Purchase of stone machining production line and construction of a site and hall at VIKIV Kft. (Q3916441): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
Hyundai HX220 LR crawler with nailed ground/gravel spoon and tiltable spoon; Hyundai HW140 rubber wheel loader with hydraulic quick changer; digging spoon with nails of different sizes, tiltable scallops and hydraulic chopsticks; Hyundai HX220 L with ground/gravel spoon, huge scissors with rotator, sieve; Yanmar ViO57-6 rubber loader with deep-spoon, tiltable copper spoon and hydraulic chopper blade; Komatsu D61PX-24 crawler with six “passenger” wide thrusters; JTEC963 crawler jaw crusher with magnet tape for iron selection. The machines make it possible to break large rock blocks for machining, to classify and decant the resulting stone pieces according to size. The equipment of the production line is complementary. The stone blocks are prepared for further machining by performing a preliminary rough fracture, then using a ground or gravel spoon and a huge scissors. After the screening, the resulting product provides a wider range of uses for VIKIV Kft., it can be used primarily in road bases and as an additional element of other civil engineering works. New features are added to the market and the company’s portfolio. In order to store and maintain professional machinery and meet the expected increasing labour requirements due to new machines, a hall will be set up at the company’s premises as part of the development. The company is considered to be an SME with a high growth potential, given that its net sales turnover was HUF 567 707 000 in 2013 and HUF 1 704 389 000 in 2015. The enterprise is an underrepresented entrepreneur, young and female entrepreneur, with 3 closed business years. VIKIV Ltd. has a quality management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008. The company was not affected by an irregularity resulting in a financial correction. The project will also develop a corporate governance system. The software to be purchased is an integrated software system developed by modern web technology, which is modularly built. The following modules will be procured: 1. Corporate CRM, sales area functional specification 2. Controlling and deciding 3. Procurement and logistics 4. Workflow Management (English)
Property / summary: Hyundai HX220 LR crawler with nailed ground/gravel spoon and tiltable spoon; Hyundai HW140 rubber wheel loader with hydraulic quick changer; digging spoon with nails of different sizes, tiltable scallops and hydraulic chopsticks; Hyundai HX220 L with ground/gravel spoon, huge scissors with rotator, sieve; Yanmar ViO57-6 rubber loader with deep-spoon, tiltable copper spoon and hydraulic chopper blade; Komatsu D61PX-24 crawler with six “passenger” wide thrusters; JTEC963 crawler jaw crusher with magnet tape for iron selection. The machines make it possible to break large rock blocks for machining, to classify and decant the resulting stone pieces according to size. The equipment of the production line is complementary. The stone blocks are prepared for further machining by performing a preliminary rough fracture, then using a ground or gravel spoon and a huge scissors. After the screening, the resulting product provides a wider range of uses for VIKIV Kft., it can be used primarily in road bases and as an additional element of other civil engineering works. New features are added to the market and the company’s portfolio. In order to store and maintain professional machinery and meet the expected increasing labour requirements due to new machines, a hall will be set up at the company’s premises as part of the development. The company is considered to be an SME with a high growth potential, given that its net sales turnover was HUF 567 707 000 in 2013 and HUF 1 704 389 000 in 2015. The enterprise is an underrepresented entrepreneur, young and female entrepreneur, with 3 closed business years. VIKIV Ltd. has a quality management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008. The company was not affected by an irregularity resulting in a financial correction. The project will also develop a corporate governance system. The software to be purchased is an integrated software system developed by modern web technology, which is modularly built. The following modules will be procured: 1. Corporate CRM, sales area functional specification 2. Controlling and deciding 3. Procurement and logistics 4. Workflow Management (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Hyundai HX220 LR crawler with nailed ground/gravel spoon and tiltable spoon; Hyundai HW140 rubber wheel loader with hydraulic quick changer; digging spoon with nails of different sizes, tiltable scallops and hydraulic chopsticks; Hyundai HX220 L with ground/gravel spoon, huge scissors with rotator, sieve; Yanmar ViO57-6 rubber loader with deep-spoon, tiltable copper spoon and hydraulic chopper blade; Komatsu D61PX-24 crawler with six “passenger” wide thrusters; JTEC963 crawler jaw crusher with magnet tape for iron selection. The machines make it possible to break large rock blocks for machining, to classify and decant the resulting stone pieces according to size. The equipment of the production line is complementary. The stone blocks are prepared for further machining by performing a preliminary rough fracture, then using a ground or gravel spoon and a huge scissors. After the screening, the resulting product provides a wider range of uses for VIKIV Kft., it can be used primarily in road bases and as an additional element of other civil engineering works. New features are added to the market and the company’s portfolio. In order to store and maintain professional machinery and meet the expected increasing labour requirements due to new machines, a hall will be set up at the company’s premises as part of the development. The company is considered to be an SME with a high growth potential, given that its net sales turnover was HUF 567 707 000 in 2013 and HUF 1 704 389 000 in 2015. The enterprise is an underrepresented entrepreneur, young and female entrepreneur, with 3 closed business years. VIKIV Ltd. has a quality management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008. The company was not affected by an irregularity resulting in a financial correction. The project will also develop a corporate governance system. The software to be purchased is an integrated software system developed by modern web technology, which is modularly built. The following modules will be procured: 1. Corporate CRM, sales area functional specification 2. Controlling and deciding 3. Procurement and logistics 4. Workflow Management (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 14:35, 8 February 2022

Project Q3916441 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Purchase of stone machining production line and construction of a site and hall at VIKIV Kft.
