FPC-Vest – Professional training in support of increasing the efficiency of employees on the labour market in West Region (Q3098373): Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 17:21, 9 October 2021
Project Q3098373 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | FPC-Vest – Professional training in support of increasing the efficiency of employees on the labour market in West Region |
Project Q3098373 in Romania |
3,964,216.46 Romanian Leu
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4,726,134.62 Romanian Leu
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83.88 percent
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7 April 2021
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6 April 2023
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ARGUMENT. În ultimii ani, în Romania, principiile educatiei permanente au fost incluse ca prioritati în cadrul documentelor de politici în domeniul educatiei, formarii continue si ocuparii fortei de munca. Mentionam în acest sens, Strategia Educatie si Cercetare pentru Societatea Cunoasterii si Legea Educatiei Nationale (legea nr. 1/2011). S-au realizat o serie de progrese în identificarea prioritatilor strategice si a unor directii de actiune în domeniul învatarii pe tot parcursul vietii, cum ar fi recunoasterea si validarea învatarii non-formale si informale si orientarea educatiei si formarii catre dezvoltarea competentelor transversale la orice varsta. Îmbatranirea populatiei si emigrarea au condus la declinul populatiei cu varsta de munca din Romania, acestea reprezentand o uriasa provocare pentru sustinerea cresterii economice pe termen lung, potrivit Strategiei Nationale Învatarea pe tot Parcursul Vietii 2015-2020. Formarea profesionala continua reprezinta o componenta majora a politicilor în domeniul învatarii pe tot parcursul vietii, la nivel national si european, avand ca obiectiv general cresterea competitivitatii si sprijinirea dezvoltarii societatii bazate pe cunoastere. Participarea redusa la educatia si formarea adultilor din Romania poate fi explicata prin existenta unor disfunctionalitati între angajatori, angajati si furnizorii de educatie si formare profesionala. Aceste disfunctionalitati duc la un sistem de învatare pe tot parcursul vietii neperformant si putin receptiv, în care angajatorii, angajatii si furnizorii de educatie si formare profesionala actioneaza independent unul de celalalt, neinteractionand suficient. Furnizorii de educatie si formare profesionala ofera programe si produc absolventi ce detin competente care nu reflecta pe deplin necesitatile angajatorilor. Extinderea învatarii pe tot parcursul vietii impune depasirea constrangerilor care provoaca disfunctionalitatile mentionate. Pe piata muncii, adesea angajatii nu au acces la informatii despre oportunitatile de formare, iar angajatorii nu beneficiaza de stimulente suficiente pentru a oferi formare profesionala. Angajatii au acces limitat la informatii despre oportunitatile de formare, în special angajatii mai în varsta si cei cu un nivel redus de educatie. Astfel, cresterea participarii la ÎPV prin masuri care rezolva disfunctionalitatile pietei necesita un efort coordonat si sustinut din partea tuturor actorilor cheie. Astfel, avand în vedere obiectivele Strategiei Învatarea pe tot Parcursul Vietii, cresterea participarii la învatarea pe tot parcursul vietii si cresterea relevantei sistemelor de educatie si formare profesionala pentru piata muncii, prioritatea Romaniei la nivel national este corelarea programelor de ÎPV cu piata muncii. SCOPUL CERERII DE FINANTARE. Derularea unui proiect dedicat implementarii masurilor destinate cresterii participarii la programele de formare profesionala continua, în special pentru acei adulti cu un nivel sca (Romanian)
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ARGUMENT. In recent years, in Romania, the principles of permanent education have been included as priorities in the policy documents in the field of education, continuous training and employment. We mention in this regard the Education and Research Strategy for the Knowledge Society and the Law on National Education (Law no. 1/2011). A series of progress has been made in identifying strategic priorities and directions of action in the field of lifelong learning, such as the recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning and the orientation of education and training towards the development of transversal competences at any age. Population ageing and emigration have led to the decline of the working-age population in Romania, representing a huge challenge for sustaining long-term economic growth, according to the National Strategy for Life Learning 2015-2020. Continuous professional training is a major component of lifelong learning policies, at national and European level, with the overall objective of increasing competitiveness and supporting the development of knowledge-based society. The low participation in adult education and training in Romania can be explained by the existence of dysfunctions between employers, employees and providers of vocational education and training. These dysfunctions lead to a life-long learning system that is unperforming and less responsive, in which employers, employees and vocational education and training providers act independently from each other, not interacting sufficiently. Vocational education and training providers offer programs and produce graduates with skills that do not fully reflect the needs of employers. The extension of lifelong learning requires overcoming the constraints that cause the dysfunctions mentioned. On the labour market, employees often lack access to information about training opportunities and employers do not benefit from sufficient incentives to provide vocational training. Employees have limited access to information about training opportunities, especially older and low-educated employees. Thus, increasing participation in VU through measures that solve market dysfunctions requires a coordinated and sustained effort from all key actors. Thus, taking into account the objectives of the Strategy learning throughout Life, increasing participation in lifelong learning and increasing the relevance of education and training systems for the labor market, Romania’s priority at national level is to link VU programs to the labour market. THE PURPOSE OF THE GRANT APPLICATION. Carrying out a project dedicated to implementing measures aimed at increasing participation in continuous training programs, especially for those adults with a sca level (English)
16 September 2021
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Judeţul Arad, Romania
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Judeţul Timiş, Romania
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Judeţul Hunedoara, Romania
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Judeţul Caraş-Severin, Romania
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