project is to support the capital of enterprises launched by the Hungarian State Treasury on the basis of a business plan approved by the Hungarian State Treasury in order to reduce unemployment in the less developed regions of Hungary, i.e. in areas outside the territory of Budapest and Pest county. Accordingly, the target group of the project is individual or social enterprises established by registered jobseekers over the age of 30, registered with the National Employment Service, participating in the GINOP-5.1.9-17 programme. The period of implementation of the project will run from 26 July 2018 to 31 December 2022, as set out in the call for proposals, including the period available for financial clearance after its physical completion on 31 October 2022. The Treasury uses the framework of the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) for the effective implementation of the support activity, which will be further developed within the framework of the project (IACS+ system) in order to ensure the implementation of the tasks related to the aid scheme defined in call for proposals No GINOP-5.1.10-18 (hereinafter referred to as the call). This project is directly linked to call GINOP-5.1.9-17, under which potential entrepreneurs are trained, acquire and develop the skills needed to start a business, acquire knowledge of basic legal, financial, farming, work organisation, management and management, learn about the types of entrepreneurship, prepare to become self-employed or become entrepreneurs, which will enable them to make proper use of the capital support available in this project. (English)
8 February 2022
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Budapest, Budapest
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