Production capacity expansion at Rastyl Kft. (Q3914087): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item: Adding English translations) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Plastic tiles, vases, washers are molded as follows. This process requires injection moulding machines and associated special tools. One half of the tool is mounted on the standing tool picker sheet and the other on the moving sheet. If the tool is closed unhindered at low speed and force, the closing force shall be constructed to compensate for the force to strain the mold from the spilled spill into the tool. If the tool is closed, the nozzle moves forward until it lies on the standing tool picker sheet. During injection moulding, the plastic bulk is moved forward by the snail piston, acting as a piston, into the tool. There is a serious problem in manufacturing that the change in the species volume of plastics is much higher than that of other materials. This means that the specific volume of plastics increases rapidly as a result of increasing temperatures and decreases when cooling. Plastic products can only be manufactured if they are compensated. Therefore, the injection moulding process is divided into two parts: tool filling and compensation, i.e. direct injection moulding and after-pressure. During injection moulding, the bulk must fill the tool perfectly. During the post-pressure phase, the change in species volume shall be compensated for from the material cushion in the catchment chamber behind the nozzle. The post-pressure is effective until the flow is solidified in the inlet canal. The product is then cooled down. After the after-pressure, plasticisation is carried out in parallel to the cooling. If the cooling time is long, the nozzle must be removed from the refrigerated tool because the flow in the nozzle may freeze. If the nozzle remains on the tool, its clamping pressure must be reduced before the tool is opened. After cooling time and plasticisation, the tool opens, first slowly and then slowly again before the end position after the complete separation. The injection moulding process ends with the discarding of the products. Injection moulding machines are water-cooled and the water is cooled to a temperature of around 11 °C, so that the tools are cooled. Therefore, refrigeration equipment is needed. Air is also needed to operate the machines, so the production requires screw compressors. The forklift ensures the movement of the raw material, its placing on machines and the placing of finished goods on pallets. The tools to be used for machines are loaded and extracted using a bacterium crane at the beginning and at the end of a production process. By purchasing new machinery and equipment, a new product will be produced in addition to the old products. Snow blades make up a small part of their product range. The plastic parts of the snow shovels have been made by an external company, but now they are starting to produce snow shovels in Várpalota and will be delivered to the multipliers in the same way as before, only now it will be self-manufactured. This increases the added value of the company in relation to the product. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Plastic tiles, vases, washers are molded as follows. This process requires injection moulding machines and associated special tools. One half of the tool is mounted on the standing tool picker sheet and the other on the moving sheet. If the tool is closed unhindered at low speed and force, the closing force shall be constructed to compensate for the force to strain the mold from the spilled spill into the tool. If the tool is closed, the nozzle moves forward until it lies on the standing tool picker sheet. During injection moulding, the plastic bulk is moved forward by the snail piston, acting as a piston, into the tool. There is a serious problem in manufacturing that the change in the species volume of plastics is much higher than that of other materials. This means that the specific volume of plastics increases rapidly as a result of increasing temperatures and decreases when cooling. Plastic products can only be manufactured if they are compensated. Therefore, the injection moulding process is divided into two parts: tool filling and compensation, i.e. direct injection moulding and after-pressure. During injection moulding, the bulk must fill the tool perfectly. During the post-pressure phase, the change in species volume shall be compensated for from the material cushion in the catchment chamber behind the nozzle. The post-pressure is effective until the flow is solidified in the inlet canal. The product is then cooled down. After the after-pressure, plasticisation is carried out in parallel to the cooling. If the cooling time is long, the nozzle must be removed from the refrigerated tool because the flow in the nozzle may freeze. If the nozzle remains on the tool, its clamping pressure must be reduced before the tool is opened. After cooling time and plasticisation, the tool opens, first slowly and then slowly again before the end position after the complete separation. The injection moulding process ends with the discarding of the products. Injection moulding machines are water-cooled and the water is cooled to a temperature of around 11 °C, so that the tools are cooled. Therefore, refrigeration equipment is needed. Air