Development of textile finishing activities at M & NJ Kft. (Q3918035): Difference between revisions

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Property / summary
During the project, the textile finishing activities of M & NJ Kft., founded in 2015, will be developed. As a result of the project, the capacity to work will be developed. The new technologies to be procured allow us to work with 4 embroidery machines at the same time. In preparation of the project, we agreed with several bidders about new technologies identified as a demand by potential customers, and we found out exactly what kind of technology we needed. Once we have identified the necessary technology, we have asked for offers from several locations in order to obtain the necessary machinery in the most cost-effective way. The Happy HCD2-1501-40 W 15-pin embroidery machine and the Happy HCS2-1201-30 W 12 pin embroidery machine with 12 pins are suitable for the tasks specified by M & NJ Kft. The most favourable offer among the bidders was given by Forvex Kft. The owner and managing director of our company, Jenő Nagy, has been engaged in textile finishing activities for more than 20 years, so he knows all the details of the profession. Both machines operate on the same principle, according to the same method. With the 15-pin embroidery machine, multi-coloured and more complex patterns can be embossed on the product. The Happy HCD2-1501-40 W 15-pin single-head embroidery machine has an embroidery area of 400x520mm. In addition to the basic accessories, other components of the technology include: With the laser marker, the first parting point of the needle and the location of the sample can be determined, allowing the samples to be positioned accurately on the workpiece. PTA-12-360/12 cm; PTA-15-360/15 cm; PTA-18-360/18 cm; PTA-21-360/21 cm; circular embroidery frame and the PTA-32320-360/32x32 cm square embroidery frame can be used to produce normal flat embroidery. Without the use of these, small and medium-sized flat samples cannot be embroidered. The tubular embroidery kit allows the embroidery of tubular workpieces. The WS-42440-520/42x44 cm square embroidery frame allows you to make flat embroidery up to 440 mm. This frame cannot be used for the preparation of small samples because the material can move and “includes”. The preparation table provides effective assistance in preparing, framing and pinning the embroidery of t-shirts, shirts and embroidery frames, as well as helping to position the pattern more effectively, making the embroidery process more efficient. The Happy HCS2-1201-30 W 12 pin single-head embroidery machine has an embroidery area of 285 x 290 mm, the size of the cap is 67 x 290 mm. In addition to the basic accessories, other components of the technology include: With the laser marker, the first parting point of the needle and the location of the sample can be determined, allowing the samples to be accurate A PTA-12-360/12 cm; PTA-15-360/15 cm; PTA-18-360/18 cm; PTA-21-360/21 cm; circular embroidery frame and the PTA-32320-360/32x32 cm square embroidery frame can be used to produce normal flat embroidery. Without the use of these, small and medium-sized flat samples cannot be embroidered. The wide cap embroidery device allows you to embroider baseball caps and curved workpieces. (English)
Property / summary: During the project, the textile finishing activities of M & NJ Kft., founded in 2015, will be developed. As a result of the project, the capacity to work will be developed. The new technologies to be procured allow us to work with 4 embroidery machines at the same time. In preparation of the project, we agreed with several bidders about new technologies identified as a demand by potential customers, and we found out exactly what kind of technology we needed. Once we have identified the necessary technology, we have asked for offers from several locations in order to obtain the necessary machinery in the most cost-effective way. The Happy HCD2-1501-40 W 15-pin embroidery machine and the Happy HCS2-1201-30 W 12 pin embroidery machine with 12 pins are suitable for the tasks specified by M & NJ Kft. The most favourable offer among the bidders was given by Forvex Kft. The owner and managing director of our company, Jenő Nagy, has been engaged in textile finishing activities for more than 20 years, so he knows all the details of the profession. Both machines operate on the same principle, according to the same method. With the 15-pin embroidery machine, multi-coloured and more complex patterns can be embossed on the product. The Happy HCD2-1501-40 W 15-pin single-head embroidery machine has an embroidery area of 400x520mm. In addition to the basic accessories, other components of the technology include: With the laser marker, the first parting point of the needle and the location of the sample can be determined, allowing the samples to be positioned accurately on the workpiece. PTA-12-360/12 cm; PTA-15-360/15 cm; PTA-18-360/18 cm; PTA-21-360/21 cm; circular embroidery frame and the PTA-32320-360/32x32 cm square embroidery frame can be used to produce normal flat embroidery. Without the use of these, small and medium-sized flat samples cannot be embroidered. The tubular embroidery kit allows the embroidery of tubular workpieces. The WS-42440-520/42x44 cm square embroidery frame allows you to make flat embroidery up to 440 mm. This frame cannot be used for the preparation of small samples because the material can move and “includes”. The preparation table provides effective assistance in preparing, framing and pinning the embroidery of t-shirts, shirts and embroidery frames, as well as helping to position the pattern more effectively, making the embroidery process more efficient. The Happy HCS2-1201-30 W 12 pin single-head embroidery machine has an embroidery area of 285 x 290 mm, the size of the cap is 67 x 290 mm. In addition to the basic accessories, other components of the technology include: With the laser marker, the first parting point of the needle and the location of the sample can be determined, allowing the samples to be accurate A PTA-12-360/12 cm; PTA-15-360/15 cm; PTA-18-360/18 cm; PTA-21-360/21 cm; circular embroidery frame and the PTA-32320-360/32x32 cm square embroidery frame can be used to produce normal flat embroidery. Without the use of these, small and medium-sized flat samples cannot be embroidered. The wide cap embroidery device allows you to embroider baseball caps and curved workpieces. