Active participation in community life through implementation of integrated services in the territory of the South-East LAG Crivatul (Q3097278): Difference between revisions
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Project Q3097278 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Active participation in community life through implementation of integrated services in the territory of the South-East LAG Crivatul |
Project Q3097278 in Romania |
3,335,526.96 Romanian Leu
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3,511,081.02 Romanian Leu
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95.0 percent
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OBIECTIVUL GENERAL al proiectului consta in reducerea cu 251 a numarului de persoane aflate in risc de saracie si excluziune sociala din comunitatea marginalizata rurala acoperita de Strategia de Dezvoltare Locala a Grup de Actiune Locala Crivatul de Sud-Est, judetul Buzau, prin implementarea unui pachet integrat de servicii. Proiectul contribuie la realizarea obiectivului specific al programului si apelului prin realizarea de masuri integrate (servicii sociale, ocupare, locuire), masuri care vor contribui in mod semnificativ la reducerea numarului de persoane aflate in risc de saracie si excluziune sociala de pe teritoriul GAL CSE si implicit de la nivelul intregii tari, precum si la depasirea situatiei de vulnerabilitate a comunitatii marginalizate acoperite de Strategia de Dezvoltare Locala a GAL CSE. Obiectivul proiectului va fi pus in practica prin dezvoltarea unei interventii integrate inovative adaptata specificului comunitatii marginalizate din zona vizata teritoriul acoperit de SDL a GAL CSE. Prin derularea unei analize preliminare complexe la nivelul comunitatii marginalizate propuse pentru interventie, s-a asigurat dezvoltarea unui set de obiective ancorate in realitatea locala si nevoile specifice ale persoanelor aflate in risc de saracie si excluziune sociala si ale comunitatii marginalizate. EFECTUL POZITIV PE TERMEN LUNG pe care il genereaza proiectul consta in reducerea marginalizarii pe teritoriul GAL CSE prin urmatoarele aspecte: 1) prin reducerea riscului actual de saracie la nivelul comunitatii scad sansele perpetuarii saraciei la generatiile tinere si cresterii ponderii acestui fenomen in randul populatiei locale; 2) prin creearea unor conditii de acces la servicii sociale pentru copii proveniti din familiile aflate in dificultate sau prin consiliere psihologică pentru copii ai căror părinți sunt plecați la muncă în străinătate, asigurarea de modalități de petrecere a timpului liber in mod constructiv, se va contribui pe termen lung la cresterea potentialului lor individual educational, eradicarea fenomenului de abandon al studiilor, cresterea procentajului elevilor care finalizeaza invatamantul obligatoriu; 3) Prin cresterea nivelului de instruire a persoanelor adulte, crearea de oportunitati sporite pentru participarea la piata muncii si a ponderii populatiei ocupate formal in afara agriculturii de subzistenta in populatia GAL CSE se creeaza pe termen lung premisele imbunatatirii conditiilor de trai la nivelul familiei. Mai mult, copii acestor familii au acces la modele de conducere a vietii bazate pe autonomie individuala si nu pe mijloace de asistenta sociala devenite strategii de viata; 4) Prin informarea si consilierea femeilor aflate in dificultate va creste calitatea vietii femeilor in cadrul familiei; 5) Prin serviciile socio-medicale furnizate varstnicilor se imbunatateste nivelul de trai al acestora in conditii decente 6)Prin promovarea unui stil de viata sanatos si accesul la un pachet minimal de se (Romanian)
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The GENERAL objective of the project is to reduce by 251 the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion from the marginalised rural community covered by the Local Development Strategy of the South-East Crivatul Local Action Group, Buzau county, by implementing an integrated package of services. The project contributes to the achievement of the specific objective of the program and call through the implementation of integrated measures (social services, employment, housing), measures that will contribute significantly to reducing the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion on the territory of the LAG CSE and implicitly from the whole country, as well as to overcome the vulnerability of the marginalised community covered by the Local Development Strategy of the LAG CSE. The objective of the project will be implemented by developing an innovative integrated intervention adapted to the specifics of the marginalised community in the area covered by the SDL of the CSE LAG. By conducting a complex preliminary analysis at the level of the marginalised community proposed for intervention, it was ensured the development of a set of objectives anchored in local reality and the specific needs of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion and marginalised community. The positive effect on TERMEN LUNG that the project generates consists of reducing marginalisation on the territory of the CSE LAG through the following aspects: 1) by reducing the current risk of poverty in the community reduces the chances of perpetuating poverty in young generations and increasing the share of this phenomenon among the local population; 2) by creating conditions of access to social services for children coming from families in difficulty or through psychological counselling for children whose parents are away for work abroad, ensuring ways to spend their free time constructively, will contribute in the long term to increasing their individual educational potential, eradicating the phenomenon of abandonment of studies, increasing the percentage of students completing compulsory education; 3) By increasing the level of education of adults, creating increased opportunities for participation in the labour market and the share of formally occupied population outside agriculture of subsistence in the population of LAG CSE creates long-term prerequisites for improving living conditions at the family level. Moreover, the children of these families have access to life management models based on individual autonomy and not on social assistance means become life strategies; 4) By informing and advising women in difficulty will increase the quality of life of women within the family; 5) The socio-medical services provided to the elderly improve their living standards in decent conditions 6) By promoting a healthy lifestyle and access to a minimum package of living conditions (English)
16 September 2021
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