Tomorrow’s professionals, today’s students – I promise (Q3097346): Difference between revisions

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Property / coordinate location
44°18'54.68"N, 27°8'20.47"E
Property / coordinate location: 44°18'54.68"N, 27°8'20.47"E / rank
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Revision as of 10:17, 8 October 2021

Project Q3097346 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Tomorrow’s professionals, today’s students – I promise
Project Q3097346 in Romania


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    1,916,491.87 Romanian Leu
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    383,298.37400000007 Euro
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    2,373,389.52 Romanian Leu
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    474,677.90400000004 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    5 July 2020
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    4 July 2022
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    45°47'19.36"N, 26°53'1.68"E
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    45°26'1.75"N, 28°3'17.78"E
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    47°10'38.10"N, 24°32'28.10"E
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    44°12'50.87"N, 23°40'9.23"E
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    46°0'57.31"N, 23°32'48.70"E
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    43°53'45.28"N, 25°57'56.92"E
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    46°36'23.26"N, 24°37'28.85"E
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    47°47'21.05"N, 22°52'21.22"E
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    45°47'50.60"N, 24°9'6.91"E
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    46°9'39.78"N, 21°16'55.13"E
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    44°59'38.98"N, 24°50'56.08"E
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    46°25'34.07"N, 26°42'43.38"E
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    46°59'30.84"N, 22°11'26.63"E
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    47°51'8.42"N, 26°45'34.24"E
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    45°16'17.80"N, 27°58'27.44"E
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    45°39'8.32"N, 25°36'36.97"E
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    45°16'9.34"N, 26°46'29.35"E
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    44°18'54.68"N, 27°8'20.47"E
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    Proiectul isi propune ca OBIECTIV GENERAL: imbunatatirea competentelor profesionale a unui numar de 182 de viitori absolventi din invatamantul secundar si tertiar non-universitar (liceele tehnologice, scoli profesionale si/sau postliceale) din regiunile SV Oltenia si Sud-Muntenia, cu domiciliul Regiunile mai putin dezvoltate ale Romaniei, in vederea cresterii gradului lor de ocupare pe piata muncii intr-un interval de 24 de luni. Proiectul vizeaza ca din totalul de elevi sprijiniti cel putin 19 elevi sa apartina minoritatii roma si/sau sa fie elevi din mediul rural, inscrisi la unitati de invatamant secundar si tertiar non-universitar (liceele tehnologice, scoli profesionale sau postliceale) din reg. SV Oltenia si Sud Muntenia cu diferite domenii de specializare relevante pentru activitatea Solicitantului si partenerilor sai comerciali activi in: Industrie Alimentara, Mecanica si Electric, Protectia mediului si care urmeaza sa obtina calificari precum: * Nivel 3 calificare: Mecanic utilaje si instalatii in industrie/lacatus mecanic prestari servicii, Mecanic auto, Preparator produse din carne si peste, Operator la masini cu comanda numerica, Strungar, Frezor-rabotor-mortezor, Strungar, Sudor, Mecanic agricol * Nivel 4 calificare: Mecanic intretinere si reparatii, Tehnician ecolog si protectia mediului, Tehnician produse alimentare, Tehnician Electrician Instalatii Electrice, Tehnician ecolog si protectia calitatii mediului * (conform acordurilor deja semnat cu liceele). La aceste calificari se vor mai adauga altele in implementare, cand se vor semna acorduri si cu alte licee interesate de activitatile din proiect, care au specializari conexe cu domeniul de activitate al S si al partenerilor sai de practica. Scopul proiectului este ca sprijinul oferit sa contribuie la cresterea gradului lor de ocupare pe piata muncii intr-un orizont de timp de 24 de luni, ca urmare a participarii la activitati de orientare, consiliere profesionala si de invatare la un potential loc de munca prin stagii de practica, cu accent pe sectoarele economice cu potential competitiv identificate conform SNC si domeniile de specializare inteligenta conform SNCDI. * Contributia proiectului la realizarea obiectivului specific al programului si apelului Obiectivul proiectului a fost stabilit in conformitate cu obiectivul tematic 10, prioritatea de investitii 10.iv si obiectivul specific POCU 2014-2020, respectiv obiectivul 6.14 „Cresterea participarii la programe de invatare la locul de munca a elevilor si ucenicilor din invatamantul secundar si tertiar non-universitar, cu accent pe sectoarele economice cu potential competitiv identificate conform SNC si din domeniile de specializare inteligenta conform SNCDI”. Astfel, proiectul prevede activitati cu scopul de a creste competentele grupului tinta si de a le oferi acestora aptitudinile necesare pentru a-si gasi un loc de munca, pentru un bun tranzit de la scoala la viata activa si integrarea pe piata muncii. Pro (Romanian)
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    The project proposes as GENERAL OBIECTIV: improving the professional skills of 182 future graduates from secondary and non-university education (technological schools, vocational and/or post-secondary schools) from the SV Oltenia and South-Muntenia regions, with the residence of the less developed regions of Romania, in order to increase their employment on the labour market within 24 months. The project aims to ensure that of the total number of students supported by at least 19 students to belong to the Roma minority and/or to be rural pupils, enrolled in secondary and non-university non-university education units (technological schools, vocational or post-secondary schools) of the regulation. SV Oltenia and Sud Muntenia with different areas of specialisation relevant to the activity of the Applicant and its trading partners active in: Food, Mechanical and Electric Industry, Environmental Protection and which will obtain qualifications such as: * Level 3 qualification: Mechanical machinery and installations in industry/mechanical lacatus services, Car mechanic, Meat and fish preparation, Operator of machines with numerical control, Laungar, Fresher-rabotor-mortezor, Strungar, Welder, Agricultural Mechanic * Level 4 qualification: Maintenance and repair mechanic, Ecologist and environmental protection, Food Technician, Electrician Electrician Electrical Installation Technician, Green Technician and Environmental Quality Protection * (according to agreements already signed with high schools). To these qualifications will be added more in the implementation, when agreements will be signed with other high schools interested in the project activities, which have specialisations related to the field of activity of S and its partners of practice. The aim of the project is that the support offered to contribute to increasing their employment on the labour market within a 24-month horizon, as a result of participating in activities of guidance, professional counselling and learning at a potential job through internships, with a focus on economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to the NCNS and the fields of intelligent specialisation according to SNCDI. * The contribution of the project to the achievement of the specific objective of the program and call The objective of the project was established in accordance with thematic objective 10, investment priority 10.iv and specific objective POCU 2014-2020, respectively objective 6.14 “Enhancing participation in workplace learning programs of students and apprentices from secondary and non-university education, with a focus on economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to NCNS and in the fields of intelligent specialisation according to SNCDI”. Thus, the project provides activities in order to increase the competences of the target group and to provide them with the necessary skills to find a job, for a good transit from school to active life and integration into the labour market. Pros (English)
    16 September 2021
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