Increase the energy efficiency of the Gymnasium School Nr. 1, from Negrești-Oas locality (Q2746301): Difference between revisions
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Augmentation de l’efficacité énergétique de l’école de gymnase no 1, de la localité de Negreşti-Oaş |
Revision as of 09:47, 26 November 2021
Project Q2746301 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Increase the energy efficiency of the Gymnasium School Nr. 1, from Negrești-Oas locality |
Project Q2746301 in Romania |
2,152,177.248 Romanian Leu
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430,435.44960000005 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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2,531,973.23 Romanian Leu
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85.0 percent
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1 January 2017
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30 September 2022
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ORAS NEGRESTI-OAS/Directia Managementul Proiectelor, Achizitii Publice si Turism
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Proiectul de fata se inscrie in seria initiativelor UAT Negresti Oas de imbunatatire a calitatii vietii urbane prin aplicarea unor masuri de crestere a eficientei energetice atat la nivelul cladirilor rezidentiale cat si a celor publice, asigurand astfel implementarea Programului de Imbunatatire a eficientei energetice aferent orasului Negresti-Oas, Judetul Satu Mare. Obiectivul general al proiectului de fata este cresterea eficientei energetice a cladirii Scolii Gimnaziale nr. 1 Negresti-Oas, prin aplicarea unor masuri de crestere a eficientei energetice in vederea reducerii consumului de energie primara si a emisiilor de CO2, asigurand totodata imbunatatirea confortului, sanatatii si sigurantei elevilor si personalului scolii – beneficiari directi ai investitiei. Cresterea performantei energetice la nivelul cladirii Scolii Gimnaziale nr. 1 Negresti-Oas din Orasul Negresti Oas se va asigura prin realizarea unor lucrari de interventie care sa determine diminuarea consumurilor energetice pentru incalzirea spatiilor, in conditiile asigurarii si mentinerii climatului termic interior, prin limitarea pierderilor de caldura catre mediul exterior precum si ameliorarea aspectului urbanistic al cladirii. Proiectul de fata contribuie la efortul Romaniei de a indeplini principalele obiective ale politicii de energie - mediu ale Uniunii Europene, asigurand convergenta politicii tarii noastre cu politica UE in domeniu. In ultimii ani, eficienta energetica, mobilitatea si aspectele climatice au o importanta considerabila in Orasul Negresti Oas, fapt confirmat si de elaborarea si implementarea de catre autoritatile locale a Programului de Imbunatatire a eficientei energetice aferent orasului Negres-Oas, judetul Satu-Mare. Orasul Negresti-Oas urmareste, astfel, sa contribuie la indeplinirea obiectivelor nationale privind schimbarile climatice si energia sustenabila prin: reducerea emisiilor de gaze de sera cu 20% pana in anul 2020, raportat la nivelul din anul 1990; cresterea la 24% a ponderii energiei din surse regenerabile in consumul final brut de energie; cresterea eficientei energetice cu 19 %, in consumul de energie primara. Astfel, Programului de Imbunatatire a eficientei energetice aferent orasului Negres-Oas, prevede masuri de reabilitare energetica a cladirilor de interes public din orasul Negresti-Oas (unitati de invatamant, sanitare, sediul Primariei, etc.). Proiectul de fata raspunde asadar masurii de reabilitare termica a cladirii Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 1 din localitatea Negresti-Oas si cresterea eficientei energetice a acesteia, reprezentand o componenta foarte importanta din planul de investitii prevazut de consiliul local. (Romanian)
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This project is part of the ATU Negresti Oas initiatives to improve the quality of urban life by applying measures to increase energy efficiency at both residential and public buildings, thus ensuring the implementation of the Energy Efficiency Improvement Program for the city of Negresti-Oas, Satu Mare County. The general objective of this project is to increase the energy efficiency of the Gymnasium School building no. 1 Negresti-Oas, by applying measures to increase energy efficiency in order to reduce primary energy consumption and CO2 emissions, while ensuring the improvement of the comfort, health and safety of students and school staff – direct beneficiaries of the investment. The increase of energy performance at the level of the Gymnasium School no. 1 Negresti-Oas in the city of Negresti Oas will be ensured by carrying out intervention works that will reduce the energy consumption for space heating, in the conditions of ensuring and maintaining the indoor thermal climate, by limiting heat losses to the external environment as well as improving the urban aspect of the building. This project contributes to Romania’s effort to achieve the main objectives of the European Union’s energy and environment policy, ensuring the convergence of our country’s policy with EU policy in the field. In recent years, energy efficiency, mobility and climate aspects are of considerable importance in the city of Negresti Oas, as confirmed by the elaboration and implementation by the local authorities of the Energy Efficiency Improvement Programme for the city of Negres-Oas, Satu-Mare County. The city of Negresti-Oas thus aims to contribute to the achievement of the national objectives of climate change and sustainable energy by: reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 20 % by 2020, compared to 1990 levels; increasing the share of energy from renewable sources in gross final energy consumption to 24 %; increasing energy efficiency by 19 % in primary energy consumption. Thus, the Energy Efficiency Improvement Program for the city of Negres-Oas provides measures for the energy rehabilitation of buildings of public interest in the city of Negresti-Oas (education units, sanitary units, headquarters of the City Hall, etc.). This project therefore responds to the thermal rehabilitation measure of the Gymnasium School no. 1 building in Negresti-Oas and its energy efficiency increase, being a very important component of the investment plan provided by the local council. (English)
14 September 2021
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Oraş Negreşti-Oaş, Romania
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