Energy efficiency and renewable energy development of MenDan Hotel (Q3924940): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
As part of the project preparation, the energy certificates and the technical design documentation are prepared. The detailed technical content of the project is targeted at the 2 main development areas specified in the application. One of the areas is the modernisation of energy efficiency, including for Target Area B II "Modernisation of heating, cooling and domestic hot water systems in buildings. The detailed content of the energy efficiency development part is as follows: As an essential energy saving solution, the replacement of all circulating pumps for a new, modern, energy-saving design. The new pumps are of a frequency inverter (speed controlled) design. Adjust the operation of hydraulic circuits. The pumps cease to operate autonomously (i.e. former island operation), and the operation and operating conditions of all pumps in the new system are controlled by automatics. Design, purchase and assembly of automatic components in new electrical cabinets, as well as installation and installation. Design and programme the control algorithms of automation. The new automation completes the central heat source side controls. Optimal operation controlled by automation results in significant natural gas and important electricity savings. An essential element of savings is intermittent operation, which allows heat-generating units (gas boilers and heat pumps) to operate at the optimal operating point. The intermittent operation can be ensured by designing and installing increased capacity buffer tanks on both sides of the heat pump systems. The automatic controls the optimal BE/OFF switching points of the batch plant. Designing, installing and calibrating measuring circuits to measure all important energy characteristics. Measurements are carried out by intelligent sensors, which connect to a communication bus system and transmit signals to automation on the one hand and to the energy monitoring system on the other hand. The resulting quantities of both natural gas and electricity consumption are continuously evaluated, thus it is possible to optimise/reducing the quantities of energy contracted, so that significant additional savings can be achieved. C" Increasing renewable energy production, the project is linked to the construction of a dual heat pump system. Installation of a water-to-water heat pump system: the design, construction and operational licensing procedures of a well (producer) and a well. Construction and installation of wells. Flow measurements by recording a report. A pair of pipes, heat-insulated from the cones, leads to the heat center. Purchase, installation and installation of a water-to-water heat pump with a capacity of 119.5 kW. The heat pump operating conditions are controlled by automatics. The hot side of the heat pump is suitable for producing hot water at a temperature of up to 70 degrees, so the hot side can be used both for heating and for domestic hot water. Installation of earth heat-water heat pump system: Design, build and operate a 6 probe field. Execution of probe drilling, installation, pressure testing and installation of probes. From the probe field installation shaft, a pair of insulated piping leads to the heat center, in which antifreeze fluid circulates. Purchase, installation and installation of a heat-water heat pump with a capacity of 34.9 kW. The operation of heat pump systems is monitored by a monitoring system. (English)
Property / summary: As part of the project preparation, the energy certificates and the technical design documentation are prepared. The detailed technical content of the project is targeted at the 2 main development areas specified in the application. One of the areas is the modernisation of energy efficiency, including for Target Area B II "Modernisation of heating, cooling and domestic hot water systems in buildings. The detailed content of the energy efficiency development part is as follows: As an essential energy saving solution, the replacement of all circulating pumps for a new, modern, energy-saving design. The new pumps are of a frequency inverter (speed controlled) design. Adjust the operation of hydraulic circuits. The pumps cease to operate autonomously (i.e. former island operation), and the operation and operating conditions of all pumps in the new system are controlled by automatics. Design, purchase and assembly of automatic components in new electrical cabinets, as well as installation and installation. Design and programme the control algorithms of automation. The new automation completes the central heat source side controls. Optimal operation controlled by automation results in significant natural gas and important electricity savings. An essential element of savings is intermittent operation, which allows heat-generating units (gas boilers and heat pumps) to operate at the optimal operating point. The intermittent operation can be ensured by designing and installing increased capacity buffer tanks on both sides of the heat pump systems. The automatic controls the optimal BE/OFF switching points of the batch plant. Designing, installing and calibrating measuring circuits to measure all important energy characteristics. Measurements are carried out by intelligent sensors, which connect to a communication bus system and transmit signals to automation on the one hand and to the energy monitoring system on the other hand. The resulting quantities of both natural gas and electricity consumption are continuously evaluated, thus it is possible to optimise/reducing the quantities of energy contracted, so that significant additional savings can be achieved. C" Increasing renewable energy production, the project is linked to the construction of a dual heat pump system. Installation of a water-to-water heat pump system: the design, construction and operational licensing procedures of a well (producer) and a well. Construction and installation of wells. Flow measurements by recording a report. A pair of pipes, heat-insulated from the cones, leads to the heat center. Purchase, installation and installation of a water-to-water heat pump with a capacity of 119.5 kW. The heat pump operating conditions are controlled by automatics. The hot side of the heat pump is suitable for producing hot water at a temperature of up to 70 degrees, so the hot side can be used both for heating and for domestic hot water. Installation of earth heat-water heat pump system: Design, build and operate a 6 probe field. Execution of probe drilling, installation, pressure testing and installation of probes. From the probe field installation shaft, a pair of insulated piping leads to the heat center, in which antifreeze fluid circulates. Purchase, installation and installation of a heat-water heat pump with a capacity of 34.9 kW. The operation of heat pump systems is monitored by a monitoring system. