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(Changed an Item: Adding English translations) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Several surveys show that a significant part of the Hungarian population is pessimistic and dissatisfied with their lives, resulting from failure or a feeling of failure. Failure in the family and in the workplace makes a significant contribution to pessimism. It is a fundamental problem that goals — at private, workplace and company level — are often not set at all or unrealistic, and the approach, ability and knowledge required to achieve the goals is lacking. There are significant shortcomings in collaborative problem-solving, which has been part of the PISA test since 2015. Ideal and obvious solution is the application of project approach and tailor-made project management tools. Recently, under the auspices of a non-profit organisation, with the initiative of the Foundation’s managers and with the support of the Foundation, the development of an innovative program — project-based life management — has started. As part of the program, the Handbook “Knowledge Lifestyle” has been produced. The Handbook is a niche professional guide that provides guidance on how to apply project approach and project management tools in everyday life, motivating workers, gaining loyalty, integrating young generations, creating a work-life balance. The purpose of the book is to disseminate the steps and catches of project management (as a profession) and to present the applicability of project thinking in everyday practice. Awareness-raising of the project approach should be started at school, but effective learning can best be done in communities, which requires community development related to the topic. In addition to skills development, the theme is well suited to creating and maintaining cooperation between communities, both youth and family. In line with the above, the overall objective of the project is to lay the foundations for the dissemination of project-based life management. Specific objectives of the project: — learning about international experiences and good practices related to the use of project management in private life, training for individuals, community development and cooperation related to capability development — broadening the range of existing domestic communities, promoting networking and domestic and international cooperation. Target group of the project: — adults and students engaged in project management, skills development, community development, or interested in learning it — companies and organisations interested in applying the topic and working with community development — companies, organisations, organisations potentially involved in the dissemination of project-based life management. Project results: — Knowledge and dissemination of international experiences and good practices — International (and domestic) network cooperations established and functioning — Final report and methodological summary that helps to achieve the above objectives and can serve as a basis for other organisations and decision-makers to define strategic goals, develop and implement programmes. Austrian, Czech and Croatian cooperation partners (4 pieces) will be involved in the implementation of the project. In selecting the partners, it was important that they themselves play a kind of multiplier role and be able to indirectly involve additional partners. In the framework of the project, the mandatory activities will be fully implemented. In addition, among the optional activities, the organisation of the Hungarian conference, the participation in conferences, the organisation of think tanks, and the development of the website will be realised. Main features of the project: — duration of 24 months — 4 co-operating partners with a total of 8 trips each, and an average of 3 days per trip. This allows them to participate in several events (e.g. workshop, professional event, dissemination) on one occasion. — a total of 3 experts will be employed at the Foundation, on average 4 hours per day. — events: 12 workshops, 8 study visits, closing conference, professional events (6), training, dissemination event (6). — website development, marketing activities (creation and operation of blog, newsletter, facebook and LinedIn pages), publications, representation material, mandatory publicity. — Preparation of the required surveys and documents (final research report, methodological summary). project management. The project fits several points in the direction of intervention (strengthening youth cooperation, organising joint programmes. Networking of community development organisations, strengthening exchange of experiences.Supporting networking cooperation to be developed in the framework of the implementation of the Danube Strategy), and is fully in line with the milestones set out in the call. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Several surveys show that a significant part of the Hungarian population is pessimistic and dissatisfied with their lives, resulting from failure or a feeling of failure. Failure in the family and in the workplace makes a significant contribution to pessimism. It is a fundamental problem that goals — at private, workplace and company level — are often not set at all or unrealistic, and the approach, ability and knowledge required to achieve the goals is lacking. There are significant shortcomings in collaborative problem-solving, which has been part of the PISA test since 2015. Ideal and obvious solution is the application of project approach and tailor-made project management tools. Recently, under the auspices of a non-profit organisation, with the initiative of the Foundation’s managers and with the support of the Foundation, the development of an innovative program — project-based life management — has started. As part of the program, the Handbook “Knowledge Lifestyle” has been produced. The Handbook is a niche professional guide that provides guidance on how to apply project approach and project management tools in everyday life, motivating workers, gaining loyalty, integrating young generations, creating a work-life balance. The purpose of the book is to disseminate the steps and catches of