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(Changed an Item: add summary) |
(Changed an Item: Adding English translations) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
The overall objective of this call is to implement interventions aimed at the quantitative development of human resources for health, which can reduce inequalities in access to health services, reduce the number of vacancies in the healthcare sector, and improve working conditions and conditions for maintaining the workforce and the quality and efficiency of care provided to the population. General objectives: Providing the necessary human resources for the efficient functioning of the healthcare system; The launch of an employment support programme; Ensuring homogeneity and uniformly high professional standards of healthcare; Introducing, in addition to supporting employment, supply services in the form of a good team in international practice; Maximising the efficiency of health infrastructure developments in EFOP projects. The specific objective of the development of the hospital is to improve the human resources conditions for in-patient and outpatient services by reducing vacancies, increasing the number of workers in shortage professions, increasing hospital wage levels, rejuvenating the ageing medical staff and reducing the overload of key doctors. The specific objective of the project is to create mobile health teams in the hospital to ensure wider and more efficient care. Among the target areas of the invitation to tender, the aim of the hospital is to implement institutional staffing and to create mobile teams. The hospital does not wish to apply for the other two target areas. Project activities: • Subsidising the salary costs of a chief of infectologist department specialist for 24 months, in the status of civil servant, 40 hours a week; • Supporting the wage costs of a major hospital hygienic specialist for 24 months, in the status of civil servant, 40 hours a week; •Supporting the salary costs of a chief SBO head of department, oxyologist specialist for 24 months, 40 hours per week; • Subsidising the wage costs of a major doctor’s director or intensive therapy specialist for 24 months in the civil servant status, 40 hours a week; • Supporting the wage costs of a major radiologist specialist for 24 months, in a civil servant status, 20 hours a week; • Supporting the salary costs of a specialist in a midwifery-gynecologist for 24 months, public employee status, 40 hours a week; • Establishing and operating a mobile team for decubitus; • Establishing and operating a mobile team for the rehabilitation of the mobility system; • Engaging the target group, recruitment activities; •Project management activities The primary target group of the project is the doctors, specialists and specialists employed at the Dr. Kenessey Albert Hospital in Balassagyarmat, and other non-health graduates directly involved in medical care. The hospital currently has 90 doctors and 447 therapists and 145 administrative and other technical staff. Within the framework of the institutional staff increase, the hospital intends to recruit and employ 6 major specialists in the project. They are the primary target group of the project. 3 of the doctors to be admitted are already known, the oral agreement has been reached with them, the selection and recruitment of the other 3 doctors takes place in the first 4 months of the project, in their case only the department of employment is known. 1 major specialist for infectology, 1 person for SBO, 1 person for Radiology, 1 person in the intensive therapy unit, 1 person in obstetrics, 1 hygienic in non-advisable class. The main target group is the members of the mobile teams to be set up in the framework of the project: • Decubitus mobile team made up of 2 specialists and 2 specialists; •Movemental rehabilitation mobile team composed of 1 major specialist and 2 specialists. Another important segment of the primary target group is those involved in the professional work and operation of the hospital, not only its development areas. The secondary target group of the project is the population with health insurance in the settlements in the area of care, with nearly 381.587 people. One of the main secondary target groups of this project is the population of the North-Hungary Region, which is 1.153,714 people based on the interactive map of the KSH of January 2016, making it the fourth most populous region of the country, who will have access to the highest technical and progressive patient care in many areas of healthcare after the successful completion of the project. The project will eliminate the disadvantage of the population of the North-Hungary Region in accessing modern health services in many areas. The improvement in health services will be a direct and widespread benefit for the population of the North-Hungary Region. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The overall objective of this call is to implement interventions aimed at the quantitative development of human resources for health, which can reduce inequalities in access to health services, reduce the number of vacancies in the healthcare sector, and improve working conditions and conditions for maintaining the workforce and the quality and efficiency of care provided to the population. General objectives: Providing the necessary human resources for the efficient functioning of the healthcare system; The launch of an employment support programme; Ensuring homogeneity and uniformly high professional standards of healthcare; Introducing, in addition to supporting employment, supply services in the form of a good team in international practice; Maximising the efficiency of health infrastructure developments in EFOP projects. The specific objective of the development of the hospital is to improve the human resources conditions for in-patient and outpatient services by reducing vacancies, increasing the number of workers in shortage professions, increasing hospital wage levels, rejuvenating the ageing medical staff and reducing the overload of key doctors. The specific objective of the project is to create mobile health teams in the hospital to ensure wider and more efficient care. Among the target areas of the invitation to tender, the aim of the hospital is to implement institutional staffing and to create mobile teams. The hospital does not wish to apply for the other two target areas. Project activities: • Subsidising the salary costs of a chief of infectologist department specialist for 24 months, in the status of civil servant, 40 hours a week; • Supporting the wage costs of a major hospital hygienic specialist for 24 months, in the status of civil servant, 40 hours a week; •Supporting the salary costs of a chief SBO head of department, oxyologist specialist for 24 months, 40 hours per week; • Subsidising the wage costs of a major doctor’s director or intensive therapy specialist for 24 months in the civil servant status, 40 hours a week; • Supporting the wage costs of a major radiologist specialist for 24 months, in a civil servant status, 20 hours a week; • Supporting the salary costs of a specialist in a midwifery-gynecologist for 24 months, public employee status, 40 hours a week; • Establishing and operating a mobile team for decubitus; • Establishing and operating a mobile team for the rehabilitation of the mobility system; • Engaging the target group, recruitment activities; •Project management activities The primary target group of the project is the doctors, specialists and specialists employed at the Dr. Kenessey Albert Hospital in Balassagyarmat, and other non-health graduates directly involved in medical care. The hospital currently has 90 doctors and 447 therapists and 145 administrative and other technical staff. Within the framework of the institutional staff increase, the hospital intends to recruit and employ 6 major specialists in the project. They are the primary target group of the project. 3 of the doctors to be admitted are already known, the oral agreement has been reached with them, the selection and recruitment of the other 3 doctors takes place in the first 4 months of the project, in their case only the department of employment is known. 1 major specialist for infectology, 1 person for SBO, 1 person for Radiology, 1 person in the intensive therapy unit, 1 person in obstetrics, 1 hygienic in non-advisable class. The main target group is the members of the mobile teams to be set up in the framework of the project: • Decubitus mobile team made up of 2 specialists and 2 specialists; •Movemental rehabilitation mobile team composed of 1 major specialist and 2 specialists. Another important segment of the primary target group is those involved in the professional work and operation of the hospital, not only its development areas. The secondary target group of the project is the population with health insurance in the settlements in the area of care, with nearly 381.587 people. One of the main secondary target groups of this project is the population of the North-Hungary Region, which is 1.153,714 people based on the interactive map of the KSH of January 2016, making it the fourth most populous region of the country, who will have access to the highest technical and progressive patient care in many areas of healthcare after the successful completion of the project. The project will eliminate the disadvantage of the population of the North-Hungary Region in accessing modern health services in many areas. The improvement in health services will be a direct and widespread benefit for the population of the North-Hungary Region. