Expansion of production capacity at Zákány Tool House Ltd. (Q3915420): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
In the framework of the project, the Ltd. intends to increase its production and production capacity by producing new, additional value-added marketable machines. Activities to be developed are set out in the 2849 TEÁOR a: Construction activities: In the course of the project, 1 336.55 m², partly a 2-storey locksmith plant will be built, in which 1 showroom, 2 locksmith workshops, 1 assembly workshop, 1 dust-spray workshop, 1 open color, as well as road users, warehouse and social premises will be built. (according to the site inventory of the construction plan). b: Purchase of machinery and equipment: for operation of the plant in technological order: vacuum lifting equipment (1pcs)- The task of placing different material, sized plate raw materials on the object table of the laser cutting equipment. Location: 19 locksmith workshops. TruLaser 3030 laser cutter (1pcs) — Cut any shape designed by computer from 1 mm to 20 mm sheet thickness. Location: 19 locksmith workshops. Straightener equipment (1 pcs)- Equipment used for bending plate parts cut to any shape by laser cutting device. Computer-controlled angular adjustment. Location: 19 locksmith workshops. Mobile smoke extractor (2pcs) –Smoke generated during welding is dangerous, it is perceived by mobile smoke extractors. An essential device for ensuring safe and harmless environment. Location: 16 locksmith workshops Washing and Hole Grinding Machine (1pcs) — To achieve higher jointing accuracy, it is necessary to grind the mantle and holes 0.01-0.001 mm.: 19 locksmith workshops. Electrostatic dust sprayer (1pcs) — End-painting not only serves corrosion protection, it meets aesthetic requirements as well as work safety. Here, the powder coating technology ensures the required surface treatment. Heely: 20 Dust spray workshop. solvent paint cabin (1pcs) — a closed painting cabin for spray gun painting, which can satisfy high health and safety requirements through its exhaust system. Location: 23 open color forklifts (1pcs) — Movement of materials and finished goods throughout the site up to 3 t load bearing. Location: 23 open colors. C: Information technology development: SAP Business One — a company management system with a production module and web store software development is also implemented. Content-response: 32.85 %. —Innovative SME: Ltd., 80 % owned by Imre Zákány, who has utility model protection, is a tablecloth, leveller, road construction machine registered under registration number 4297 of the SZTNH. The protection is valid and the company intends to use it in the development of the content of this tender. (protection and declaration of use attached to the tender) — Industry 4.0: In the framework of this project, the company plans to introduce a SAP Business One corporate management system, complemented by a production module. The relevant requirements of Annex 10 are met by the system to be introduced, which was examined by the tendering company and declared in its tender. (English)
Property / summary: In the framework of the project, the Ltd. intends to increase its production and production capacity by producing new, additional value-added marketable machines. Activities to be developed are set out in the 2849 TEÁOR a: Construction activities: In the course of the project, 1 336.55 m², partly a 2-storey locksmith plant will be built, in which 1 showroom, 2 locksmith workshops, 1 assembly workshop, 1 dust-spray workshop, 1 open color, as well as road users, warehouse and social premises will be built. (according to the site inventory of the construction plan). b: Purchase of machinery and equipment: for operation of the plant in technological order: vacuum lifting equipment (1pcs)- The task of placing different material, sized plate raw materials on the object table of the laser cutting equipment. Location: 19 locksmith workshops. TruLaser 3030 laser cutter (1pcs) — Cut any shape designed by computer from 1 mm to 20 mm sheet thickness. Location: 19 locksmith workshops. Straightener equipment (1 pcs)- Equipment used for bending plate parts cut to any shape by laser cutting device. Computer-controlled angular adjustment. Location: 19 locksmith workshops. Mobile smoke extractor (2pcs) –Smoke generated during welding is dangerous, it is perceived by mobile smoke extractors. An essential device for ensuring safe and harmless environment. Location: 16 locksmith workshops Washing and Hole Grinding Machine (1pcs) — To achieve higher jointing accuracy, it is necessary to grind the mantle and holes 0.01-0.001 mm.: 19 locksmith workshops. Electrostatic dust sprayer (1pcs) — End-painting not only serves corrosion protection, it meets aesthetic requirements as well as work safety. Here, the powder coating technology ensures the required surface treatment. Heely: 20 Dust spray workshop. solvent paint cabin (1pcs) — a closed painting cabin for spray gun painting, which can satisfy high health and safety requirements through its exhaust system. Location: 23 open color forklifts (1pcs) — Movement of materials and finished goods throughout the site up to 3 t load bearing. Location: 23 open colors. C: Information technology development: SAP Business One — a company management system with a production module and web store software development is also implemented. Content-response: 32.85 %. —Innovative SME: Ltd., 80 % owned by Imre Zákány, who has utility model protection, is a tablecloth, leveller, road construction machine registered under registration number 4297 of the SZTNH. The protection is valid and the company intends to use it in the development of the content of this tender. (protection and declaration of use attached to the tender) — Industry 4.0: In the framework of this project, the company plans to introduce a SAP Business One corporate management system, complemented by a production module. The relevant requirements of Annex 10 are met by the system to be introduced, which was examined by the tendering company and declared in its tender. