Acquisition of school tablets and other equipment necessary for the online teaching activity in Zamostea Commune, SUCEAVA county (Q3100338): Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 20:01, 6 October 2021

Project Q3100338 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Acquisition of school tablets and other equipment necessary for the online teaching activity in Zamostea Commune, SUCEAVA county
Project Q3100338 in Romania


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    603,179.63 Romanian Leu
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    120,635.926 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    709,623.1 Romanian Leu
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    141,924.62 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    15 August 2021
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    15 February 2022
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    SARS-CoV-2 este un virus cu o contagiozitate extrem de inalta care a provocat deja o criza sanitara fara precedent si decesul unui numar mare de persoane la nivel global si in state din Uniunea Europeana, printre care si Romania. Avand in vedere iminenta si necesitatea debutului anului scolar prin prezenta fizica atat a elevilor cat si a cadrelor didactice in cadrul unitatilor de invatamant preuniversitar de stat, desfasurarea in bune conditii a procesului educational in anul scolar 2020/2021 presupune o serie de masuri necesare in contextul situatiei de pandemie create de virusul SARS-Cov-2, pentru a evita o crestere rapida a infectiei cu coronavirus. Limitarea raspandirii virusului, precum si a efectelor extrem de grave ale acestuia asupra populatiei României, este realizata prin asigurarea disponibilitatii echipamentelor de protectie medicala si asigurarea conditiilor igienico-sanitare minime necesare si prin limitarea prezentei fizice la cursurile din cadrul unitatilor de invatamant, astfel incat comuna Zamostea prin implementarea proiectului „Achizitie de tablete scolare si alte echipamente necesare desfasurarii activitatii didactice on-line in comuna Zamostea, judetul Suceava” sa obtina urmatorul rezultat: dotarea elevilor cu echipamente hardware TIC respectiv tablete si echipamente/dispozitive electronice pentru uz scolar cu acces la internet si sistem de management pentru dispozitive necesare desfasurarii activitatii didactice in mediu on-line astfel incat sa se asigure in bune conditii desfasurarea activitatilor didactice in anul scolar 2020-2021. UAT Comuna Zamostea, prin realizarea investiiilor prevazute in prezentul proiect, contribuie la consolidarea capacitatii de reactie la criza de sanatate publica si la asigurarea accesului elevilor la procesul de invatare in mediul on-line, prin dotarea cu echipamente mobile hardware TIC respectiv tablete si echipamente/dispozitive electronice pentru uz scolar cu acces la internet si sistem de management pentru dispozitive astfel incat orele de pregatire din timpul activitatilor didactice sa se poata desfasura on-line, evitandu-se contactul direct al elevilor cu profesorii si cu ceilalti elevi, precum si riscul de infectare cu coronavirusul SARS-Cov-2, fapt care ar pune in pericol desfasurarea in conditii normale a tuturor activitatilor didactice necesare procesului de invatamant. Sectorul educational preuniversitar este in dificultate in contextul organizarii procedurilor de invatare si predare in timpul pandemiei cauzate de COVID-19 pentru toate categoriile de elevi si includerea categoriilor marginalizate. Lipsa de acces la invatarea digitala ramane o provocare si o bariera in accesarea ofertelor de invatare pentru elevii comunitatii. Mai mult decat atat, in familiile in care exista acces la echipamente de tip calculator, laptop sau telefoane de tip smartphone, pot exista membri ai familiei care lucreaza de acasa, ceea ce inseamna ca nu se poate invata si lucra in acelasi timp, pe acelas (Romanian)
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    SARS-CoV-2 is a highly contagious virus that has already caused an unprecedented health crisis and the death of a large number of people globally and in states of the European Union, including Romania. Given the imminent and necessity of the beginning of the school year through the physical presence of both students and teachers within the state pre-university education units, the good conduct of the educational process in the school year 2020/2021 requires a series of measures needed in the context of the pandemic situation created by the SARS-Cov-2 virus, in order to avoid a rapid increase in the coronavirus infection. Limiting the spread of the virus, as well as its extremely serious effects on the Romanian population, is achieved by ensuring the availability of medical protection equipment and ensuring the minimum necessary hygiene-sanitary conditions and by limiting the physical presence to the courses within the educational units, so that Zamostea commune by implementing the project “Acquisition of school tablets and other equipment necessary to carry out the online teaching activity in Zamostea commune, Suceava County” to achieve the following result: equipping students with ICT hardware and tablets and electronic equipment/devices for school use with internet access and management system for devices necessary to carry out the teaching activity in an online environment so as to ensure in good conditions the performance of teaching activities in the school year 2020-2021. Zamostea Commune, by making the investments provided for in this project, contributes to strengthening the response capacity to the public health crisis and to ensuring students’ access to the learning process in the online environment, by equipping with ICT mobile hardware equipment and tablets and electronic equipment/devices for school use with internet access and management system for devices so that the training hours during the teaching activities can be carried out online, avoiding the direct contact of students with teachers and other students, as well as the risk of infection with the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus, which would jeopardise the normal teaching process of all activities. The pre-university education sector is in difficulty in organising learning and teaching procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic for all categories of students and including marginalised categories. Lack of access to digital learning remains a challenge and a barrier to accessing learning offers for community students. Moreover, in families where there is access to computer equipment, laptop or smartphones, there may be family members working from home, which means that you cannot learn and work at the same time, on the same (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Zamostea, Romania
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