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The overall objective of this call is to implement interventions aimed at the quantitative development of human resources for health, which can reduce inequalities in access to health services, reduce the number of vacancies in the healthcare sector, and improve working conditions and conditions for maintaining the workforce and the quality and efficiency of care provided to the population. General objectives: Providing the necessary human resources for the efficient functioning of the healthcare system; The launch of an employment support programme; Ensuring homogeneity and uniformly high professional standards of healthcare; Introducing, in addition to supporting employment, supply services in the form of a good team in international practice; Maximising the efficiency of health infrastructure developments in EFOP projects. The specific objective of the development of the hospital is to improve the human resources conditions for in-patient and outpatient services by reducing vacancies, increasing the number of workers in shortage professions, increasing hospital wage levels, rejuvenating the ageing medical staff and reducing the overload of key doctors. The specific objective of the project is to create mobile health teams in the hospital to ensure wider and more efficient care. Among the target areas of the invitation to tender, the aim of the hospital is to implement institutional staffing and to create mobile teams. The hospital does not wish to apply for the other two target areas. Project activities: • Subsidising the salary costs of a chief of infectologist department specialist for 24 months, in the status of civil servant, 40 hours a week; • Supporting the wage costs of a major hospital hygienic specialist for 24 months, in the status of civil servant, 40 hours a week; •Supporting the salary costs of a chief SBO head of department, oxyologist specialist for 24 months, 40 hours per week; • Subsidising the wage costs of a major doctor’s director or intensive therapy specialist for 24 months in the civil servant status, 40 hours a week; • Supporting the wage costs of a major radiologist specialist for 24 months, in a civil servant status, 20 hours a week; • Supporting the salary costs of a specialist in a midwifery-gynecologist for 24 months, public employee status, 40 hours a week; • Establishing and operating a mobile team for decubitus; • Establishing and operating a mobile team for the rehabilitation of the mobility system; • Engaging the target group, recruitment activities; •Project management activities The primary target group of the project is the doctors, specialists and specialists employed at the Dr. Kenessey Albert Hospital in Balassagyarmat, and other non-health graduates directly involved in medical care. The hospital currently has 90 doctors and 447 therapists and 145 administrative and other technical staff. Within the framework of the institutional staff increase, the hospital intends to recruit and employ 6 major specialists in the project. They are the primary target group of the project. 3 of the doctors to be admitted are already known, the oral agreement has been reached with them, the selection and recruitment of the other 3 doctors takes place in the first 4 months of the project, in their case only the department of employment is known. 1 major specialist for infectology, 1 person for SBO, 1 person for Radiology, 1 person in the intensive therapy unit, 1 person in obstetrics, 1 hygienic in non-advisable class. The main target group is the members of the mobile teams to be set up in the framework of the project: • Decubitus mobile team made up of 2 specialists and 2 specialists; •Movemental rehabilitation mobile team composed of 1 major specialist and 2 specialists. Another important segment of the primary target group is those involved in the professional work and operation of the hospital, not only its development areas. The secondary target group of the project is the population with health insurance in the settlements in the area of care, with nearly 381.587 people. One of the main secondary target groups of this project is the population of the North-Hungary Region, which is 1.153,714 people based on the interactive map of the KSH of January 2016, making it the fourth most populous region of the country, who will have access to the highest technical and progressive patient care in many areas of healthcare after the successful completion of the project. The project will eliminate the disadvantage of the population of the North-Hungary Region in accessing modern health services in many areas. The improvement in health services will be a direct and widespread benefit for the population of the North-Hungary Region. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 8 February 2022
Revision as of 10:43, 8 February 2022
Project Q3883016 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
Project Q3883016 in Hungary |
149,999,220 forint
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482,402.009 Euro
0.0027336256 Euro
10 December 2021
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176,469,670.588 forint
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85.0 percent
