Integrated school inclusion measures in mountain villages (Q3097399): Difference between revisions

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Misure integrate di inclusione scolastica nei villaggi di montagna
Property / summary
Sviluppare per 34 mesi un meccanismo locale di misure integrate per contribuire ad aumentare la qualità dell'istruzione in 9 strutture scolastiche in villaggi di montagna isolati nella contea di Alba. Partendo dalla specificità dell'Asse 6 della POCU e dai problemi incontrati dai membri dei nostri gruppi target, abbiamo ideato l'obiettivo generale del progetto in modo da contribuire a una migliore collaborazione e coinvolgimento dei soggetti interessati nell'aumentare il grado di inclusione scolastica dei bambini provenienti dall'area svantaggiata di Montanta. Il meccanismo che abbiamo pensato consiste in un partenariato tra la pubblica amministrazione locale e le ONG, 2 scuole con lo status di "partner associati", strutture fisse e mobili per fornire servizi differenziati per esigenze specifiche e fasce d'età. Esistono alcune strutture fisse (scuole, asili, campus scolastico) e altre le creeranno attraverso il progetto (~area di istruzione prioritaria~ picco Recea, condividere + 1 250 m; parco giochi; centro diurno per bambini in età prescolare, scuola materna modulare, ecc.). Le strutture mobili che realizzeremo attraverso il progetto sono: unità mobile per l'identificazione e la registrazione dei bambini nei servizi di cura e istruzione della prima infanzia; la carovana di inclusione scolastica attraverso l'animazione socio-educativa, la struttura che realizzerà azioni per ridurre l'analfabetismo funzionale; unità di supporto mobile per un'istruzione di qualità). In queste strutture fisse e mobili, così come in altri spazi pubblici realizzeremo attività e sub-attività legate alle cause che generano il rischio di abbandono scolastico e mediocrità educativa. I più rilevanti e produrranno effetti positivi a lungo termine sui membri dei gruppi destinatari sono: — Identifying and registering children at age-specific care and education structures, an approach that will contribute to ensuring equal chances for school participation in the target area of the project — Information and awareness campaign on the role and importance of early education, intervention that will support the development of positive attitudes and the more intensive involvement of parents in early education — the movement of a specialist in schools to contribute to increasing access to information services, counseling, specialised assistance in overcoming the problems that stand in the way of students‘access to education, through which we will support the provision of quality services in the school structures of the target school — the program will contribute to the educational deficit — the program that will contribute to the children’s education, which will help to ensure equal opportunities for school participation in the target area of the project — the information and awareness campaign on the role and importance of early education education, intervention that will support the development of positive attitudes and the more intensive involvement of parents in early childhood education — the school specialist moving to schools that contribute to increasing access to information services, counselling, specialised assistance in order to overcome the problems that stand in the way of children’s access to education, through which we will support the provision of quality services in the school structures of the target school — the program will contribute to the education gap — the program that will contribute to the education program that will help ensure the equal chances for school children’s participation in the target area of the project — information and awareness campaign campaign on the role and important early education, intervention that will support the development of positive attitudes and the more intensive involvement of parents in early education — the school specialist’s move to schools that contribute to increasing the access to the educational services, which contribute to the extra-time support of the pupils in the education of the students in order to help students in education, through which we will support the provision of quality services in the school structures of the target school — the program will contribute to the educational deficit program — the program that will contribute to the children’s education reduction in the school children’s access to education, through which we will support the provision of quality services in the school structures and education specific to the age-specific education program, which will contribute to ensuring equal chances for school participation in the target area of the project — information and awareness campaign campaign on the role and important early education, intervention that will support the development of positive attitudes and the more intensive involvement of parents in early education — the school specialist’s move to contribute to the education cycle, which contribute to increasing the access to the educational services of the students in the education program that ... (Italian)
