Technology expansion related to the production of a new product at Aluflex Kft. (Q3914177): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item: Adding English translations) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
85 % of the development is aimed at increasing technological development capacity for welding and grinding aluminium seals. The customer expects that at least 10 tons of raw materials will need to be made of scaffolding frames, 500 new scaffolding boards and 500 additional formwork boards, and 3,000 additional scaffolding systems must be manufactured. With the new machines, we will be able to produce idomaluminium walking surfaces where welding is not carried out on circular (pipe) but in angles and templates. Preparation: Negotiation with our customers about the needs and the compilation of the production tools needed to advance along the production chain, an assessment of the existing production hall. Static, design inspection for slab insulation, ensuring the production condition. Implementation: Evaluation of the proposal by 09.30. Launch of construction: 10.15, roof insulation until 11.10. Ordering equipment, contracting until 31.10.2015. Continuous delivery/deployment until May 2016, project closing 30 June 2016 During the development, 21 equipment/manufacturing equipment will be procured for 98.8 mt. The hall is water- and thermal insulation of the slab on 4 500 m² at a cost of 15.9 mt. Professional standards: The devices to be procured shall be CE-certified in accordance with the standards for putting into service. In the case of construction work may be carried out under the supervision of a technical inspector with a minimum qualification of ME-II. Reservation: The company has 13 years of manufacturing experience, 10 % surplus production does not cause professional questions. The employees are trained and trained by our company’s specialist instructor. Project Competence: The company over the last 4 years is a 180 mFt. It has successfully implemented asset development through EU support. The company has 4 university graduate mechanical engineers and project managers. The technical inspector to be charged with the construction is expected to have 5 years of internship. The precision cutting, grinding and welding accuracy of the machines to be procured varies from 2 mm to 1 mm. With the new machines, Aluflex Ltd. will be able to produce pallets for non-manufactured racking systems, where the length of the weld can be up to 3 000 mm. Target area: Acquisition of new production equipment/production equipment related to production at an export-oriented production company. The company’s main activity is 2411 Metal construction production, from which 100 % of its turnover is generated and the investment is directed towards this. On the basis of cost savings, we have requested at least 3 quotes for each asset and buy the best price. The development is aimed at export activities and the purchase of production machinery to provide quality production capacity-enhancing capacity. New products manufactured after development: the walking floor of racking systems is made of aluminium, welded and, if necessary, equipped with a latch opening, thus moving forward in the production value chain. Equipment: A description of the machinery to be procured is attached in a separate annex. Real estate development: The thermal insulation of the building is expected to reduce heating costs by 10 %, which increases the company’s results. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: 85 % of the development is aimed at increasing technological development capacity for welding and grinding aluminium seals. The customer expects that at least 10 tons of raw materials will need to be made of scaffolding frames, 500 new scaffolding boards and 500 additional formwork boards, and 3,000 additional scaffolding systems must be manufactured. With the new machines, we will be able to produce idomaluminium walking surfaces where welding is not carried out on circular (pipe) but in angles and templates. Preparation: Negotiation with our customers about the needs and the compilation of the production tools needed to advance along the production chain, an assessment of the existing production hall. Static, design inspection for slab insulation, ensuring the production condition. Implementation: Evaluation of the proposal by 09.30. Launch of construction: 10.15, roof insulation until 11.10. Ordering equipment, contracting until 31.10.2015. Continuous delivery/deployment until May 2016, project closing 30 June 2016 During the development, 21 equipment/manufacturing equipment will be procured for 98.8 mt. The hall is water- and thermal insulation of the slab on 4 500 m² at a cost of 15.9 mt. Professional standards: The devices to be procured shall be CE-certified in accordance with the standards for putting into service. In the case of construction work may be carried out under the supervision of a technical inspector with a minimum qualification of ME-II. Reservation: The company has 13 years of manufacturing experience, 10 % surplus production does not cause professional questions. The employees are trained and trained by our company’s specialist instructor. Project Competence: The company over the last 4 years is a 180 mFt. It has successfully implemented asset development through EU support. The company has 4 university graduate mechanical engineers and project managers. The technical inspector to be charged with the construction is expected to have 5 years of internship. The precision cutting, grinding and welding accuracy of the machines to be procured varies from 2 mm to 1 mm. With the new machines, Aluflex Ltd. will be able to produce pallets for non-manufactured racking