project management (as a profession) and to present the applicability of project thinking in everyday practice. Awareness-raising of the project approach should be started at school, but effective learning can best be done in communities, which requires community development related to the topic. In addition to skills development, the theme is well suited to creating and maintaining cooperation between communities, both youth and family. In line with the above, the overall objective of the project is to lay the foundations for the dissemination of project-based life management. Specific objectives of the project: — learning about international experiences and good practices related to the use of project management in private life, training for individuals, community development and cooperation related to capability development — broadening the range of existing domestic communities, promoting networking and domestic and international cooperation. Target group of the project: — adults and students engaged in project management, skills development, community development, or interested in learning it — companies and organisations interested in applying the topic and working with community development — companies, organisations, organisations potentially involved in the dissemination of project-based life management. Project results: — Knowledge and dissemination of international experiences and good practices — International (and domestic) network cooperations established and functioning — Final report and methodological summary that helps to achieve the above objectives and can serve as a basis for other organisations and decision-makers to define strategic goals, develop and implement programmes. Austrian, Czech and Croatian cooperation partners (4 pieces) will be involved in the implementation of the project. In selecting the partners, it was important that they themselves play a kind of multiplier role and be able to indirectly involve additional partners. In the framework of the project, the mandatory activities will be fully implemented. In addition, among the optional activities, the organisation of the Hungarian conference, the participation in conferences, the organisation of think tanks, and the development of the website will be realised. Main features of the project: — duration of 24 months — 4 co-operating partners with a total of 8 trips each, and an average of 3 days per trip. This allows them to participate in several events (e.g. workshop, professional event, dissemination) on one occasion. — a total of 3 experts will be employed at the Foundation, on average 4 hours per day. — events: 12 workshops, 8 study visits, closing conference, professional events (6), training, dissemination event (6). — website development, marketing activities (creation and operation of blog, newsletter, facebook and LinedIn pages), publications, representation material, mandatory publicity. — Preparation of the required surveys and documents (final research report, methodological summary). project management. The project fits several points in the direction of intervention (strengthening youth cooperation, organising joint programmes. Networking of community development organisations, strengthening exchange of experiences.Supporting networking cooperation to be developed in the framework of the implementation of the Danube Strategy), and is fully in line with the milestones set out in the call. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Several surveys show that a significant part of the Hungarian population is pessimistic and dissatisfied with their lives, resulting from failure or a feeling of failure. Failure in the family and in the workplace makes a significant contribution to pessimism. It is a fundamental problem that goals — at private, workplace and company level — are often not set at all or unrealistic, and the approach, ability and knowledge required to achieve the goals is lacking. There are significant shortcomings in collaborative problem-solving, which has been part of the PISA test since 2015. Ideal and obvious solution is the application of project approach and tailor-made project management tools. Recently, under the auspices of a non-profit organisation, with the initiative of the Foundation’s managers and with the support of the Foundation, the development of an innovative program — project-based life management — has started. As part of the program, the Handbook “Knowledge Lifestyle” has been produced. The Handbook is a niche professional guide that provides guidance on how to apply project approach and project management tools in everyday life, motivating workers, gaining loyalty, integrating young generations, creating a work-life balance. The purpose of the book is to disseminate the steps and catches of project management (as a profession) and to present the applicability of project thinking in everyday practice. Awareness-raising of the project approach should be started at school, but effective learning can best be done in communities, which requires community development related to the topic. In addition to skills development, the theme is well suited to creating and maintaining cooperation between communities, both youth and family. In line with the above, the overall objective of the project is to lay the foundations for the dissemination of project-based life management. Specific objectives of the project: — learning about international experiences and good practices related to the use of project management in private life, training for individuals, community development and cooperation related to capability development — broadening the range of existing domestic communities, promoting networking and domestic and international cooperation. Target group of the project: — adults and students engaged in project management, skills development, community development, or interested in learning it — companies and organisations interested in applying the topic and working with community development — companies, organisations, organisations potentially involved in the dissemination of project-based life management. Project results: — Knowledge and dissemination of international experiences and good practices — International (and domestic) network