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: In the framework of the project, the Ltd. intends to increase its production and production capacity by producing new, additional value-added marketable machines. Activities to be developed are set out in the 2849 TEÁOR a: Construction activities: In the course of the project, 1 336.55 m², partly a 2-storey locksmith plant will be built, in which 1 showroom, 2 locksmith workshops, 1 assembly workshop, 1 dust-spray workshop, 1 open color, as well as road users, warehouse and social premises will be built. (according to the site inventory of the construction plan). b: Purchase of machinery and equipment: for operation of the plant in technological order: vacuum lifting equipment (1pcs)- The task of placing different material, sized plate raw materials on the object table of the laser cutting equipment. Location: 19 locksmith workshops. TruLaser 3030 laser cutter (1pcs) — Cut any shape designed by computer from 1 mm to 20 mm sheet thickness. Location: 19 locksmith workshops. Straightener equipment (1 pcs)- Equipment used for bending plate parts cut to any shape by laser cutting device. Computer-controlled angular adjustment. Location: 19 locksmith workshops. Mobile smoke extractor (2pcs) –Smoke generated during welding is dangerous, it is perceived by mobile smoke extractors. An essential device for ensuring safe and harmless environment. Location: 16 locksmith workshops Washing and Hole Grinding Machine (1pcs) — To achieve higher jointing accuracy, it is necessary to grind the mantle and holes 0.01-0.001 mm.: 19 locksmith workshops. Electrostatic dust sprayer (1pcs) — End-painting not only serves corrosion protection, it meets aesthetic requirements as well as work safety. Here, the powder coating technology ensures the required surface treatment. Heely: 20 Dust spray workshop. solvent paint cabin (1pcs) — a closed painting cabin for spray gun painting, which can satisfy high health and safety requirements through its exhaust system. Location: 23 open color forklifts (1pcs) — Movement of materials and finished goods throughout the site up to 3 t load bearing. Location: 23 open colors. C: Information technology development: SAP Business One — a company management system with a production module and web store software development is also implemented. Content-response: 32.85 %. —Innovative SME: Ltd., 80 % owned by Imre Zákány, who has utility model protection, is a tablecloth, leveller, road construction machine registered under registration number 4297 of the SZTNH. The protection is valid and the company intends to use it in the development of the content of this tender. (protection and declaration of use attached to the tender) — Industry 4.0: In the framework of this project, the company plans to introduce a SAP Business One corporate management system, complemented by a production module. The relevant requirements of Annex 10 are met by the system to be introduced, which was examined by the tendering company and declared in its tender. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 14:35, 8 February 2022

Project Q3915420 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Expansion of production capacity at Zákány Tool House Ltd.
Project Q3915420 in Hungary


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    366,290,274 forint
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    1,012,869.53 Euro
    0.00276521 Euro
    3 December 2021
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    2,002,600.94 Euro
    0.0027336256 Euro
    14 December 2021
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    732,580,548.0 forint
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    1 October 2018
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    29 June 2021
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    ZÁKÁNY SZERSZÁMHÁZ Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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    47°20'10.68"N, 21°32'3.91"E
