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(Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: Setting new description) |
(Created claim: summary (P836): The project will create a digital self-learning method as a tool for personnel training for staff in service sectors providing care services for the elderly. With a new kind of mobile interactive self-learning method, training can be taken to the workplace, so that it is easily accessible to all staff and does not require an absence from the workplace. E-education supports paperlessness and sustainable development. The target group is the servic...) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
The project will create a digital self-learning method as a tool for personnel training for staff in service sectors providing care services for the elderly. With a new kind of mobile interactive self-learning method, training can be taken to the workplace, so that it is easily accessible to all staff and does not require an absence from the workplace. E-education supports paperlessness and sustainable development. The target group is the service houses in Tampere and their care staff. The need for continuing training of personnel arises from the legislation, the quality recommendations of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and the challenges described in public, such as staff coping, quality of care and customer satisfaction. The project has four main objectives:1. Design a mobile pedagogical solution in cooperation with the ICT industry organisation. 2. Support the competence, ability and empowerment of carers by selecting the key knowledge and skills needed by carers in everyday customer work as training content. 3. Design an intervention logic with a strong focus on interaction in the learning method, which requires the learner to be active and stimulates the learner’s own work leading to learning. 4. The ultimate goal is to improve the quality of care and treatment experienced by older people. The measures of the two-year project respond to four main objectives. 1. The encoding of the pedagogical ict solution planned in the project will be purchased as a service from an organisation in the field of ict. 2. The content of the self-learning method is designed using the results of literature and previous projects, such as interaction skills and encounters, a rehabilitative approach to work, monitoring of the implementation of nutrition and medical treatment. 3. Planning pedagogical interactive use, editing and testing the presentation of information from written learning material that is suitable for the mobile device and the method of study based on reflexion. 4. Implement the finished product for the use of about 200 caregivers and evaluate its effectiveness and effectiveness. Finally, practices will be agreed to allow the activities to continue at the end of the project. Information and publication will make it possible to spread the educational idea throughout the country. The results of the project will benefit employees, customers and owners of service industries. The staff of the service industries are given the opportunity to take part in further training, which is easily accessible to all staff. At the same time, the method supports the information society capacity of middle-aged female labour. The competence of service sector personnel is strengthened, employees feel empowered and better equipped to reflect their own work and identify their own development challenges. The experience of service residents in quality care will be improved, the feeling of safety and trust in the staff will increase, and the ability to operate will be better maintained. Employers providing care services have an easy-to-use tool for staff development and a training organisation as a partner for new training and other cooperation needs. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The project will create a digital self-learning method as a tool for personnel training for staff in service sectors providing care services for the elderly. With a new kind of mobile interactive self-learning method, training can be taken to the workplace, so that it is easily accessible to all staff and does not require an absence from the workplace. E-education supports paperlessness and sustainable development. The target group is the service houses in Tampere and their care staff. The need for continuing training of personnel arises from the legislation, the quality recommendations of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and the challenges described in public, such as staff coping, quality of care and customer satisfaction. The project has four main objectives:1. Design a mobile pedagogical solution in cooperation with the ICT industry organisation. 2. Support the competence, ability and empowerment of carers by selecting the key knowledge and skills needed by carers in everyday customer work as training content. 3. Design an intervention logic with a strong focus on interaction in the learning method, which requires the learner to be active and stimulates the learner’s own work leading to learning. 4. The ultimate goal is to improve the quality of care and treatment experienced by older people. The measures of the two-year project respond to four main objectives. 1. The encoding of the pedagogical ict solution planned in the project will be purchased as a service from an organisation in the field of ict. 2. The content of the self-learning method is designed using the results of literature and previous projects, such as interaction skills and encounters, a rehabilitative approach to work, monitoring of the implementation of nutrition and medical treatment. 