Establishment and functioning of the Integrated Community Centre in Dodeşti, Vaslui County (Q3098215): Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 08:40, 8 October 2021
Project Q3098215 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Establishment and functioning of the Integrated Community Centre in Dodeşti, Vaslui County |
Project Q3098215 in Romania |
4,131,504.47 Romanian Leu
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4,352,834.02 Romanian Leu
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94.92 percent
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1 December 2020
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31 May 2023
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Obiectiv general :Dezvoltarea si implementarea de masuri integrate pentru imbunatatirea calitatii vietii pentru un numar de 250 de persoane din comunitatea marginalizata din comuna Dodesti, jud Vaslui, in acord cu legislatia in vigoare si axate pe nevoile grupului tinta. Obiectivul general al proiectului este in concordanta cu Obiectiv specific 5.2.: Reducerea numărului de persoane aflate în risc de sărăcie sau excluziune socială din comunitățile marginalizate din zona rurală si orase cu o populație de până la 20.000 locuitori prin implementarea de măsuri/ operațiuni integrate în contextul mecanismului de DLRC. Descriere obiectiv: Obiectivul prevede masuri integrate, in concordanta cu obiectivul specific al programului, respectiv Reducerea numărului de persoane aflate în risc de sărăcie sau excluziune socială din comunitățile marginalizate din zona rurală si orase cu o populație de până la 20.000 locuitori prin implementarea de măsuri/ operațiuni integrate în contextul mecanismului de DLRC. Masurile integrate propuse in cadrul proiectului pentru a atinge obiectivul -Numar redus de persoane aflate in risc de saracie si excluziune sociala din comunitatile marginalizate cu o populatie de pana la 20.000 de locuitori, sunt in acord cu interventiile prevazute in GSCS: interventii in domeniul ocuparii fortei de munca, interventii in domeniul dezvoltarii/ furnizarii de servicii (sociale/ medicale/ medico-sociale). Astfel, sunt prevazute servicii multiple integrate pentru fiecare membru al grupului tinta, dupa cum urmeaza: 1. Servicii sociale: - educationale, respectiv programe pentru cresterea accesului la educatia timpurie si de tip “scoala dupa scoala”; - informare, consiliere, mediere; - formare profesionala in meserii cerute pe piata muncii si adaptate nevoilor GT din comunitati marginalizate; 2. Servicii medicale: - Servicii medicale oftalmologice 3. Servicii socio-medicale: - Servicii de ingrijiri la domiciuliu, grupuri de suport. Cele 250 de persoane identificate ca beneficiari in cadrul proiectului sunt impartiti astfel: - 2 % persone de etnie roma, respectiv- 5 persoane - 50% masuri de ocupare, respectiv 125 persoane, 80 de persoane vor participa la cursuri de calificare/recalificare - 64% (din 125 persoane masuri de ocupare), respectiv minim 65 persoane vor fi certificate - 25% din masuri de ocupare (din 125 persoane), respectiv 32 de persoane angajati. Pentru cei 40 de copii se vor oferi activitati in domeniul educatiei – si servicii medicale – oftalmologice in functie de nevoile grupului tinta - Pentru cele 125 persoane beneficiare de masuri de ocupare se vor oferi si servicii medicale – consultatii oftalmologice - Pentru cei 85 de beneficiari de servicii socio-medicale/medicale se vor oferi si servicii medicale- consultatii oftalmologice. Proiectul respecta procentajele impuse prin GSCS, respectiv:- FEDR 1.05%, cheltuielile indirecte sunt de 15 %), Nediscriminare 92,826.91 lei respectiv 2%, Sprijinirea tranziţiei către o (Romanian)
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Objective general:Dezvoltarea and the implementation of integrated measures to improve the quality of life for a number of 250 people from the marginalised community of Dodesti, Vaslui County, in accordance with the legislation in force and focused on the needs of the target group. The general objective of the project is in accordance with Specific Objective 5.2.: Reducing the number of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion from marginalised communities in rural areas and cities with up to 20,000 inhabitants by implementing integrated measures/operations in the context of CLLD mechanism. Objective description: The objective foresees integrated measures, in line with the specific objective of the programme, namely to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion from marginalised communities in rural areas and cities with a population of up to 20,000 inhabitants by implementing integrated measures/operations in the context of CLLD mechanism. The integrated measures proposed within the project to achieve the objective – Low number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion from marginalised communities with a population of up to 20,000 inhabitants, are in line with the interventions provided in GSCS: interventions in the field of employment, interventions in the field of development/provision of services (social/medical/medico-social). Thus, multiple integrated services are provided for each member of the target group, as follows: 1. Social services: educational, namely programs for increasing access to early education and “school after school”; information, advice, mediation; professional training in jobs required on the labour market and adapted to the needs of GT in marginalised communities; 2. Medical services: Ophthalmological medical services 3. Socio-medical services: — Domic care services, support groups. The 250 persons identified as beneficiaries in the project are divided as follows: — 2 % Roma persons, i.e. – 5 people – 50 % employment measures, 125 persons, 80 people will participate in qualification/retraining courses – 64 % (out of 125 people), and at least 65 people will be certified – 25 % of employment measures (out of 125 persons), and 32 persons employed. For the 40 children will be offered activities in the field of education – and medical – ophthalmological services according to the needs of the target group – For the 125 persons benefiting from employment measures, medical services – ophthalmological consultations – for the 85 beneficiaries of socio-medical/medical services will be offered as well – ophthalmological consultations. The project respects the percentages imposed by GSCS, i.e. – ERDF 1.05 %, overheads are 15 %), non-discrimination 92.826.91 lei and 2 % respectively, Supporting the transition towards a (English)
16 September 2021
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Dodeşti, Romania
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