Complex infocommunication development of Luckympex Ltd. (Q3924055): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: add summary)
(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
Currently, our company has an enterprise management system (Cobra Conto) that has become outdated for us, the replacement of which has become current, as it is not able to support our processes sufficiently. The growth of our company — our workforce reaches ~230 people today, and our 2017 turnover is close to HUF 2.5 billion — it is necessary and justified to replace our existing system for a solution that enables us to respond effectively to the current challenges. The system will be fully exchanged under this project. Target areas of the system: Corporate CRM, sales; Production area; Controlling and decision support; Procurement, logistics; Support for distance and group work; Financial, accounting; Workflow management system; The Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne ERP system monitors the data generated in the company 24 hours a day 7 days a week in dozens of separate databases at the same time, and if abnormal patterns or alert conditions occur, it will immediately inform the managers and/or the appropriate target of the event. System functions: Corporate CRM, sales area — support for sales and/or customer service processes — increase efficiency — increase customer satisfaction Production area: — keeping low raw materials and/or semi-finished products or goods stock levels — reducing lead times — lower labour input, optimisation of the quantity of human resources required Controlling and decision support — helping the company’s management work, optimising the necessary labour input — allows automation of workflows and supports their implementation — helps to increase the company’s operational efficiency. — procurement, logistical tasks, optimising the necessary labour input — automation of workflows, their implementation — increasing the operational efficiency of the company Distance- and group work support: — spatial distance management — management of time distances — Operation of a single management and enterprise information system Financial and accounting area — continuously monitors the business and financial performance of the company — shows the state of play of the company’s supplier obligations and customer claims, preparation of a liquidity plan — Recording, management and evaluation of the tangible assets owned by the company Workflow system (Workflow) — support for management — automation of processes and traceability of the status of processes — awareness of deadlines in the process implementers using mobile technology related to the given functional area — continuous contact — integrated with the system to be introduced — simple user identification (English)
Property / summary: Currently, our company has an enterprise management system (Cobra Conto) that has become outdated for us, the replacement of which has become current, as it is not able to support our processes sufficiently. The growth of our company — our workforce reaches ~230 people today, and our 2017 turnover is close to HUF 2.5 billion — it is necessary and justified to replace our existing system for a solution that enables us to respond effectively to the current challenges. The system will be fully exchanged under this project. Target areas of the system: Corporate CRM, sales; Production area; Controlling and decision support; Procurement, logistics; Support for distance and group work; Financial, accounting; Workflow management system; The Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne ERP system monitors the data generated in the company 24 hours a day 7 days a week in dozens of separate databases at the same time, and if abnormal patterns or alert conditions occur, it will immediately inform the managers and/or the appropriate target of the event. System functions: Corporate CRM, sales area — support for sales and/or customer service processes — increase efficiency — increase customer satisfaction Production area: — keeping low raw materials and/or semi-finished products or goods stock levels — reducing lead times — lower labour input, optimisation of the quantity of human resources required Controlling and decision support — helping the company’s management work, optimising the necessary labour input — allows automation of workflows and supports their implementation — helps to increase the company’s operational efficiency. — procurement, logistical tasks, optimising the necessary labour input — automation of workflows, their implementation — increasing the operational efficiency of the company Distance- and group work support: — spatial distance management — management of time distances — Operation of a single management and enterprise information system Financial and accounting area — continuously monitors the business and financial performance of the company — shows the state of play of the company’s supplier obligations and customer claims, preparation of a liquidity plan — Recording, management and evaluation of the tangible assets owned by the company Workflow system (Workflow) — support for management — automation of processes and traceability of the status of processes — awareness of deadlines in the process implementers using mobile technology related to the given functional area — continuous contact — integrated with the system to be introduced — simple user identification (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Currently, our company has an enterprise management system (Cobra Conto) that has become outdated for us, the replacement of which has become current, as it is not able to support our processes sufficiently. The growth of our company — our workforce reaches ~230 people today, and our 2017 turnover is close to HUF 2.5 billion — it is necessary and justified to replace our existing system for a solution that enables us to respond effectively to the current challenges. The system will be fully exchanged under this project. Target areas of the system: Corporate CRM, sales; Production area; Controlling and decision support; Procurement, logistics; Support for distance and group work; Financial, accounting; Workflow management system; The Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne ERP system monitors the data generated in the company 24 hours a day 7 days a week in dozens of separate databases at the same time, and if abnormal patterns or alert conditions occur, it will immediately inform the managers and/or the appropriate target of the event. System functions: Corporate CRM, sales area — support for sales and/or customer service processes — increase efficiency — increase customer satisfaction Production area: — keeping low raw materials and/or semi-finished products or goods stock levels — reducing lead times — lower labour input, optimisation of the quantity of human resources required Controlling and decision support — helping the company’s management work, optimising the necessary labour input — allows automation of workflows and supports their implementation — helps to increase the company’s operational efficiency. — procurement, logistical tasks, optimising the necessary labour input — automation of workflows, their implementation — increasing the operational efficiency of the company Distance- and group work support: — spatial distance management — management of time distances — Operation of a single management and enterprise information system Financial and accounting area — continuously monitors the business and financial performance of the company — shows the state of play of the company’s supplier obligations and customer claims, preparation of a liquidity plan — Recording, management and evaluation of the tangible assets owned by the company Workflow system (Workflow) — support for management — automation of processes and traceability of the status of processes — awareness of deadlines in the process implementers using mobile technology related to the given functional area — continuous contact — integrated with the system to be introduced — simple user identification (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 17:55, 8 February 2022

Project Q3924055 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Complex infocommunication development of Luckympex Ltd.
