Capacity increase in the Heves metalworking plant of Prospera Europe Kft. (Q3917543): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item: add summary) |
(Changed an Item: Adding English translations) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
In the framework of the project, we would like to purchase two new production machines, two AMADA HFE M2-50.12 edge bending machines, because with their help we can increase our bending capacities almost double, as we currently only have two existing edge bending machines. As a result of the increase in capacity, our added value will also increase, because we can take on more orders, thus we will be able to realise higher turnover, nor do we need to involve a subcontractor in production or lose a customer due to a lack of capacity. However, in order to be able to operate the two new machines, it is necessary to install exhaust fans, because the heat produced by the existing machines in the plant currently causes high temperatures that have a negative impact on their service life. Thus, this basic infrastructure investment is essential for the safe long-term operation of the new machines, and we have to get the heat out of the hall. We believe that we can solve this most efficiently with two fans built into the roof structure, with the help of which our hall will be more modern, and our newly procured machines will also be able to be installed safely, thus the capacity increase can be realised. The two new edgebenders also require the purchase of new material handling machines, because these machines have to be served with raw materials and the finished goods must also be delivered from the machines to the warehouse. This will require an electric forklift and two forklifts. The edge bending machines need to be programmed, so we need another production control software. It allows us to produce 3D drawings of the products ordered by the customers, which you will be able to produce by feeding it into the machine. In the framework of the preparatory activities, we first defined the technical needs. After that, the consultation with the bidders started, we tried to determine as closely as possible what machines and other items we needed, and then we asked for the quotes. As part of our project, we are investing in the production of the final product for renewable energy production, because one of our major continuous customers, Topgreen Technics, produces solar panel systems, and we continuously produce the necessary parts for the support structure, so the products we produce are incorporated into the final products for the production of renewable energy. In addition, we have a winning tender in GOP-2011-1.3.1/C, Supporting the utilisation of innovation results for SMEs, whose final payment request and final report were submitted by post on 15.08.2013 (the sender receipt and the document certifying the approval of the final report are attached to our grant application). In the framework of the project, one of our front bending machines and our existing forklifts have been procured, which have been continuously in operation, working and being used since they were installed. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: In the framework of the project, we would like to purchase two new production machines, two AMADA HFE M2-50.12 edge bending machines, because with their help we can increase our bending capacities almost double, as we currently only have two existing edge bending machines. As a result of the increase in capacity, our added value will also increase, because we can take on more orders, thus we will be able to realise higher turnover, nor do we need to involve a subcontractor in production or lose a customer due to a lack of capacity. However, in order to be able to operate the two new machines, it is necessary to install exhaust fans, because the heat produced by the existing machines in the plant currently causes high temperatures that have a negative impact on their service life. Thus, this basic infrastructure investment is essential for the safe long-term operation of the new machines, and we have to get the heat out of the hall. We believe that we can solve this most efficiently with two fans built into the roof structure, with the help of which our hall will be more modern, and our newly procured machines will also be able to be installed safely, thus the capacity increase can be realised. The two new edgebenders also require the purchase of new material handling machines, because these machines have to be served with raw materials and the finished goods must also be delivered from the machines to the warehouse. This will require an electric forklift and two forklifts. The edge bending machines need to be programmed, so we need another production control software. It allows us to produce 3D drawings of the products ordered by the customers, which you will be able to produce by feeding it into the machine. In the framework of the preparatory activities, we first defined the technical needs. After that, the consultation with the bidders started, we tried to determine as closely as possible what machines and other items we needed, and then we asked for the quotes. As part of our project, we are investing in the production of the final product for renewable energy