A chance for the Social Economy! (Q3098179): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item: Edited by the infer coords bot - inferring coordinates from location) |
(Changed an Item: Edited by the infer coords bot - inferring coordinates from location) |
Property / coordinate location | |||||||||||
45°6'31.50"N, 26°2'15.43"E
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Property / coordinate location: 45°6'31.50"N, 26°2'15.43"E / rank | |||||||||||
Normal rank |
Revision as of 08:33, 8 October 2021
Project Q3098179 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | A chance for the Social Economy! |
Project Q3098179 in Romania |
9,946,229.19 Romanian Leu
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11,701,446.09 Romanian Leu
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85.0 percent
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1 August 2019
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31 July 2022
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Obiectivul general este reprezentat de consolidarea capacitatii intreprinderilor de economie sociala din regiunile de dezvoltare Sud - Muntenia, Sud - Est si Centru, prin infiintarea, dezvoltarea si insotirea intr-o maniera autosustenabila a minim 21 structuri de economie sociala in cadrul celor 3 regiuni. Toate intreprinderile create vor contribui la crearea de noi locuri de munca pentru persoane şi la dezvoltarea serviciilor locale si sunt corelate cu Recomandarea Specifica de Tara 2014 privind reducerea saraciei, precum şi cu Acordul de Parteneriat 2014-2020 şi cu strategiile naţionale relevante.Persoanele angajate vor din grupuri vulnerabile si vor fi sustinute prin perfectionare in domeniu antreprenorial si TIC, consiliere si dezvoltare personala si alte activitati integrate menite sa sprijine grupul tinta. Infiintarea si promovarea structurilor de economie sociala contribuie la dezvoltarea durabila socio-economica a comunitatilor locale din cele 3 regiuni si la integrarea socio-profesionala a persoanelor din grupul tinta al proiectului expuse riscului de excluziune sociala. Efecte pe termen lung vor fi cuantificate pe 3 paliere: 1. Cresterea numarului de persoane aflate in situatii de vulnerabilitate, in forme de ocupare cu valoare sociala, flexibile si inovatoare prin unitatile de economie sociala dezvoltate in proiect prin dobandirea de cunostinte si abilitati specifice personale si profesionale, ajuta persoanele din grupul tinta participante in proiect sa ocupe un loc de munca si sa se mentina pe piata muncii, contribuind la imbunatatirea nivelului de trai al acestora si la cresterea capitalului uman. Cunostintele si abilitatile dobandite de angajatii si antreprenorii din structurile de economie sociala, contribuie implicit la gestionarea eficienta a activitatii structurilor de economie sociala, crescand sansele mentinerii locurilor de munca nou create pentru o perioada mai mare de timp.Prin activitatile de formare si consiliere, 112 persoane din grupul tinta vor capata competente si aptitudini care le vor facilita gasirea unui loc de munca si mentinerea pe piata muncii, contribuind implicit astfel la imbunatatirea nivelului de trai si la dezvoltarea capitalului uman. 2. La nivel general, societatea va deveni constienta de avantajele interventiei prin abordare integrata, creandu-se un efect multiplicator si transferabi.Prin atingerea obiectivelui general si a celor specifice se contribuie la dezvoltarea locala in regiunile in care se desfasoara – cooperarea si parteneriatul intre organizatiile care vor dezvolta structuri de economie sociala conducand la sustinerea reciproca a activitatilor acestora si la sustenabilitatea structurilor de economie sociala. Aceste beneficii se vor rasfrange asupra comunitatii din care intreprinzatorii fac parte, creandu-se astfel un efect multiplicator. Totodata, regiunile beneficiaza in mod indirect de implementarea proiectului, avand in vedere reducerea ratei somajului si cresterea economica generata (Romanian)
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The general objective is to strengthen the capacity of social economy enterprises in the development regions South – Muntenia, South-East and Center, by setting up, developing and accompanying in a self-sustainable manner at least 21 social economy structures within the 3 regions. All enterprises created will contribute to the creation of new jobs for people and the development of local services and are linked to the Country Specific Recommendation 2014 on poverty reduction, as well as with the Partnership Agreement 2014-2020 and relevant national strategies. Employees will be from vulnerable groups and will be supported by improvement in entrepreneurship and ICT, personal counseling and development and other integrated activities aimed at supporting the target group. The establishment and promotion of social economy structures contributes to the sustainable socio-economic development of the local communities in the 3 regions and to the socio-professional integration of the people from the target group of the project at risk of social exclusion. Long-term effects will be quantified on 3 levels: 1. Increasing the number of people in vulnerable situations, in forms of employment with social value, flexible and innovative through the social economy units developed in the project by acquiring specific personal and professional knowledge and skills, helping people from the target group participating in the project to take up a job and stay on the labour market, helping to improve their living standards and increase human capital. The knowledge and skills acquired by employees and entrepreneurs from social economy structures contribute implicitly to the efficient management of the social economy structures, increasing the chances of maintaining newly created jobs for a longer period of time. Through training and counselling activities, 112 people from the target group will acquire skills and skills that will facilitate their finding a job and keeping them on the labour market, thus contributing to the improvement of living standards and the development of human capital. 2. In general, society will become aware of the advantages of intervention through an integrated approach, creating a multiplier and transferabi effect. By achieving the general and specific objectives contribute to local development in the regions where it takes place – cooperation and partnership between organisations that will develop social economy structures leading to mutual support of their activities and to the sustainability of social economy structures. These benefits will spread to the community of which entrepreneurs belong, thus creating a multiplier effect. At the same time, the regions indirectly benefit from the implementation of the project, taking into account the reduction of the unemployment rate and the economic growth generated (English)
16 September 2021
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