Infrastructure development in Cseri út College (Q3902654): Difference between revisions
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
In the framework of its project entitled “Infrastructural Development in Cseri út College”, the Kaposvár School Center implements infrastructural development in the educational areas of the institutions in order to create the infrastructure conditions for a quality and inclusive educational environment and effective education. The main objective of this project is to enhance the effectiveness of the institution concerned; promote the provision of fair, quality and inclusive public education and compensation for pupils, thereby ensuring access to quality education and education. Specific project objectives: — the development of a modern educational and educational environment designed to meet local needs, ensuring rational and efficient operation, particularly in the context of learning and community spaces; — 20/2012 (VIII. The direct target group of the project (direct users of the results obtained during the implementation of the project): teachers and students of the institution concerned by the development. The indirect target group (the result of the project is not used or not regularly used, but may have an impact on it): other employees, parents, local population, school district centre. The refurbishment and investment works concern the service place at 7400 Kaposvár, Cseri út 14. Construction and refurbishment activities not subject to a building permit shall be carried out: Under the project, a total of 8 college rooms will be fully renovated in the college. The renovation covers the painting of the side walls, the replacement of doors and windows and the complete replacement of equipment and equipment. Area covered by the development: 231.6 m². In addition to the renovation of bedrooms, employers will be modernised and the necessary equipment purchased. Area covered by the development: 28.1 m². Under the project, new low-value equipment related to the modernisation of the college and school classrooms and talent workshops will be procured. The above activities correspond to the following eligible actions under the call for proposals 3.1.1 and 3.1.2: Improvements necessary for everyday physical education (renovation and modernisation of sports yards) Renovation and refurbishment of the rooms, educational rooms used to carry out educational activities and the corridors and roadways used to achieve them, replacement of the outdated furniture of the rooms by wettings, elimination of floor defects Inside rooms, sanitary facilities, medical rooms, socialisation facilities, the establishment of an institutional environment suitable for the reception of complex tools of information and communication technologies (ICT) providing opportunities for leisure programmes and occupations is the renovation of school yards, the purchase of related court facilities, the integration of learning facilities into the educational process The implementation and acquisition of the necessary developments for the safety of students and employees in the public education institution. The development does not result in a reduction of the area of existing functional (educational, educational) premises. Other additional and necessary activities have been planned for the successful implementation of the developments: professional management, technical inspection. The project also implements all mandatory and ineligible activities: project preparation activities, project management, horizontal aspects enforcement activities, mandatory publicity tasks. In addition to achieving the development goal of a public education institution with underdeveloped infrastructure, the planned activities and development will contribute fully and substantiated to promoting equal treatment, reducing educational inequalities and preventing segregation and reducing school leaving without education. Project scheduling: 2018.01.01.-2018.10.31. The implementation and technical content of the project will be described in detail in the Professional Plan attached to the grant application. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: In the framework of its project entitled “Infrastructural Development in Cseri út College”, the Kaposvár School Center implements infrastructural development in the educational areas of the institutions in order to create the infrastructure conditions for a quality and inclusive educational environment and effective education. The main objective of this project is to enhance the effectiveness of the institution concerned; promote the provision of fair, quality and inclusive public education and compensation for pupils, thereby ensuring access to quality education and education. Specific project objectives: — the development of a modern educational and educational environment designed to meet local needs, ensuring rational and efficient operation, particularly in the context of learning and community spaces; — 20/2012 (VIII. The direct target group of the project (direct users of the results obtained during the implementation of the project): teachers and students of the institution concerned by the development. The indirect target group (the result of the project is not used or not regularly used, but may have an impact on it): other employees, parents, local population, school district centre. The refurbishment and investment works concern the service place at 7400 Kaposvár, Cseri út 14. Construction and refurbishment activities not subject to