3. Planning pedagogical interactive use, editing and testing the presentation of information from written learning material that is suitable for the mobile device and the method of study based on reflexion. 4. Implement the finished product for the use of about 200 caregivers and evaluate its effectiveness and effectiveness. Finally, practices will be agreed to allow the activities to continue at the end of the project. Information and publication will make it possible to spread the educational idea throughout the country. The results of the project will benefit employees, customers and owners of service industries. The staff of the service industries are given the opportunity to take part in further training, which is easily accessible to all staff. At the same time, the method supports the information society capacity of middle-aged female labour. The competence of service sector personnel is strengthened, employees feel empowered and better equipped to reflect their own work and identify their own development challenges. The experience of service residents in quality care will be improved, the feeling of safety and trust in the staff will increase, and the ability to operate will be better maintained. Employers providing care services have an easy-to-use tool for staff development and a training organisation as a partner for new training and other cooperation needs. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The project will create a digital self-learning method as a tool for personnel training for staff in service sectors providing care services for the elderly. With a new kind of mobile interactive self-learning method, training can be taken to the workplace, so that it is easily accessible to all staff and does not require an absence from the workplace. E-education supports paperlessness and sustainable development. The target group is the service houses in Tampere and their care staff. The need for continuing training of personnel arises from the legislation, the quality recommendations of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and the challenges described in public, such as staff coping, quality of care and customer satisfaction. The project has four main objectives:1. Design a mobile pedagogical solution in cooperation with the ICT industry organisation. 2. Support the competence, ability and empowerment of carers by selecting the key knowledge and skills needed by carers in everyday customer work as training content. 3. Design an intervention logic with a strong focus on interaction in the learning method, which requires the learner to be active and stimulates the learner’s own work leading to learning. 4. The ultimate goal is to improve the quality of care and treatment experienced by older people. The measures of the two-year project respond to four main objectives. 1. The encoding of the pedagogical ict solution planned in the project will be purchased as a service from an organisation in the field of ict. 2. The content of the self-learning method is designed using the results of literature and previous projects, such as interaction skills and encounters, a rehabilitative approach to work, monitoring of the implementation of nutrition and medical treatment. 3. Planning pedagogical interactive use, editing and testing the presentation of information from written learning material that is suitable for the mobile device and the method of study based on reflexion. 4. Implement the finished product for the use of about 200 caregivers and evaluate its effectiveness and effectiveness. Finally, practices will be agreed to allow the activities to continue at the end of the project. Information and publication will make it possible to spread the educational idea throughout the country. The results of the project will benefit employees, customers and owners of service industries. The staff of the service industries are given the opportunity to take part in further training, which is easily accessible to all staff. At the same time, the method supports the information society capacity of middle-aged female labour. The competence of service sector personnel is strengthened, employees feel empowered and better equipped to reflect their own work and identify their own development challenges. The experience of service residents in quality care will be improved, the feeling of safety and trust in the staff will increase, and the ability to operate will be better maintained. Employers providing care services have an easy-to-use tool for staff development and a training organisation as a partner for new training and other cooperation needs. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 23 November 2021
Revision as of 04:24, 23 November 2021
Project Q3757886 in France
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | No label defined |
Project Q3757886 in France |
162,574 Euro
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216,765.0 Euro
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75.0 percent
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1 February 2017
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31 January 2019
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Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu Oy
0 references