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: As part of the project preparation, the energy certificates and the technical design documentation are prepared. The detailed technical content of the project is targeted at the 2 main development areas specified in the application. One of the areas is the modernisation of energy efficiency, including for Target Area B II "Modernisation of heating, cooling and domestic hot water systems in buildings. The detailed content of the energy efficiency development part is as follows: As an essential energy saving solution, the replacement of all circulating pumps for a new, modern, energy-saving design. The new pumps are of a frequency inverter (speed controlled) design. Adjust the operation of hydraulic circuits. The pumps cease to operate autonomously (i.e. former island operation), and the operation and operating conditions of all pumps in the new system are controlled by automatics. Design, purchase and assembly of automatic components in new electrical cabinets, as well as installation and installation. Design and programme the control algorithms of automation. The new automation completes the central heat source side controls. Optimal operation controlled by automation results in significant natural gas and important electricity savings. An essential element of savings is intermittent operation, which allows heat-generating units (gas boilers and heat pumps) to operate at the optimal operating point. The intermittent operation can be ensured by designing and installing increased capacity buffer tanks on both sides of the heat pump systems. The automatic controls the optimal BE/OFF switching points of the batch plant. Designing, installing and calibrating measuring circuits to measure all important energy characteristics. Measurements are carried out by intelligent sensors, which connect to a communication bus system and transmit signals to automation on the one hand and to the energy monitoring system on the other hand. The resulting quantities of both natural gas and electricity consumption are continuously evaluated, thus it is possible to optimise/reducing the quantities of energy contracted, so that significant additional savings can be achieved. C" Increasing renewable energy production, the project is linked to the construction of a dual heat pump system. Installation of a water-to-water heat pump system: the design, construction and operational licensing procedures of a well (producer) and a well. Construction and installation of wells. Flow measurements by recording a report. A pair of pipes, heat-insulated from the cones, leads to the heat center. Purchase, installation and installation of a water-to-water heat pump with a capacity of 119.5 kW. The heat pump operating conditions are controlled by automatics. The hot side of the heat pump is suitable for producing hot water at a temperature of up to 70 degrees, so the hot side can be used both for heating and for domestic hot water. Installation of earth heat-water heat pump system: Design, build and operate a 6 probe field. Execution of probe drilling, installation, pressure testing and installation of probes. From the probe field installation shaft, a pair of insulated piping leads to the heat center, in which antifreeze fluid circulates. Purchase, installation and installation of a heat-water heat pump with a capacity of 34.9 kW. The operation of heat pump systems is monitored by a monitoring system. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 18:11, 8 February 2022

Project Q3924940 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Energy efficiency and renewable energy development of MenDan Hotel
Project Q3924940 in Hungary


    0 references
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    106,625,000 forint
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    294,840.52 Euro
    0.00276521 Euro
    3 December 2021
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    654,157.213 Euro
    0.0027336256 Euro
    15 December 2021
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    239,300,222.187 forint
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    44.557009 percent
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    22 May 2019
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    6 March 2020
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    MenDan Hotel Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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    46°33'10.66"N, 17°7'49.48"E