Property / summary: Sviluppare per 34 mesi un meccanismo locale di misure integrate per contribuire ad aumentare la qualità dell'istruzione in 9 strutture scolastiche in villaggi di montagna isolati nella contea di Alba. Partendo dalla specificità dell'Asse 6 della POCU e dai problemi incontrati dai membri dei nostri gruppi target, abbiamo ideato l'obiettivo generale del progetto in modo da contribuire a una migliore collaborazione e coinvolgimento dei soggetti interessati nell'aumentare il grado di inclusione scolastica dei bambini provenienti dall'area svantaggiata di Montanta. Il meccanismo che abbiamo pensato consiste in un partenariato tra la pubblica amministrazione locale e le ONG, 2 scuole con lo status di "partner associati", strutture fisse e mobili per fornire servizi differenziati per esigenze specifiche e fasce d'età. Esistono alcune strutture fisse (scuole, asili, campus scolastico) e altre le creeranno attraverso il progetto (~area di istruzione prioritaria~ picco Recea, condividere + 1 250 m; parco giochi; centro diurno per bambini in età prescolare, scuola materna modulare, ecc.). Le strutture mobili che realizzeremo attraverso il progetto sono: unità mobile per l'identificazione e la registrazione dei bambini nei servizi di cura e istruzione della prima infanzia; la carovana di inclusione scolastica attraverso l'animazione socio-educativa, la struttura che realizzerà azioni per ridurre l'analfabetismo funzionale; unità di supporto mobile per un'istruzione di qualità). In queste strutture fisse e mobili, così come in altri spazi pubblici realizzeremo attività e sub-attività legate alle cause che generano il rischio di abbandono scolastico e mediocrità educativa. I più rilevanti e produrranno effetti positivi a lungo termine sui membri dei gruppi destinatari sono: — Identifying and registering children at age-specific care and education structures, an approach that will contribute to ensuring equal chances for school participation in the target area of the project — Information and awareness campaign on the role and importance of early education, intervention that will support the development of positive attitudes and the more intensive involvement of parents in early education — the movement of a specialist in schools to contribute to increasing access to information services, counseling, specialised assistance in overcoming the problems that stand in the way of students‘access to education, through which we will support the provision of quality services in the school structures of the target school — the program will contribute to the educational deficit — the program that will contribute to the children’s education, which will help to ensure equal opportunities for school participation in the target area of the project — the information and awareness campaign on the role and importance of early education education, intervention that will support the development of positive attitudes and the more intensive involvement of parents in early childhood education — the school specialist moving to schools that contribute to increasing access to information services, counselling, specialised assistance in order to overcome the problems that stand in the way of children’s access to education, through which we will support the provision of quality services in the school structures of the target school — the program will contribute to the education gap — the program that will contribute to the education program that will help ensure the equal chances for school children’s participation in the target area of the project — information and awareness campaign campaign on the role and important early education, intervention that will support the development of positive attitudes and the more intensive involvement of parents in early education — the school specialist’s move to schools that contribute to increasing the access to the educational services, which contribute to the extra-time support of the pupils in the education of the students in order to help students in education, through which we will support the provision of quality services in the school structures of the target school — the program will contribute to the educational deficit program — the program that will contribute to the children’s education reduction in the school children’s access to education, through which we will support the provision of quality services in the school structures