cooperations established and functioning — Final report and methodological summary that helps to achieve the above objectives and can serve as a basis for other organisations and decision-makers to define strategic goals, develop and implement programmes. Austrian, Czech and Croatian cooperation partners (4 pieces) will be involved in the implementation of the project. In selecting the partners, it was important that they themselves play a kind of multiplier role and be able to indirectly involve additional partners. In the framework of the project, the mandatory activities will be fully implemented. In addition, among the optional activities, the organisation of the Hungarian conference, the participation in conferences, the organisation of think tanks, and the development of the website will be realised. Main features of the project: — duration of 24 months — 4 co-operating partners with a total of 8 trips each, and an average of 3 days per trip. This allows them to participate in several events (e.g. workshop, professional event, dissemination) on one occasion. — a total of 3 experts will be employed at the Foundation, on average 4 hours per day. — events: 12 workshops, 8 study visits, closing conference, professional events (6), training, dissemination event (6). — website development, marketing activities (creation and operation of blog, newsletter, facebook and LinedIn pages), publications, representation material, mandatory publicity. — Preparation of the required surveys and documents (final research report, methodological summary). project management. The project fits several points in the direction of intervention (strengthening youth cooperation, organising joint programmes. Networking of community development organisations, strengthening exchange of experiences.Supporting networking cooperation to be developed in the framework of the implementation of the Danube Strategy), and is fully in line with the milestones set out in the call. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 8 February 2022
Revision as of 13:47, 8 February 2022
Project Q3904077 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | PLM |
Project Q3904077 in Hungary |
49,851,061 forint
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52,474,801.053 forint
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94.999996 percent
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1 December 2017
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31 December 2019
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EUROPÉER Európai Fejlődésért és Együttműködésért Közhasznú Alapítvány
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Számos felmérés bizonyítja, hogy a magyar lakosság jelentős része pesszimista, illetve elégedetlen az életével, melyet a sikertelenség vagy annak az érzése eredményez. A pesszimizmushoz jelentős mértékben járul hozzá a családban, illetve a munkahelyen megélt sikertelenség. Alapvető gond, hogy a célok – magán, munkahelyi és céges szinten - sokszor egyáltalán nem vagy irreálisan kerülnek meghatározásra, valamint hiányzik a célok eléréséhez szükséges szemlélet, képesség, tudás. Jelentős hiányosságok tapasztalhatók a – 2015 óta a PISA-teszt részét képező – kollaboratív problémamegoldás terén is.Ideális és kézenfekvő megoldás a projektszemlélet és testre szabott projekt menedzsment eszközök alkalmazása.A közelmúltban egy nonprofit szervezet égisze alatt, az Alapítvány vezetőinek kezdeményezésével és az Alapítvány támogatásával is, megkezdődött egy innovatív program – a projektalapú életvezetés – kidolgozása. A program keretében elkészült a Tudatos Életvezetés című kézikönyv. A kézikönyv egy olyan hiánypótló szakmai útmutató, amely iránymutatást ad arra vonatkozóan, hogyan lehet alkalmazni a projektszemléletet és a projekt menedzsment eszközöket a mindennapi életben, a munkavállalók motiválásában, lojalitásának megszerzésében, a fiatal generációk integrálásában, a munka-magánélet egyensúlyának megteremtésében. A könyv célja egyrészt a projekt-menedzsment (mint szakma) lépéseinek és fogásainak terjesztése, másrészt a projekt-gondolkodás hétköznapi praxisban való alkalmazhatóságának bemutatása. A projektszemlélet megismertetését már az iskolában el kell kezdeni, azonban hatékony elsajátítása leginkább a közösségekben történhet meg, ami szükségessé teszi a témához kapcsolódó közösségfejlesztést. A képességfejlesztésen túl a téma kiválóan alkalmas – mind ifjúsági, mind akár családi - közösségek létrehozására, a köztük lévő együttműködés kialakítására, fenntartására. A fentiekkel összhangban a projekt átfogó célja a projektalapú életvezetés elterjesztésének megalapozása. A projekt specifikus céljai: - a projektmenedzsment magánéletben is történő alkalmazására, magánszemélyek számára történő képzésére vonatkozó, valamint a képességfejlesztéshez kapcsolódó közösségfejlesztésre, együttműködésre vonatkozó nemzetközi tapasztalatok, jó gyakorlatok megismerése, átvétele - a meglévő hazai közösségek körének szélesítése, a hálózatépítés, valamint a hazai és nemzetközi együttműködések elősegítése. A projekt célcsoportja: - projektmenedzsmenttel, képességfejlesztéssel, közösségfejlesztéssel foglalkozó, illetve annak elsajátítása iránt érdeklődő felnőttek, diákok - a téma alkalmazása iránt érdeklődő, valamint közösségfejlesztéssel foglalkozó cégek, szervezetek - a projektalapú életvezetés elterjesztésében potenciálisan közreműködő cégek, szervezetek, kormányzati szervek, önkormányzatok. A projekt eredményei: - Nemzetközi tapasztalatok, jó gyakorlatok megismerése, megismertetése - Kialakított és működő nemzetközi (és hazai) hálózati együttműködések - Olyan zárójelentés, illetve módszertani összegzés, mely elősegíti a fenti célok elérését, illetve alapul szolgálhat más szervezetek, döntéshozók számára a stratégiai célok meghatározásához, programok kidolgozásához, megvalósításához. A projekt megvalósításába osztrák, cseh, horvát együttműködő partnerek (4 db) kerülnek bevonásra. A partnerek kiválasztásánál szempont volt, hogy ők maguk is egyfajta multiplikátor szerepet töltsenek be, közvetetten további partnereket tudjanak bevonni. A projekt keretében a kötelező tevékenységek maradéktalanul megvalósításra kerülnek. Ezen felül a választható tevékenységek közül megvalósul a hazai