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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: Setting new description)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): Comprehensive Cybersecurity The Sustainable Growth (4K) project develops cybersecurity skills for the SME sector. The COVID19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of digital services and products. At the same time, cybersecurity challenges have increased and cyber security incidents have both become more widespread and professional. This is linked to the cross-cutting theme of digitalisation, which emerges strongly from the survival plan for...)
Property / summary
Comprehensive Cybersecurity The Sustainable Growth (4K) project develops cybersecurity skills for the SME sector. The COVID19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of digital services and products. At the same time, cybersecurity challenges have increased and cyber security incidents have both become more widespread and professional. This is linked to the cross-cutting theme of digitalisation, which emerges strongly from the survival plan for Southwest Finland, as part of the development of business environments and the concept of “industry 4.0” put at the heart of industrial modernisation in the V-S Provincial Programme, which focuses on e.g. efficiency gains created by digitalisation.4K’s main objective is to develop the cybersecurity capabilities and capabilities of Finnish SMEs. 4K’s DNA will be able to plan and implement contingency measures and define cybersecurity service needs on the basis of these objectives.2.The Cyber Test Lab testing environment at Turku University of Applied Sciences will be developed to cover larger systems. At the same time, the level of automation of testing services will be increased, enabling the availability of services to a wider group of companies.3.Enhancing SMEs’ access to cybersecurity surveillance services through open data.4.The development of company cybersecurity will be linked more comprehensively to the principles of sustainable development.4K will be implemented in five toimenpidekokonaisuudessa:1.Varautuminen and self-evaluation2.Development of testing competence3.Accessibility of cybersecurity monitoring services provided to SMEs4.Comprehensive cybersecurity as a tool for sustainable development5.Assessment, guidance and behavioural change in the communication project is the transition of SMEs from just cyber-preparedness to comprehensive cybersecurity thinking, which increases the competitiveness of companies in the market and improves the ability to cope with cyber-attacks. SMEs participating in 4K measures are better placed to act as a reliable partner in subcontracting networks and to participate in tenders that require a high level of cybersecurity.In addition, 4K is the first project in Finland to bring together sustainable development and cybersecurity on a practical level. The project promotes the horizontal principles of gender equality and equality as well as sustainable development. The main objective of the project is not to promote gender equality, but the project aims to reach female entrepreneurs where possible. Thus, the project measures will also enable the improvement of the cybersecurity skills of female entrepreneurs in the region. The project takes into account sustainable development, especially in terms of economic and social sustainability. Cybersecurity challenges pose a major threat to business and societal activities, and addressing these challenges is the main objective of the project. Social sustainability will be improved as a growing level of cybersecurity reduces cyber harm in society. The increase in reliable e-services also makes it possible to use natural resources more sustainably. 4K is implemented as a joint project between Turku University of Applied Sciences and the University of Turku in close cooperation with Finnish SMEs, the City of Salo and Yrityssalo. (English)
Property / summary: Comprehensive Cybersecurity The Sustainable Growth (4K) project develops cybersecurity skills for the SME sector. The COVID19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of digital services and products. At the same time, cybersecurity challenges have increased and cyber security incidents have both become more widespread and professional. This is linked to the cross-cutting theme of digitalisation, which emerges strongly from the survival plan for Southwest Finland, as part of the development of business environments and the concept of “industry 4.0” put at the heart of industrial modernisation in the V-S Provincial Programme, which focuses on e.g. efficiency gains created by digitalisation.4K’s main objective is to develop the cybersecurity capabilities and capabilities of Finnish SMEs. 4K’s DNA will be able to plan and implement contingency measures and define cybersecurity service needs on the basis of these objectives.2.The Cyber Test Lab testing environment at Turku University of Applied Sciences will be developed to cover larger systems. At the same time, the level of automation of testing services will be increased, enabling the availability of services to a wider group of companies.3.Enhancing SMEs’ access to cybersecurity surveillance services through open data.4.The development of company cybersecurity will be linked more comprehensively to the principles of sustainable development.4K will be implemented in five toimenpidekokonaisuudessa:1.Varautuminen and self-evaluation2.Development of testing competence3.Accessibility of cybersecurity monitoring services provided to SMEs4.Comprehensive cybersecurity as a tool for sustainable development5.Assessment, guidance and behavioural change in the communication project is the transition of SMEs from just cyber-preparedness to comprehensive cybersecurity thinking, which increases the competitiveness of companies in the market and improves the ability to cope with cyber-attacks. SMEs participating in 4K measures are better placed to act as a reliable partner in subcontracting networks