and education specific to the age-specific education program, which will contribute to ensuring equal chances for school participation in the target area of the project — information and awareness campaign campaign on the role and important early education, intervention that will support the development of positive attitudes and the more intensive involvement of parents in early education — the school specialist’s move to contribute to the education cycle, which contribute to increasing the access to the educational services of the students in the education program that ... (Italian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Sviluppare per 34 mesi un meccanismo locale di misure integrate per contribuire ad aumentare la qualità dell'istruzione in 9 strutture scolastiche in villaggi di montagna isolati nella contea di Alba. Partendo dalla specificità dell'Asse 6 della POCU e dai problemi incontrati dai membri dei nostri gruppi target, abbiamo ideato l'obiettivo generale del progetto in modo da contribuire a una migliore collaborazione e coinvolgimento dei soggetti interessati nell'aumentare il grado di inclusione scolastica dei bambini provenienti dall'area svantaggiata di Montanta. Il meccanismo che abbiamo pensato consiste in un partenariato tra la pubblica amministrazione locale e le ONG, 2 scuole con lo status di "partner associati", strutture fisse e mobili per fornire servizi differenziati per esigenze specifiche e fasce d'età. Esistono alcune strutture fisse (scuole, asili, campus scolastico) e altre le creeranno attraverso il progetto (~area di istruzione prioritaria~ picco Recea, condividere + 1 250 m; parco giochi; centro diurno per bambini in età prescolare, scuola materna modulare, ecc.). Le strutture mobili che realizzeremo attraverso il progetto sono: unità mobile per l'identificazione e la registrazione dei bambini nei servizi di cura e istruzione della prima infanzia; la carovana di inclusione scolastica attraverso l'animazione socio-educativa, la struttura che realizzerà azioni per ridurre l'analfabetismo funzionale; unità di supporto mobile per un'istruzione di qualità). In queste strutture fisse e mobili, così come in altri spazi pubblici realizzeremo attività e sub-attività legate alle cause che generano il rischio di abbandono scolastico e mediocrità educativa. I più rilevanti e produrranno effetti positivi a lungo termine sui membri dei gruppi destinatari sono: — Identifying and registering children at age-specific care and education structures, an approach that will contribute to ensuring equal chances for school participation in the target area of the project — Information and awareness campaign on the role and importance of early education, intervention that will support the development of positive attitudes and the more intensive involvement of parents in early education — the movement of a specialist in schools to contribute to increasing access to information services, counseling, specialised assistance in overcoming the problems that stand in the way of students‘access to education, through which we will support the provision of quality services in the school structures of the target school — the program will contribute to the educational deficit — the program that will contribute to the children’s education, which will help to ensure equal opportunities for school participation in the target area of the project — the information and awareness campaign on the role and importance of early education education, intervention that will support the development of positive attitudes and the more intensive involvement of parents in early childhood education — the school specialist moving to schools that contribute to increasing access to information services, counselling, specialised assistance in order to overcome the problems that stand in the way of children’s access to education, through which we will support the provision of quality services in the school structures of the target school — the program will contribute to the education gap — the program that will contribute to the education program that will help ensure the equal chances for school children’s participation in the target area of the project — information and awareness campaign campaign on the role and important early education, intervention that will support the development of positive attitudes and the more intensive involvement of parents in early education — the school specialist’s move to schools that contribute to increasing the access to the educational services, which contribute to the extra-time support of the pupils in the education of the students in order to help students in education, through which we will support the provision of quality services in the school structures of the target school — the program will contribute to the educational deficit