Q3752379 (Q3752379): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: Setting new description)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The aim of the project is to develop solutions for the integration of electronic public transport and renewable electricity production, as well as for the implementation of the smart electric transport hub. Digital simulation tools, laboratory simulations and pilot implementations will be used to achieve these goals. Pilot implementations will enable the development of new LOT solutions and software together with IoT companies. The results of th...)
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to develop solutions for the integration of electronic public transport and renewable electricity production, as well as for the implementation of the smart electric transport hub. Digital simulation tools, laboratory simulations and pilot implementations will be used to achieve these goals. Pilot implementations will enable the development of new LOT solutions and software together with IoT companies. The results of the project are available to the SME sector as well as to municipal public transport and energy authorities in the design of scalable electric bus systems. The multidisciplinary workshop work carried out in the project aims at the overall optimisation of the system, which will bring a permanent competitive advantage to the participating consortium in international markets.Electronic transport is one of the key ways of improving urban air quality and reducing the use of fossil fuels. However, electronic public transport and charging points for electric buses pose new challenges to the electricity grid. The instantaneous power required by the recharging points is high, which puts strain on the electricity grid. As the network of electric bus lines expands, charging stations will also have to be located in areas where the load capacity of the network may be inadequate. At the same time, these batteries offer a significant potential for using photovoltaic electricity as an energy source for recharging points. The production of a solar power plant installed near the charging station can be used for charging batteries in DC-microgride (local DC voltage network). With LOT solutions, energy use can be further optimised both locally and at network level. The battery-equipped charging station can also be connected to other electric traffic loads, such as shared electric cars and electric bicycles. In this way, charging stations would become electric mobility hubs, where the system would bring the best economic benefits. Another potential application is the use of charging station batteries to compensate for peak costs in the electricity market price. This Smart Grid functionality is in the interest of both the network operator and the operator of the charging station. The project will build innovation hubs of companies, research institutes and municipal operators around piloted technologies and new operating models, which can together form new service offerings and strengthen Finland’s position as a pioneer in electronic public transport solutions. (English)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to develop solutions for the integration of electronic public transport and renewable electricity production, as well as for the implementation of the smart electric transport hub. Digital simulation tools, laboratory simulations and pilot implementations will be used to achieve these goals. Pilot implementations will enable the development of new LOT solutions and software together with IoT companies. The results of the project are available to the SME sector as well as to municipal public transport and energy authorities in the design of scalable electric bus systems. The multidisciplinary workshop work carried out in the project aims at the overall optimisation of the system, which will bring a permanent competitive advantage to the participating consortium in international markets.Electronic transport is one of the key ways of improving urban air quality and reducing the use of fossil fuels. However, electronic public transport and charging points for electric buses pose new challenges to the electricity grid. The instantaneous power required by the recharging points is high, which puts strain on the electricity grid. As the network of electric bus lines expands, charging stations will also have to be located in areas where the load capacity of the network may be inadequate. At the same time, these batteries offer a significant potential for using photovoltaic electricity as an energy source for recharging points. The production of a solar power plant installed near the charging station can be used for charging batteries in DC-microgride (local DC voltage network). With LOT solutions, energy use can be further optimised both locally and at network level. The battery-equipped charging station can also be connected to other electric traffic loads, such as shared electric cars and electric bicycles. In this way, charging stations would become electric mobility hubs, where the system would bring the best economic benefits. Another potential application is the use of charging station batteries to compensate for peak costs in the electricity market price. This Smart Grid functionality is in the interest of both the network operator and the operator of the charging station. The project will build innovation hubs of companies, research institutes and municipal operators around piloted technologies and new operating models, which can together form new service offerings and strengthen Finland’s position as a pioneer in electronic public transport solutions. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to develop solutions for the integration of electronic public transport and renewable electricity production, as well as for the implementation of the smart electric transport hub. Digital simulation tools, laboratory simulations and pilot implementations will be used to achieve these goals. Pilot implementations will enable the development of new LOT solutions and software together with IoT companies. The results of the project are available to the SME sector as well as to municipal public transport and energy authorities in the design of scalable electric bus systems. The multidisciplinary workshop work carried out in the project aims at the overall optimisation of the system, which will bring a permanent competitive advantage to the participating consortium in international markets.Electronic transport is one of the key ways of improving urban air quality and reducing the use of fossil fuels. However, electronic public transport and charging points for electric buses pose new challenges to the electricity grid. The instantaneous power required by the recharging points is high, which puts strain on the electricity grid. As the network of electric bus lines expands, charging stations will also have to be located in areas where the load capacity of the network may be inadequate. At the same time, these batteries offer a significant potential