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: During the project, the textile finishing activities of M & NJ Kft., founded in 2015, will be developed. As a result of the project, the capacity to work will be developed. The new technologies to be procured allow us to work with 4 embroidery machines at the same time. In preparation of the project, we agreed with several bidders about new technologies identified as a demand by potential customers, and we found out exactly what kind of technology we needed. Once we have identified the necessary technology, we have asked for offers from several locations in order to obtain the necessary machinery in the most cost-effective way. The Happy HCD2-1501-40 W 15-pin embroidery machine and the Happy HCS2-1201-30 W 12 pin embroidery machine with 12 pins are suitable for the tasks specified by M & NJ Kft. The most favourable offer among the bidders was given by Forvex Kft. The owner and managing director of our company, Jenő Nagy, has been engaged in textile finishing activities for more than 20 years, so he knows all the details of the profession. Both machines operate on the same principle, according to the same method. With the 15-pin embroidery machine, multi-coloured and more complex patterns can be embossed on the product. The Happy HCD2-1501-40 W 15-pin single-head embroidery machine has an embroidery area of 400x520mm. In addition to the basic accessories, other components of the technology include: With the laser marker, the first parting point of the needle and the location of the sample can be determined, allowing the samples to be positioned accurately on the workpiece. PTA-12-360/12 cm; PTA-15-360/15 cm; PTA-18-360/18 cm; PTA-21-360/21 cm; circular embroidery frame and the PTA-32320-360/32x32 cm square embroidery frame can be used to produce normal flat embroidery. Without the use of these, small and medium-sized flat samples cannot be embroidered. The tubular embroidery kit allows the embroidery of tubular workpieces. The WS-42440-520/42x44 cm square embroidery frame allows you to make flat embroidery up to 440 mm. This frame cannot be used for the preparation of small samples because the material can move and “includes”. The preparation table provides effective assistance in preparing, framing and pinning the embroidery of t-shirts, shirts and embroidery frames, as well as helping to position the pattern more effectively, making the embroidery process more efficient. The Happy HCS2-1201-30 W 12 pin single-head embroidery machine has an embroidery area of 285 x 290 mm, the size of the cap is 67 x 290 mm. In addition to the basic accessories, other components of the technology include: With the laser marker, the first parting point of the needle and the location of the sample can be determined, allowing the samples to be accurate A PTA-12-360/12 cm; PTA-15-360/15 cm; PTA-18-360/18 cm; PTA-21-360/21 cm; circular embroidery frame and the PTA-32320-360/32x32 cm square embroidery frame can be used to produce normal flat embroidery. Without the use of these, small and medium-sized flat samples cannot be embroidered. The wide cap embroidery device allows you to embroider baseball caps and curved workpieces. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 16:31, 8 February 2022

Project Q3918035 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Development of textile finishing activities at M & NJ Kft.
Project Q3918035 in Hungary


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    10,795,500 forint
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    29,851.82 Euro
    0.00276521 Euro
    3 December 2021
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    59,021.71 Euro
    0.0027336256 Euro
    14 December 2021
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    21,591,000.0 forint
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    50.0 percent
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    27 July 2015
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    30 November 2015
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    M & NJ Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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    46°3'21.67"N, 18°43'2.82"E