systems, where the length of the weld can be up to 3 000 mm. Target area: Acquisition of new production equipment/production equipment related to production at an export-oriented production company. The company’s main activity is 2411 Metal construction production, from which 100 % of its turnover is generated and the investment is directed towards this. On the basis of cost savings, we have requested at least 3 quotes for each asset and buy the best price. The development is aimed at export activities and the purchase of production machinery to provide quality production capacity-enhancing capacity. New products manufactured after development: the walking floor of racking systems is made of aluminium, welded and, if necessary, equipped with a latch opening, thus moving forward in the production value chain. Equipment: A description of the machinery to be procured is attached in a separate annex. Real estate development: The thermal insulation of the building is expected to reduce heating costs by 10 %, which increases the company’s results. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: 85 % of the development is aimed at increasing technological development capacity for welding and grinding aluminium seals. The customer expects that at least 10 tons of raw materials will need to be made of scaffolding frames, 500 new scaffolding boards and 500 additional formwork boards, and 3,000 additional scaffolding systems must be manufactured. With the new machines, we will be able to produce idomaluminium walking surfaces where welding is not carried out on circular (pipe) but in angles and templates. Preparation: Negotiation with our customers about the needs and the compilation of the production tools needed to advance along the production chain, an assessment of the existing production hall. Static, design inspection for slab insulation, ensuring the production condition. Implementation: Evaluation of the proposal by 09.30. Launch of construction: 10.15, roof insulation until 11.10. Ordering equipment, contracting until 31.10.2015. Continuous delivery/deployment until May 2016, project closing 30 June 2016 During the development, 21 equipment/manufacturing equipment will be procured for 98.8 mt. The hall is water- and thermal insulation of the slab on 4 500 m² at a cost of 15.9 mt. Professional standards: The devices to be procured shall be CE-certified in accordance with the standards for putting into service. In the case of construction work may be carried out under the supervision of a technical inspector with a minimum qualification of ME-II. Reservation: The company has 13 years of manufacturing experience, 10 % surplus production does not cause professional questions. The employees are trained and trained by our company’s specialist instructor. Project Competence: The company over the last 4 years is a 180 mFt. It has successfully implemented asset development through EU support. The company has 4 university graduate mechanical engineers and project managers. The technical inspector to be charged with the construction is expected to have 5 years of internship. The precision cutting, grinding and welding accuracy of the machines to be procured varies from 2 mm to 1 mm. With the new machines, Aluflex Ltd. will be able to produce pallets for non-manufactured racking systems, where the length of the weld can be up to 3 000 mm. Target area: Acquisition of new production equipment/production equipment related to production at an export-oriented production company. The company’s main activity is 2411 Metal construction production, from which 100 % of its turnover is generated and the investment is directed towards this. On the basis of cost savings, we have requested at least 3 quotes for each asset and buy the best price. The development is aimed at export activities and the purchase of production machinery to provide quality production capacity-enhancing capacity. New products manufactured after development: the walking floor of racking systems is made of aluminium, welded and, if necessary, equipped with a latch opening, thus moving forward in the production value chain. Equipment: A description of the machinery to be procured is attached in a separate annex. Real estate development: The thermal insulation of the building is expected to reduce heating costs by 10 %, which increases the company’s results. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 8 February 2022
Revision as of 14:10, 8 February 2022
Project Q3914177 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Technology expansion related to the production of a new product at Aluflex Kft. |
Project Q3914177 in Hungary |
114,653,424 forint
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229,306,848.0 forint
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50.0 percent
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14 August 2015
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30 November 2016
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ALUFLEX Termelő és Kereskedelmi Kft.