Project Q3916441 in Hungary


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    420,446,000 forint
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    1,162,621.48 Euro
    0.00276521 Euro
    3 December 2021
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    2,298,683.898 Euro
    0.0027336256 Euro
    14 December 2021
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    840,892,000.0 forint
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    50.0 percent
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    2 July 2018
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    23 March 2020
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    VIKIV Vízügyi Kivitelező Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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    46°20'54.56"N, 18°42'5.98"E
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    Hyundai HX220 LR lánctalpas rakodó körmös föld/kavics kanállal és billenthető rézsűkanállal; Hyundai HW140 gumikerekes rakodó hidraulikus gyorscserélővel; különböző méretű mélyásó kanál körmökkel, billenthető rézsűkanállal és hidraulikus bontókalapáccsal; Hyundai HX220 L föld/kavics kanállal, roppantó olló rotátorral, rostakanállal; Yanmar ViO57-6 gumihevederes rakodó mélyásókanállal, billenthető rézsűkanállal és hidraulikus bontókalapáccsal; Komatsu D61PX-24 lánctalpas dózer hat „utas”, széles tolólappal; JTEC963 lánctalpas pofás törőgép mágnes szalaggal a vas kiválasztásához. A gépek lehetővé teszik nagyméretű sziklatömbök megmunkáláshoz szükséges törését, a keletkező kődarabok méretek szerinti osztályozását, deponálását. A gépsor berendezései egymást kiegészítik. Egy előzetes durva törés elvégzésével, majd egy föld-, illetve kavicskanál, valamint egy roppantó olló segítségével előkészülnek a kőtömbök a további megmunkáláshoz. A rostálást követően a keletkező termék szélesebb körű felhasználási lehetőségeket biztosít a VIKIV Kft-nek, elsősorban útalapokba illetve egyéb mélyépítési munkák kiegészítő elemeként használható. Az új funkciókkal bővül a piac és a cég portfóliója. A professzionális munkagépek tárolása, karbantartása, és az új gépek miatt várhatóan növekvő munkaerőigények kielégítése érdekében a vállalat telephelyén egy csarnok kerül kialakításra a fejlesztés keretében. A vállalkozás nagy növekedési potenciállal rendelkező kkv-nak számít tekintve, hogy 2013-ban 567 707 000 Ft volt az értékesítés nettó árbevétele, míg 2015-ben 1 704 389 000 Ft. A vállalkozás alulreprezentált vállalkozó, fiatal és női vállalkozó, 3 lezárt üzleti évvel rendelkezik. A VIKIV Kft. rendelkezik az ISO 9001:2008 szabvány követelményeinek megfelelő minőségirányítási rendszerrel. Pénzügyi korrekciót eredményezett szabálytalansággal nem érintett a cég. Projekt keretében vállalatirányítási rendszer fejlesztésére is sor kerül. A beszerezni kívánt szoftver egy modern webes technológiával fejlesztett integrált szoftverrendszer, ami modulárisan épül fel. Az alábbi modulok beszerzésére kerül sor: 1. Vállalati CRM, értékesítési terület funkcionális specifikáció 2. Kontrolling és döntstmogatás 3. Beszerzés és logisztika 4. Munkafolyamat irányítás (Hungarian)
    0 references
    Hyundai HX220 LR crawler with nailed ground/gravel spoon and tiltable spoon; Hyundai HW140 rubber wheel loader with hydraulic quick changer; digging spoon with nails of different sizes, tiltable scallops and hydraulic chopsticks; Hyundai HX220 L with ground/gravel spoon, huge scissors with rotator, sieve; Yanmar ViO57-6 rubber loader with deep-spoon, tiltable copper spoon and hydraulic chopper blade; Komatsu D61PX-24 crawler with six “passenger” wide thrusters; JTEC963 crawler jaw crusher with magnet tape for iron selection. The machines make it possible to break large rock blocks for machining, to classify and decant the resulting stone pieces according to size. The equipment of the production line is complementary. The stone blocks are prepared for further machining by performing a preliminary rough fracture, then using a ground or gravel spoon and a huge scissors. After the screening, the resulting product provides a wider range of uses for VIKIV Kft., it can be used primarily in road bases and as an additional element of other civil engineering works. New features are added to the market and the company’s portfolio. In order to store and maintain professional machinery and meet the expected increasing labour requirements due to new machines, a hall will be set up at the company’s premises as part of the development. The company is considered to be an SME with a high growth potential, given that its net sales turnover was HUF 567 707 000 in 2013 and HUF 1 704 389 000 in 2015. The enterprise is an underrepresented entrepreneur, young and female entrepreneur, with 3 closed business years. VIKIV Ltd. has a quality management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008. The company was not affected by an irregularity resulting in a financial correction. The project will also develop a corporate governance system. The software to be purchased is an integrated software system developed by modern web technology, which is modularly built. The following modules will be procured: 1. Corporate CRM, sales area functional specification 2. Controlling and deciding 3. Procurement and logistics 4. Workflow Management (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Szekszárd, Tolna
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