and to participate in tenders that require a high level of cybersecurity.In addition, 4K is the first project in Finland to bring together sustainable development and cybersecurity on a practical level. The project promotes the horizontal principles of gender equality and equality as well as sustainable development. The main objective of the project is not to promote gender equality, but the project aims to reach female entrepreneurs where possible. Thus, the project measures will also enable the improvement of the cybersecurity skills of female entrepreneurs in the region. The project takes into account sustainable development, especially in terms of economic and social sustainability. Cybersecurity challenges pose a major threat to business and societal activities, and addressing these challenges is the main objective of the project. Social sustainability will be improved as a growing level of cybersecurity reduces cyber harm in society. The increase in reliable e-services also makes it possible to use natural resources more sustainably. 4K is implemented as a joint project between Turku University of Applied Sciences and the University of Turku in close cooperation with Finnish SMEs, the City of Salo and Yrityssalo. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Comprehensive Cybersecurity The Sustainable Growth (4K) project develops cybersecurity skills for the SME sector. The COVID19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of digital services and products. At the same time, cybersecurity challenges have increased and cyber security incidents have both become more widespread and professional. This is linked to the cross-cutting theme of digitalisation, which emerges strongly from the survival plan for Southwest Finland, as part of the development of business environments and the concept of “industry 4.0” put at the heart of industrial modernisation in the V-S Provincial Programme, which focuses on e.g. efficiency gains created by digitalisation.4K’s main objective is to develop the cybersecurity capabilities and capabilities of Finnish SMEs. 4K’s DNA will be able to plan and implement contingency measures and define cybersecurity service needs on the basis of these objectives.2.The Cyber Test Lab testing environment at Turku University of Applied Sciences will be developed to cover larger systems. At the same time, the level of automation of testing services will be increased, enabling the availability of services to a wider group of companies.3.Enhancing SMEs’ access to cybersecurity surveillance services through open data.4.The development of company cybersecurity will be linked more comprehensively to the principles of sustainable development.4K will be implemented in five toimenpidekokonaisuudessa:1.Varautuminen and self-evaluation2.Development of testing competence3.Accessibility of cybersecurity monitoring services provided to SMEs4.Comprehensive cybersecurity as a tool for sustainable development5.Assessment, guidance and behavioural change in the communication project is the transition of SMEs from just cyber-preparedness to comprehensive cybersecurity thinking, which increases the competitiveness of companies in the market and improves the ability to cope with cyber-attacks. SMEs participating in 4K measures are better placed to act as a reliable partner in subcontracting networks and to participate in tenders that require a high level of cybersecurity.In addition, 4K is the first project in Finland to bring together sustainable development and cybersecurity on a practical level. The project promotes the horizontal principles of gender equality and equality as well as sustainable development. The main objective of the project is not to promote gender equality, but the project aims to reach female entrepreneurs where possible. Thus, the project measures will also enable the improvement of the cybersecurity skills of female entrepreneurs in the region. The project takes into account sustainable development, especially in terms of economic and social sustainability. Cybersecurity challenges pose a major threat to business and societal activities, and addressing these challenges is the main objective of the project. Social sustainability will be improved as a growing level of cybersecurity reduces cyber harm in society. The increase in reliable e-services also makes it possible to use natural resources more sustainably. 4K is implemented as a joint project between Turku University of Applied Sciences and the University of Turku in close cooperation with Finnish SMEs, the City of Salo and Yrityssalo. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 23 November 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 04:13, 23 November 2021

Project Q3756092 in France
Language Label Description Also known as
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Project Q3756092 in France


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    576,976 Euro
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    721,220.0 Euro
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    1 June 2021
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    31 August 2023
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    Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Oy