program — the program that will contribute to the children’s education reduction in the school children’s access to education, through which we will support the provision of quality services in the school structures and education specific to the age-specific education program, which will contribute to ensuring equal chances for school participation in the target area of the project — information and awareness campaign campaign on the role and important early education, intervention that will support the development of positive attitudes and the more intensive involvement of parents in early education — the school specialist’s move to contribute to the education cycle, which contribute to increasing the access to the educational services of the students in the education program that ... (Italian) / qualifier
point in time: 12 January 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 21:02, 12 January 2022

Project Q3097399 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Integrated school inclusion measures in mountain villages
Project Q3097399 in Romania


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    5,202,048.566 Romanian Leu
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    1,040,409.71 Euro
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    6,120,057.13 Romanian Leu
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    45°49'17.83"N, 23°29'22.96"E
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    45°52'42.56"N, 23°34'35.40"E
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    Sa dezvoltam timp, de 34 de luni, un mecanism local de masuri integrate care sa contribuie la cresterea calitatii educatiei in 9 structuri scolare din satele izolate de munte din judetul Alba. Pornind de la specificul Axei 6 a POCU si a problemelor cu care se confrunta membrii grupurilor noastre tinta am proiectat obiectivul general al proiectului astfel incat sa contribuie la mai buna colaboare si implicare a actorilor relevanti in cresterea gradului de incluziune scolara a copiilor din zona montanta defavorizata. Mecanismul gandit de noi este format dintr-un parteneriat intre administratia publica locala si ONG, 2 scoli cu statut de ~partener asociat~ , structuri fixe si mobile prin care sa asiguram servicii diferentiate pe tipuri de nevoi specifice si grupe de varsta. Unele structuri fixe exista (scoli, gradinite, campus scolar ), iar altele le vom crea prin proiect (~zona prioritara de educatie~ Varful Recea, cota +1250m; loc de joaca; centrul de zi pentru anteprescolari, gradinita modulara etc.). Structurile mobile pe care le vom infiinta prin proiect sunt: unitate mobila de identificare si inscriere a copiilor la servicii de ingrijire si educatie timpurie; caravana de incluziune scolara prin animatie socio –educativa , structura care va desfasura incluisv actiuni de reducere a analfabetismului functional; unitate mobila de sprijin pentru educatie de calitate). In aceste structuri fixe si mobile, precum si in alte spatii publice vom desfasura activitati si subactivitati relationate cu cauzele care genereaza risc de abandon scolar si mediocritate educatioanala. Cele mai relevante si care vor genera efecte pozitive pe termen lung asupra membrilor grupurilor tinta sunt: - Identificarea si inregistrarea copiilor la structurile de ingrijire si educatie specifice varstei, demers care va contribui la asigurarea de sanse egale pentru participarea scolara in zona tinta a proiectului - Campanie de informare si constientizare asupra rolului si importantei educatie timpurii, interventie care va sustine dezvoltarea de atitudini pozitive si implicarea mai intensa a parintilor in educatia timpurie - Deplasarea de specialist in scoli care sa contribuie la cresterea accesului la servicii de informare , consiliere, asistenta de specialitate in depasirea problemelor care stau in calea accesului elevilor la educatie, modalitate prin care vom sustine furnizarea de servicii de calitate in structurile scolare tinta - Programul SDS va contribui la reducere deficitului educational in randul elevilor din ciclul primar - Asigurarea unui cadru organizat de joaca si alte activitati extrascolare in aer liber care sa contribuie la prevenirea parasirii timpurii a scolii - Furnizarea de servicii de sprijin necesare acomodarii copiilor si elevilor care urmeaza sa intre in noul ciclu de invatamant atat in timpul anului scolar, cat si in vacanta de vara direct in zona de transhumanta de la cota +1250m. - Dezvoltarea serviciilor de incluziune socio-edu (Romanian)