production, because one of our major continuous customers, Topgreen Technics, produces solar panel systems, and we continuously produce the necessary parts for the support structure, so the products we produce are incorporated into the final products for the production of renewable energy. In addition, we have a winning tender in GOP-2011-1.3.1/C, Supporting the utilisation of innovation results for SMEs, whose final payment request and final report were submitted by post on 15.08.2013 (the sender receipt and the document certifying the approval of the final report are attached to our grant application). In the framework of the project, one of our front bending machines and our existing forklifts have been procured, which have been continuously in operation, working and being used since they were installed. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: In the framework of the project, we would like to purchase two new production machines, two AMADA HFE M2-50.12 edge bending machines, because with their help we can increase our bending capacities almost double, as we currently only have two existing edge bending machines. As a result of the increase in capacity, our added value will also increase, because we can take on more orders, thus we will be able to realise higher turnover, nor do we need to involve a subcontractor in production or lose a customer due to a lack of capacity. However, in order to be able to operate the two new machines, it is necessary to install exhaust fans, because the heat produced by the existing machines in the plant currently causes high temperatures that have a negative impact on their service life. Thus, this basic infrastructure investment is essential for the safe long-term operation of the new machines, and we have to get the heat out of the hall. We believe that we can solve this most efficiently with two fans built into the roof structure, with the help of which our hall will be more modern, and our newly procured machines will also be able to be installed safely, thus the capacity increase can be realised. The two new edgebenders also require the purchase of new material handling machines, because these machines have to be served with raw materials and the finished goods must also be delivered from the machines to the warehouse. This will require an electric forklift and two forklifts. The edge bending machines need to be programmed, so we need another production control software. It allows us to produce 3D drawings of the products ordered by the customers, which you will be able to produce by feeding it into the machine. In the framework of the preparatory activities, we first defined the technical needs. After that, the consultation with the bidders started, we tried to determine as closely as possible what machines and other items we needed, and then we asked for the quotes. As part of our project, we are investing in the production of the final product for renewable energy production, because one of our major continuous customers, Topgreen Technics, produces solar panel systems, and we continuously produce the necessary parts for the support structure, so the products we produce are incorporated into the final products for the production of renewable energy. In addition, we have a winning tender in GOP-2011-1.3.1/C, Supporting the utilisation of innovation results for SMEs, whose final payment request and final report were submitted by post on 15.08.2013 (the sender receipt and the document certifying the approval of the final report are attached to our grant application). In the framework of the project, one of our front bending machines and our existing forklifts have been procured, which have been continuously in operation, working and being used since they were installed. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 8 February 2022
Revision as of 17:07, 8 February 2022
Project Q3917543 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Capacity increase in the Heves metalworking plant of Prospera Europe Kft. |
Project Q3917543 in Hungary |
54,826,086 forint
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214,105.703 Euro
0.0027336256 Euro
14 December 2021
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78,322,980.0 forint
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70.0 percent
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3 August 2015
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3 August 2016
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PROSPERA Europe Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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A projekt keretében két új termelő gépet szeretnénk beszerezni, két AMADA HFE M2-50.12 típusú élhajlítót, mert segítségükkel hajlítási kapacitásainkat közel duplájára növelhetjük, hiszen jelenleg csak két meglévő élhajlítónk van. A kapacitás-növekedés hatására hozzáadott-értékünk is nőni fog, mert több megrendelést tudunk elvállalni, ezáltal nagyobb árbevételt tudunk majd realizálni, és arra sem szorulunk rá, hogy alvállalkozót vonjunk be a termelésbe, vagy elveszítsünk egy megrendelőt a kapacitás-hiány miatt. Ahhoz azonban, hogy a két új gépet be tudjuk üzemelni, szükség van elszívó ventilátorok beépítésére, mert az üzemben jelenleg a meglévő gépek által termelt hő olyan magas hőmérsékletet