Project Q3924055 in Hungary


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    39,504,235 forint
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    269,974.47 Euro
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    15 December 2021
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    98,760,587.5 forint
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    40.0 percent
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    12 December 2019
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    11 December 2021
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    LUCKYMPEX Fémmegmunkáló és Elektronikai Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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    46°21'23.29"N, 17°47'19.28"E
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    Jelenleg cégünk egy időközben számunkra korszerűtlenné vált vállalatirányítási rendszerrel rendelkezik (Cobra Conto), melynek cseréje aktuális lett, hiszen a folyamatainkat nem tudja már kellően támogatni. Cégünk növekedése – létszámunk mára eléri a ~230 főt, 2017-es árbevételünk pedig már megközelíti a 2,5 milliárd forintos árbevételt – szükségessé és indokolttá teszi a meglévő rendszerünk cseréjét egy olyan megoldásra, amelynek köszönhetően az aktuális kihívásokra tudunk hatékonyan reagálni. A rendszer teljes cseréjére sor kerül jelen projekt keretében. A rendszer célterületei: Vállalati CRM, értékesítés; Gyártási terület; Kontrolling és döntéstámogatás; Beszerzési, logisztikai terület; Táv- és csoportmunka támogatás; Pénzügyi, számvitel terület; Munkafolyamat-irányítási rendszer (workflow); Adott funkcionális területhez kapcsolódó mobil technikát használó rendszer/megoldás A bevezetendő Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne ERP rendszer a hét 7 napján, a nap 24 órájában monitorozza a vállalatban keletkező adatokat akár több tucat elkülönült adatbázisban egyszerre, és ha a szokásostól eltérő mintázatot talál vagy a riasztási feltételek bekövetkeznek, azonnal értesíti a vezetőket és/vagy a megfelelő célszemélyt az eseményről. Rendszer funkciói: Vállalati CRM, értékesítési terület - értékesítési és/vagy ügyfélszolgálati folyamatok támogatása - hatékonyság növelés - ügyfél elégedettség növelése Gyártási terület: - alacsony alapanyag és/vagy félkész termék, illetve áru raktárkészlet-szint tartása - átfutási idők csökkentése - alacsonyabb munkaerő ráfordítás, a szükséges emberi erőforrások mennyiségének optimalizálása Kontrolling és döntéstámogatás - cégvezetés munkájának segítése, optimalizálva a szükséges munkaerő ráfordítást - lehetővé teszi a munkafolyamatok automatizálását, támogatja azok végrehajtását - segíti a cég működési hatékonyságának növelését Beszerzési, logisztikai terület: - beszerzési, logisztikai feladatokat ellátása, optimalizálva a szükséges munkaerő ráfordítást - munkafolyamatok automatizálása, azok végrehajtása - cég működési hatékonyságának növelése Táv- és csoportmunka támogatás: - térbeli távolságok kezelése - időbeli távolságok kezelése - egységes ügyviteli és vállalati információs rendszer üzemeltetése Pénzügyi, számviteli terület - folyamatosan követi a vállalkozás üzemgazdasági- és pénzügyi eredményességét - aktuális állapotot mutat a vállalkozás szállítói kötelezettségeiről és vevői követeléseiről, likviditási terv készítése - a vállalat tulajdonában lévő tárgyi eszköz nyilvántartása, kezelése és értékelése Munkafolyamat-irányítási rendszer (Workflow) - vezetői irányítás támogatása - folyamatok automatizálása és státuszának nyomon követhetősége - határidők tudatosítása a folyamatok végrehajtóiban Adott funkcionális területhez kapcsolódó mobil technikát használó rendszer/megoldás - folyamatos kapcsolattartás - integrált a bevezetendő rendszerrel - egyszerű felhasználó-azonosítá (Hungarian)
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    Currently, our company has an enterprise management system (Cobra Conto) that has become outdated for us, the replacement of which has become current, as it is not able to support our processes sufficiently. The growth of our company — our workforce reaches ~230 people today, and our 2017 turnover is close to HUF 2.5 billion — it is necessary and justified to replace our existing system for a solution that enables us to respond effectively to the current challenges. The system will be fully exchanged under this project. Target areas of the system: Corporate CRM, sales; Production area; Controlling and decision support; Procurement, logistics; Support for distance and group work; Financial, accounting; Workflow management system; The Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne ERP system monitors the data generated in the company 24 hours a day 7 days a week in dozens of separate databases at the same time, and if abnormal patterns or alert conditions occur, it will immediately inform the managers and/or the appropriate target of the event. System functions: Corporate CRM, sales area — support for sales and/or customer service processes — increase efficiency — increase customer satisfaction Production area: — keeping low raw materials and/or semi-finished products or goods stock levels — reducing lead times — lower labour input, optimisation of the quantity of human resources required Controlling and decision support — helping the company’s management work, optimising the necessary labour input — allows automation of workflows and supports their implementation — helps to increase the company’s operational efficiency. — procurement, logistical tasks, optimising the necessary labour input — automation of workflows, their implementation — increasing the operational efficiency of the company Distance- and group work support: — spatial distance management — management of time distances — Operation of a single management and enterprise information system Financial and accounting area — continuously monitors the business and financial performance of the company — shows the state of play of the company’s supplier obligations and customer claims, preparation of a liquidity plan — Recording, management and evaluation of the tangible assets owned by the company Workflow system (Workflow) — support for management — automation of processes and traceability of the status of processes — awareness of deadlines in the process implementers using mobile technology related to the given functional area — continuous contact — integrated with the system to be introduced — simple user identification (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Kaposvár, Somogy
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