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    A projekt során a 2015-ben alakult M & NJ Kft. textilkikészítő tevékenysége kerül fejlesztésre. A projekt eredményeként a munkavégzéshez szükséges kapacitások kialakítása valósul meg. A beszerzésre kerülő új technológiák lehetővé teszik, hogy egyidőben 4 hímzőgéppel dolgozzunk. A projekt előkészítéseként a potenciális megrendelők által igényként feltárt új technológiák kapcsán több ajánlatadóval is egyeztettünk, feltártuk, hogy pontosan milyen technológiára van szükségünk. Miután azonosítottuk a szükséges technológiát több helyről is ajánlatot kértünk be annak érdekében, hogy a legköltséghatékonyabban tudjuk beszerezni a szükséges gépeket. Az M & NJ Kft. megrendelője által meghatározott feladatok ellátására a Happy HCD2-1501-40W 15 tűs, egyfejes hímzőgép és a Happy HCS2-1201-30W 12 tűs, egyfejes hímzőgép felel meg. Az ajánlatadók közül a legkedvezőbb ajánlatot a Forvex Kft. adta. Cégünk tulajdonosa és ügyvezetője, Nagy Jenő több mint 20 éve textilkikészítő tevékenységgel foglalkozik, így a szakma minden részletét ismeri. Mindkét gép ugyanazon az elven, metódus alapján működik. A 15 tűs hímzőgéppel többszínű és bonyolultabb mintákat lehet a termékre ráhímezni. A Happy HCD2-1501-40W 15 tűs egyfejes hímzőgép hímzőterülete 400x520mm. Az alaptartozékokon túl, a technológia további tartozékai: A lézerjelölővel a tű első leszúrási pontja és a minta helye határozható meg, lehetővé téve a minták pontos pozícionálását a munkadarabon. A PTA-12-360/12 cm-es; PTA-15-360/15 cm-es; PTA-18-360/18 cm-es; PTA-21-360/21 cm-es; kör alakú hímzőkeret valamint, a PTA-32320-360 / 32x32 cm-es négyzet alakú hímzőkeret a normál síkhímzések elkészítéséhez használhatóak. Ezek használata nélkül a kis- és közepes méretű sík minták nem hímezhetők. A csőhímző készlet teszi lehetővé a cső alakú munkadarabok hímzését. A WS-42440-520 /42x44 cm-es négyzet alakú hímzőkeret teszi lehetővé a 440 mm-ig terjedő sík hímzések elkészítését. Ez a keret a kisméretű minták elkészítésére nem használható, mert az anyag elmozdulhat és „belebeg”. Az előkészítő asztal hatékony segítséget nyújt a pólók, ingek hímzésének előkészítéséhez, keretezéséhez, hímzőkeretbe fogásához, továbbá segít a minta tökéletesebb pozicionálásában, hatékonyabbá téve a hímzés folyamatát. A Happy HCS2-1201-30W 12 tűs egyfejes hímzőgép hímzőterülete 285 x 290 mm, a sapkahímző mérete 67 x 290 mm. Az alaptartozékokon túl, a technológia további tartozékai: A lézerjelölővel a tű első leszúrási pontja és a minta helye határozható meg, lehetővé téve a minták pontos A PTA-12-360/12 cm-es; PTA-15-360/15 cm-es; PTA-18-360/18 cm-es; PTA-21-360/21 cm-es; kör alakú hímzőkeret valamint, a PTA-32320-360 / 32x32 cm-es négyzet alakú hímzőkeret a normál síkhímzések elkészítéséhez használhatóak. Ezek használata nélkül a kis- és közepes méretű sík minták nem hímezhetők. A széles sapkahímző készülékkel hímezhetők a baseball sapkák és az íves munkadarabok. (Hungarian)
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    During the project, the textile finishing activities of M & NJ Kft., founded in 2015, will be developed. As a result of the project, the capacity to work will be developed. The new technologies to be procured allow us to work with 4 embroidery machines at the same time. In preparation of the project, we agreed with several bidders about new technologies identified as a demand by potential customers, and we found out exactly what kind of technology we needed. Once we have identified the necessary technology, we have asked for offers from several locations in order to obtain the necessary machinery in the most cost-effective way. The Happy HCD2-1501-40 W 15-pin embroidery machine and the Happy HCS2-1201-30 W 12 pin embroidery machine with 12 pins are suitable for the tasks specified by M & NJ Kft. The most favourable offer among the bidders was given by Forvex Kft. The owner and managing director of our company, Jenő Nagy, has been engaged in textile finishing activities for more than 20 years, so he knows all the details of the profession. Both machines operate on the same principle, according to the same method. With the 15-pin embroidery machine, multi-coloured and more complex patterns can be embossed on the product. The Happy HCD2-1501-40 W 15-pin single-head embroidery machine has an embroidery area of 400x520mm. In addition to the basic accessories, other components of the technology include: With the laser marker, the first parting point of the needle and the location of the sample can be determined, allowing the samples to be positioned accurately on the workpiece. PTA-12-360/12 cm; PTA-15-360/15 cm; PTA-18-360/18 cm; PTA-21-360/21 cm; circular embroidery frame and the PTA-32320-360/32x32 cm square embroidery frame can be used to produce normal flat embroidery. Without the use of these, small and medium-sized flat samples cannot be embroidered. The tubular embroidery kit allows the embroidery of tubular workpieces. The WS-42440-520/42x44 cm square embroidery frame allows you to make flat embroidery up to 440 mm. This frame cannot be used for the preparation of small samples because the material can move and “includes”. The preparation table provides effective assistance in preparing, framing and pinning the embroidery of t-shirts, shirts and embroidery frames, as well as helping to position the pattern more effectively, making the embroidery process more efficient. The Happy HCS2-1201-30 W 12 pin single-head embroidery machine has an embroidery area of 285 x 290 mm, the size of the cap is 67 x 290 mm. In addition to the basic accessories, other components of the technology include: With the laser marker, the first parting point of the needle and the location of the sample can be determined, allowing the samples to be accurate A PTA-12-360/12 cm; PTA-15-360/15 cm; PTA-18-360/18 cm; PTA-21-360/21 cm; circular embroidery frame and the PTA-32320-360/32x32 cm square embroidery frame can be used to produce normal flat embroidery. Without the use of these, small and medium-sized flat samples cannot be embroidered. The wide cap embroidery device allows you to embroider baseball caps and curved workpieces. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Bár, Baranya
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