Competitive Employees Through Continuous Training (Q3098345): Difference between revisions

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46°0'57.31"N, 23°32'48.70"E
Property / coordinate location: 46°0'57.31"N, 23°32'48.70"E / rank
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Revision as of 10:29, 8 October 2021

Project Q3098345 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Competitive Employees Through Continuous Training
Project Q3098345 in Romania


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    3,803,795.6 Romanian Leu
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    760,759.1200000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    4,710,582.71 Romanian Leu
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    942,116.542 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    80.75 percent
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    5 April 2021
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    4 April 2023
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    46°0'57.31"N, 23°32'48.70"E
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    Imbunatatirea accesului egal la invatare pe tot parcursul vietii prin cresterea participarii la programele de formare profesionala continua pentru angajati, cu accent pe persoanele cu nivel scazut de calificare, persoane cu varsta de peste 40 ani, persoane din mediul rural defavorizat, pentru un numar de minim 672 persoane cu domiciliul sau resedinta in 5 judete, respectiv Hunedoara si Arad din regiunea Vest, Alba din regiunea Centru, Bihor si Cluj din regiunea Nord Vest timp de 24 luni. Obiectivele proiectului contribuie la atingerea Obiectivului general al programului POCU, respectiv de dezvoltare a resurselor umane prin accesul acestora la sistemul de educatie si formare profesionala, de stimulare a ocuparii, reducerea saraciei si excluziunii sociale. De asemenea proiectul contribuie la indeplinirea obiectivelor specifice ale POCU si a indicatorilor prioritatii de investitii 10 iii, Axa prioritara 6 – Educatie si competente, Obiectivul specific 6.12, contribuind direct la realizarea indicatorilor axei 6 prin promovarea invatarii pe tot parcursul vieti. Prin atingerea obiectivelor acestui proiect, se vor indeplini o parte din indicatorii asumati prin obiectivul specific 6.12, respectiv cuprinderea in activitati de formare profesionala continua a 672 persoane (0,94 % din numarul asumat prin prioritatea de investitii 10 iii de 71827 persoane) din care o parte, respectiv 440 persoane sunt persoane cu varsta peste 40 ani, din mediul rural defavorizat sau persoane cu un nivel scazut de calificare asa cum s-a prezentat in celelalte sectiuni ale proiectului. De asemenea proiectul va contribui prin actiuni specifice la indeplinirea temelor secundare ale POCU – Inovare Sociala, nediscriminare si Imbunatatirea accesibilitatii, a utilizarii si a calitatii tehnologiilor informatiilor si comunicatiilor. (Romanian)
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    Improving equal access to lifelong learning by increasing participation in continuous training programs for employees, with a focus on people with low level of qualifications, people over 40 years old, people from disadvantaged rural areas, for a minimum of 672 people residing or residing in 5 counties, namely Hunedoara and Arad from the West, Alba region of the Centre, Bihor and Cluj region in the North West region for 24 months. The objectives of the project contribute to achieving the general objective of the POCU program, namely to develop human resources through their access to the education and training system, to stimulate employment, reduce poverty and social exclusion. The project also contributes to achieving the specific objectives of POCU and investment priority indicators 10 iii, Priority Axis 6 – Education and Competences, Specific Objective 6.12, directly contributing to the achievement of Axis 6 indicators by promoting lifelong learning. By achieving the objectives of this project, part of the indicators assumed by the specific objective 6.12 will be met, namely the inclusion in continuous training activities of 672 persons (0.94 % of the number assumed by investment priority 10 and 71827 persons) of which a part and 440 persons are people over 40 years old, from disadvantaged rural areas or persons with a low level of qualification as presented in the other sections of the project. The project will also contribute through specific actions to the fulfilment of the secondary themes of POCU – Social Innovation, Non-discrimination and Improvement of Accessibility, Use and Quality of Information and Communication Technologies. (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Judeţul Alba, Romania
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    Judeţul Hunedoara, Romania
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    Judeţul Arad, Romania
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    Judeţul Cluj, Romania
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    Judeţul Bihor, Romania
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