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1 July 2017
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31 July 2020
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Jelen pályázat átfogó célja olyan egészségügyi humánerőforrás mennyiségi fejlesztését célzó beavatkozások megvalósítása, amelyek által csökkenthetők az egészségügyi szolgáltatásokhoz való hozzáférésben mutatkozó egyenlőtlenségek, csökken az egészségügyben a betöltetlen álláshelyek száma, valamint javulnak az egészségügyben a munkaerő megtartását szolgáló munkakörülmények és feltételek, valamint a lakosság számára nyújtott ellátások minősége és hatékonysága. Általános célok: Az egészségügyi ellátórendszer hatékony működéséhez szükséges humánerőforrás biztosítása; Foglalkoztatást támogató program elindítása; Az egészségügyi ellátás homogenitásának és egységesen magas szakmai színvonalának biztosítása; A foglalkoztatás támogatása mellett a nemzetközi gyakorlatban bevált team formában végzett ellátási szolgáltatások bevezetése; Az EFOP projektek keretében az egészségügyi infrastruktúra fejlesztések hatékonyságának maximalizálása. A kórház fejlesztésének konkrét célja, hogy a fekvő és járóbeteg szolgáltatások humán erőforrás feltételeit javítsa a betöltetlen álláshelyek csökkentésével, a hiányszakmákban dolgozók számának növelésével, a kórházi bérszínvonal emelésével, az elöregedő korösszetételű orvosgárda fiatalításával, valamint a kulcspozícióban dolgozó orvosok túlterheltségének csökkentésével. A projekt további konkrét célja egészségügyi mobil teamek létrehozás a kórházban a szélesebb körű és hatékonyabb ellátás biztosítása érdekében. A pályázati kiírás célterületei közül a kórház célja az intézményi létszámbővítés megvalósítása, valamint mobil teamek létrehozása. A kórház a másik két célterületére nem kíván pályázni. A projekt tevékenységek:• Egy fő infektológus osztályvezető szakorvos bérköltségének támogatása 24 hónapon át, közalkalmazotti státuszban, heti 40 órában;• Egy fő kórház higiénikus szakorvos bérköltségének támogatása 24 hónapon át, közalkalmazotti státuszban, heti 40 órában;•Egy fő SBO osztályvezető főorvos, oxiológus szakorvos bérköltségének támogatása 24 hónapon át, közalkalmazotti státuszban, heti 40 órában;• Egy fő orvos igazgató, vagy intenzív terápiás szakorvos bérköltségének támogatása 24 hónapon át, közalkalmazotti státuszban, heti 40 órában;• Egy fő radiológus szakorvos bérköltségének támogatása 24 hónapon át, közalkalmazotti státuszban, heti 20 órában;• Egy fő szülész-nőgyógyásza szakorvos bérköltségének támogatása 24 hónapon át, közalkalmazotti státuszban, heti 40 órában;•Decubitus mobil team létrehozása és működtetése;• Mozgásszervi rehabilitációs mobil team létrehozása és működtetése;• A célcsoport bevonásával, toborzással kapcsolatos tevékenységek;•Projektmenedzsment tevékenységek A projekt elsődleges célcsoportját a balassagyarmati Dr. Kenessey Albert Kórháznál alkalmazott, valamint alkalmazni kívánt orvosok, szakorvosok, szakdolgozók, valamint az egészségügyi szakellátáshoz kapcsolódó, közvetlenül a betegellátásban résztvevő egyéb, nem egészségügyi végzettségű szakemberek képzik. A kórház jelenleg 90 fő orvossal és 447 fő szakdolgozóval, valamint 145 fő adminisztratív és egyéb technikai személyzettel rendelkezik. A projektben az intézményi létszámbővítés keretében a kórház 6 fő szakorvost kíván felvenni és foglalkoztatni. Ők jelentik a projekt elsődleges célcsoportját. A felvételre kerülő orvosok közül 3 fő már ismert, velük a szóbeli egyezség megszületett, a további 3 orvos kiválasztása, toborzása a projekt első 4 hónapjában történik, esetükben csak a foglalkoztatás osztálya ismert jelenleg. 1 fő szakorvos az infektológiára, 1 fő az SBO-ra, 1 fő a Radiológiára, 1 fő az intenzív terápiás egységbe, 1 fő a szülészetre kerül, 1 fő higiénikus nem rendelhető osztályhoz. Az elsődleges célcsoportot alkotják a projekt keretében kialakításra kerülő mobil teamek tagjai is: • Decubitus mobil team, melyet 2 fő szakorvos és 2 fő szakdolgozó alkot; •Mozgásszervi rehabilitációs mobil team melyet 1 fő szakorvos és 2 fő szakdolgozó alkot. Az elsődleges célcsoport másik fontos szegmense alatt a kórház – nem csak fejlesztéssel érintett területeinek - szakmai munkájában és működtetésében résztvevő dolgozókat értjük. A projekt másodlagos célcsoportját az ellátási területhez tartozó településeken élő egészségbiztosítással rendelkező lakosság adja, mely közel 381.587 főt számlál. A jelen projekt egyik legfőbb másodlagos célcsoportja az Észak-Magyarországi Régió lakossága amely a 2016. januári KSH interaktív térkép adatai alapján 1.153.714 fő, mellyel az ország negyedik legnépesebb régiója, akik a projekt sikeres befejezését követően az egészségügyi ellátás számos területén fognak hozzáférni a legmagasabb technikai színvonalú, progresszív betegellátásokhoz. A projekt nyomán számos területen meg fog szűnni a korszerű egészségügyi szolgáltatásokhoz való hozzáférés terén az Észak-Magyarországi Régió lakosságának tapasztalható hátránya. Az egészségügyi szolgáltatások terén bekövetkező javulás Észak-Magyarországi Régió lakossága számára közvetlen és széles körben élvezhető előny lesz. (Hungarian)