a building permit shall be carried out: Under the project, a total of 8 college rooms will be fully renovated in the college. The renovation covers the painting of the side walls, the replacement of doors and windows and the complete replacement of equipment and equipment. Area covered by the development: 231.6 m². In addition to the renovation of bedrooms, employers will be modernised and the necessary equipment purchased. Area covered by the development: 28.1 m². Under the project, new low-value equipment related to the modernisation of the college and school classrooms and talent workshops will be procured. The above activities correspond to the following eligible actions under the call for proposals 3.1.1 and 3.1.2: Improvements necessary for everyday physical education (renovation and modernisation of sports yards) Renovation and refurbishment of the rooms, educational rooms used to carry out educational activities and the corridors and roadways used to achieve them, replacement of the outdated furniture of the rooms by wettings, elimination of floor defects Inside rooms, sanitary facilities, medical rooms, socialisation facilities, the establishment of an institutional environment suitable for the reception of complex tools of information and communication technologies (ICT) providing opportunities for leisure programmes and occupations is the renovation of school yards, the purchase of related court facilities, the integration of learning facilities into the educational process The implementation and acquisition of the necessary developments for the safety of students and employees in the public education institution. The development does not result in a reduction of the area of existing functional (educational, educational) premises. Other additional and necessary activities have been planned for the successful implementation of the developments: professional management, technical inspection. The project also implements all mandatory and ineligible activities: project preparation activities, project management, horizontal aspects enforcement activities, mandatory publicity tasks. In addition to achieving the development goal of a public education institution with underdeveloped infrastructure, the planned activities and development will contribute fully and substantiated to promoting equal treatment, reducing educational inequalities and preventing segregation and reducing school leaving without education. Project scheduling: 2018.01.01.-2018.10.31. The implementation and technical content of the project will be described in detail in the Professional Plan attached to the grant application. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: In the framework of its project entitled “Infrastructural Development in Cseri út College”, the Kaposvár School Center implements infrastructural development in the educational areas of the institutions in order to create the infrastructure conditions for a quality and inclusive educational environment and effective education. The main objective of this project is to enhance the effectiveness of the institution concerned; promote the provision of fair, quality and inclusive public education and compensation for pupils, thereby ensuring access to quality education and education. Specific project objectives: — the development of a modern educational and educational environment designed to meet local needs, ensuring rational and efficient operation, particularly in the context of learning and community spaces; — 20/2012 (VIII. The direct target group of the project (direct users of the results obtained during the implementation of the project): teachers and students of the institution concerned by the development. The indirect target group (the result of the project is not used or not regularly used, but may have an impact on it): other employees, parents, local population, school district centre. The refurbishment and investment works concern the service place at 7400 Kaposvár, Cseri út 14. Construction and refurbishment activities not subject to a building permit shall be carried out: Under the project, a total of 8 college rooms will be fully renovated in the college. The renovation covers the painting of the side walls, the replacement of doors and windows and the complete replacement of equipment and equipment. Area covered by the development: 231.6 m². In addition to the renovation of bedrooms, employers will be modernised and the necessary equipment purchased. Area covered by the development: 28.1 m². Under the project, new low-value equipment related to the modernisation of the college and school classrooms and talent workshops will be procured. The above activities correspond to the following eligible actions under the call for proposals 3.1.1 and 3.1.2: Improvements necessary for everyday physical education (renovation and modernisation of sports yards) Renovation and refurbishment of the rooms, educational rooms used to carry out educational activities and the corridors and roadways used to achieve them, replacement of the outdated furniture of the rooms by wettings, elimination of floor defects Inside rooms, sanitary facilities, medical rooms, socialisation facilities, the establishment of an institutional environment suitable for the reception of complex tools of information and communication technologies (ICT) providing opportunities for leisure programmes and occupations is the renovation of school yards, the purchase of related court facilities, the integration of learning facilities into the educational process