“Renewal and modernisation of the regional educational infrastructure by improving the material and technical base of 11 state-owned professional high schools in the system of the Ministry of Education in the districts of Plovdiv, Smolyan and Kardzhali.” (Q3879025): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in es, and other parts: Adding Spanish translations)
(‎Removed claim: co-financing rate (P837): 0.85 percent)
Property / co-financing rate
0.85 percent
Amount0.85 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 0.85 percent / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 19:43, 18 February 2022

Project Q3879025 in Bulgaria
Language Label Description Also known as
“Renewal and modernisation of the regional educational infrastructure by improving the material and technical base of 11 state-owned professional high schools in the system of the Ministry of Education in the districts of Plovdiv, Smolyan and Kardzhali.”
Project Q3879025 in Bulgaria


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    11,922,099.98 Bulgarian lev
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    6,080,270.99 Euro
    1 December 2021
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    14,026,000.0 Bulgarian lev
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    7,153,260.0 Euro
    1 December 2021
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    21 June 2017
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    21 December 2021
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    42°0'52.31"N, 25°9'17.53"E
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    Икономическото развитие на Южния централен район е сравнително стабилно. В него преобладава приносът на сектора на услугите. Индустриалният сектор и развитието на иновациите имат важно значение за регионалната икономика. Аграрният сектор има значителен дял, по-висок от средният за страната. Развитието на туризма в района също е от значимите отрасли на икономиката и заетостта. Чрез дейностите заложени в настоящето проектно предложение се цели да бъде подобрен учебният процес, да бъдат въведени нови методи на обучение и да бъде подсигурена по-лесна интеграция и социализиране в обществото на бъдещото поколение. С обновяване на амортизираната и морално остаряла база на професионалните училища в региона, МОН се стреми да насърчи запазването на традиционни и създаването на нови професионални специалности за областите Пловдив, Смолян и Кърджали. Съществен момент за оставане на младото население и развитието на бизнеса в региона е необходимостта от насърчаване на връзката между професионалното образование, висшето образование и реалния бизнес. С инвестиции за обновяване и модернизация на учебните кабинети, лабораториите, спортните съоръжения и учебните работилници ще бъде подобрена образователна инфраструктура на:ПГ по икономика "Алеко Константинов" - КърджалиПГ по електротехника и електроника - ПловдивПГ по архитектура, строителство и геодезия "Арх. Камен Петков"Национална търговска гимназия - ПловдивПГ по туризъм "Проф. д-р Асен Златаров"ПГ по транспорт "Гоце Делчев"Професионална гимназия "Генерал Владимир Заимов" – гр. СопотПГ по механотехника "Професор Цветан Лазаров" - ПловдивПГ по битова техника - ПловдивПрофесионална гимназия "Цар Иван Асен ІІ" – гр. АсеновградПрофесионална гимназия по икономика "Карл Маркс" – гр. Смолян (Bulgarian)
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    The economic development of the Southern Central Region is relatively stable. It is dominated by the contribution of the services sector. The industrial sector and the development of innovation are important for the regional economy. The agricultural sector has a significant share, higher than the national average. The development of tourism in the region is also one of the significant sectors of the economy and employment. The activities set out in this project proposal aim to improve the learning process, introduce new learning methods and ensure easier integration and socialisation in the society of the future generation. By renewing the amortised and morally outdated base of vocational schools in the region, the Ministry of Education aims to promote the preservation of traditional and the creation of new professional specialties for the districts of Plovdiv, Smolyan and Kardzhali. An important moment for the young population to remain and business development in the region is the need to promote the link between vocational education, higher education and real business. Investments for the renovation and modernisation of the training rooms, laboratories, sports facilities and training workshops will improve the educational infrastructure of: Aleko Konstantinov Economics — Kardzhali PG in Electrical and Electronics — Plovdiv Architecture, Construction and Geodesy "Arch. Kamen Petkov"National High School of Commerce — Plovdiv PG in Tourism "Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov"Gotse Delchev PG in Transport "Gotse Delchev" Professional High School "General Vladimir Zaimov" — Sopot PG in Mechanical Engineering "Professor Tsvetan Lazarov" — Plovdiv School of Domestic Equipment — Plovdiv Professional High School "Tsar Ivan Asen II" — town of Asenovgrad Professional High School of Economics "Carl Marks" — Smolyan (English)