0 references
The overall objective of this call is to implement interventions aimed at the quantitative development of human resources for health, which can reduce inequalities in access to health services, reduce the number of vacancies in the healthcare sector, and improve working conditions and conditions for maintaining the workforce and the quality and efficiency of care provided to the population. General objectives: Providing the necessary human resources for the efficient functioning of the healthcare system; The launch of an employment support programme; Ensuring homogeneity and uniformly high professional standards of healthcare; Introducing, in addition to supporting employment, supply services in the form of a good team in international practice; Maximising the efficiency of health infrastructure developments in EFOP projects. The specific objective of the development of the hospital is to improve the human resources conditions for in-patient and outpatient services by reducing vacancies, increasing the number of workers in shortage professions, increasing hospital wage levels, rejuvenating the ageing medical staff and reducing the overload of key doctors. The specific objective of the project is to create mobile health teams in the hospital to ensure wider and more efficient care. Among the target areas of the invitation to tender, the aim of the hospital is to implement institutional staffing and to create mobile teams. The hospital does not wish to apply for the other two target areas. Project activities: • Subsidising the salary costs of a chief of infectologist department specialist for 24 months, in the status of civil servant, 40 hours a week; • Supporting the wage costs of a major hospital hygienic specialist for 24 months, in the status of civil servant, 40 hours a week; •Supporting the salary costs of a chief SBO head of department, oxyologist specialist for 24 months, 40 hours per week; • Subsidising the wage costs of a major doctor’s director or intensive therapy specialist for 24 months in the civil servant status, 40 hours a week; • Supporting the wage costs of a major radiologist specialist for 24 months, in a civil servant status, 20 hours a week; • Supporting the salary costs of a specialist in a midwifery-gynecologist for 24 months, public employee status, 40 hours a week; • Establishing and operating a mobile team for decubitus; • Establishing and operating a mobile team for the rehabilitation of the mobility system; • Engaging the target group, recruitment activities; •Project management activities The primary target group of the project is the doctors, specialists and specialists employed at the Dr. Kenessey Albert Hospital in Balassagyarmat, and other non-health graduates directly involved in medical care. The hospital currently has 90 doctors and 447 therapists and 145 administrative and other technical staff. Within the framework of the institutional staff increase, the hospital intends to recruit and employ 6 major specialists in the project. They are the primary target group of the project. 3 of the doctors to be admitted are already known, the oral agreement has been reached with them, the selection and recruitment of the other 3 doctors takes place in the first 4 months of the project, in their case only the department of employment is known. 1 major specialist for infectology, 1 person for SBO, 1 person for Radiology, 1 person in the intensive therapy unit, 1 person in obstetrics, 1 hygienic in non-advisable class. The main target group is the members of the mobile teams to be set up in the framework of the project: • Decubitus mobile team made up of 2 specialists and 2 specialists; •Movemental rehabilitation mobile team composed of 1 major specialist and 2 specialists. Another important segment of the primary target group is those involved in the professional work and operation of the hospital, not only its development areas. The secondary target group of the project is the population with health insurance in the settlements in the area of care, with nearly 381.587 people. One of the main secondary target groups of this project is the population of the North-Hungary Region, which is 1.153,714 people based on the interactive map of the KSH of January 2016, making it the fourth most populous region of the country, who will have access to the highest technical and progressive patient care in many areas of healthcare after the successful completion of the project. The project will eliminate the disadvantage of the population of the North-Hungary Region in accessing modern health services in many areas. The improvement in health services will be a direct and widespread benefit for the population of the North-Hungary Region. (English)
8 February 2022
0 references
Balassagyarmat, Nógrád
0 references
0 references