Title: — Increasing the qualification level of employees in order to improve the status on the labour market by developing skills and qualifications certified and recognised in the field of tourism (Q3097829): Difference between revisions

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Project Q3097829 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Title: — Increasing the qualification level of employees in order to improve the status on the labour market by developing skills and qualifications certified and recognised in the field of tourism
Project Q3097829 in Romania


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    3,813,411.08 Romanian Leu
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    46°46'9.77"N, 23°35'23.82"E
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    Cresterea nivelului de calificare al unui numar de 700 de angajati, din regiunile Centru, Sud Muntenia, Sud Est, Nord Vest, Nord Est, Vest, Sud Vest cu accent pe acei adulti, cu un nivel scazut de calificare si persoanele cu varsta de peste 40 ani, din zone rurale, prin dezvoltarea si organizarea unui sistem integrat de interventie axat pe participarea la programe de formare profesionala relevante in vederea dobandirii de competente profesionale certificate, recunoscute la nivel national si comunitar in vederea imbunatatirii statutului in campul muncii prin dezvoltarea unei cariere profesionale in domeniul turismului. Prin intermediul proiectului propus spre finantare se are in vedere sprijinirea masurilor stabilite prin Strategia Nationala privind Invatarea pe tot Parcursul Vietii si respectiv prin Strategia educatiei si formarii profesionale din Romania pentru perioada 2016-2020. In acelasi timp proiectul are in vedere sprijinirea obiectivului tematic 10 Investitiile in educatie, calificare si formare profesionala pentru dobandirea de competente si invatare pe tot parcursul vietii din Programul Operational Capital Uman 2014-2020; prioritatea de investitii 10ii - Imbunatatirea calitatii si eficientei si accesul la invatamantul tertiar si a celui echivalent in vederea cresterii participarii si a nivelului de educatie, in special pentru grupurile defavorizate; obiectivul specific 6.12 Cresterea participarii la programele de formare profesionala continua, cu accent pe acei adulti, cu un nivel scazut de calificare si persoanele cu varsta de peste 40 ani, din zone rurale defavorizate, inclusiv prin recunoasterea si certificarea rezultatelor invatarii dobandite in contexte non-formale si informale. In vederea atingerii obiectivului general, proiectul propune 3 directii majore de actiune transpuse in 3 obiective specifice. Cele 3 directii majore de actiune sunt 1) derularea unei campanii la nivelul regiunilor Centru, Sud Muntenia, Sud Est si Nord Vest, de promovare si constientizare a importantei programelor de formare profesionala pe tot parcursul vietii pentru angajatii ce are drept scop identificarea si selectarea unui numar minim de 700 de angajati (din care minim 218 angajati care se regasesc in cel putin una din categoriile: - persoane cu nivel scazut de calificare - persoane din mediul rural - persoane cu varsta peste 40 de ani), pentru a beneficia de sprijin in cadrul proiectului in vederea imbunatatirii statutului pe piata muncii. 2) A doua directie majora de actiune este dezvoltarea si furnizarea unui program de informare, consiliere profesionala si tutorat menita sa identifice cele mai bune rute de invatare pe tot parcursul vietii si identificarea oportunitatilor pe piata muncii in vederea imbunatatirii situatiei socio-economice a persoanelor din grupul tinta (imbunatatirea statutului pe piata muncii). 3) A treia directie majora de actiune propusa spre finantare este un program complex de formare profesionala continua pentru 700 de angajati (Romanian)
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    Increasing the qualification level of 700 employees, from the regions of Centre, South Muntenia, South East, North West, North East, West, South West, with a focus on those adults, with a low level of qualification and people over 40 years old, from rural areas, by developing and organising an integrated intervention system focused on participation in relevant vocational training programs in order to acquire certified professional skills, recognised at national and community level in order to improve the status in the field of work by developing a professional career in the field of tourism. Through the project proposed for funding, it is intended to support the measures set out in the National Strategy for Lifelong Learning and the Strategy of Education and Training in Romania for the period 2016-2020. At the same time, the project aims to support the thematic objective 10 Investments in education, qualification and vocational training for acquiring skills and lifelong learning from the Human Capital Operational Programme 2014-2020; investment priority 10ii – Improving quality and efficiency and access to third and equivalent education in order to increase participation and level of education, especially for disadvantaged groups; specific objective 6.12 Increasing participation in continuous vocational training programs, with a focus on those adults with a low level of qualification and people over 40 years old, from disadvantaged rural areas, including through recognition and certification of learning outcomes acquired in non-formal and informal contexts. In order to achieve the general objective, the project proposes 3 major directions of action translated into 3 specific objectives. The 3 major directions of action are 1) running a campaign at the level of Central, South Muntenia, South East and North West regions, to promote and raise awareness of the importance of lifelong vocational training programs for employees aiming at identifying and selecting a minimum of 700 employees (of which at least 218 employees who are found in at least one of the categories: — people with low level of qualifications – people from rural areas – people over 40 years old), in order to benefit from support within the project in order to improve the status on the labour market. 2) The second major direction of action is the development and provision of a program of information, professional counselling and tutoring aimed at identifying the best lifelong learning routes and identifying opportunities on the labour market in order to improve the socio-economic situation of the people in the target group (improvement of the status on the labour market). 3) The third major direction of action proposed for funding is a complex continuous training program for 700 employees (English)
    16 September 2021
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