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    A Kft. a projekt keretében termelési, gyártási kapacitását szeretné növelni új, többlet hozzáadott értékkel rendelkező piacképes gépek gyártásával. Fejlesztendő tevékenységek a 2849 TEÁOR. a: Építési tevékenysége: A projekt során megépül 1336,55 m2 alapterületű, részben 2 szintes lakatos üzem, melyben helyet kap 1 db bemutató terem, 2 db lakatosműhely, 1 db szerelőműhely, 1 db porszóró műhely, 1 db nyitott szín, valamint közlekedők, raktár és szociális helyiségek. (építési tervdok. helyiségleltára szerint). b: Gép, eszközbeszerzés: az üzembe működtetéséhez technológiai sorrendben: vákuumos emelő berendezés (1db)- Feladata különb. anyagú, méretű lemez nyersanyagokat a lézervágó berendezés tárgyasztalára való elhelyezése. Helye: 19 lakatos műhely. TruLaser 3030 lézervágó (1db) - Számítógéppel megtervezett tetszőleges formák vágása 1 mm-től 20 mm-es lemezvastagságig. Helye: 19 lakatos műhely. élhajlító berendezés (1 db)- Lézer vágóeszköz által tetszőleges formára vágott lemez alkatrészek hajlítására használt berendezés. Számítógép által vezérelt szögbeállítási lehetőséggel. Helye: 19 lakatos műhely. mobil füstelszívó (2db) –Hegesztés során keletkezett füst veszélyes, azt mobil füstelszívók fogják fel. Elengedhetetlen készülék a biztonságos és egészségre ártalmatlan körny.biztosításához. Helye: 16 lakatos műhely Palást- és furat köszörűgép (1db) -A magasabb illesztési pontosság eléréséhez szükséges a palást illetve a furatok 0,01 – 0,001 mm köszörülése.: 19 lakatos műhely. elektrosztatikus porszóró berendezés (1db) - A végfestés nem csak korrózió védelmet szolgál, esztétikai elvárások, illetve munkabiztonságot is kielégít. Itt a porszórásos technológia biztosítja az elvárásnak megfelelő felületkezelést. Heely: 20 Porszóró műhely. oldószeres festőkabin (1db) - Szórópisztolyos festéshez szükséges zárt festőkabin, mely elszívó berendezése révén a magas egészségügyi és munkabiztonsági elvárásokat ki tudja elégíteni. Helye: 23 nyitott szín villástargonca (1db)- Anyag- és készáru mozgatása az egész telephely területén 3 t teherhordozásig. Helye: 23 nyitott szín. c: Információs technológia fejlesztés: SAP Business One –gyártási modullal kiegészített vállaltirányítási rendszer valamint, web áruházi szoftver fejlesztés is megvalósul. Tartalmi ért.szemp.: 32,85%. -Innovatív kkv: A Kft., 80%-ban Zákány Imre tulajdonában van, aki használati minta oltalommal rendelkezik, a terítő, simító szintező, útépítő gépre, melyet a SZTNH, 4297 lajstromszám alatt jegyzett be. Az oltalom érvényes, és jelen pályázat tartalmát képző fejlesztés során is használni kívánja a cég. (oltalom és a használatra vonatkozó nyilatkozat a pályázathoz csatolva) - Ipar 4.0: A vállalkozás jelen projekt keretében termelési modullal kiegészített SAP Business One vállalatirányítási rendszer bevezetését tervezi. A 10. sz. melléklet vonatkozó követelményit a bevezetésre kerülő rendszer teljesíti, melyet az ajánlattevő cég vizsgált és erről ajánlatában nyilatkozott. (Hungarian)
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    In the framework of the project, the Ltd. intends to increase its production and production capacity by producing new, additional value-added marketable machines. Activities to be developed are set out in the 2849 TEÁOR a: Construction activities: In the course of the project, 1 336.55 m², partly a 2-storey locksmith plant will be built, in which 1 showroom, 2 locksmith workshops, 1 assembly workshop, 1 dust-spray workshop, 1 open color, as well as road users, warehouse and social premises will be built. (according to the site inventory of the construction plan). b: Purchase of machinery and equipment: for operation of the plant in technological order: vacuum lifting equipment (1pcs)- The task of placing different material, sized plate raw materials on the object table of the laser cutting equipment. Location: 19 locksmith workshops. TruLaser 3030 laser cutter (1pcs) — Cut any shape designed by computer from 1 mm to 20 mm sheet thickness. Location: 19 locksmith workshops. Straightener equipment (1 pcs)- Equipment used for bending plate parts cut to any shape by laser cutting device. Computer-controlled angular adjustment. Location: 19 locksmith workshops. Mobile smoke extractor (2pcs) –Smoke generated during welding is dangerous, it is perceived by mobile smoke extractors. An essential device for ensuring safe and harmless environment. Location: 16 locksmith workshops Washing and Hole Grinding Machine (1pcs) — To achieve higher jointing accuracy, it is necessary to grind the mantle and holes 0.01-0.001 mm.: 19 locksmith workshops. Electrostatic dust sprayer (1pcs) — End-painting not only serves corrosion protection, it meets aesthetic requirements as well as work safety. Here, the powder coating technology ensures the required surface treatment. Heely: 20 Dust spray workshop. solvent paint cabin (1pcs) — a closed painting cabin for spray gun painting, which can satisfy high health and safety requirements through its exhaust system. Location: 23 open color forklifts (1pcs) — Movement of materials and finished goods throughout the site up to 3 t load bearing. Location: 23 open colors. C: Information technology development: SAP Business One — a company management system with a production module and web store software development is also implemented. Content-response: 32.85 %. —Innovative SME: Ltd., 80 % owned by Imre Zákány, who has utility model protection, is a tablecloth, leveller, road construction machine registered under registration number 4297 of the SZTNH. The protection is valid and the company intends to use it in the development of the content of this tender. (protection and declaration of use attached to the tender) — Industry 4.0: In the framework of this project, the company plans to introduce a SAP Business One corporate management system, complemented by a production module. The relevant requirements of Annex 10 are met by the system to be introduced, which was examined by the tendering company and declared in its tender. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Derecske, Hajdú-Bihar
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