konferencia szervezése, a konferenciákon történő részvétel, think-tank szervezése, honlapfejlesztés. A projekt főbb jellemzői: - időtartam 24 hónap - együttműködő partnerek száma 4 db, akik egyenként összesen 8 ideutazással rendelkeznek, egy utazás alkalmával pedig átlagosan 3 napot töltenek itt. Ez lehetővé teszi, hogy egy alkalommal több rendezvényen (pl. workshop, szakmai rendezvény, disszemináció) is részt tudjanak venni. - az alapítványnál összesen 3 szakértő kerül alkalmazása, átlagban 4 óra/nap munkaidőben. - rendezvények: 12 workshop, 8 db tanulmányút, záró konferencia, szakmai rendezvények (6 db), képzés, disszeminációs rendezvény (6 db). - honlap fejlesztés, marketing tevékenység (blog, hírlevél, facebook és linedin oldal létrehozása, üzemeltetése), kiadványok, reprezentációs anyagok készítése, kötelező nyilvánosság teljesítése. - Az előírt felmérések, dokumentumok elkészítése (a kutatási zárójelentés, módszertani összegzés). - projekt menedzsment. A projekt a több ponton illeszkedik a beavatkozási irányokhoz(Ifjúsági együttműködések erősítése, közös programok szervezése. Közösségfejlesztő szervezetek hálózati együttműködése, tapasztalatcserék erősítése.A Duna Stratégia megvalósítása keretében kialakítandó hálózati együttműködések támogatása),és teljes mértékben összhangban van a felhívásban megfogalmazott részcélokkal. (Hungarian)
0 references
Several surveys show that a significant part of the Hungarian population is pessimistic and dissatisfied with their lives, resulting from failure or a feeling of failure. Failure in the family and in the workplace makes a significant contribution to pessimism. It is a fundamental problem that goals — at private, workplace and company level — are often not set at all or unrealistic, and the approach, ability and knowledge required to achieve the goals is lacking. There are significant shortcomings in collaborative problem-solving, which has been part of the PISA test since 2015. Ideal and obvious solution is the application of project approach and tailor-made project management tools. Recently, under the auspices of a non-profit organisation, with the initiative of the Foundation’s managers and with the support of the Foundation, the development of an innovative program — project-based life management — has started. As part of the program, the Handbook “Knowledge Lifestyle” has been produced. The Handbook is a niche professional guide that provides guidance on how to apply project approach and project management tools in everyday life, motivating workers, gaining loyalty, integrating young generations, creating a work-life balance. The purpose of the book is to disseminate the steps and catches of project management (as a profession) and to present the applicability of project thinking in everyday practice. Awareness-raising of the project approach should be started at school, but effective learning can best be done in communities, which requires community development related to the topic. In addition to skills development, the theme is well suited to creating and maintaining cooperation between communities, both youth and family. In line with the above, the overall objective of the project is to lay the foundations for the dissemination of project-based life management. Specific objectives of the project: — learning about international experiences and good practices related to the use of project management in private life, training for individuals, community development and cooperation related to capability development — broadening the range of existing domestic communities, promoting networking and domestic and international cooperation. Target group of the project: — adults and students engaged in project management, skills development, community development, or interested in learning it — companies and organisations interested in applying the topic and working with community development — companies, organisations, organisations potentially involved in the dissemination of project-based life management. Project results: — Knowledge and dissemination of international experiences and good practices — International (and domestic) network cooperations established and functioning — Final report and methodological summary that helps to achieve the above objectives and can serve as a basis for other organisations and decision-makers to define strategic goals, develop and implement programmes. Austrian, Czech and Croatian cooperation partners (4 pieces) will be involved in the implementation of the project. In selecting the partners, it was important that they themselves play a kind of multiplier role and be able to indirectly involve additional partners. In the framework of the project, the mandatory activities will be fully implemented. In addition, among the optional activities, the organisation of the Hungarian conference, the participation in conferences, the organisation of think tanks, and the development of the website will be realised. Main features of the project: — duration of 24 months — 4 co-operating partners with a total of 8 trips each, and an average of 3 days per trip. This allows them to participate in several events (e.g. workshop, professional event, dissemination) on one occasion. — a total of 3 experts will be employed at the Foundation, on average 4 hours per day. — events: 12 workshops, 8 study visits, closing conference, professional events (6), training, dissemination event (6). — website development, marketing activities (creation and operation of blog, newsletter, facebook and LinedIn pages), publications, representation material, mandatory publicity. — Preparation of the required surveys and documents (final research report, methodological summary). project management. The project fits several points in the direction of intervention (strengthening youth cooperation, organising joint programmes. Networking of community development organisations, strengthening exchange of experiences.Supporting networking cooperation to be developed in the framework of the implementation of the Danube Strategy), and is fully in line with the milestones set out in the call. (English)
8 February 2022
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Siófok, Somogy
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