    2 December 2021
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    Le développement économique de la région du centre-sud est relativement stable. Elle est dominée par la contribution du secteur des services. Le secteur industriel et le développement de l’innovation sont importants pour l’économie régionale. Le secteur agricole a une part importante, supérieure à la moyenne nationale. Le développement du tourisme dans la région est également l’un des secteurs importants de l’économie et de l’emploi. Les activités décrites dans la présente proposition de projet visent à améliorer le processus d’apprentissage, à introduire de nouvelles méthodes d’apprentissage et à faciliter l’intégration et la socialisation dans la société de la génération future. En renouvelant la base amortie et moralement dépassée des écoles professionnelles de la région, le Ministère de l’éducation vise à promouvoir la préservation de la tradition et la création de nouvelles spécialités professionnelles pour les districts de Plovdiv, Smolyan et Kardzhali. Un moment important pour que la population jeune reste et le développement des entreprises dans la région est la nécessité de promouvoir le lien entre l’enseignement professionnel, l’enseignement supérieur et les entreprises réelles. Les investissements pour la rénovation et la modernisation des salles de formation, des laboratoires, des installations sportives et des ateliers de formation amélioreront l’infrastructure éducative de: Aleko Konstantinov Economics — Kardzhali PG en électricité et électronique — Plovdiv Architecture, Construction et Geodesy "Arch. Kamen Petkov"Ecole Nationale de Commerce — Plovdiv PG dans le tourisme "Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov"Gotse Delchev PG dans les transports "Gotse Delchev" Lycée professionnel "général Vladimir Zaimov" — Sopot PG en génie mécanique "Professeur Tsvetan Lazarov" — Plovdiv École d’équipement domestique — Plovdiv École professionnelle "Tsar Ivan Asen II" — ville de Asenovgrad École professionnelle d’économie "Carl Marks" — Smolyan (French)
    3 December 2021
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    Die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung der südlichen Zentralregion ist relativ stabil. Sie wird von dem Beitrag des Dienstleistungssektors dominiert. Der Industriesektor und die Entwicklung der Innovation sind für die regionale Wirtschaft von Bedeutung. Der Agrarsektor hat einen beträchtlichen Anteil, der über dem nationalen Durchschnitt liegt. Die Entwicklung des Tourismus in der Region ist auch einer der wichtigsten Sektoren der Wirtschaft und der Beschäftigung. Die in diesem Projektvorschlag dargelegten Maßnahmen zielen darauf ab, den Lernprozess zu verbessern, neue Lernmethoden einzuführen und eine einfachere Integration und Sozialisierung in die Gesellschaft der künftigen Generation zu gewährleisten. Durch die Erneuerung der amortisierten und moralisch veralteten Basis der Berufsschulen in der Region zielt das Bildungsministerium darauf ab, die Erhaltung der traditionellen und die Schaffung neuer Berufsspezialitäten für die Bezirke Plovdiv, Smolyan und Kardzhali zu fördern. Ein wichtiger Moment für den Fortbestand der jungen Bevölkerung und die Unternehmensentwicklung in der Region ist die Notwendigkeit, die Verbindung zwischen beruflicher Bildung, Hochschulbildung und Realwirtschaft zu fördern. Investitionen in die Renovierung und Modernisierung der Schulungsräume, Labors, Sportanlagen und Trainingswerkstätten werden die Bildungsinfrastruktur von: Aleko Konstantinov Economics – Kardzhali PG in Elektrotechnik und Elektronik – Plovdiv Architektur, Bau und Geodäsie "Arch verbessern. Kamen Petkov"National High School of Commerce – Plovdiv PG im Tourismus "Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov"Gotse Delchev PG im Verkehr "Gotse Delchev" Berufsschule "General Vladimir Zaimov" – Sopot PG in Maschinenbau "Professor Tsvetan Lazarov" – Plovdiv Schule für Hausausrüstung – Plovdiv Berufsschule "Tsar Ivan Asen II" – Stadt Asenovgrad Berufshochschule für Wirtschaft "Carl Marks" – Smolyan (German)
    4 December 2021
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    De economische ontwikkeling van de zuidelijke centrale regio is relatief stabiel. Het wordt gedomineerd door de bijdrage van de dienstensector. De industriële sector en de ontwikkeling van innovatie zijn belangrijk voor de regionale economie. De landbouwsector heeft een aanzienlijk aandeel, dat hoger is dan het nationale gemiddelde. De ontwikkeling van het toerisme in de regio is ook een van de belangrijke sectoren van de economie en de werkgelegenheid. De in dit projectvoorstel beschreven activiteiten zijn erop gericht het leerproces te verbeteren, nieuwe leermethoden in te voeren en de integratie en socialisering in de samenleving van de toekomstige generatie te vergemakkelijken. Door de geamortiseerde en moreel verouderde basis van beroepsonderwijs in de regio te vernieuwen, streeft het ministerie van Onderwijs ernaar het behoud van traditionele en de creatie van nieuwe professionele specialiteiten voor de districten Plovdiv, Smolyan en Kardzhali te