Information-Education programmes for staff from disadvantaged schools in Bacau county (Q3098004): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item: Edited by the infer coords bot - inferring coordinates from location) |
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46°25'51.42"N, 27°18'21.92"E
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Property / coordinate location: 46°25'51.42"N, 27°18'21.92"E / rank | |||||||||||
Normal rank |
Revision as of 06:30, 8 October 2021
Project Q3098004 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Information-Education programmes for staff from disadvantaged schools in Bacau county |
Project Q3098004 in Romania |
5,655,335.602 Romanian Leu
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1,131,067.1204000001 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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6,653,335.98 Romanian Leu
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1,330,667.1960000002 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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85.0 percent
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9 May 2018
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8 November 2020
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Obiectivul general al proiectului este de reducerea si prevenirea abandonului scolar timpuriu si promovarea accesului egal la invatamantul prescolar, scolar si secundar de calitate in 18 scoli tinta din judetul Bacau. Obiectivul POCU 6.6 vizeaza imbunatatirea competentelor personalului didactic din invatamantul pre-universitar in vederea promovarii unor servicii educationale de calitate orientate pe nevoile elevilor si ale unei scoli incluzive iar proiectul contribuie la realizarea obiectivului specific al programului prin implementarea unor masuri identificate si proiectate in baza nevoilor concrete ale scolilor tinta si respectiv cadrelor didactice care si desfasoara activitatea in aceste scoli, nevoi care au rezultat in urma diagnozei comunitare elaborate ca activitate preliminara scrierii cererii de finantare si analizei subsecventa. In acest sens, se va avea in vedere o abordare integrata, care sa vizeze personalul din invatamant din mai multe unghiuri si domenii de interventie. Pentru efecte vizibile atat la nivelul scolilor tinta vizate dar si la nivel comunitatii in general, proiectul vizeaza un grup tinta total de 310 persoane, din care 270 persoane cadre didactice si personal de sprijin si 40 de persoane care fac parte din echipele de management ale scolilor implicate. Pentru maximizarea rezultatelor si asigurarea efectelor pe termen lung ale acestora, grupul tinta vizat in proiect va beneficia de o serie de activitati programate in sistem integrat. Nucleul si obiectivul principal al proiectului va fi reducerea si prevenirea abandonului scolar timpuriu si promovarea accesului egal la invatamantul prescolar, primar si secundar de calitate. Pentru atingerea acestui obiectiv, se va porni de la o activitate de recrutare, iar odata intrat in proiect grupul tinta va trece printr-o serie de faze care vor contribui la atingerea obiectivului general dar si a obiectivelor specifice. Pentru fiecare membru al grupului tinta se va elabora un plan de dezvoltare personala, care va creiona parcursul in proiect al fiecarei persoane, in functie de profilul si de nevoile reale ale acesteia. Prin activitatile organizate se vor aborda in mod concret probleme reale cu care se confrunta profesionistii din scolile tinta, aspect care va duce la imbunatatirea competentelor personalului didactic si implicit la o imbunatatire a calitatii procesului educational din zonele vizate, avand drept consecinta o evolutie concreta spre reducerea si prevenirea fenomenului de abandon scolar. Toate activitatile planificate in cadrul proiectului si dedicate personalului din invatamant alcatuiesc un complex de masuri integrate menite sa contribuie la realizarea obiectivului POCU 6.6, iar aici subliniem: recrutarea a 310 de persoane in grupul tinta si elaborarea pentru fiecare dintre acestea a unui plan de dezvoltare personala care va fi pilonul parcursului grupului tinta in proiect; organizarea a 60 de serii de curs finalizate cu credite transferabile menite sa dezvo (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to reduce and prevent early school leaving and promote equal access to preschool, school and secondary quality education in 18 target schools in Bacau county. POCU 6.6 aims to improve the competences of the teaching staff in pre-university education in order to promote quality educational services focused on the needs of students and an inclusive school and the project contributes to the achievement of the specific objective of the program by implementing measures identified and designed on the basis of the concrete needs of the target schools and respectively the teachers who carry out their activity in these schools, which resulted from the community diagnosis developed as a preliminary activity of writing the financing application and the subsequent analysis. In this respect, an integrated approach will be considered, targeting educational staff from multiple angles and fields of intervention. For visible effects both at target schools and at community level in general, the project targets a total target group of 310 people, of which 270 teachers and support staff and 40 people who are part of the management teams of the schools involved. In order to maximise the results and ensure their long-term effects, the target group targeted in the project will benefit from a series of activities programmed in an integrated system. The core and main objective of the project will be to reduce and prevent early school leaving and promote equal access to preschool, primary and secondary quality education. In order to achieve this objective, it will start from a recruitment activity, and once the target group will go through a series of phases that will contribute to the achievement of the general objective and the specific objectives. For each member of the target group, a personal development plan will be drawn up, which will shape the project path of each person, depending on their real profile and needs. The organised activities will specifically address real problems faced by professionals in target schools, which will lead to the improvement of the competences of the teaching staff and implicitly to an improvement of the quality of the educational process in the areas concerned, with the consequence of a concrete evolution towards reducing and preventing the school dropout phenomenon. All the activities planned within the project and dedicated to the educational staff make up a complex of integrated measures designed to contribute to the achievement of POCU 6.6 objective, and here we emphasise: recruiting 310 people in the target group and developing for each of them a personal development plan that will be the pillar of the target group path in the project; organisation of 60 course series completed with transferable credits intended to unveil (English)
16 September 2021
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Oraş Comăneşti, Romania
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Podu Turcului, Romania
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Parincea, Romania
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Motoşeni, Romania
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Horgeşti, Romania
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Oraş Dărmăneşti, Romania
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Vultureni, Romania
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Parava, Romania
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Lipova, Romania
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Izvoru Berheciului, Romania
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Ungureni, Romania
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Plopana, Romania
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Stănişeşti, Romania
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Valea Seacă, Romania
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Bereşti-Bistriţa, Romania
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Răchitoasa, Romania
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Blăgeşti, Romania
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