Integrated project for increasing the quality of human resources involved in the management activity (Q3096126): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Edited by the infer coords bot - inferring coordinates from location)
Property / coordinate location
46°55'55.16"N, 26°22'10.20"E
Property / coordinate location: 46°55'55.16"N, 26°22'10.20"E / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 10:21, 7 October 2021

Project Q3096126 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Integrated project for increasing the quality of human resources involved in the management activity
Project Q3096126 in Romania


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    1,422,353.29 Romanian Leu
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    284,470.658 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    1,761,428.04 Romanian Leu
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    352,285.608 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    80.75 percent
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    15 June 2018
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    14 June 2019
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    46°25'34.07"N, 26°42'43.38"E
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    47°51'8.42"N, 26°45'34.24"E
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    47°9'41.51"N, 27°35'1.00"E
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    46°55'55.16"N, 26°22'10.20"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului este cresterea numarului de persoane din esalonul de conducere a intreprinderilor ce vor fi initiate in mijloace moderne, actuale de management, ce vor beneficia de instrumente, metode si practici de managemnt al resurselor umane si de locuri de munca adaptate la dinamica sectoarelor economice cu potential competitiv sau din domenii de specializare inteligenta in urma participarii la cursuri, workshop-uri si seminarii specifice precum cresterea numarului de intreprinderi sprijinite sa-si planifice activitatea pe termen lung prin sesiuni de coach-ing aplicate individual. Proiectul isi propune sa raspunda presiunilor crescute de competitivitate ale unui mediu economic national si regional in schimbare, prin informarea, instruirea si certificarea managerilor in tehnici moderne de conducere astfel incat sa ghideze intreprinderile in care lucreaza sa patrunda in sectoare si domenii inovatoare si emergente de activitate. Astfel, proiectul contribuie la realizarea obiectivului tematic nr. 8 al POCU „Promovarea unei ocupari sustenabile si de calitate a fortei de munca si sprijinirea mobilitatii fortei de munca" si a Prioritatii de investitii 8.v “Adaptarea lucratorilor, intreprinderilor si antreprenorilor la schimbare ”. Proiectul sustine incurajarea invatarii si aplicarii noilor tehnici de management ca solutie pentru accelerarea adaptarii economiei la schimbarile structurale, incurajarea unui mediu favorabil dezvoltarii intreprinderilor, favorizarea unei mai bune exploatari a potentialului industrial al politicilor de inovare, cercetare si dezvoltare tehnologica pentru contrabalansarea efectelor negative generate de schimbarile structurale si procesele de reorganizare din industrie si pentru generarea de alternative economice si sociale, pentru imbunatatirea nivelului de trai al unui numar cat mai mare de persoane. Obiectivul general al proiectului corespunde obiectivului general al Strategiei Guvernamentale pentru Dezvoltarea Sectorului IMM si Imbunatatirea Mediului de Afaceri (Orizont 2020):"crearea unui mediu favorabil afacerilor, ... dezvoltării IMM-urilor şi sprijinirea creşterii competitivităţii mediului de afaceri autohton pe plan local", si raspunde la directia de actiune 3 "IMM -uri inovatoare" linia 10 "Dezvoltarea educaţiei profesionale şi manageriale". Proiectul va genera un efect pozitiv pe termen lung in Regiunea de Dezvoltare Nord Est, prin contributia pe care o are la incurajarea aplicarii unui management performant care sa valorifice cat mai eficient resursele umane si materiale ale unei intreprinderi, prin imbunatatirea calitatii fortei de munca, corelarea formarii profesionale cu cerintele pietei de munca, prin furnizarea de instrumente specifice, durabile si eficiente, necesare pentru reorganizarea sistemului economic romanesc si in special din zona defavorizata NE . Proiectul va crea un context propice aparitiei de noi oportunitati pentru angajatori de a-si forma manageri capabil sa faca (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to increase the number of people from the management esalon of enterprises that will be initiated in modern, current management means, who will benefit from tools, methods and practices of managing human resources and jobs adapted to the dynamics of economic sectors with competitive potential or from fields of intelligent specialisation following participation in specific courses, workshops and seminars such as increasing the number of enterprises supported to plan their long-term activity through individually applied coaching sessions. The project aims to respond to the increased competitiveness pressures of a changing national and regional economic environment, by informing, training and certifying managers in modern management techniques so as to guide the enterprises in which they work to enter innovative and emerging sectors and fields of activity. Thus, the project contributes to the achievement of thematic objective no. 8 of POCU “Promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility” and investment priority 8.v “Adapting workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs to change”. The project supports the encouragement of the learning and application of new management techniques as a solution for accelerating the adaptation of the economy to structural changes, encouraging an environment conducive to the development of enterprises, promoting better exploitation of the industrial potential of innovation, research and technological development policies in order to counterbalance the negative effects generated by structural changes and reorganisation processes in the industry and to generate economic and social alternatives, to improve the living standards of as many people as possible. The general objective of the project corresponds to the general objective of the Governmental Strategy for the Development of the SME Sector and the Improvement of the Business Environment (Horizon 2020): “creating a business-friendly environment,... developing SMEs and supporting the competitiveness of the local business environment”, and responds to the action direction 3 “Innovative SMEs” line 10 “Development of professional and managerial education”. The project will generate a long-term positive effect in the North East Development Region, through its contribution to encouraging the application of an efficient management that makes the most efficient use of the human and material resources of an enterprise, by improving the quality of the workforce, linking professional training to labour market requirements, by providing specific, sustainable and efficient tools, necessary for the reorganisation of the Romanian economic system and especially in the disadvantaged area of the NE. The project will create a context conducive to the emergence of new opportunities for employers to train managers capable of doing (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Vaslui, Romania
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