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    Kokonaisvaltainen Kyberturvallisuus Kestävälle Kasvulle (4K) -hankkeessa kehitetään kyberturvallisuuden osaamista pk-sektorille. COVID19-pandemia on korostanut digitaalisten palveluiden ja tuotteiden merkitystä. Samalla kyberturvallisuushaasteet ovat kasvaneet ja kyberturvaa uhkaavat häiriöt ovat sekä yleistyneet että ammattimaistuneet. Tähän liittyy Varsinais-Suomen selviytymissuunnitelmasta vahvasti esiin nouseva digitalisaation läpileikkaava teema osana yritysten toimintaympäristöjen kehitystä ja V-S Maakuntaohjelmassa teollisuuden modernisaation keskiöön nostettu “teollisuus 4.0” käsite, jossa on keskeistä mm. digitalisaation luomat tehokkuusedut.4K:n päätavoitteena on varsinaissuomalaisten pk-yritysten kyberturvallisuusvalmiuksien ja -kyvykkyyksien kehittäminen. Päätavoitteeseen tähtäävät osatavoitteet nousevat 4K:n toimenpidekokonaisuuksista:1.Kohdeyritykset kykenevät suunnittelemaan ja toteuttamaan varautumistoimenpiteitä ja määrittelemään niiden pohjalta kyberturvapalvelutarpeita.2.Turun ammattikorkeakoulun Cyber Test Lab -testausympäristöä kehitetään kattamaan laajemmat järjestelmäkokonaisuudet. Samalla testauspalveluiden automaatiotasoa kasvatetaan, mikä mahdollistaa palveluiden saatavuuden laajemmalle yritysjoukolle.3.Pk-yritysten mahdollisuuksia hyödyntää kyberturvallisuuden valvontapalveluita lisätään avoimen datan avulla.4.Yrityksen kyberturvallisuuden kehittäminen kytketään kokonaisvaltaisemmin kestävän kehityksen periaatteisiin.4K toteutetaan viidessä toimenpidekokonaisuudessa:1.Varautuminen ja itsearviointi2.Testausosaamisen kehittäminen3.Pk-yrityksille tarjottavien kyberturvallisuuden monitorointipalvelujen saavutettavuus4.Kokonaisvaltainen kyberturvallisuus kestävän kehityksen työkaluna5.Arviointi, ohjaus ja viestintäHankkeessa saavutettava toimintatapamuutos on pk-yritysten siirtyminen pelkästä kyberpoikkeamiin varautumisesta kokonaisvaltaiseen kyberturva-ajatteluun, mikä lisää yritysten kilpailukykyä markkinoilla ja parantaa mahdollisuuksia selvitä kyberhyökkäyksistä. 4K-toimenpiteisiin osallistuneilla pk-yrityksillä on paremmat edellytykset toimia luotettavana kumppanina alihankintaverkostoissa ja osallistua tarjouskilpailuihin, joissa edellytetään korkeaa kyberturvallisuuden tasoa.Lisäksi 4K on Suomessa ensimmäinen hanke, joka tuo yhteen kestävän kehityksen ja kyberturvallisuuden käytännön tasolla. Hanke edistää horisontaalisia periaatteita eli sukupuolten tasa-arvoa ja yhdenvertaisuutta sekä kestävää kehitystä. Hankkeen päätavoite ei ole sukupuolten tasa-arvon edistäminen, mutta hanke pyrkii tavoittamaan naispuolisia yrittäjiä mahdollisuuksien mukaan. Täten hankkeen toimenpiteet mahdollistavat myös alueen naispuolisten yrittäjien kyberturvallisuustaitojen parantumisen. Hanke huomioi kestävän kehityksen etenkin taloudellisen ja sosiaalisen kestävyyden kannalta. Kyberturvallisuushaasteet ovat suuri uhka liiketoiminnalle ja yhteiskunnan toiminnoille ja näihin haasteisiin vastaaminen on hankkeen päätavoite. Sosiaalinen kestävyys paranee, kun kasvava kyberturvallisuuden tasopienentää kyberhaittoja yhteiskunnassa. Luotettavien sähköisten palveluiden lisääntyminen mahdollistaa myös luonnonvarojen kestävämmän käytön. 4K toteutetaan Turun ammattikorkeakoulun ja Turun yliopiston yhteishankkeena tiiviissä yhteistyössä varsinaissuomalaisten pk-yritysten, Salon kaupungin ja Yrityssalon kanssa. (Finnish)
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    Comprehensive Cybersecurity The Sustainable Growth (4K) project develops cybersecurity skills for the SME sector. The COVID19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of digital services and products. At the same time, cybersecurity challenges have increased and cyber security incidents have both become more widespread and professional. This is linked to the cross-cutting theme of digitalisation, which emerges strongly from the survival plan for Southwest Finland, as part of the development of business environments and the concept of “industry 4.0” put at the heart of industrial modernisation in the V-S Provincial Programme, which focuses on e.g. efficiency gains created by digitalisation.4K’s main objective is to develop the cybersecurity capabilities and capabilities of Finnish SMEs. 4K’s DNA will be able to plan and implement contingency measures and define cybersecurity service needs on the basis of these objectives.2.The Cyber Test Lab testing environment at Turku University of Applied Sciences will be developed to cover larger systems. At the same time, the level of automation of testing services will be increased, enabling the availability of services to a wider group of companies.3.Enhancing SMEs’ access to cybersecurity surveillance services through open data.4.The development of company cybersecurity will be linked more comprehensively to the principles of sustainable development.4K will be implemented in five toimenpidekokonaisuudessa:1.Varautuminen and self-evaluation2.Development of testing competence3.Accessibility of cybersecurity monitoring services provided to SMEs4.Comprehensive cybersecurity as a tool for sustainable development5.Assessment, guidance and behavioural change in the communication project is the transition of SMEs from just cyber-preparedness to comprehensive cybersecurity thinking, which increases the competitiveness of companies in the market and improves the ability to cope with cyber-attacks. SMEs participating in 4K measures are better placed to act as a reliable partner in subcontracting networks and to participate in tenders that require a high level of cybersecurity.In addition, 4K is the first project in Finland to bring together sustainable development and cybersecurity on a practical level. The project promotes the horizontal principles of gender equality and equality as well as sustainable development. The main objective of the project is not to promote gender equality, but the project aims to reach female entrepreneurs where possible. Thus, the project measures will also enable the improvement of the cybersecurity skills of female entrepreneurs in the region. The project takes into account sustainable development, especially in terms of economic and social sustainability. Cybersecurity challenges pose a major threat to business and societal activities, and addressing these challenges is the main objective of the project. Social sustainability will be improved as a growing level of cybersecurity reduces cyber harm in society. The increase in reliable e-services also makes it possible to use natural resources more sustainably. 4K is implemented as a joint project between Turku University of Applied Sciences and the University of Turku in close cooperation with Finnish SMEs, the City of Salo and Yrityssalo. (English)
    23 November 2021
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