Hankkeessa luodaan digitaalinen itseopiskelumenetelmä henkilöstökoulutuksen välineeksi vanhusten hoivapalveluja tarjoavien palvelutalojen henkilökunnalle. Uudenlaisella mobiilikäyttöisellä interaktiivisella itseopiskelumenetelmällä koulutus kyetään viemään työpaikalle, jolloin se on helposti koko henkilöstön saavutettavissa eikä edellytä työpaikalta poissaoloa. Sähköinen koulutus tukee paperittomuutta ja kestävää kehitystä. Kohderyhmänä on tamperelaisia palvelutaloja ja näiden hoivahenkilökuntaa. Tarve henkilöstön täydennyskoulutukselle nousee lainsäädännöstä, STM:n laatusuosituksista ja julkisuudessa kuvatuista haasteista liittyen mm. henkilöstön jaksamiseen, hoidon laatuun ja asiakastyytyväisyyteen. Hankkeessa on neljä päätavoitetta:1. Suunnitella tavoiteltava mobiilikäyttöinen pedagoginen ratkaisu yhteistyössä ICT-alan organisaation kanssa. 2. Tukea hoivahenkilöstön osaamista, työssä jaksamista ja voimaantumista valitsemalla koulutussisällöiksi keskeisiä hoivatyöntekijöiden jokapäiväisessä asiakastyössä tarvitsemia tietoja ja taitoja. 3. Suunnitella opiskelumenetelmään vahvasti interaktiivisuutta painottava toimintalogiikka, joka edellyttää oppijalta aktiivisuutta ja stimuloi oppijan omaa oppimiseen johtavaa työskentelyä. 4. Lopullisena tavoitteena on parantaa ikäihmisten kokemaa hoidon ja kohtelun laatua. Kaksivuotisen hankkeen toimenpiteillä vastataan neljään päätavoitteeseen. 1. Hankkeessa suunnitellun pedagogisen ict-ratkaisun koodaus ostetaan palveluna ict-alan organisaatiolta. 2. Itseopiskelumenetelmän sisältö suunnitellaan kirjallisuuteen perehtyen ja aiempien hankkeiden tuloksia hyödyntäen, aiheina mm. vuorovaikutustaidot ja kohtaaminen, kuntouttava työote, ravitsemuksen ja lääkehoidon toteutumisen seuranta. 3. Suunnitellaan pedagoginen interaktiivinen käyttö, kirjallisesta oppimateriaalista muokataan mobiililaitteeseen ja reflektioon perustuvaan opiskelumenetelmään soveltuva informaation esitystapa ja testataan sitä. 4. Implementoidaan valmis tuote noin 200 hoivatyöntekijän käyttöön ja arvioidaan sen toimivuutta ja vaikuttavuutta. Lopuksi sovitaan käytännöistä, joilla toiminta voi jatkua hankkeen päätyttyä. Tiedottamisen ja julkaisun avulla mahdollistetaan koulutusidean leviäminen koko maahan. Hankkeen tuloksista hyötyy palvelutalojen työntekijät, asiakkaat ja omistajataho. Palvelutalojen henkilökunta saa mahdollisuuden osallistua täydennyskoulutukseen, joka on helposti koko henkilöstön saavutettavissa. Menetelmä tukee samalla keski-ikäisen naisvaltaisen työvoiman tietoyhteiskuntavalmiuksia. Palvelutalojen henkilökunnan osaaminen vahvistuu, työntekijät kokevat voimaantuvansa ja saavat entistä paremmat valmiudet oman työn reflektointiin ja omien kehittymishaasteiden tunnistamineen. Palvelutalojen asukkaiden kokemus hoidon laadusta paranee, turvallisuuden tunne ja luottamus henkilökuntaan lisääntyvät sekä toimintakykyisyys säilyy entistä paremmin. Hoivapalveluja tuottavilla työnantajilla on helposti käyttöönotettava väline henkilöstön kehittämiseen ja koulutusorganisaatio kumppanina uusille koulutus- ja muille yhteistyötarpeille. (Finnish)
0 references
The project will create a digital self-learning method as a tool for personnel training for staff in service sectors providing care services for the elderly. With a new kind of mobile interactive self-learning method, training can be taken to the workplace, so that it is easily accessible to all staff and does not require an absence from the workplace. E-education supports paperlessness and sustainable development. The target group is the service houses in Tampere and their care staff. The need for continuing training of personnel arises from the legislation, the quality recommendations of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and the challenges described in public, such as staff coping, quality of care and customer satisfaction. The project has four main objectives:1. Design a mobile pedagogical solution in cooperation with the ICT industry organisation. 2. Support the competence, ability and empowerment of carers by selecting the key knowledge and skills needed by carers in everyday customer work as training content. 3. Design an intervention logic with a strong focus on interaction in the learning method, which requires the learner to be active and stimulates the learner’s own work leading to learning. 4. The ultimate goal is to improve the quality of care and treatment experienced by older people. The measures of the two-year project respond to four main objectives. 1. The encoding of the pedagogical ict solution planned in the project will be purchased as a service from an organisation in the field of ict. 2. The content of the self-learning method is designed using the results of literature and previous projects, such as interaction skills and encounters, a rehabilitative approach to work, monitoring of the implementation of nutrition and medical treatment. 3. Planning pedagogical interactive use, editing and testing the presentation of information from written learning material that is suitable for the mobile device and the method of study based on reflexion. 4. Implement the finished product for the use of about 200 caregivers and evaluate its effectiveness and effectiveness. Finally, practices will be agreed to allow the activities to continue at the end of the project. Information and publication will make it possible to spread the educational idea throughout the country. The results of the project will benefit employees, customers and owners of service industries. The staff of the service industries are given the opportunity to take part in further training, which is easily accessible to all staff. At the same time, the method supports the information society capacity of middle-aged female labour. The competence of service sector personnel is strengthened, employees feel empowered and better equipped to reflect their own work and identify their own development challenges. The experience of service residents in quality care will be improved, the feeling of safety and trust in the staff will increase, and the ability to operate will be better maintained. Employers providing care services have an easy-to-use tool for staff development and a training organisation as a partner for new training and other cooperation needs. (English)
23 November 2021
0 references