is also needed to operate the machines, so the production requires screw compressors. The forklift ensures the movement of the raw material, its placing on machines and the placing of finished goods on pallets. The tools to be used for machines are loaded and extracted using a bacterium crane at the beginning and at the end of a production process. By purchasing new machinery and equipment, a new product will be produced in addition to the old products. Snow blades make up a small part of their product range. The plastic parts of the snow shovels have been made by an external company, but now they are starting to produce snow shovels in Várpalota and will be delivered to the multipliers in the same way as before, only now it will be self-manufactured. This increases the added value of the company in relation to the product. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Plastic tiles, vases, washers are molded as follows. This process requires injection moulding machines and associated special tools. One half of the tool is mounted on the standing tool picker sheet and the other on the moving sheet. If the tool is closed unhindered at low speed and force, the closing force shall be constructed to compensate for the force to strain the mold from the spilled spill into the tool. If the tool is closed, the nozzle moves forward until it lies on the standing tool picker sheet. During injection moulding, the plastic bulk is moved forward by the snail piston, acting as a piston, into the tool. There is a serious problem in manufacturing that the change in the species volume of plastics is much higher than that of other materials. This means that the specific volume of plastics increases rapidly as a result of increasing temperatures and decreases when cooling. Plastic products can only be manufactured if they are compensated. Therefore, the injection moulding process is divided into two parts: tool filling and compensation, i.e. direct injection moulding and after-pressure. During injection moulding, the bulk must fill the tool perfectly. During the post-pressure phase, the change in species volume shall be compensated for from the material cushion in the catchment chamber behind the nozzle. The post-pressure is effective until the flow is solidified in the inlet canal. The product is then cooled down. After the after-pressure, plasticisation is carried out in parallel to the cooling. If the cooling time is long, the nozzle must be removed from the refrigerated tool because the flow in the nozzle may freeze. If the nozzle remains on the tool, its clamping pressure must be reduced before the tool is opened. After cooling time and plasticisation, the tool opens, first slowly and then slowly again before the end position after the complete separation. The injection moulding process ends with the discarding of the products. Injection moulding machines are water-cooled and the water is cooled to a temperature of around 11 °C, so that the tools are cooled. Therefore, refrigeration equipment is needed. Air is also needed to operate the machines, so the production requires screw compressors. The forklift ensures the movement of the raw material, its placing on machines and the placing of finished goods on pallets. The tools to be used for machines are loaded and extracted using a bacterium crane at the beginning and at the end of a production process. By purchasing new machinery and equipment, a new product will be produced in addition to the old products. Snow blades make up a small part of their product range. The plastic parts of the snow shovels have been made by an external company, but now they are starting to produce snow shovels in Várpalota and will be delivered to the multipliers in the same way as before, only now it will be self-manufactured. This increases the added value of the company in relation to the product. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 8 February 2022
Revision as of 14:10, 8 February 2022
Project Q3914087 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Production capacity expansion at Rastyl Kft. |
Project Q3914087 in Hungary |
117,280,582 forint
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641,202.403 Euro
0.0027336256 Euro
14 December 2021
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234,561,164.0 forint
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49.999999 percent
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1 April 2017
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24 October 2017
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RASTYL Ipari, Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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A műanyag cserepek, vázák, alátétek fröccsöntése az alábbiak szerint történik. Ehhez a folyamathoz szükség van fröccsöntőgépekre és a hozzá tartozó speciális szerszámokra. A szerszám egyik fele az álló szerszámfelfogó lapra, a másik pedig a mozgó lapra van felerősítve. Ha a szerszám kis sebességgel és erővel akadálytalanul összezárt, akkor épül fel a záróerő, amely a szerszámba befröccsöntött ömledéknek a szerszám szétfeszítésére irányuló erőt ellensúlyozza. Ha a szerszám összezárt, akkor a fúvóka előre mozdul addig, amíg fel nem fekszik az álló szerszámfelfogó lapon. A befröccsöntés során a műanyag ömledéket a csigadugattyú előre mozogva – dugattyúként működve – a szerszámba juttatja. A