The implementation and acquisition of the necessary developments for the safety of students and employees in the public education institution. The development does not result in a reduction of the area of existing functional (educational, educational) premises. Other additional and necessary activities have been planned for the successful implementation of the developments: professional management, technical inspection. The project also implements all mandatory and ineligible activities: project preparation activities, project management, horizontal aspects enforcement activities, mandatory publicity tasks. In addition to achieving the development goal of a public education institution with underdeveloped infrastructure, the planned activities and development will contribute fully and substantiated to promoting equal treatment, reducing educational inequalities and preventing segregation and reducing school leaving without education. Project scheduling: 2018.01.01.-2018.10.31. The implementation and technical content of the project will be described in detail in the Professional Plan attached to the grant application. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 8 February 2022
Revision as of 13:43, 8 February 2022
Project Q3902654 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Infrastructure development in Cseri út College |
Project Q3902654 in Hungary |
32,993,415 forint
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32,993,415 forint
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106,107.816 Euro
0.0027336256 Euro
14 December 2021
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38,815,782.353 forint
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106,107.816 Euro
0.0027336256 Euro
14 December 2021
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38,815,782.353 forint
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84.999996 percent
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84.999996 percent
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1 January 2018
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1 January 2018
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30 November 2018
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30 November 2018
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Kaposvári Tankerületi Központ
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Kaposvári Tankerületi Központ
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Q3961531 (Deleted Item)
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A Kaposvári Tankerületi Központ az " Infrastrukturális fejlesztés Cseri úti Kollégiumban" című projektje keretében a meglévő közoktatási feladatellátási helyszínen valósít meg infrastrukturális fejlesztést az intézmények tanulást segítő tereiben, a minőségi és befogadó oktatási környezet és hatékony nevelés infrastrukturális feltételeinek megteremtése érdekében. Jelen projekt fő célja az adott intézmény eredményességének fokozása; a méltányos, minőségi és inkluzív köznevelés biztosításának, illetve a tanulók hátránykompenzációjának elősegítése, ezzel biztosítva a minőségi oktatáshoz, neveléshez való hozzáférést. Konkrét projekt célok: - a helyi szükségletek kielégítésére irányuló, racionális és hatékony működést biztosító, korszerű nevelési, oktatási környezet kialakítása, különösen a tanulást segítő és közösségi terek tekintetében; - 20/2012 (VIII. 31.) EMMI rendelet 2. sz. mellékletében meghatározott kötelező helyiségek kialakítása, felújítása A projekt közvetlen célcsoportja (a projekt megvalósítása során létrejött eredmények közvetlen használói): a fejlesztéssel érintett intézmény pedagógusai, tanulói. A közvetett célcsoportja (a projekt megvalósítása során létrejött eredményt nem vagy nem rendszeresen használja, ám hatással lehet rá): egyéb alkalmazottak, szülők, települési lakosság, tankerületi központ. A felújítási, beruházási munkálatok a 7400 Kaposvár, Cseri út 14. címen található feladatellátási helyet érintik. Az alábbi építési engedélyhez nem kötött, építési-felújítási tevékenységek kerülnek megvalósításra: A projekt keretében a kollégiumban összesen 8 kollégiumi szoba kerül teljes körűen felújításra. A felújítás kiterjed az oldalfalak festésére, nyílászárócserékre és berendezések, eszközök teljes körű cseréjére. A fejlesztéssel érintett alapterület: 231,6 m2. A hálószobák felújítása mellett sor kerül a foglalkoztatók korszerűsítésére és a szükséges eszközök beszerzésére. A fejlesztéssel érintett alapterület: 28,1 m2. A kollégiumi fejlesztéshez kapcsolódó kis értékű eszközbeszerzések A projekt keretében a kollégium és az iskolai tantermek, tehetséggondozó szakműhelyek korszerűsítéséhez kapcsolódóan új kis értékű eszközök is beszerzésre kerülnek. A fenti tevékenységek megfelelnek az alábbi, a pályázati Felhívás 3.1.1. és 3.1.2. szerinti támogatható tevékenységeknek: A mindennapos testneveléshez szükséges fejlesztések (sportudvarok felújítása és korszerűsítése) A nevelési-oktatási tevékenység megvalósításához használt termek, oktatási termek, és az azok elérését szolgáló folyosók, közlekedők felújítása, átalakítása, a termek elavult bútorainak cseréje Beázások, födémhibák megszüntetése Mellékhelyiségek, higiéniás létesítmények, orvosi szoba, szocializációt segítő helyiségek, szabadidős programoknak, foglalkozásoknak lehetőséget biztosító terek, információs és kommunikációs technológiák (IKT) komplex eszközrendszerének fogadására alkalmas intézményi környezet kialakítása Iskolaudvarok felújítása, ehhez kapcsolódó udvari eszközök beszerzése, a tanulást