Capacity-enhancing investment of Bognár and Partner Ltd. (Q3914220): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item: Adding English translations) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
By implementing the project, Bognár and Társa Kft. achieves capacity expansion in three areas. All three areas are linked to each other as part of a production process. The first capacity extension is realised in the area of 3D laser machining by purchasing a tube laser. With this, the company will be able to cut and bore closed sections and pipe materials and semi-finished products in three dimensions. This must be used to fit the elements before welding and assembly of the elements. Without subcontracting, the company will be able to produce in a large series, high quality, spatial support elements from tube and closed sections, which is necessary for the production of modern steel construction products. The second capacity increase will take place in the area of surface treatment. One of the devices to be procured, a blasting cabinet, is used for cleaning the metal surfaces before machining. So far, the company has solved this with a hand blaster, a great demand for live labor. The grain-spraying cabin can be used for surface cleaning of larger workpieces or assemblies quickly and in good quality. With its inclusion in the production line, the technological surface treatment capacity is significantly increased at the company. Another area of surface treatment where capacity expansion is required is dust coating. This is a final surface treatment process, the coating of finished products with a special technology. The company already has dust painting equipment, but it is outdated and cannot provide the required quality or capacity to produce modern products. Therefore, the Beetle and Company are forced to purchase a more modern, higher capacity dust painting plant. The third area where capacity should be expanded is welding. The existing equipment park, welding robots, hand-held welding equipment, a new welding equipment and a robotic translator are also required, which can rotate the workpiece in the required machining position in space during the machining process. The two machines expand the company’s welding capacity. The investments have been properly prepared. To select the tools, the management based on its own team of experts, the location of the new equipment was designated in the production halls, taking into account the appropriate production routes. The appropriate infrastructure is available for the operation of the machinery. The acquisition is planned on a scheduled basis by the company, taking into account its financial possibilities. First of all, the welding and blasting cabin will be purchased, in 2015. In the first half of 2016, the powder painting cabin and the robotic translator would be purchased, while the project would be completed by purchasing the tube laser in the second half of 2016. The company’s management has experience in operating the assets, and the appropriate professional standards are thus ensured. With the implementation of the project, the products to be produced by Bognár and Társa Kft. have a higher added value, since the investment also increases the quality produced. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: By implementing the project, Bognár and Társa Kft. achieves capacity expansion in three areas. All three areas are linked to each other as part of a production process. The first capacity extension is realised in the area of 3D laser machining by purchasing a tube laser. With this, the company will be able to cut and bore closed sections and pipe materials and semi-finished products in three dimensions. This must be used to fit the elements before welding and assembly of the elements. Without subcontracting, the company will be able to produce in a large series, high quality, spatial support elements from tube and closed sections, which is necessary for the production of modern steel construction products. The second capacity increase will take place in the area of surface treatment. One of the devices to be procured, a blasting cabinet, is used for cleaning the metal surfaces before machining. So far, the company has solved this with a hand blaster, a great demand for live labor. The grain-spraying cabin can be used for surface cleaning of larger workpieces or assemblies quickly and in good quality. With its inclusion in the production line, the technological surface treatment capacity is significantly increased at the company. Another area of surface treatment where capacity expansion is required is dust coating. This is a final surface treatment process, the coating of finished products with a special technology. The company already has dust painting equipment, but it is outdated and cannot provide the required quality or capacity to produce modern products. Therefore, the Beetle and Company are forced to purchase a more modern, higher capacity dust painting plant. The third area where capacity should be expanded is welding. The existing equipment park, welding robots, hand-held welding equipment, a new welding equipment and a robotic translator are also required, which can rotate the workpiece in the required machining position in space during the machining process. The two machines expand the company’s welding capacity. The investments have been properly prepared. To select the tools, the management based on its own team of experts, the location of the new equipment was designated in the production halls, taking into account the appropriate production routes. The appropriate infrastructure is available for the operation of the machinery. The acquisition is planned on a scheduled basis by the company, taking into account its financial possibilities. First of all, the welding and blasting cabin will be purchased, in 2015. In the first half of 2016, the powder painting cabin and the robotic translator would be purchased, while the project would be completed by purchasing the tube laser in the second half of 2016. The company’s management has experience in operating the assets, and the appropriate professional standards are thus ensured. With the implementation of the project, the products to be produced by Bognár and Társa Kft. have a higher added value, since the investment also increases the quality produced. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: By implementing the project, Bognár and Társa Kft. achieves capacity expansion in three areas. All three areas are linked to each other as part of a production process. The first capacity extension is realised in the area of 3D laser machining by purchasing a tube laser. With this, the company will be able to cut and bore closed sections and pipe materials and semi-finished products in three dimensions. This must be used to fit the elements before welding and assembly of the elements. Without subcontracting, the company will be able to produce in a large series, high quality, spatial support elements from tube and closed sections, which is necessary for the production of modern steel construction products. The second capacity increase will take place in the area of surface treatment. One of the devices to be procured, a blasting cabinet, is used for cleaning the metal surfaces before machining. So far, the company has solved this with a hand blaster, a great demand for live labor. The grain-spraying cabin can be used for surface cleaning of larger workpieces or assemblies quickly and in good quality. With its inclusion in the production line, the technological surface treatment capacity is significantly increased at the company. Another area of surface treatment where capacity expansion is required is dust coating. This is a final surface treatment process, the coating of finished products with a special technology. The company already has dust painting equipment, but it is outdated and cannot provide the required quality or capacity to produce modern products. Therefore, the Beetle and Company are forced to purchase a more modern, higher capacity dust painting plant. The third area where capacity should be expanded is welding. The existing equipment park, welding robots, hand-held welding equipment, a new welding equipment and a robotic translator are also required, which can rotate the workpiece in the required machining position in space during the machining process. The two machines expand the company’s welding capacity. The investments have been properly prepared. To select the tools, the management based on its own team of experts, the location of the new equipment was designated in the production halls, taking into account the appropriate production routes. The appropriate infrastructure is available for the operation of the machinery. The acquisition is planned on a scheduled basis by the company, taking into account its financial possibilities. First of all, the welding and blasting cabin will be purchased, in 2015. In the first half of 2016, the powder painting cabin and the robotic translator would be purchased, while the project would be completed by purchasing the tube laser in the second half of 2016. The company’s management has experience in operating the assets, and the appropriate professional standards are thus ensured. With the implementation of the project, the products to be produced by Bognár and Társa Kft. have a higher added value, since the investment also increases the quality produced. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 8 February 2022
Revision as of 14:11, 8 February 2022
Project Q3914220 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Capacity-enhancing investment of Bognár and Partner Ltd. |
Project Q3914220 in Hungary |
373,486,543 forint
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2,041,944.75 Euro
0.0027336256 Euro
14 December 2021
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746,973,086.0 forint
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50.0 percent
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17 August 2015
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16 December 2016
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"Bognár és Társa" Termelő és Kereskedelmi Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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A projekt megvalósításával három területen ér el a Bognár és Társa Kft. kapacitás bővítést. Mindhárom terület úgy kacsolódik egymáshoz, hogy egy termelési folyamat részelemei. Az első kapacitásbővítés a 3D-s lézeres megmunkálás területén valósul meg egy csőlézer beszerzésével. Ezzel a társaság képes lesz zártszelvények és cső alapanyagok illetve félkész termékek vágására és furatozására három dimenzióban. Ez az elemek összeilleszthetőségéhez kell, az elemek összehegesztését és összeszerelését előzi meg. A társaság ezzel alvállalkozó igénybevétele nélkül lesz képes nagy sorozatban, kiváló minőségben gyártani térbeli tartóelemeket cső- illetve zártszelvényekből, ami a korszerű acélszerkezeti termékek előállításához szükséges. A második