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    A projekt előkészítés keretében elkészülnek az energetikai tanúsítványok, a műszaki tervdokumentáció. A projekt részletes szakmai tartalma a pályázatban meghatározott 2 fő fejlesztési területre irányul. Az egyik terület az energiahatékonysági korszerűsítés,ezen belül a B. II. célterülethez "Épületek fűtési-hűtési és használati melegvíz rendszerének korszerűsítése célterületre irányul. Az energiahatékonysági fejlesztési rész részletes tartalma a következő: Lényeges energiamegtakarítási megoldásként az összes keringtető szivattyú cseréje új, korszerű, energiatakarékos kivitelre. Az új szivattyúk frekvenciaváltós (fordulatszám szabályozott) kivitelűek. A hidraulika körök működésének beszabályozása. A szivattyúk autonóm (azaz korábbi szigetüzemi) működése megszűnik, az új rendszerben az összes szivattyú működését és üzemállapotait az automatika vezérli. Automatika tervezése, elemeinek beszerzése és összeépítése új villamos szekrényekbe, valamint telepítése és beüzemelése. Az automatika szabályozási algoritmusainak megtervezése és felprogramozása. Az új automatika teljeskörűen elvégzi a központi hőforrás oldali szabályozásokat. Az automatika által szabályozott optimális működés mind jelentős földgáz, mind fontos volumenű villamosenergia megtakarítást eredményez. A megtakarítások lényeges eleme a szakaszos üzemű működés, mely lehetővé teszi, hogy a hőtermelő egységek ( gázkazánok és hőszivattyúk ) mindig az optimális munkapontban üzemeljenek. A szakaszos üzemet a hőszivattyús rendszerek mindkét oldalán elhelyezett növelt kapacitású puffer tartályok betervezésével és beépítésével tudjuk biztosítani. Az automatika vezérli a szakaszos üzem optimális BE/KI kapcsolási pontjait. Mérőkörök tervezése, beépítése és kalibrálása az összes fontos energetikai jellemző mérésére. A méréseket intelligens szenzorok végzik, melyek kommunikációs busz-rendszerbe kapcsolódva továbbítják a jeleket egyrészt az automatika felé, másrészt az energetikai monitoring rendszer irányába. Mind a földgáz, mind a villamosenergia fogyasztás eredő mennyiségeit folyamatosan kiértékeljük, ezáltal lehetőség van a lekötött energia mennyiségek optimalizálására / csökkentésére, így további jelentős megtakarításokat lehet elérni. C" Megújuló energiatermelés fokozása célterülethez a projekt egy kettős hőszivattyús rendszer kiépítésével kapcsolódik. Víz-víz hőszivattyús rendszer létesítése : egy-egy forráskút (termelő) és nyelető kút tervezése, létesítési és üzemeltetési engedélyezési eljárásának végrehajtása. A kutak kivitelezése és beüzemelése. Vízhozam mérések jegyzőkönyv felvételével. A kútaknáktól hőszigetelt csővezeték pár vezet a hőközpontba. 119.5 kW teljesítményű víz-víz rendszerű hőszivattyú beszerzése, beépítése és beüzemelése. A hőszivattyú üzemállapotokat az automatika vezérli. A hőszivattyú meleg oldala maximálisan 70 fok hőmérsékletű melegvíz előállítására alkalmas, ezáltal a meleg oldal mind fűtésre, mind használati melegvíz előállítására hasznosítható. Földhő-víz hőszivattyús rendszer létesítése: Egy 6 szondás szondamező tervezése, létesítési és üzemeltetési engedélyezésének lefolytatása. A szondafúrások végrehajtása, a szondák telepítése, nyomáspróbája és beüzemelése. A szondamező telepítési aknájától hőszigetelt csővezeték pár vezet a hőközpontba, melyben fagyálló folyadék kering. 34.9 kW teljesítményű földhő-víz rendszerű hőszivattyú beszerzése, beépítése és beüzemelése. A hőszivattyús rendszerek működését monitoring rendszer felügyeli. (Hungarian)
    0 references
    As part of the project preparation, the energy certificates and the technical design documentation are prepared. The detailed technical content of the project is targeted at the 2 main development areas specified in the application. One of the areas is the modernisation of energy efficiency, including for Target Area B II "Modernisation of heating, cooling and domestic hot water systems in buildings. The detailed content of the energy efficiency development part is as follows: As an essential energy saving solution, the replacement of all circulating pumps for a new, modern, energy-saving design. The new pumps are of a frequency inverter (speed controlled) design. Adjust the operation of hydraulic circuits. The pumps cease to operate autonomously (i.e. former island operation), and the operation and operating conditions of all pumps in the new system are controlled by automatics. Design, purchase and assembly of automatic components in new electrical cabinets, as well as installation and installation. Design and programme the control algorithms of automation. The new automation completes the central heat source side controls. Optimal operation controlled by automation results in significant natural gas and important electricity savings. An essential element of savings is intermittent operation, which allows heat-generating units (gas boilers and heat pumps) to operate at the optimal operating point. The intermittent operation can be ensured by designing and installing increased capacity buffer tanks on both sides of the heat pump systems. The automatic controls the optimal BE/OFF switching points of the batch plant. Designing, installing and calibrating measuring circuits to measure all important energy characteristics. Measurements are carried out by intelligent sensors, which connect to a communication bus system and transmit signals to automation on the one hand and to the energy monitoring system on the other hand. The resulting quantities of both natural gas and electricity consumption are continuously evaluated, thus it is possible to optimise/reducing the quantities of energy contracted, so that significant additional savings can be achieved. C" Increasing renewable energy production, the project is linked to the construction of a dual heat pump system. Installation of a water-to-water heat pump system: the design, construction and operational licensing procedures of a well (producer) and a well. Construction and installation of wells. Flow measurements by recording a report. A pair of pipes, heat-insulated from the cones, leads to the heat center. Purchase, installation and installation of a water-to-water heat pump with a capacity of 119.5 kW. The heat pump operating conditions are controlled by automatics. The hot side of the heat pump is suitable for producing hot water at a temperature of up to 70 degrees, so the hot side can be used both for heating and for domestic hot water. Installation of earth heat-water heat pump system: Design, build and operate a 6 probe field. Execution of probe drilling, installation, pressure testing and installation of probes. From the probe field installation shaft, a pair of insulated piping leads to the heat center, in which antifreeze fluid circulates. Purchase, installation and installation of a heat-water heat pump with a capacity of 34.9 kW. The operation of heat pump systems is monitored by a monitoring system. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Zalakaros, Zala
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