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    To develop for 34 months a local mechanism of integrated measures to help increase the quality of education in 9 school structures in isolated mountain villages in Alba county. Starting from the specificity of Axis 6 of POCU and the problems faced by the members of our target groups, we designed the general objective of the project so as to contribute to better collaborating and involvement of relevant actors in increasing the degree of school inclusion of children from the disadvantaged Montanta area. The mechanism we thought consists of a partnership between local public administration and NGOs, 2 schools with the status of ‘associated partner’, fixed and mobile structures to provide services differentiated by specific needs types and age groups. Some fixed structures exist (schools, kindergartens, school campus), and others will create them through the project (~priority education area~ Recea peak, share + 1250 m; playground; day centre for preschoolers, modular kindergarten, etc.). The mobile structures that we will set up through the project are: mobile unit for identification and registration of children in early childhood care and education services; school inclusion caravan through socio-educational animation, the structure that will carry out actions to reduce functional illiteracy; mobile support unit for quality education). In these fixed and mobile structures, as well as in other public spaces we will carry out activities and sub-activities related to the causes that generate the risk of school abandonment and educational mediocrity. (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Sa dezvoltam timp, de 34 de luni, un mecanism local de masuri intégrer soins sa contribuie la cresterea Calitatii Educatiei dans 9 structuri Scolare din satele izolate de munte din judetul Alba. Pornind de la specificul axei 6 a POCU si a problemelor cu care se confrunta membrii grupurilor noastre tinta am proiectat Obiectivul general al proiectului astfel Incat sa contribuie la mai buna colaboare si implicare a actorilor pertinenti in cresterea gradului de incluziune scolara a copiilor din zona Montanta defavorizata. Mecanismul gandit de noi este format dintr-un parteneriat intre Administratia publica locala si ONG, 2 scoli cu statut de ~partener asociat~, structuri fixe si mobile prin care sa asiguram servicii diferentiate pe tipuri de nevoi specifice si grupe de varsta. Unele structuri fixe exista (scoli, gradinite, campus scolar), iar altele le vom crea prin proiect (~zona prioritara de educatie~ Varful Recea, cota + 1 250 m; loc de joaca; Centrul de zi pentru anteprescolari, GRADINITA modularA etc.). Structurile mobile pe care le vom infiinta prin proiect sunt: Unitate mobila de identificare si Inscriere a copiilor la servicii de ingrijire si educatie timpurie; caravana de incluziune scolara prin animatie socio –educativa, structura care va desfasura incluisv actiuni de reducere a analfabetismului fonctionnel; Unitate mobila de Sprijin pentru educatie de calitate). Dans aceste structuri fixe si mobile, precum si in alte spatii publice vom desfasura activitati si subactivitati relationate cu cauzele care genereaza risc de abandon scolar si mediocritate educatioanala. Cele mai pertinent si care vor genera efecte pozitive pe termen lung asupra membrilor grupurilor tinta sunt: — Identificarea si inregistrarea copiilor la structurile de ingrijire si educatie specifice varstei, demers care va contribui la Asigurarea de sanse egale pentru Partirea scolara in zona tinta a proiectului — Campanie de informare si constientizare asupra rolului si importanti educatie timpurii, Interventie care va sustine dezvoltarea de atitudini pozitive si implicarea mai intensa a parintilor in Educatia timpurie — Deplasarea de specialist in scoli care sa contribuie la cresterea accesului la servicii de informare, Consiliere, asistenta de specialitate in depasirea problemelor care stau in calea accesului elevilor educatie, modalitate prin care vom sustine furnizarea de servicii de calitate in structurile Scolare tinta — Programul SDS va contribui la reductionre déficitului education in randul elevilor din ciclul primar — Asigurarea unui cadru organizat de joaca si alte activitati extrascolare in aer liber care sa contribuie la prevenirea parasirii timpurii a scolii — furnizarea de servicii de Sprijin necesare acomodarii copiilor si elevilor care urmeaza sa intre in noul ciclu de Invatamant atat in timpul anului scolar, chat si in vacanta de vara direct in zona de transhumanta de la cota + 1 250 m. — Dezvoltarea serviciilor de incluziune socio-edu (French)
    26 November 2021