kapacitásbővítés a felületkezelés területén valósul meg. Az egyik beszerzésre kerülő eszköz, egy szemcseszóró kabin a fém felületek megmunkálása előtti tisztítását szolgálja. Eddig a társaság kézi szemcseszóróval, nagy élőmunka erő igénnyel oldotta meg ezt. A szemcseszóró kabin nagyobb munkadarabok vagy részegységek felületi tisztítását tudja gyorsan, megfelelő minőségben megoldani. Gyártósorba állításával a technológiai felületkezelés kapacitás jelentősen bővül a társaságnál. A felületkezelés másik területe, ahol kapacitásbővítésre van szükség, az a porfestés. Ez egy végleges felületkezelési eljárás, a késztermékek felületének bevonását jelenti egy speciális technológiával. A társaság már rendelkezik porfestő berendezéssel, de az már elavult, sem a megfelelő minőséget, sem a szükséges kapacitást nem tudja biztosítani a korszerű termékek előállításához. Ezért a Bognár és Társa egy korszerűbb, nagyobb kapacitású porfestő üzem beszerzésére kényszerül. A harmadik terület, ahol kapacitást kell bővíteni, a hegesztés. A meglévő eszközpark, hegesztő robotok, kézi hegesztő berendezések, mellé szükséges egy új hegesztőberendezés és egy robotfordító is, ami a megmunkálás közben térben képes a munkadarabot forgatni a szükséges megmunkálási pozícióba. A két géppel a társaság hegesztési kapacitása bővül. A beruházásokhoz a megfelelő előkészítés megtörtént. Az eszközök kiválasztásához saját szakembergárdájára támaszkodott a menedzsment, az új berendezések helyének kijelölése a termelő csarnokokban megtörtént, a megfelelő gyártási útvonalak figyelembevételével. A gépek üzemeltetéséhez a megfelelő infrastruktúra rendelkezésre áll. A beszerzést ütemezetten tervezi a társaság, pénzügyi lehetőségei figyelembevételével. Elsőként a hegesztő és a szemcseszóró kabin kerül beszerzésre, még 2015-ben. 2016 első félévében vásárolnák meg a porfestő kabint, és a robotfordítót, míg a csőlézer beszerzésével zárulna a projekt, 2016 második félévében. Az eszközök üzemeltetéséhez a társaság menedzsmentjének van tapasztalata, a megfelelő szakmai színvonal így biztosított. A projekt megvalósításával a Bognár és Társa Kft. által gyártásra kerülő termékek nagyobb többletértékkel rendelkeznek, hiszen a beruházással a gyártott minőség is tovább nő. (Hungarian)
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By implementing the project, Bognár and Társa Kft. achieves capacity expansion in three areas. All three areas are linked to each other as part of a production process. The first capacity extension is realised in the area of 3D laser machining by purchasing a tube laser. With this, the company will be able to cut and bore closed sections and pipe materials and semi-finished products in three dimensions. This must be used to fit the elements before welding and assembly of the elements. Without subcontracting, the company will be able to produce in a large series, high quality, spatial support elements from tube and closed sections, which is necessary for the production of modern steel construction products. The second capacity increase will take place in the area of surface treatment. One of the devices to be procured, a blasting cabinet, is used for cleaning the metal surfaces before machining. So far, the company has solved this with a hand blaster, a great demand for live labor. The grain-spraying cabin can be used for surface cleaning of larger workpieces or assemblies quickly and in good quality. With its inclusion in the production line, the technological surface treatment capacity is significantly increased at the company. Another area of surface treatment where capacity expansion is required is dust coating. This is a final surface treatment process, the coating of finished products with a special technology. The company already has dust painting equipment, but it is outdated and cannot provide the required quality or capacity to produce modern products. Therefore, the Beetle and Company are forced to purchase a more modern, higher capacity dust painting plant. The third area where capacity should be expanded is welding. The existing equipment park, welding robots, hand-held welding equipment, a new welding equipment and a robotic translator are also required, which can rotate the workpiece in the required machining position in space during the machining process. The two machines expand the company’s welding capacity. The investments have been properly prepared. To select the tools, the management based on its own team of experts, the location of the new equipment was designated in the production halls, taking into account the appropriate production routes. The appropriate infrastructure is available for the operation of the machinery. The acquisition is planned on a scheduled basis by the company, taking into account its financial possibilities. First of all, the welding and blasting cabin will be purchased, in 2015. In the first half of 2016, the powder painting cabin and the robotic translator would be purchased, while the project would be completed by purchasing the tube laser in the second half of 2016. The company’s management has experience in operating the assets, and the appropriate professional standards are thus ensured. With the implementation of the project, the products to be produced by Bognár and Társa Kft. have a higher added value, since the investment also increases the quality produced. (English)
8 February 2022
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Szolnok, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok
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