for using photovoltaic electricity as an energy source for recharging points. The production of a solar power plant installed near the charging station can be used for charging batteries in DC-microgride (local DC voltage network). With LOT solutions, energy use can be further optimised both locally and at network level. The battery-equipped charging station can also be connected to other electric traffic loads, such as shared electric cars and electric bicycles. In this way, charging stations would become electric mobility hubs, where the system would bring the best economic benefits. Another potential application is the use of charging station batteries to compensate for peak costs in the electricity market price. This Smart Grid functionality is in the interest of both the network operator and the operator of the charging station. The project will build innovation hubs of companies, research institutes and municipal operators around piloted technologies and new operating models, which can together form new service offerings and strengthen Finland’s position as a pioneer in electronic public transport solutions. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 23 November 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 23:18, 22 November 2021

Project Q3752379 in France
Language Label Description Also known as
No label defined
Project Q3752379 in France


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    275,478 Euro
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    393,540.0 Euro
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    70.0 percent
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    1 July 2017
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    30 June 2020
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    Turun ammattikorkeakoulu oy
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    Hankkeen tavoitteena on kehittää ratkaisuja sähköisen joukkoliikenteen ja uusiutuvan sähköenergian tuotannon integraatioon sekä älykkään sähköisen liikenteen hubin toteuttamiseen. Tavoitteiden toteuttamiseksi hyödynnetään digitaalisia simulointityökaluja, laboratoriosimulointia ja pilottitoteutuksia. Pilottitoteutukset mahdollistavat uusien loT-ratkaisujen ja -ohjelmistojen kehittämisen yhdessä IoT-alan yritysten kanssa. Hankkeen tulokset ovat niin PK-yrityssektorin käytettävissä kuin myös kunnallisten joukkoliikenne- ja energiaviranomaisten hyödynnettävissä skaalautuvien sähköbussijärjestelmien suunnittelussa. Hankkeessa toteutettavalla monialaisella workshop-työskentelyllä tähdätään järjestelmän kokonaisoptimointiin, mikä tuo jatkossa osallistuvalle yrityskonsortiolle pysyvää kilpailuetua kansainvälisillä markkinoilla.Sähköinen liikenne on yksi keskeinen keino parantaa kaupunki-ilman laatua ja vähentää fossiilisten polttoaineiden käyttöä. Sähköinen joukkoliikenne ja sähköbussien latauspisteet asettavat kuitenkin uusia haasteita sähköverkolle. Latauspisteiden vaatimat hetkelliset tehot ovat suuria, mikä kuormittaa sähköverkkoa. Kun sähköbussilinjojen verkosto laajenee, joudutaan latausasemia sijoittamaan myös sellaisille alueille, jossa verkon kuormituskyky voi olla puutteellinen.Huippukuormien tasaamiseen voidaan käyttää latausasemien yhteyteen rakennettuja akustoja tai muita ratkaisuja. Nämä akustot tarjoavat samalla merkittävän potentiaalin aurinkosähkön hyödyntämiseen latauspisteiden energialähteenä. Latausaseman läheisyyteen asennetun aurinkovoimalan tuotanto voidaan käyttää akkujen lataukseen DC-microgridissä (paikallisessa tasajänniteverkossa). loT -ratkaisuilla energiankäyttöä voidaan edelleen optimoida sekä paikallisesti että verkon tasolla.Akustolla varustettuun latausasemaan voidaan liittää myös muita sähköisen liikenteen kuormia, kuten yhteiskäyttösähköautoja ja sähköpolkupyöriä. Näin latausasemista muodostuisi sähköisen liikkumisen hubeja, joissa järjestelmästä saadaan paras taloudellinen hyöty. Toinen potentiaalinen sovellus on latausasemien akustojen käyttäminen sähkön markkinahinnan kustannushuippujen tasaamiseen. Tällainen Smart Grid -toiminnallisuus on sekä verkon ylläpitäjän että latausaseman ylläpitäjän intressissä.Hankkeessa pilotoitujen teknologioiden ja uusien toimintamallien ympärille rakentuu yritysten, tutkimuslaitosten ja kunnallisten toimijoiden innovaatiokeskittymiä, jotka yhdessä voivat muodostaa uusia palvelutarjoamia sekä vahvistaa Suomen asemaa sähköisten joukkoliikenneratkaisujen edelläkävijänä. (Finnish)
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    The aim of the project is to develop solutions for the integration of electronic public transport and renewable electricity production, as well as for the implementation of the smart electric transport hub. Digital simulation tools, laboratory simulations and pilot implementations will be used to achieve these goals. Pilot implementations will enable the development of new LOT solutions and software together with IoT companies. The results of the project are available to the SME sector as well as to municipal public transport and energy authorities in the design of scalable electric bus systems. The multidisciplinary workshop work carried out in the project aims at the overall optimisation of the system, which will bring a permanent competitive advantage to the participating consortium in international markets.Electronic transport is one of the key ways of improving urban air quality and reducing the use of fossil fuels. However, electronic public transport and charging points for electric buses pose new challenges to the electricity grid. The instantaneous power required by the recharging points is high, which puts strain on the electricity grid. As the network of electric bus lines expands, charging stations will also have to be located in areas where the load capacity of the network may be inadequate. At the same time, these batteries offer a significant potential for using photovoltaic electricity as an energy source for recharging points. The production of a solar power plant installed near the charging station can be used for charging batteries in DC-microgride (local DC voltage network). With LOT solutions, energy use can be further optimised both locally and at network level. The battery-equipped charging station can also be connected to other electric traffic loads, such as shared electric cars and electric bicycles. In this way, charging stations would become electric mobility hubs, where the system would bring the best economic benefits. Another potential application is the use of charging station batteries to compensate for peak costs in the electricity market price. This Smart Grid functionality is in the interest of both the network operator and the operator of the charging station. The project will build innovation hubs of companies, research institutes and municipal operators around piloted technologies and new operating models, which can together form new service offerings and strengthen Finland’s position as a pioneer in electronic public transport solutions. (English)
    23 November 2021
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