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    Für 34 Monate einen lokalen Mechanismus integrierter Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Qualität der Bildung in 9 Schulstrukturen in isolierten Bergdörfern im Landkreis Alba zu entwickeln. Ausgehend von der Spezifität von Achse 6 der POCU und den Problemen, mit denen die Mitglieder unserer Zielgruppen konfrontiert sind, haben wir das allgemeine Ziel des Projekts entworfen, um zu einer besseren Zusammenarbeit und Beteiligung relevanter Akteure bei der Erhöhung des Grads der schulischen Inklusion von Kindern aus dem benachteiligten Montanta-Gebiet beizutragen. Der von uns angenommene Mechanismus besteht aus einer Partnerschaft zwischen der lokalen öffentlichen Verwaltung und NRO, zwei Schulen mit dem Status „assoziierter Partner“, fester und mobiler Strukturen zur Erbringung von Dienstleistungen, die nach spezifischen Bedürfnissen und Altersgruppen differenziert werden. Einige feste Strukturen existieren (Schulen, Kindergärten, Schulcampus), und andere werden sie durch das Projekt erstellen (~priority education area~ Recea Peak, Share + 1 250 m; Spielplatz; Kindertageszentrum für Vorschulkinder, modularer Kindergarten usw.). Die mobilen Strukturen, die wir durch das Projekt einrichten werden, sind: mobile Einheit für die Identifizierung und Registrierung von Kindern in frühkindlicher Betreuung und Bildung; Schule Inklusion Caravan durch sozialpädagogische Animation, die Struktur, die Maßnahmen zur Verringerung des funktionellen Analphabetismus durchführen wird; mobile Unterstützungseinheit für hochwertige Bildung). In diesen ortsfesten und mobilen Strukturen sowie in anderen öffentlichen Räumen werden wir Aktivitäten und Unteraktivitäten im Zusammenhang mit den Ursachen durchführen, die das Risiko von Schulabbruch und pädagogischer Mittelmäßigkeit verursachen. Die wichtigsten und langfristig positiven Auswirkungen auf die Mitglieder der Zielgruppen sind: Die Entwicklung von Bildungsangeboten, die den Zugang zu den Bildungsangeboten fördern und die Bildungseinrichtungen fördern, um die Bildungseinrichtungen zu fördern, die den Zugang zu Bildungsangeboten fördern, die den Zugang zu Bildungsangeboten fördern, die Bildungseinrichtungen fördern, die den Zugang zu Bildungsangeboten fördern und die Bildungseinrichtungen fördern, die den Zugang zu Bildungsangeboten fördern und die Bildungseinrichtungen fördern, die den Zugang zu Bildungsangeboten fördern, die Bildungseinrichtungen fördern, die den Zugang zu Bildungsangeboten fördern und die Bildungseinrichtungen fördern, die den Zugang zu Bildungsangeboten fördern. — Entwicklung von Dienstleistungen zur sozialen Eingliederung (German)
    1 December 2021
    0 references
    34 maanden lang een lokaal mechanisme van geïntegreerde maatregelen ontwikkelen om de kwaliteit van het onderwijs te verbeteren in 9 schoolstructuren in geïsoleerde bergdorpen in de provincie Alba. Uitgaande van de specificiteit van as 6 van de POCU en de problemen waarmee de leden van onze doelgroepen worden geconfronteerd, hebben we de algemene doelstelling van het project ontworpen om bij te dragen aan een betere samenwerking en betrokkenheid van relevante actoren bij het vergroten van de mate van inclusie op school van kinderen uit het achtergestelde Montanta-gebied. Het mechanisme dat we dachten bestaat uit een partnerschap tussen lokale overheden en ngo’s, twee scholen met de status van „geassocieerde partner”, vaste en mobiele structuren om diensten te verlenen die gedifferentieerd zijn naar specifieke behoeften en leeftijdsgroepen. Sommige vaste structuren bestaan (scholen, kleuterscholen, schoolcampus), en anderen zullen ze creëren via het project (~prioritair onderwijsgebied ~ Recea piek, aandeel + 1 250 m; speelplaats; dagcentrum voor kleuters, modulaire kleuterschool, enz.). De mobiele structuren die we in het kader van het project zullen opzetten zijn: mobiele eenheid voor de identificatie en registratie van kinderen in opvang- en onderwijsdiensten voor jonge kinderen; schoolintegratie caravan door middel van sociaal-educatieve animatie, de structuur die acties zal uitvoeren om functioneel analfabetisme te verminderen; mobiele ondersteuningseenheid voor kwaliteitsonderwijs). In deze vaste en mobiele structuren, evenals in andere openbare ruimtes zullen we activiteiten en subactiviteiten uitvoeren die verband houden met de oorzaken die het risico van schoolverlating en educatieve middelmatigheid veroorzaken. De meest relevante en op lange termijn positieve effecten op de leden van de doelgroepen zijn: De zorg voor het onderwijs in het onderwijs, het onderwijs in het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs, het onderwijs en het onderwijs. Ontwikkeling van sociaal-edu-integratiediensten (Dutch)
    5 December 2021
    0 references
