Qualification of Young NEETs in Oltenia Region (Q3098362): Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 20:47, 9 October 2021

Project Q3098362 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Qualification of Young NEETs in Oltenia Region
Project Q3098362 in Romania


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    4,472,417.44 Romanian Leu
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    894,483.4880000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    4,861,323.3 Romanian Leu
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    972,264.66 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    92.0 percent
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    12 July 2021
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    11 July 2023
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    44°12'50.87"N, 23°40'9.23"E
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    44°57'40.21"N, 23°19'32.45"E
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    44°36'15.19"N, 23°3'9.65"E
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    44°17'29.04"N, 24°27'58.00"E
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    45°2'25.62"N, 24°9'13.93"E
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    Cresterea oportunitatilor profesionale unui numar de 375 tineri NEETs din Regiunea SV Oltenia prin asigurarea unui pachet integrat de masuri de servicii de mediere, formare profesionala, precum si dezvoltare spiritului antreprenorial cu scopul de a contribui la cresterea calitatii vietii in regiunea vizata. Prezentul proiect contribuie la atingerea obiectivului general al POCU “dezvoltarea resurselor umane”, datorita activitatilor ce vizeaza dezvoltarea competentelor profesionale a tinerilor NEETs, coroborate cu actiunile de mediere piata muncii pentru un grup tinta de minimum 375 persoane din Regiunea Sud Vest Oltenia, respectiv: a. Persoane cu varsta intre 16 si 29 de ani care nu urmeaza nici o forma de educatie sau formare si care nu sunt ocupate pe piata muncii, care sunt inregistrate si profilate de catre SPO. b. Persoane cu varsta intre 16 si 29 de ani care nu urmeaza nici o forma de educatie sau formare si care nu sunt ocupate pe piata muncii ce nu sunt inregistrate si profilate de catre SPO. Aceste persoane vor fi directionate catre SPO in vederea inregistrarii si profilarii in conformitate cu normele legale in vigoare Prin proiect se dezvolta oportunitati crescute de dezvoltare profesionala a unui numar de 375 persoane, crestere a gradului de ocupare pentru un numar de 165 persoane, precum si infiintare de noi afaceri inovative (finantarea a 12 structuri economice) actiuni care converg impreuna spre generarea pe termen scurt si lung noi locuri de munca, fapt ce va contribui la cresterea competitivitatii in regiunile mai putin dezvoltate din Romania, precum si la dezvoltarea sociala a comunitatii, dar nu in ultimul rand la dezvoltarea inteligenta a unui mediu economic durabil, datorita asistentei si activitatilor de sprijin derulate in cadrul proiectului, prin intermediul parteneriatului. Scopul final al proiectului este ca prin educatie formala si non-formala bazata pe inovare sociala si inovare tehnologica, la nivelul regiuniilor mai putin dezvoltate, sa creasca abilitatea persoanelor de a dori sa progreseze prin gasirea de noi oportunitati de dezvolare perosnala (educatie, angajare, materializarea propriilor idei de afaceri), fapt ce va contribui la atingerea obiectivului tematic 8 - Axa prioritara 1 „Locuri de munca pentru tineri” - POCU. Pe termen lung, efectul pozitiv al proiectului este dat de: - Dezvoltarea competentelor profesionale si a abilitatilor practice in meseriile cerute pe piata muncii locala prin invatarea de noi metode si modalitati de exercitarea a unei profesii; - Cresterea stimei de sine in randul tinerilor NEETs si a dorintei de a evolua astfel incat sa poate accede la noi profesii, noi aspiratii profesionale conducand astfel la cresterea nivelului de trai; - dezvoltarea abilitatilor antreprenoriale bazat pe inovare in randul a cel putin 50 de persoane, diseminarea si insusirea conceptelor de spririt antreprenorial inovativ, de cultura antreprenoriala si de responsabilitate sociala, transferul (Romanian)
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    Increase the professional opportunities of 375 NEETs from the SV Oltenia Region by providing an integrated package of measures of mediation services, vocational training, as well as the development of entrepreneurial spirit in order to contribute to the quality of life in the targeted region. This project contributes to the achievement of the general objective of POCU “human resources development”, due to the activities aimed at developing the professional skills of NEETs, in conjunction with the labor market mediation actions for a target group of at least 375 persons from South West Oltenia Region, respectively: a. Persons aged between 16 and 29 who do not follow any form of education or training and who are not employed on the labour market, who are registered and profiled by SPO. b. Persons aged 16-29 who do not follow any form of education or training and who are not employed on the labour market that are not registered and profiled by the SPO. These persons will be directed to the SPO in order to register and profile in accordance with the legal norms in force. The project develops increased opportunities for professional development of a number of 375 people, increasing the employment rate for 165 people, as well as setting up new innovative businesses (financing 12 economic structures) actions that converge together towards the short and long-term generation of new jobs, this will contribute to increasing competitiveness in the less developed regions of Romania, as well as to the social development of the community, but last but not least to the intelligent development of a sustainable economic environment, thanks to the assistance and support activities carried out within the project, through the partnership. The final goal of the project is that through formal and non-formal education based on social innovation and technological innovation, at the level of the less developed regions, to increase the ability of people to want to progress by finding new opportunities for perosnal development (education, employment, materialisation of their own business ideas), which will contribute to the achievement of thematic objective 8 – Priority Axis 1 “Youth Employment” – POCU. In the long term, the positive effect of the project is given by: — Developing professional skills and practical skills in the jobs required on the local labor market by learning new methods and ways of exercising a profession; — Increasing self-esteem among NEETs and the desire to evolve so that they can access new professions, new professional aspirations thus leading to an increase in living standards; — developing entrepreneurial skills based on innovation among at least 50 people, disseminating and acquiring the concepts of innovative entrepreneurial empowerment, entrepreneurial culture and social responsibility, transfer (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Judeţul Dolj, Romania
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    Judeţul Vâlcea, Romania
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    Judeţul Olt, Romania
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    Judeţul Mehedinţi, Romania
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    Judeţul Gorj, Romania
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