okoz, amely az élettartamukra is negatív hatással van. Így az új gépek biztonságos hosszú távú működéséhez elengedhetetlen ez az alap-infrastrukturális beruházás, a hőt muszáj kivezetnünk a csarnokból. Úgy véljük, ezt a leghatékonyabban a tetőszerkezetbe épített két ventilátorral tudjuk megoldani, ennek segítségével csarnokunk korszerűbb lesz, és az újonnan beszerzésre kerülő gépeink is biztonsággal beüzemelhetők lesznek, ezáltal tud megvalósulni a kapacitásbővülés. A két új élhajlító megköveteli új anyagmozgató gépek beszerzését is, mert ezeket a gépeket ki kell szolgálni alapanyaggal, illetve a készárut is el kell juttatni a gépektől a raktárba. Emiatt szükség lesz egy elektromos homlokvillás targoncára, és két gyalogkíséretű targoncára. Az élhajlító gépeket be kell programozni, emiatt szükségünk van egy újabb termelésirányító szoftverre. A segítségével el tudjuk készíteni az ügyfelek által megrendelt termékek 3D-s rajzait, melyet a gépbe táplálva képes lesz azt legyártani. Az előkészítő tevékenységek keretében elsőként definiáltuk a műszaki igényeket. Ezután elindult az egyeztetés az ajánlatadókkal, igyekeztünk minél pontosabban meghatározni, hogy milyen gépekre és egyéb tételekre van szükségünk, majd megkértük az árajánlatokat. Projektünk keretében megújuló energia előállítására szolgáló végtermék gyártásához kapcsolódó beruházás valósul meg, mert egyik jelentős folyamatos megrendelőnk, a TopGreen Technics napelemes rendszereket gyárt, mi pedig folyamatosan gyártunk neki a tartószerkezethez szükséges alkatrészeket, így végső soron az általunk gyártott termékek megújuló energia előállítására szolgáló végtermékekbe kerülnek beépítésre. Emellett rendelkezünk nyertes pályázattal a GOP-2011-1.3.1/C jelű, az Innovációs eredmények hasznosításának támogatása KKV-k részére című pályázati kiíráson, melynek záró kifizetési kérelmét és záró beszámolóját 2013.08.15-én nyújtottuk be postai úton (a feladóvevényt, valamint a záró beszámoló jóváhagyását igazoló dokumentumot mellékeljük támogatási kérelmünkhöz). A projekt keretében került beszerzésre egyik élhajlító gépünk és meglévő targoncánk, melyek a beüzemelésük óta folyamatosan működnek, dolgoznak, hasznosításra kerülnek. (Hungarian)
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In the framework of the project, we would like to purchase two new production machines, two AMADA HFE M2-50.12 edge bending machines, because with their help we can increase our bending capacities almost double, as we currently only have two existing edge bending machines. As a result of the increase in capacity, our added value will also increase, because we can take on more orders, thus we will be able to realise higher turnover, nor do we need to involve a subcontractor in production or lose a customer due to a lack of capacity. However, in order to be able to operate the two new machines, it is necessary to install exhaust fans, because the heat produced by the existing machines in the plant currently causes high temperatures that have a negative impact on their service life. Thus, this basic infrastructure investment is essential for the safe long-term operation of the new machines, and we have to get the heat out of the hall. We believe that we can solve this most efficiently with two fans built into the roof structure, with the help of which our hall will be more modern, and our newly procured machines will also be able to be installed safely, thus the capacity increase can be realised. The two new edgebenders also require the purchase of new material handling machines, because these machines have to be served with raw materials and the finished goods must also be delivered from the machines to the warehouse. This will require an electric forklift and two forklifts. The edge bending machines need to be programmed, so we need another production control software. It allows us to produce 3D drawings of the products ordered by the customers, which you will be able to produce by feeding it into the machine. In the framework of the preparatory activities, we first defined the technical needs. After that, the consultation with the bidders started, we tried to determine as closely as possible what machines and other items we needed, and then we asked for the quotes. As part of our project, we are investing in the production of the final product for renewable energy production, because one of our major continuous customers, Topgreen Technics, produces solar panel systems, and we continuously produce the necessary parts for the support structure, so the products we produce are incorporated into the final products for the production of renewable energy. In addition, we have a winning tender in GOP-2011-1.3.1/C, Supporting the utilisation of innovation results for SMEs, whose final payment request and final report were submitted by post on 15.08.2013 (the sender receipt and the document certifying the approval of the final report are attached to our grant application). In the framework of the project, one of our front bending machines and our existing forklifts have been procured, which have been continuously in operation, working and being used since they were installed. (English)
8 February 2022
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Heves, Heves
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