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A fejlesztés 85%-ban az alumínium zsaluk hegesztésére, csiszolására irányuló technológiai fejlesztési kapacitásbővítésre irányul. A megrendelői elvárás szerint legalább évi 10 tonna alapanyagból állványkeret, 500 db új állványpalló és 500 db többlet zsalutábla gyártásra van szükség, és 3.000 db többlet állványrendszert kell gyártani. Az új gépekkel tudunk majd olyan idomalumínium járófelületet gyártani, ahol a hegesztés nem köridomon (csövön) történik, hanem szögben, és sablonokon. Előkészítés: Tárgyalás a vevőinkkel az igényekről, és a termelési láncban történő előrelépéshez szükséges gyártó eszközök összeállítása, a meglévő gyártó-csarnokrész felmérése. Statikai, tervezői vizsgálat a födémszigeteléshez, a termelési feltétel biztosításához. Megvalósítás: A pályázat értékelés 09.30-ig. Építkezés indítása: 10.15., tetőszigetelés 11.10-ig. Eszközök megrendelése, szerződéskötések 2015.10.31-ig. Folyamatos szállítás/beüzemelés 2016. májusig, projektzárás 2016. június 30. A fejlesztés során 21 db berendezés/gyártó eszköz kerül beszerzésre 98,8 mFt, a csarnok a födém víz- és hőszigetelése 4500 m2-en 15,9 mFt költséggel. Szakmai standardok: A beszerzendő eszközök CE minősítéssel ellátottak, üzembe helyezés szabványok betartásával. Építésnél legalább ME-II-es végzettségű műszaki ellenőr irányításbal végezhető a munka. Fenntartás: A cég 13 éves gyártási tapasztalattal rendelkezik, a 10%-os többlettermelés nem okoz szakmai kérdést. A dolgozók betanítását, képzését cégünk szakoktatója végzi. Projektjártasság: A cég az elmúlt 4 évben egy 180 mFt. EU-s támogatásból megvalósult eszközfejlesztést valósított meg sikeresen. A vállalkozásnál 4 fő egyetemi végzettségű gépészmérnök és projektmanager van. Az építésre megbízandó műszaki ellenőrnél elvárt az 5 éves szakmai gyakorlat. Többletérték a beszerzendő gépekkel a precíziós vágás, csiszolás, hegesztés pontossága az eddigi 2 mm-ről 1 mm pontosságra változik. Az új gépekkel az Aluflex Kft. alkalmas lesz eddig nem gyártott állványrendszerekhez pallót is gyártani, ahol a hegesztési varrat hossza akár 3000 mm is lehet. Célterület: Az új gyártóeszköz/termelőeszköz beszerzése gyártáshoz kapcsolódóan, exportorientált termelővállalatnál. A cég fő tevékenysége 2411 Fémszerkezetgyártása amelyből származik árbevételének 100%-a, és a beruházás is erre irányul. Minden eszköznél a költségtakarékosság alapján legalább 3 árajánlatot kértünk, és a legjobb árút vásároljuk meg. A fejlesztés exporttevékenységre irányul, kapacitásbővítő minőségi termelést biztosító termelőgép beszerzés. A fejlesztés után gyártott új termékek: állványrendszerek járópadlója alumíniumból összeállítva, hegesztve, valamint szükség szerint búvó-nyílással ellátva, ezáltal a termelési értékláncban előrelépünk. Berendezések: Külön mellékletben csatolva a beszerzendő gépekről eszközökről a leírás. Ingatlanfejlesztés: Az épület hőszigetelése várhatóan 10%-kal csökkenti a fűtési költségeket, ami a cég eredményét növeli. (Hungarian)
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85 % of the development is aimed at increasing technological development capacity for welding and grinding aluminium seals. The customer expects that at least 10 tons of raw materials will need to be made of scaffolding frames, 500 new scaffolding boards and 500 additional formwork boards, and 3,000 additional scaffolding systems must be manufactured. With the new machines, we will be able to produce idomaluminium walking surfaces where welding is not carried out on circular (pipe) but in angles and templates. Preparation: Negotiation with our customers about the needs and the compilation of the production tools needed to advance along the production chain, an assessment of the existing production hall. Static, design inspection for slab insulation, ensuring the production condition. Implementation: Evaluation of the proposal by 09.30. Launch of construction: 10.15, roof insulation until 11.10. Ordering equipment, contracting until 31.10.2015. Continuous delivery/deployment until May 2016, project closing 30 June 2016 During the development, 21 equipment/manufacturing equipment will be procured for 98.8 mt. The hall is water- and thermal insulation of the slab on 4 500 m² at a cost of 15.9 mt. Professional standards: The devices to be procured shall be CE-certified in accordance with the standards for putting into service. In the case of construction work may be carried out under the supervision of a technical inspector with a minimum qualification of ME-II. Reservation: The company has 13 years of manufacturing experience, 10 % surplus production does not cause professional questions. The employees are trained and trained by our company’s specialist instructor. Project Competence: The company over the last 4 years is a 180 mFt. It has successfully implemented asset development through EU support. The company has 4 university graduate mechanical engineers and project managers. The technical inspector to be charged with the construction is expected to have 5 years of internship. The precision cutting, grinding and welding accuracy of the machines to be procured varies from 2 mm to 1 mm. With the new machines, Aluflex Ltd. will be able to produce pallets for non-manufactured racking systems, where the length of the weld can be up to 3 000 mm. Target area: Acquisition of new production equipment/production equipment related to production at an export-oriented production company. The company’s main activity is 2411 Metal construction production, from which 100 % of its turnover is generated and the investment is directed towards this. On the basis of cost savings, we have requested at least 3 quotes for each asset and buy the best price. The development is aimed at export activities and the purchase of production machinery to provide quality production capacity-enhancing capacity. New products manufactured after development: the walking floor of racking systems is made of aluminium, welded and, if necessary, equipped with a latch opening, thus moving forward in the production value chain. Equipment: A description of the machinery to be procured is attached in a separate annex. Real estate development: The thermal insulation of the building is expected to reduce heating costs by 10 %, which increases the company’s results. (English)
8 February 2022
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Balassagyarmat, Nógrád
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