gyártásnál komoly problémát okoz, hogy a műanyagok fajtérfogatának változása jóval meghaladja más anyagokét. Ez azt jelenti, hogy a műanyag fajtérfogata az ömledék állapotba jutás során az egyre nagyobb hőmérséklet miatt rohamosan nő, lehűléskor pedig csökken. Műanyag termékek csak úgy gyárthatók, ha ezt kompenzálják. Ezért a befröccsöntési folyamatot két részre osztjuk, mégpedig szerszám kitöltésre és a kompenzálásra, azaz közvetlen befröccsöntésre és utónyomásra. A befröccsöntés során az ömledéknek tökéletesen ki kell töltenie a szerszámot. Az utónyomási szakaszban a fúvóka mögötti gyűjtőtérben lévő anyagpárnából kell a fajtérfogat változást kompenzálni. Az utónyomás addig hatékony, amíg az ömledék a beömlő csatornában meg nem szilárdul. Ezután következik a termék lehűtése. Az utónyomás után, a hűléssel párhuzamosan folyik a plasztikálás. Ha a hűlési idő hosszú a fúvókát le kell járatni a hűtött szerszámról, mert a fúvókában lévő ömledék megdermedhet. Ha a fúvóka a szerszámon maradhat, akkor annak rászorítási nyomását még a szerszámnyitás előtt csökkenteni kell. A hűlési idő illetve a plasztikálás után a szerszám nyit, mégpedig először lassan, majd a teljes szétválás után gyorsan a véghelyzet előtt pedig ismét lassan. A fröccsöntési folyamat a termékek kidobásával ér véget. A fröccsöntő gépek vízhűtéssel működnek, a vizet 11 °C körüli hőmérsékletűre kell lehűteni, mivel így hűtik a szerszámokat. Ezért szükség van hűtőberendezésekre. A gépek működtetéséhez levegőre is szükség van, ezért a gyártáshoz csavarkompresszorok kellenek. A targonca az alapanyag mozgatását, gépekre helyezését és a készáru raklapra helyezését biztosítja. A gépekhez használandó szerszámok be és kiemelését bakdaruval végzik egy-egy gyártási folyamat elején és végén. Az új gépek és berendezések beszerzésével a régi termékek mellett új terméket is fognak gyártani. A termékkínálatuk kis részét a hólapátok teszik ki. A hólapátok műanyag részeit, eddig külsős céggel csináltatták meg, most azonban Várpalotán elkezdenek gyártani hólapátokat és ugyanúgy be fogják szállítani a multiknak, mint eddig, csak most már saját gyártású lesz. Ez által növekszik a cég termékkel kapcsolatos hozzáadott értéke. (Hungarian)
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Plastic tiles, vases, washers are molded as follows. This process requires injection moulding machines and associated special tools. One half of the tool is mounted on the standing tool picker sheet and the other on the moving sheet. If the tool is closed unhindered at low speed and force, the closing force shall be constructed to compensate for the force to strain the mold from the spilled spill into the tool. If the tool is closed, the nozzle moves forward until it lies on the standing tool picker sheet. During injection moulding, the plastic bulk is moved forward by the snail piston, acting as a piston, into the tool. There is a serious problem in manufacturing that the change in the species volume of plastics is much higher than that of other materials. This means that the specific volume of plastics increases rapidly as a result of increasing temperatures and decreases when cooling. Plastic products can only be manufactured if they are compensated. Therefore, the injection moulding process is divided into two parts: tool filling and compensation, i.e. direct injection moulding and after-pressure. During injection moulding, the bulk must fill the tool perfectly. During the post-pressure phase, the change in species volume shall be compensated for from the material cushion in the catchment chamber behind the nozzle. The post-pressure is effective until the flow is solidified in the inlet canal. The product is then cooled down. After the after-pressure, plasticisation is carried out in parallel to the cooling. If the cooling time is long, the nozzle must be removed from the refrigerated tool because the flow in the nozzle may freeze. If the nozzle remains on the tool, its clamping pressure must be reduced before the tool is opened. After cooling time and plasticisation, the tool opens, first slowly and then slowly again before the end position after the complete separation. The injection moulding process ends with the discarding of the products. Injection moulding machines are water-cooled and the water is cooled to a temperature of around 11 °C, so that the tools are cooled. Therefore, refrigeration equipment is needed. Air is also needed to operate the machines, so the production requires screw compressors. The forklift ensures the movement of the raw material, its placing on machines and the placing of finished goods on pallets. The tools to be used for machines are loaded and extracted using a bacterium crane at the beginning and at the end of a production process. By purchasing new machinery and equipment, a new product will be produced in addition to the old products. Snow blades make up a small part of their product range. The plastic parts of the snow shovels have been made by an external company, but now they are starting to produce snow shovels in Várpalota and will be delivered to the multipliers in the same way as before, only now it will be self-manufactured. This increases the added value of the company in relation to the product. (English)
8 February 2022
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Somogyvár, Somogy
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