bevorderen. Een belangrijk moment voor de jonge bevolking en de ontwikkeling van het bedrijfsleven in de regio is de noodzaak om het verband tussen beroepsonderwijs, hoger onderwijs en het echte bedrijfsleven te bevorderen. Investeringen voor de renovatie en modernisering van de opleidingszalen, laboratoria, sportfaciliteiten en opleidingsworkshops zullen de onderwijsinfrastructuur verbeteren van: Aleko Konstantinov Economics — Kardzhali PG in Electrical and Electronics — Plovdiv Architectuur, Bouw en Geodesie "Arch. Kamen Petkov"Nationale Hoge School van Koophandel — Plovdiv PG in Toerisme "Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov"Gotse Delchev PG in Vervoer "Gotse Delchev" Professionele middelbare school "Generaal Vladimir Zaimov" — Sopot PG in Werktuigbouwkunde "Professor Tsvetan Lazarov" — Plovdiv School of Domestic Equipment — Plovdiv Professional High School "Tsar Ivan Asen II" — stad Asenovgrad Professional High School of Economics "Carl Marks" — Smolyan (Dutch)
    12 December 2021
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    Lo sviluppo economico della regione centro-meridionale è relativamente stabile. È dominato dal contributo del settore dei servizi. Il settore industriale e lo sviluppo dell'innovazione sono importanti per l'economia regionale. Il settore agricolo detiene una quota significativa, superiore alla media nazionale. Lo sviluppo del turismo nella regione è anche uno dei settori significativi dell'economia e dell'occupazione. Le attività illustrate nella presente proposta di progetto mirano a migliorare il processo di apprendimento, introdurre nuovi metodi di apprendimento e garantire una più facile integrazione e socializzazione nella società della generazione futura. Rinnovando la base ammortizzata e moralmente obsoleta delle scuole professionali nella regione, il Ministero dell'Istruzione mira a promuovere la conservazione della tradizione e la creazione di nuove specialità professionali per i distretti di Plovdiv, Smolyan e Kardzhali. Un momento importante per la popolazione giovane e per lo sviluppo delle imprese nella regione è la necessità di promuovere il collegamento tra l'istruzione professionale, l'istruzione superiore e le imprese reali. Gli investimenti per la ristrutturazione e l'ammodernamento delle sale di formazione, laboratori, impianti sportivi e laboratori di formazione miglioreranno l'infrastruttura educativa di: Aleko Konstantinov Economics — Kardzhali PG in Elettricità ed Elettronica — Plovdiv Architettura, Costruzione e Geodesia "Arch. Kamen Petkov"National High School of Commerce — Plovdiv PG in Turismo "Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov"Gotse Delchev PG in Trasporti "Gotse Delchev" Scuola Professionale "General Vladimir Zaimov" — Sopot PG in Ingegneria Meccanica "Professore Tsvetan Lazarov" — Plovdiv Scuola di Attrezzature domestiche — Plovdiv Scuola Superiore Professionale "Tsar Ivan Asen II" — Città di Asenovgrad Scuola Superiore Professionale di Economia "Carl Marks" — Smolyan (Italian)
    13 January 2022
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    El desarrollo económico de la región central meridional es relativamente estable. Está dominado por la contribución del sector servicios. El sector industrial y el desarrollo de la innovación son importantes para la economía regional. El sector agrícola tiene una proporción significativa, superior a la media nacional. El desarrollo del turismo en la región es también uno de los sectores significativos de la economía y el empleo. Las actividades expuestas en esta propuesta de proyecto tienen por objeto mejorar el proceso de aprendizaje, introducir nuevos métodos de aprendizaje y facilitar la integración y socialización en la sociedad de la generación futura. Al renovar la base amortizada y moralmente anticuada de las escuelas de formación profesional en la región, el Ministerio de Educación tiene por objeto promover la preservación de la tradición y la creación de nuevas especialidades profesionales para los distritos de Plovdiv, Smolyan y Kardzhali. Un momento importante para la permanencia de la población joven y el desarrollo empresarial en la región es la necesidad de promover el vínculo entre la formación profesional, la educación superior y las empresas reales. Las inversiones para la renovación y modernización de las salas de formación, laboratorios, instalaciones deportivas y talleres de formación mejorarán la infraestructura educativa de: Aleko Konstantinov Economics — Kardzhali PG en Electrical and Electronics — Plovdiv Architecture, Construction and Geodesy "Arch. Kamen Petkov"Escuela Nacional de Comercio — Plovdiv PG en Turismo "Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov"Gotse Delchev PG en Transporte "Gotse Delchev" Escuela Secundaria Profesional "General Vladimir Zaimov" — Sopot PG en Ingeniería Mecánica "Profesor Tsvetan Lazarov" — Escuela Plovdiv de Equipamiento Doméstico — Plovdiv Escuela Secundaria Profesional "Tsar Ivan Asen II" — Ciudad de Asenovgrad Escuela Superior de Economía "Carl Marks" — Smolyan (Spanish)
    15 January 2022
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    Южен централен
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