    Sviluppare per 34 mesi un meccanismo locale di misure integrate per contribuire ad aumentare la qualità dell'istruzione in 9 strutture scolastiche in villaggi di montagna isolati nella contea di Alba. Partendo dalla specificità dell'Asse 6 della POCU e dai problemi incontrati dai membri dei nostri gruppi target, abbiamo ideato l'obiettivo generale del progetto in modo da contribuire a una migliore collaborazione e coinvolgimento dei soggetti interessati nell'aumentare il grado di inclusione scolastica dei bambini provenienti dall'area svantaggiata di Montanta. Il meccanismo che abbiamo pensato consiste in un partenariato tra la pubblica amministrazione locale e le ONG, 2 scuole con lo status di "partner associati", strutture fisse e mobili per fornire servizi differenziati per esigenze specifiche e fasce d'età. Esistono alcune strutture fisse (scuole, asili, campus scolastico) e altre le creeranno attraverso il progetto (~area di istruzione prioritaria~ picco Recea, condividere + 1 250 m; parco giochi; centro diurno per bambini in età prescolare, scuola materna modulare, ecc.). Le strutture mobili che realizzeremo attraverso il progetto sono: unità mobile per l'identificazione e la registrazione dei bambini nei servizi di cura e istruzione della prima infanzia; la carovana di inclusione scolastica attraverso l'animazione socio-educativa, la struttura che realizzerà azioni per ridurre l'analfabetismo funzionale; unità di supporto mobile per un'istruzione di qualità). In queste strutture fisse e mobili, così come in altri spazi pubblici realizzeremo attività e sub-attività legate alle cause che generano il rischio di abbandono scolastico e mediocrità educativa. I più rilevanti e produrranno effetti positivi a lungo termine sui membri dei gruppi destinatari sono: — Identifying and registering children at age-specific care and education structures, an approach that will contribute to ensuring equal chances for school participation in the target area of the project — Information and awareness campaign on the role and importance of early education, intervention that will support the development of positive attitudes and the more intensive involvement of parents in early education — the movement of a specialist in schools to contribute to increasing access to information services, counseling, specialised assistance in overcoming the problems that stand in the way of students‘access to education, through which we will support the provision of quality services in the school structures of the target school — the program will contribute to the educational deficit — the program that will contribute to the children’s education, which will help to ensure equal opportunities for school participation in the target area of the project — the information and awareness campaign on the role and importance of early education education, intervention that will support the development of positive attitudes and the more intensive involvement of parents in early childhood education — the school specialist moving to schools that contribute to increasing access to information services, counselling, specialised assistance in order to overcome the problems that stand in the way of children’s access to education, through which we will support the provision of quality services in the school structures of the target school — the program will contribute to the education gap — the program that will contribute to the education program that will help ensure the equal chances for school children’s participation in the target area of the project — information and awareness campaign campaign on the role and important early education, intervention that will support the development of positive attitudes and the more intensive involvement of parents in early education — the school specialist’s move to schools that contribute to increasing the access to the educational services, which contribute to the extra-time support of the pupils in the education of the students in order to help students in education, through which we will support the provision of quality services in the school structures of the target school — the program will contribute to the educational deficit program — the program that will contribute to the children’s education reduction in the school children’s access to education, through which we will support the provision of quality services in the school structures and education specific to the age-specific education program, which will contribute to ensuring equal chances for school participation in the target area of the project — information and awareness campaign campaign on the role and important early education, intervention that will support the development of positive attitudes and the more intensive involvement of parents in early education — the school specialist’s move to contribute to the education cycle, which contribute to increasing the access to the educational services of the students in the education program that ... (Italian)
    12 January 2022
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    Pianu, Romania
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    Săsciori, Romania
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    Municipiul Alba Iulia, Romania
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