segítő térként való bekapcsolása a nevelés folyamatába A köznevelési intézményben tanulók és dolgozók biztonságához szükséges fejlesztések megvalósítása, beszerzése Tanári szoba kialakítása/felújítása/bővítése A fejlesztés nem eredményezi a már meglévő funkcionális (nevelési, oktatási célú) helyiségek területének csökkentését. A fejlesztések sikeres megvalósításához egyéb járulékos, szükséges tevékenységek is tervezésre kerültek: szakmai vezetés, műszaki ellenőrzés. A projekt keretében megvalósításra kerül minden kötelezően megvalósítandó, önállóan nem támogatható tevékenység is: projekt előkészítési tevékenységek, projektmenedzsment, horizontális szempontok érvényesítésével kapcsolatos tevékenységek, kötelező nyilvánossági feladatok. A tervezett tevékenységek és fejlesztésnek az elmaradott infrastruktúrával rendelkező köznevelési intézmény fejlesztési céljának elérésén túl, teljes mértékben és alátámasztottan hozzá járulnak az egyenlő bánásmód érvényesülésének elősegítéséhez, az oktatási egyenlőtlenségek mérsékléséhez, illetve a szegregáció megelőzéséhez, továbbá a végzettség nélküli iskolaelhagyás csökkentéséhez. A projekt ütemezése: 2018.01.01.-2018.10.31. A projekt megvalósítása, szakmai műszaki tartalma részletesen a támogatási kérelemhez csatolt Szakmai Tervben kerül bemutatásra. (Hungarian)
0 references
In the framework of its project entitled “Infrastructural Development in Cseri út College”, the Kaposvár School Center implements infrastructural development in the educational areas of the institutions in order to create the infrastructure conditions for a quality and inclusive educational environment and effective education. The main objective of this project is to enhance the effectiveness of the institution concerned; promote the provision of fair, quality and inclusive public education and compensation for pupils, thereby ensuring access to quality education and education. Specific project objectives: — the development of a modern educational and educational environment designed to meet local needs, ensuring rational and efficient operation, particularly in the context of learning and community spaces; — 20/2012 (VIII. The direct target group of the project (direct users of the results obtained during the implementation of the project): teachers and students of the institution concerned by the development. The indirect target group (the result of the project is not used or not regularly used, but may have an impact on it): other employees, parents, local population, school district centre. The refurbishment and investment works concern the service place at 7400 Kaposvár, Cseri út 14. Construction and refurbishment activities not subject to a building permit shall be carried out: Under the project, a total of 8 college rooms will be fully renovated in the college. The renovation covers the painting of the side walls, the replacement of doors and windows and the complete replacement of equipment and equipment. Area covered by the development: 231.6 m². In addition to the renovation of bedrooms, employers will be modernised and the necessary equipment purchased. Area covered by the development: 28.1 m². Under the project, new low-value equipment related to the modernisation of the college and school classrooms and talent workshops will be procured. The above activities correspond to the following eligible actions under the call for proposals 3.1.1 and 3.1.2: Improvements necessary for everyday physical education (renovation and modernisation of sports yards) Renovation and refurbishment of the rooms, educational rooms used to carry out educational activities and the corridors and roadways used to achieve them, replacement of the outdated furniture of the rooms by wettings, elimination of floor defects Inside rooms, sanitary facilities, medical rooms, socialisation facilities, the establishment of an institutional environment suitable for the reception of complex tools of information and communication technologies (ICT) providing opportunities for leisure programmes and occupations is the renovation of school yards, the purchase of related court facilities, the integration of learning facilities into the educational process The implementation and acquisition of the necessary developments for the safety of students and employees in the public education institution. The development does not result in a reduction of the area of existing functional (educational, educational) premises. Other additional and necessary activities have been planned for the successful implementation of the developments: professional management, technical inspection. The project also implements all mandatory and ineligible activities: project preparation activities, project management, horizontal aspects enforcement activities, mandatory publicity tasks. In addition to achieving the development goal of a public education institution with underdeveloped infrastructure, the planned activities and development will contribute fully and substantiated to promoting equal treatment, reducing educational inequalities and preventing segregation and reducing school leaving without education. Project scheduling: 2018.01.01.-2018.10.31. The implementation and technical content of the project will be described in detail in the Professional Plan attached to the grant application. (English)
8 February 2022
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Kaposvár, Somogy
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Kaposvár, Somogy
0 references
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